Learning A Lake ✔

By BeccaJohnson3

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COMPLETED! Learning A Lake - Book One in the Lake Series. Every year you and your best friend go to... More

Introduction and Characters
- PART 1 -
- One -
- Two -
- Three -
- Four -
- Five -
- Six -
- Seven -
- Eight -
- Nine -
- Ten -
- Eleven -
- Twelve -
- Thirteen -
- Fourteen -
- Fifteen -
- Sixteen -
- Seventeen -
- Eighteen -
- PART 2 -
- Nineteen -
- Twenty -
- Twenty-One -
- Twenty-Two -
- Twenty-Three -
- Twenty-Four -
- Twenty-Six -
- Twenty-Seven -
- Twenty-Eight -
- Twenty-Nine -
- Thirty -
- Thirty-One -
- Thirty-Two -
- Thirty-Three -
- Thirty-Four -
- Thirty-Five -
- Thirty-Six -
- Thirty-Seven -
- Thirty-Eight -
- Thirty-Nine -
- Forty -
- Playlist and Book Two -

- Twenty-Five -

62 5 0
By BeccaJohnson3

♢ Laura ♢

"I still can't believe you got caught, and by Kayla and Jess as well. That's hilarious." I laughed with the girls as we sat in the Sauna, wrapped up in towels. It was rather convenient that they had planned to take us to a spa on my birthday. No complaints from me. We had massages, face treatments, manicures and pedicures, the works. I was beyond relaxed right now. 

Rachel had just sheepishly spilled the beans about having sex with Matt in the laser tag arena.
"As if Rhi just let you off like that, I never expected that from her." Katie giggled "She was super serious about all the safeguarding shit when we first got here."

"I know, I can't believe we did it in there though, it was our first time together."

"Was he any good?"
"LAURA!" Katie bellowed at me for asking such an absurd question.
"What? I'm learning about the Lake brothers; it was only a question." I gave them all a cheeky smile.

"Well. In that case you can find out for yourself when you eventually hop into bed with Ryan." Rachel laughed and smiled at me. My smile dropped off my own face when I realised how stupid I was being. Ryan was serious about taking things slow with me and I was abusing that privilege by teasing about 'hopping into bed' with him. I shook off the thought and relaxed in the sauna while Katie and Rachel carried on with their conversation.

I didn't like the lack of distraction in the room because thoughts of my attack were creeping back up on me. I caressed my thumb over the deep laceration that was beginning to heal with scar tissue on my jawline. It would be there for life as a constant reminder.

Admitting weakness was the last thing I wanted to do, especially on my birthday but I couldn't hide how much it was affecting me now. I hadn't slept properly since, apart from the night in the tree house. I slept better when Ryan was there but he only ever slept on the floor when he stayed in my cabin and it didn't make it any easier, I just wanted him that little bit closer but he always refused, saying he didn't want to get carried away whilst being cuddled up with me. 

I had to put on a brave face for the rest of today and have a good time with my favourite people and tomorrow I can be weak and admit that I'm not coping. Jane had nearly ruined my life. Jane had nearly killed me. She made it look easy and god only knows how much further she could take things if she put her mind to it.


♢ Ryan ♢

The conversation I had with my mother a few hours ago kept playing on my mind and I think people were starting to notice the frown etched onto my forehead.

"What's up with you, Mr. grumpy."
"Mum called me." Was all I said before Matt sighed in realisation. The relationship between us both and our parents was next to nothing since our sister's death. It had truly torn our family apart, but part of me wanted my parents to see that it was their fault too and that it will never leave them for as long as they shall live.

"What was it about?" He asked hesitantly.
I replied through gritted teeth trying to hold back my frustration. "Jane went to see her, got all upset and basically put on a show. I don't know what she's playing at, but if it's to get mum and dad to dislike me even more, it's not going to work because I'm pretty sure there isn't much of a parent and son relationship left to ruin anyway."

"She's not worth worrying about now is she. You've got Laura." Matt saying her name brightened my mood a little. "And you need to finish setting up for her party, she'll be back in half an hour." He said, standing up from the bench and ruffling my hair a little. I playfully shoved his hand away. He always did that to reinforce the fact that he was the bigger brother and I knew it would never change.

"Very true. You never told me why you and Rachel got sent to Rhi's office the other day." Even before I had finished he turned a little red at the thought.
"Funny story. We fucked in the laser tag arena, Jess and Kayla caught us, then Rhi let us off the hook." He finished with a dickhead grin.

"Good one, now, tell me the real story." I didn't believe half of what came out of his mouth. I had finished eating my Lasagne so we left the dinner hall and headed towards our cabin to fetch Laura's presents.
"I'm telling you the truth, I swear!" He looked more serious this time.

"You're unbelievable." I shook my head, slightly disappointing by his actions.  "But you being you, that sounds quite typical." I chuckled at him as we continued to walk through the cabins.
"Hey! Don't think so low of me." He moaned in return like a child. I turned and saw a bus pulling in the entrance for camp.

"Crap, they are back early." I cursed as I looked at the time on my watch and began to panic. We still had loads to set up.
"Shit, I'll speak to Rachel, she can distract her for at least an hour if I get her talking." He laughed. "You get going and finish setting up."
"Cheers bro." I nodded in agreement and ran towards our cabin.

I walked in the cabin and grabbed the presents I had left on my bed. Turning to leave, something caught my eye at the last second. On Matts bedside table was the letter Lacey had written to him before she left us. I had never read it before, like he had never read mine. It was for his eyes only, so I left it in its place and locked up the cabin.

Matt must have been missing her again and I wasn't even sure if he had told Rachel about it all yet. Laura had kept it well hidden, but soon I didn't want it to be a deep dark secret anymore. If there is one thing I want to do after leaving this camp, it is making sure that everyone knows about the lies told at my sister's funeral. 

♢ Rachel ♢

Matt came jogging towards us, he looked a bit flustered. 
"You look like you're in a rush, you okay?" I asked him, feeling slightly concerned. His eyes quickly darted to Laura who was stood near us. I realised that he needed to get her away from the lake as long as possible. We had come back early and I'm guessing that Ryan still had some setting up to do. 

I quickly nodded in realization. 
"There's actually something I need to speak to you about." Matt told me, his facial expression becoming more neutral. "We just need to get those two..." He nodded towards Laura and Katie. "... distracted for like half an hour." 

I wasn't sure what he wanted to tell me but it must have been important. I quickly thought about what I could send Laura and Katie to do for half an hour. 

"Hey, guys." I called them over. 
"Yeah?" They both said at the exact same time and walked over. They did this a lot and it creeped me out sometimes, it was like that had a mental connection which enabled them to predict what the other was about to say.

"Katie, don't you need to help Laura get ready?" I raised my eyebrows suggestively and after a few seconds she nodded in understanding and pulled Laura away from us. Laura looking rather confused, but not questioning it. 

She turned back quickly as I whispered "give us like half an hour." She replied with a smirk, paired with a wink. 

"Half an hour is enough time?" I asked him, looking into his gaze. He simply nodded and took my hand in his before leading me away from the drop off point. 

"How was the spa?" Matt questioned me simply. 
"It was amazing. What did you get up to while we were gone?" 

"Well, I spent some time with my brother, I hardly see him now." He chuckled lightly. "But I also did something else and that's what I need to speak to you about." Matt finished, letting out a deep breath. 

We both sat down at a bench near the climbing wall that he had just led us to. 

"Okay." I could tell this was something he didn't like talking about already. He was so on edge. "I'm listening." I reassured him and squeezed his hands that we had interlocked across the table. 

"You know I told you before that I had problems with alcohol and I couldn't tell you why?"

I simply nodded, encouraging him to continue. 
"I'm going to tell you that reason now." He looked right at me, no emotion on his face what so ever.

"What I'm about to tell you is to do with me and my brother. Ryan has told Laura this already so she knows." He took another breath. 

"We had a little sister called Lacey." He began, emphasizing the 'had' in his sentence. He pulled a small photograph out of his pocket of a young brunette girl.
"She took her own life nine months ago and it tore me and him apart." 

"Oh my god, I'm really sorry! That must have been so difficult to deal with." I couldn't believe what he was telling me. 
"It still is." His eyes stared into mine. "I'm telling you because I trust you with this information and It wasn't fair to keep it from you after everything that has happened." 

"Is it not common knowledge then?" I asked him, wanting to know more. 

"No." He replied with his teeth gritted slightly. "Our parents didn't want people to know she killed herself. Everyone to this day thinks she was hit by a car whilst riding her horse." 

I could tell it really bothered him so I continued to squeeze his hands, maybe a little too hard. I wanted to let him know I was there.

He continued to tell me about how Ryan had been affected far more than he had. He mentioned his tattoo and how Laura reminded him of Lacey and that's why he noticed her in the first place. Matt also spoke about how they hardly spoke to their parents because of it and how much he and Ryan wanted to tell everyone the truth. 

I was in utter shock to begin with and I couldn't seem to keep my mouth shut from gasping. Emotion was constantly watering his eyes and I hurt for him. He really did trust me. 

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