His Beauty Her Beast

By AlexisMartinez424

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Meet James Anderson a spoiled rich kid who has had a rough life with his mom dying. Leaving him with a work a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Evelen
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Nine

57 1 0
By AlexisMartinez424

I woke the next morning of someone thrashing around in the bed. I looked over an it was alena she head tears coming out. Of her eyes but they were still closed. She was whimpering in her sleep. I couldn't take it anymore i tried really hard to wake her up but, it didn't work. So i held her tight fixed her hair smoothly an, hummed the song she sang to me. It took ten minutes for her to go back to sleep. After i while i dosed back off to sleep, only to be waken up again an hour later. It was alena only she was shaking me to wake up. After a couple of minutes her face became clear. But still had her tear stained face. I got up really quick an gave her gentle kiss on both eyes. After that little moment she blushed red it was so adorable. Well sweet heart want to tell me, what your nightmare was about. It was a memory dream. It was when my dad was really drunk an mad, it was the anniversary or my moms death. I just came home from school, i was going to pack bag so i could just spend the night somewhere. When my dad caught me sneaking out the door he yanked back inside. An pulled me by my hair all the way down to the basement. He always said i look just like my mom so this time when he was drunk. He.. tried to rape me but in the last second he stopped. I guess he realized it was me. He walked out the basement an left for about a week. But then after that he just beat me but that was the scariest day ever. Ever so often i would have that memory flash back". By this time she was a mess crying everywhere it was so sad to see. I just held her until she finished once her sniffles stopped i looked down. To see her asleep it was so adorable little puffy eye nose red. Girl i love her with all my heart i checked the clock to see what time. It was only ten o'clock so i decided just to let her and i sleep more. So i laid down with her until i woke back up at twelve. I decided that now would be a good enough time to wake up. So i shook alena at first she didn't budge. It took me a good ten minutes for me to get her to wake up. Good morning princess. "Good morning james". I gave her a kiss on her forehead. So what do you want to do today. I want to go surfing i haven't surfed synced i left. After we got dressed we went to the beach and surfed. We had a blast but all good things must come to any end. So we had day and a half to have fun. We had to leave thursday night so that morning. Alena and i went to see her mom again to say good bye. We slept a little until we finally woke back up. At four to start to make our way back home. This time alena drove more then me mostly for the simply fact she loved my car. She drove the rest of way after i drove for six hours. Once we reached home we got out but she was so tried she couldn't walk. So i just left our bags in the car an picked her up. I unlocked the door an held her in my hands. She looked so peaceful it was three am when we got to my house. I laid her down lucky last stop we had alena had changed into sweats. An a comfortable shirt she said an i quote. "Who the hell am i trying to impress at twelve at night". So i laid her down an went to the restroom. I changed an went into the bed. I pulled alena close to me before drifting off to sleep.
(Ten hours later)
Alena Pov
I woke up to arms wrapped around me. It was james i turned and look at him in the eyes he looked so cute. I tried waking him up because i really had to pee. So i did something normal people do. I screamed an james bolted out of bed looking for the intruder. When he saw nothing he turned to look at me. Right then an their i regretted it because his face was murderous. I squeaked out and bolted out or bed to the restroom. I ran as fast as i could. I was so happy when i closed the door and locked it. I made a terrible mistake. When i was figuring out a way to get to the restroom i forgot to get clothes. I opened the door slightly James i called out to see if he was around. I heard nothing so i bolted to the walk in closet. Once inside there i locked the door. Turning around i came to see james inside smirking at me. Now james i love so much an if you let me i will make it up to you. "Interesting an how would you do that?" How about i make you pancakes with bacon in them. "Fine but i get to pick out what your wearing today". Okay i walk out so i can go get my bra and matching panties. I walked back in an james handed a pill of clothes. I didn't really look at what he gave me, i just took it an headed to the bathroom. Once showered i got dressed where i really able to look at, what james gave me.

I got out an went to my vanity where i just let my hair natural an put my beanie. On i went back to the closet to grab a pair of vans to match. I made sure to have my necklace on and my moms ring. After getting my shoes on i hear the shower in the bathroom go on. So i take that as my chance to go down stairs. To make breakfast once in the kitchen i make the regular. Besides james bacon pancakes. I set three plates for me, james and jason. I set my self on one of the stools james walks in an sits right next to me. Then later on his dad we sit in silence not awkward the peaceful one. After we all finished i make james clean up. So kids i have something very important to talk about. We all moved to the living room. Once seated his dad looked at me and began. "A long time ago alena i knew your mother, she use to live in this town. We were friends well not friends our parents knew each other. So they made us hang out all the time. We wouldn't mind it while our parents were talking business. They would always send us to watch a movie or hang out. I guess our parents were planning on making us marry. Stella and i just finished college me in business management. And your mom medical school to be a nurse. But at the time i was already with james mother. An your mother with your father so of course we both refused it. Our parents where furious much like james. I was too an only child but, you alena your mom had a younger brother. Your grand parents could afford if they lost a child but not mine. So after she refused it she married your father. And i married your mother james her parents where, so mad that they gave her ten grand. Then cut her off with the ten grand. Your mother and father bought two one way tickets to California. Where she got a job as a nurse lucky your mom had just finished medical school. Before all this went down she always said. Wanted to help people plus she knew her parents always resented your father. To be honset with you i heard about your mothers death. I even went to the funeral we were all good friends, your mother even went to james mom funeral. You all went but you wouldn't remember to much, at the time you just turned three. I offered your mom to stay for awhile at our house but she refused. So you never got to meet james before now. After james mom death she would call a lot over here just to make sure we were okay. Then after i heard about your mothers death i did the same to your father. But when i would call the phone would never work. I know your mom was making the most money at the time. So i would on occasion send money. Just to help you back on your feet. I stopped after a while then. I heard that he had a partner for school. Seeing you it wad such a crazy thing you too looked so similar. But i didn't know for sure so i did some digging. My suspicions where confirmed that you were her. I was really surprised that your dad moved you here at of all places. One of your grand parents are still alive and its your grandpa. Your Uncle Zach something happened to him. He was killed a couple years after they disowned Stella. With your grandma dead and mom and Zach dead. An with your grand fathers health he wont make it much longer. He owns a big shipping company with other side projects. He recently reached out to me to see if i would take over. But i declined i know there's a true heir to the fortune. Its you alena now I'm not asking you to go and take over, all I'm asking is you go reach out to grandfather. I know your mother she was a very kind and forgiving person. She would have wanted you to meet at least one of your grandparents". Wow i don't know what to say its a lot to take in. Do you mind leaving me and james alone to talk. "Of course take as much time but the doctors say your grandpa has three mouths". Thank you i will think about it. Once Jason was out of the room James and i just sit there for a while. What do you think i should do james? "I think you should do what your heart wants". My heart and mind think of my mom she would have want me to meet them. Even if they weren't so nice to my mom. But then they would want me to take over the business. I don't know if i can do that its a lot to handle. "Don't think of that alena just focus on the family side. Plus even if you did take over i know you can handle it. Its in your blood your mom was born into it and so are you". Your right i want to see him. "Okay lets go to my dads study to see if we can". Once we got up and knocked on the door. We heard james dad day come in. James and i took the seats that were across the desk. "So alena have you made up your mind". I've had i want to see him today. Great james can take you their. He might have only three months but, he's spending every second working. Were exactly is there building. "Well it right across from ours james". Okay then i think we will be heading out right now. Of course but a little hint to get to see him you might, want to use your really last name. Thanks for the tip. "Wait whats your really last name Alena"? My full name is Alena Marie Rodriquez Williams. "Her grandpa owns Williams Inc". Yes he does now go hurry along its getting late. After we left his office james went upstairs, to get his shoes and phone. Once he came back down we headed to his Lamborghini. Lucky today was an okay day just a light breeze. Do you want to drive alena i can tell you how to get their. Umm sure why not whens another time i can drive a Lamborghini. I hoped into the drivers seat, while james gave directions. We got their in fifteen minutes i may or may not of roared the engine. When we got there that drew a crowed around us we stepped out. And everyone gasped i guess they expected to see a guy driver. Well they would have if i didn't drive. I gave they keys to the value so we wouldn't have to park. Once we got into the building we headed to the front desk. Where there was a blond bimbo with a to tight shirt. And so much makeup on she looked like boso the clown. James dressed pretty nice today.

We looked great nothing to flashing but we sure did get many stares. The receptionist kept gawking at him. Yes were here to see Mr. Williams. Sorry he's not taking meetings, with unimportant people like you. Did you hear that james she called us unimportant. Well i have you know ms. Mandy. That my boyfriend here is James Anderson. You know Anderson like the technology company. You don't even want to know my name. "Try me". My name is Alena Marie Rodriquez Williams. Now i would love to stay and chat but i would like to see my grandfather. So point me in the right directions or ill have your job. Now! Take the elevator top floor go all the way down the hallway you'll see a lady. That's his personal assistant. She rushed out like word vomit. Thank you. James and i walked away into the elevator. Once the doors closed james gave me a big kiss. "I'm so proud you that was amazing see you do have what it takes". Thank you I'm sorry i used your name an company. "Oh that don't worry about that id be happy to let you use it anytime". The door opened and we stepped off an followed the directions. Once we finally got to the lady she was an older lady looking shes been here awhile. She gave us a kind smile and it made me return one. "What can i do for you two"? Well yes i was wondering if i can talk to Mr. Williams. Its very important that i speak with him. "Of course you can talk to him alena you and James are always welcome". How did you know who we were? Well I'm Megan I'm your dads personal assistant. I've been it for most of my life, he has me keep track of certain people. An you are one of those people. But your not here to talk to me so ill just let him tell you. Go ahead both of you the doors open just knock before you enter. We were about to walk away. Oh and you look so much like your mother, don't feel bad if he gets you confused. We knocked and heard a man in a weak voice say come in. James and i walked in right there sat in a big desk is an old man. Well not his age but his sickness. Finally he looks up at us he gasped. "Stella is that really you". I'm sorry I'm not Stella my names Alena. She was my mom i am your grand daughter. No she died when she was going to pick me up. I'm sorry Mr. Williams about everything an especially about your health. Oh please call me Mason or grandpa. James and i took a seat next to each other. Mason i heard about your health. When i said his name i saw him wince at it. But i just continue on. What is wrong with you? "Well you see i have stage four skin cancer. It very aggressive". Why did you disown my mother did you really hated my father so much. "That was a long time ago since getting this I've had time to look back on all my mistakes. And that one had to be the biggest. I was going to reach out to her but it was already to late. She died in the car crash i was going to reach out to you but. Your dad told me they never told you anything about us. So he thought it was best if i just left the two of you alone". Wow i don't know what to say. This is a lot to handle i felt someone hold my hand and run soothing circles. I look up to see james i don't even say anything i just get up. And go to his lap he hold me and wiped away the tears, i didn't know i was shedding. Its okay do you want to go home ill buy you ice cream with anything else you want. We can even watch a cheesy chick flick. "Go home what do you mean"? Alena doesn't live with her dad anymore she lives with us. I think that's enough for now she needs to rest. No I'm okay i want him to know what happened to me. He needs to know. "Okay just take it easy ill be right by your side". I looked up from his neck to look at him. In his eyes i saw the truth he woulf always be by my side. I gave him a peck on the check. I started into the story never once looking at Mason. Once my story finished i looked at him an he had tears going down his face. "Oh my god i knew that man was no good". At this point i was mad sure in the end my dad was terrible. But thats only becuase he lost the love of his life. Some times your life can go in one way after a death or the other. James dad went a good way kinda but my dad went the other way. Now wait a minute I'm not forgiving my dad. But you have no right he only went down this path. Because he lost my mother life works in many different ways. Without my mother dying my dad wouldn't have brought us here. I wouldn't have met the man i love or the friends i have now. So if i had to go through all the pain and suffering again to get this out come i would. "Your right alena I'm sorry i had no right to say anything about him". Now i came here Mason to get to know the only family i have left. Well as far as i know i didn't know about you till now. So any family on my dads side that you and could share. "As far as i know he has none maybe a younger sister. But i know she lives in Washington. That's pretty much it". Are you sure in a couple months I'm not going to get some letter saying. I'm your long lost cousin or something. "No i swear that that's all your family". Okay then if you don't mind i would like to go home. "Umm wait alena i need to ask you something". Well as you know my health is terrible. I want you to take over in a weeks time. What! I cant do that i don't know how to run a company. Its okay don't worry about that, threw out the week you can be here learning. Anything you need to know plus ill still be around. Well until you know I pass by the time i go you will be a pro. What do you think james? "I think its an amazing opportunity but ultimately your decision. No one can take that away so i would think long and hard about this sweat heart. Because once you say yes your in for life no going back". Thank you James i gave him a peck, on the lips before turning back to Mason. Thank you grandpa but ill give you my answer on monday afternoon. "Sure sweet take as much time as you need". I get up from James lap and stand up so does James. Good bye grandpa ill see you monday. "Good bye Alena i hope your decision is pure and truthful". Good bye Mr. Mason. "Goodbye James i see you love her, you've been more then family then i have. "Take good care of her if she does take it, shes going to need you more then ever". "I will, she's the love of my life i cant imagine one day without her. Every day i fall in love with her all over again. Since I've met her my mission in life was to make her happy. For ever tear that fell i would replace it for a smile. Ever scream she had i will replace it with her laugh. For ever day she lost hope i will give it back ten times more. I could go on and on but to put this simple. I love her with all my heart and soul. One day soon when the time is right i will marry her. That maybe to soon to some, but to me its not soon enough". With that james grabs my hand and we walk out of the office. I am completely speechless he loves me so much. We walk hand and back to the elevator. Once in their i attack with kisses. Once our kiss is done where panting to breath. I love you james with all my heart. The door to the elevator opened and we walked out. We got to the front door and i kindly asked the valet for the car. Then minutes later the car came he passed car keys to james. Hey i wanted to drive babe. "Sure". He tossed me the keys as i got in the driver seat. We got in and drove off i didn't notice how late it was already. I looked to see the clock on the car. It was four o'clock james do you think we can go do something fun. "Sure how about i throw a pool party but just for our closets friends. That sounds amazing we can have so much fun. Okay call up your dad ask if we can. After a short conversation james gets off the phone. What did he say? "He said yeah but not to many people. Okay we can invite your best friends and mine so that about eight people". I think that's perfect thank you james by this time we were parked outside his house. I turned to face him and reached over to give him a kiss. After that we pulled away. Do you know if i have a bathing suit in the closet? "Yeah you should how about you go look and i can go get the pool ready. Oh while you looking. Do you think you can text every body to come over in an hour". Great thanks babe we got inside the house and i went to go up the stairs. I was waiting for james to pick me up but it bever came. Turning i saw james standing their with a smirk on his face. "Yes can i help you my love"? Yeah i thought you wouldn't let me walk up the stairs. If you wanted me to carry you all you had to do was ask. James can you carry me up stairs with that. He picked me up and we headed to his room. Once their he put me down at the bed. He was already walking out the door. Oh hames can you leave your phone so i can message everyone. I don't have your friends numbers. Yeah sure there umm the password is... Capitalized AMR. Okay thanks ill tell them to come in half an hour. Is that an okay time to come? "Yeah sure if the girls get here before your done ill send them up the stairs". Okay thank you i get up and give him a kiss before he walks out. Before i got to take a shower i take my phone and open a group for the girls.
Alena Group: hey girls james thought it would be a good idea to throw a pool party. Since we haven't seen our friends all week so just us and james friends, hope you can bring charlie. You guys can come in half an hour.
Hope: Omg pool party so in ill be there.
Ashley: Awesome I'm in
Jessica: Me too it will be so much fun.
Melissa: Cool totally in if those gods are coming.
Alena: Okay guys ttly in thirty minutes.
I grabbed james phone and opened the group message that was already their.
James Group: Hey guys its Alena James told me to invite you to a pool party were having. Since we haven't see you guys this week. Its his house in thirty minutes.
Lucas: Okay thanks I'm in
Alex: I'm in will be there
Adrian: Yep were in will be there in thirty.
I go to take a shower since this morning i didn't shave. After doing that i come out to go to the closet. I look around for ten minutes until i find them. I put one on an i really like plus it cover up my stitches which are water prof. Thank god

I paired it with my sandals all together i think i looked life myself. Which was my best style ever i checked the time to see forty minutes have past. I walk out the closet to my vanity as i hear james yell my name. "Alena!! Your friends are here". Please send them up. Okay!! I was still at my mirror when i heard the door open. Alena!! Was all i heard from everyone. Before i was tackle to a hug. Ahh!!! Can you get off of me your squishing me. I heard big foot steps coming to the door. The door opens up to see a panicked james. "Whats wrong you screamed". He saw all the girls on top of me his face relaxed. Please help james there squishing me. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. An he couldn't resist so he pulled me up from the girls. Once he got me up he openly checked me out. He eyes meet mine and i gave him my best smile. Which he gladly returned hearing a throat clear well multiple. We turned our attention back to the girls. Okay lets go i think the pools ready. As we walked out we could hear the girls behind us. When did you change? "When you were in the shower". I saw james switched more casual. His swim trunks and a white v-neck. Where you can clearly see his eight pack. You look nice anderson but i don't like that all my friends can see you. "Aww calm down sweet heart its taking me all my strength not to take you back. Up stairs and make you put on jeans and sweater over yourself". I blushed at his comment and continue to walk down the hall. Once we reached the stairs i looked at james. Just as he looked at me. Okay sweet heart how do you want to be carried. Can you carry me bridal style. He lifted me off the floor so bow i lay in his arms. We well he walked down the stairs. As we gor to the bottom he placed me down slowly so i wont fall. All the girls came out of no where but then i remember, that they were behind us the whole time. They had calmed down some. But they still had that excitement in there eyes that scared me a little. James looked at the girls then to me. He gave me that look are you going to be okay. Don't worry babe ill be alright you go outside with the boys. We will be there in a little bit. He had this worry in his eyes so i tipy toe to give him a kiss before i gave him my smile. Which he happily returned before leaving. I turned back around to the girls. Okay i know you want to know everything but i really don't want to get into it but. I will tell you the important parts. We sat down at the bar stools. Okay james and i left to california every year after her death. I would go to her grave and talk to her. So we took a road trip we just back last night around three. So natural we slept until the afternoon. While at California james asked me to a date, where in the end up asking me to be he's girlfriend. Of course i said yes so now james and i our boyfriend and girlfriend. Well that's all you get now come on, we have a couple of hours til the sun goes down. They all follow. As we have the time of our lives.
(A few hours later)
We had just finished swimming and now it's eight. Were all tried but starving. Where all sitting on the law chairs. Okay everyone go change take showers do what ever. Meet back in the living room in an half hour. Okay break come on girls. I'll show you where you can stay for right now. We all get inside the guys go to their rooms on the first floor. Lucky there's an extra bed room down stairs for Charlie. Alex show Charlie his room down stairs. Please and thank you. Okay girls lets go second floor has eight rooms. Most of them bedroom i hop on to james back, as he carries me up the stairs. Once he set me down we stand in front of a bedroom. Okay Melissa you get this one. . Tuning left we go until we hit another door. Now Ashley this is your room. We keep going. All the girls stay until the end just to know where all of us are. I do the same jessica. Then finally we get to hopes room well. Technical its my old room. Okay that's it this is hopes room. "Wait alena where's your room". Hope so happily asks. Umm well its that room. I thought that was james rooms. It is we... kinda share it. Interesting. I cough nervously anyway you all better hurry up. You and the guys plumbing system all go to together. So if you run out of hot water then. You guys get all cold showers. With that said i didnt hear anymore laugh i saw all their faces fall. As all of them ran to there rooms. Dress warm its supposed to get cold!!! It was such a funning sight to see with that james and i took off to our room. Once inside i took a seat on his desk chair. Go head Anderson you can take a shower first. "Are you sure"? Yeah just don't take to long and don't use up all the hot water. Sure thing sweat heart ill be right out. He went straight to the shower and closed the door. I left to my closet so i can find something warm to wear. I found the perfect out fit.

I put all my stuff together . i heard the shower turn off and james came out. And let me tell you it was a sight to see his toned abs out on display. I had to stop myself from drooling. Once snapped out i see james smirking. I get up and with my clothes to the bathroom. I take a quick and thank god hot shower. Mostly scrubbing the chlorine out of my hair. And body i step out and wrapped a towel around my body. I changed as fast as i could. Stepping out the door to see james all dressed putting his shoes on.

Boy did he look hot and i guess he thought the same. I went to the closet to get my boots. And put them on i towel dried my hair as much as possible. Sitting down on my chair i could feel james near. Looking up i see he's right next to me. I plugged in. The hair dryer James, do you think you can dry my hair while i put my makeup on. I don't think you need makeup but, i would be happy to do your hair. He blow dried my hair till it was dry. I just finished my wing and just a little coat of powder. That's as most ill put on. Thank you james. How much time do we have? "You have about fifteen minutes why"? I want to curl my hair but it would be to much time ill just straighten it. While i did that i asked james where should we go. We made up our mind as i finished.

I just had five minutes to spare after i finished enough time for. Me to grab my coat and purse. James took my hand but i made a last look in our room. Just to make sure everything was turned off and okay. We headed down the hall hand in hand. Okay lets go lady's as we kept walking. A new person came and followed behind us. We all headed down the stairs while me in james arms. As we enter the living room we saw all the guys their. We all sat down on the couches. Okay james and i thought if you guys are all up for pizza. At the pizzeria fifteen minutes away. We heard a bunch of yes, yeahs. Okay its settled james and i will go together. In his car and ashley and Charlie can go in hopes car. Lucas and hope. In his car alex with jessica. But what about me and adrian, i didn't bring my car and adrian rode with Alex. Don't worry Melissa got that covered. I tossed adrian the keys to my car but he didn't know that. Okay everyone outside james make sure you have everything. "I got it don't worry" he said with a wink only i saw. We all got outside james opened the garage with his clicker. His garage was really close to were every body was parked, but no one was blocking us in. James clicked his button lighting up the car lights. We got in to the car everyone saw the Faerie next to the charger then my car. Adrian was smiling happy think he got the keys to the Faerie. But it deflated once the lights in my car turned on. James lifted his head outside the window. "You didnt actually think you would get my car did you". Oh by the way last one there pays!!! He yelled out before sitting back down. And stepping on the gas once everyone heard james, everyone scrambled to there cars. To get out and to the pizzeria as fast as they can. It was supposed to be a fifteen minutes drive james made it. In ten we parked and got out. We reached the door we searched to see, if anyone got here before us but saw none. We sat down at a large table enough to fit all of us. Five minutes later all of them but charlie and and ashley bust through the doors. We wait another five minutes to see them walk in. There heads hung low. What happened guys. "We got pulled over two hundred dollar fine". Oww that sucks. How about since were all such nice people, we will all pay for dinner. James spoke and i think it was really kind of him. Okay thanks guys/girls. Anytime what are friends for.
(One hour later )
We all just finished dinner and i was going to pay for my part but james stopped me. "Its okay i got this princess". I just put it away i saw all the guys paying for the girls it was so cute. Once we finished paying we all talked really quick about what we wanted to do next. It was nine-thirty so we could just go back to james house and watch a movie. Hope thought of it so we ask all the guys. They said yeah. Wait i want ice cream and cookies. "Who wants to make another wager". Of course all the guys were excited except Charlie. Since he already got a speeding ticket. "Okay james and i will go get ice cream. Lucas group gets chips. Adrian group gets candy, Alex group get movies. Then Charlie group get drinks soda and water. Last person to my house pays Charlie speeding ticket. At that charlie looked up hope flashing through his eyes". Once james winked at me when he says, last person pays i knew he was up to something. "Okay. Ready. Set. Go". With that we all ran to our cars. "Alena you can drive" of course i love his car so i hoped in. As i started the car slowly becuase i was waiting for the rest to leave so i can. Find out what james meant with his wink. After a couple of minutes we were left alone. I turned off the car okay what are you planning Anderson? Come on alena i really don't mean to sound rude. But you know charlie doesn't have two hundred. To pay for that speeding ticket but we do. Why not let us lose. I never knew i could fall more in love with you. But you just proved me wrong with that i pulled him into a long kiss. After we caught our breath we got back to the rwally world. So what do you want to do. Lets go to the bank so i can get some money out. I started uo the car were we went every where. The bank the drove around until finally. We thought it would be right time. So we went to the store and picked up the ice cream. But of course james. He let me get what ever else i wanted. Until we finally made it back i was happy to report by the time we drive in we were the last one. It was ten-fifteen everyone was waiting in the living room. Sorry guys were late i drove instead of james and since i didn't know the place well i got lost. Everyone nodded there head in understanding. Okay since its late how about james and i go ask james dad if you all can spend the night. And we can go get your money since we lost. We all hward a chorus of yes and awesome. James and i walked hand and hand to his dads office. We knocked and heard come in. Once inside we sat down at the chairs. What can i do you for young children? I wanted to know if its alright if the girls and guys can spend the night tonight. He looked rather shocked then looked to his son. Who now had lost his smirk and tried to give his dad his friendliest smile. I guess it worked because he let them stay. But it had to be alright with their parents. So we went and shared the great new with our friends. Okay lets go girls to my room were going to change to something comfortable. James can you set everything up for us we will be right back. I gave him a puppy pout again. I knew he was trying to resist since his guys were around. But i knew he couldn't he loves me to much just as much as i love him. Of course my princess anything to make you happy. "Cough" whipped "cough". I'm sorry what was that lucas its not like you have someone. Ohhh burned. With that the girls walked up the stairs. We headed to James and i room. Considering all the girls need clothes inside the girls all sit on the bed. Okay girls lets go inside the closet to see we can find you something. I walk inside we the girls right behind. When i open the door all the girls gasp. 'Omg it like heaven' "Can i live in here for ever". Okay settle down girls we need to get dressed. As the girls settle down they look through the closet. Since I'm already in they closet intake off my boots. And place then back to where they were at. I walk out so i can go to the dresser. I grab my leggings and get one of the matching shirts we have . Going into the bathroom to change i come back. I guess the girls found my pajamas. Huh i knew i had some just didn't know where. They all looked really nice.
Alena outfit

I grabbed james a pair of pajama bottoms and grab the shirt to match mine. It was to cute i had to buy them in California. All the girls walk down with me in lead the movie room is on the bottom floor. I head their straight away as the girls follow. Once in their it so pretty I've never been in here. But james told me where it was. All the guys are their and it just looked like they just finished. Wow babe this i amazing. Okay boys go change. Here babe i brought you clothes. So you wont have to go back up stairs. Thank you sweat heart. Do you think you can go get spare blankets just in case i forgot. Of course babe lets go we walk out james to the restrolm. And me to the closet down stairs to get the blankets. I place one on each except for mine and ashley i think shes sharing. Once I'm done james come back in. He looks so cute i walk up to him. I wtapp my arms around his neck and jump. Luckily my King will always catch me. So now i look like a baby koala. Everyone looks at me and hames weird but ehh who cares. This normal for us. Okay everyone lets sit down so james and i can play the movie. Everyone sits down while james still stands. Once everyone is seated james plays the movie he put a couple in so. We wont have to get up to change the movie. He sits down in one of the couples seat i put our blanket on. I unwrap my legs so i can sit on his lap.
(Three hours later)
We just finished another movie and i think we should all go to bed. Its one am so i think its perfect time. Okay people lets go were all going to bed. I here so many people whine and groan not wanting to get up. I get up from the seat so i can turn the lights on. Everyone winced at the bright lights that were on. I clean up some of mess but leave most for tomorrow. I see all the girls grab the blankets. "Lets go to bed babe. We will clean it up tomorrow". Okay i grab the blanket to. I see all the girls walk slowly up stairs. James is tight beside me looking at me. Babe,my love,my king will you carry me. I gave him my amazing smile. "Must refuse the cuteness to much system over load". Please. "Don't you get it, you don't need to ask i love you. I would follow you any where always catch you when you fall". With that he picked me up and kissed me. As i wrapped my legs around him. We broke apart to see all the girls smiling. But they were just so tried so it came out in a creepy smile. I love you babe. With that he carried me all the way to our room. I jumped down an went to my dresser. Taking out my shorts to sleep i went to the bathroom, so i can change and brush my teeth. Coming out i saw james had already change just into his boxers. So i went to the bed while james went to the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later. He came into bed with me. "What are you think about princess"? Oh you know about today i think i should take it. I know what he did to my mom was wrong but. He is so sick and needs help. Plus i rather the company stays in the family. Well i think you will be perfect. Your a natural leader. It showed when you beat me in dodge ball. I lifted up to give him a kiss. Once we pulled apart. Did you really want to marry me some day? I have such a bad past and now this all coming up. It looks like ill have a busy future. "Of course i do i love you past present and future. Plus ill have a busy life with you to. You do realized where both like billioners now. Oh yeah your right we will get threw this right. "Ill have you by my side of course we will". With that i snuggled into his arm and drifted to sleep.

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