You Didn't Ask (Reader x Nea...

By Uunouncium

24.3K 1.1K 137

How on earth can Billionaire Nea D. Campbell (older human form) and an odd jobs having teen named (F/n) (L/n)... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Movin On

chapter 29

350 22 2
By Uunouncium

three weeks later....

wisely pov

this cant be happening. this cant be fucking happening! after everything we have gone through and managed to build up, its all crumbling before my very eyes. "boss!!" i looked up at my office door to see socalo coming in, a frantic look on his face. "another store house just got raided by the FBI!! we lost three more carriers," he said. shit. fucking shit. that just leaves me with daisya. he is the only carrier that is left. if he gets caught...shit. this might just be it for us. i dont know how the FBI keeps getting these hints from us but its killing us. "who is left of the gang?" i asked, dreading the answer. ", you, daisya, and ian are all that's pretty much left. the carriers we had left took what they could and left the city, trying not to get caught. we lost probably three million, one warehouse that is left now and three quarters of our product have been confiscated and/or stolen by the FBI and fleeing members. what are we gonna do?!" he said. i could see this was weighing on him just like it was me. "i dont fucking know. all i can think to do is run, socalo. just leave the country. this is it for us, the innocents. how much money is left?" i asked. " a million. we gonna split it between all of us?" he asked. "that's all we can really do right now. the kids can get 200k while we split the rest. we need to get out of the country really. give some money to your mom and vanish," i stood up, gathering up my belongings. "what about the left over product? that warehouse is in your name," we started out the building. "i dont know. we need to hide it somewhere. we need to get into contact with the other two to see what we all can do," i pulled out my cell and texted daisya.

me: are you with ian right now?

daisya: yeah, whats up?

me: we need to talk right away. we will all meet back at your apartment in two hours

daisya: we will be there

"lets go," i grabbed my jacket, and we walked out the door. i looked back at the warehouse that was HQ since the founding of our gang. "time to burn this shit," grunted socalo as he lit a match. he grabbed a basin of gasoline and stabbed it with a switch blade. good thing we dont keep anything here. its all at the warehouse. we are gonna go there after talking with the kids. he kicked it into the entrance of the building, watching the leaking gas creating a stream in its wake. he tossed the match on the stream and we jogged out of the blast range as the gas ignited, the trail of flames quickly reaching the barrel. we hit the ground as the barrel exploded, setting the whole building ablaze. i got up and dusted myself off. ok. that is taken care of. "lets clear up the evidence and get the hell outta here," i said. he nodded and we got to work.


reader pov

"what's going on? why did you cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day?" i asked. he had gotten some texts a few minutes ago while we were making the info drop. after we finished, he canceled the rest for the day and told me we had to go back to....his house? "really, daisya? i told you already, i have a boyfriend. we went over this," i grunted as he rode down the street. "its not that but that is something that has been bothering me. who is this boyfriend? why wont you tell me anything about him?" he grunted, glancing at me before looking back at the road. "i told you, daisya: i dont want you to take him from me with your insane sexiness. just walking by him will make him want to follow you and i wont see him no more," i deadpanned. "stop fucking lying to me and tell me the truth! you been spending all this time with him lately and i haven't seen you any other time except when we are making a drop. what the fuck is going on with you?" he pulled into his parking lot and we got out. i sighed. i was hoping this would be another time where me stroking his ego would get a blush out of him and he would leave it alone but i guess it wont work this time.

we walked into his apartment. i closed the door behind us. "spill it. tell me about him. how did you guys meet?" he said, taking a seat on the bed. "before i go into that, why did you cancel my appointments?" i asked, taking a seat next to him. "wisely told me we needed to talk and that he would be here in two hours. he is the big boss man and if he is coming himself, its really fucking big. like drop everything you are doing and come now. now....about the boyfriend," he motioned for me to continue. "we been dating for about three weeks now. met him at a drop. we talked for a bit and i got a date that day. rest is our personal business," i said. "did you guys fuck?" he asked. "no," i deadpanned. i wont deny this is starting to get to me. purposefully holding out till he is ready, doing so of my own free will, is really fucking hard. especially when daisya is taking off his clothes right now and.....shit. "no, daisya. im not gonna have sex with you. i have a boyfriend. we are waiting till the time is right," i said. he pulled off his shirts and pants and started tugging his undies down. he pulled them off and tossed them out the bed. "we haven't had sex since that time when you ate my ass, ian. im horny as fuck. what he dont know wont hurt him," he leaned over, trying to kiss me. i didnt let him. "what about wisely? what would he say if he walked in in the middle?" i said, scooting away from him. "just a quickie. he wont be here for another hour and a half. an hour of fucking and we can be cleaned up and ready just in time for him to get here," he kept scooting closer to me. "im in a relationship, daisya. why cant you respect that?" i asked, getting out the bed. "i had you first, now get back in the bed. we need to get this started so we will finish in time, " he grunted, reaching for me. "put some clothes on, daisya, cause its not gonna happen. you need to be decent for when wisely gets here," i said. he sighed, scooting back to his original spot. "just....get back in the bed. i want to be able to touch you while i masturbate," he grunted. "im not taking off my clothes," i relented, knowing how stubborn he can be. "fine," he grunted. i got back in the bed and laid back on the covers. "get under the covers!" he demanded. "you should be happy im willing to do this for you," i grunted. he started rubbing my leg while he beat off.

there was a knock at his door. "come in," he grunted. finally. he didnt even wash afterwards. just stayed there naked, still rubbing on my leg even after he came. im just glad he didnt use his cum covered hand. the door opened, revealing wisely and socalo, whom i haven't seen since we stopped messing around. i never had to go see wisely in person so i couldn't see him while he was guarding wisely. me and wisely always talked via the phone. they both walked in and closed the door behind them. wisely took a seat on a stood while socalo remained standing. he had a light blush and refused to make eye contact. "whats going on here?" wisely raised a brow. "hurry up with the talk. me and ian are gonna fuck," grunted daisya. "how many times do i have to tell you, daisya? i have a fucking boyfriend. you say that shit one more time and i wont come over ever again, ya hear me? i swear you are probably the most deaf person in the world," i grunted. "anyway, about what we are her to talk about. the gang is in some deep shit. so much so that we need to disappear for a long while. we are down to one warehouse cause the FBI keeps finding out where they are somehow. we are hiding the left over product, splitting up the money and me and socalo are gonna leave the country for a while. what do you guys plan on doing?" explained wisely. "i had heard about the warehouse being discovered on the information network but i didnt think it was that bad. for this to blow over, it would be better to hide in plain sight, at least for me and daisya. we can take our cuts of the money and move into more so regular lives, per se? for you guys, id say what you said sounds like the best move to me," i said. "is that why you told me i had to raise the prices on what we sell? do you know how hard it was to get rid of my stash? i still have over half of it sitting in my car! how can i get rid of that?" said daisya. "we are gonna go to the last warehouse and erase our existence from it. you can leave your stash there and we will burn it all," said socalo. "what will happen to me? selling was my fucking livelihood! my house, my car, my clothes, my food, all of it will go away!" yelled daisya. "your cut is 200k, daisya. you graduated high school awhile ago, just get a job and--" daisya cut wisely off by shaking his head. wisely raised a brow. "i....i got held back, wisely. when you promoted me to manager a year ago, the work was....soooo much, i didnt have time to juggle work and school. im not smart enough for that. my grades slipped cause i had to work so fucking much to keep myself afloat. i dont know how much the clients gonna buy! i have to sell as much as i can as often as i can just to keep myself afloat. this little ass apartment isn't as cheap as it looks, wisely. paying bills and keeping food in my stomach. not knowing if ill be able to sell enough to pay all my fucking bills next month is nerve wreaking," said daisya. wisely just shook his head. "you should have talked to me, daisya. that's always been your thing. you dont talk when you need help. i know that you only just turned 18. i gave you the responsibility because you begged me for it but all of that is over now. at this point, i cant really do more for you, since i have to leave the country. you are gonna be on your own from now on. we are gonna head out to the warehouse. wait two hours before you head out after us," wisely got up and walked out, closely followed by socalo.

socalo closed the door behind him. "shit," he whimpered. i looked over at him. they were just pouring out as he sat there next to me. he leaned forward, putting his face in his hand and letting it all out, whimpering lowly. i just rubbed his back soothingly. "it will be fine, daisya. ill still be in the city, we can still be friends. we can get through this together," i said. he leaned over and pulled me into a hug, sobbing into my chest. he clutched my shirt, pulling himself on me. the covers moved with him as he shifted to lay on me.

a good ten minutes of him sobbing before he seemed to have calmed down. he didnt move off of me though. just laid there. "its gonna be fine. im sure 200k will last you a good while," i rubbed his back soothingly. "it....its not the money that has me worried," he muttered. "then what is it?" i asked. "wisely was listed at my guardian, emergency contact, all that shit for school. who knows how long he is gonna be gone and school starts next month. what am i gonna do about school?" he grumbled into my shirt. "im guessing you dont have parents?" i asked. "orphan from birth. i was....kicked out the system when i started running with the gang life. on my own since i was 14. couldn't get a job since i was so young so....gang banging was the way to go. got me this apartment, kept food in my belly, clothes on my back, got my car. been doing it ever since. wisely volunteered to help me get back into school but now that he is gone and all the people i talked too are dying or fleeing for whatever reason. all alone again," he whimpered. "you dont have to be alone. i didnt tell you this boyfriend, he is FBI," i started. he lifted his head out my chest and looked at me with wide eyes. "he caught wind of an informant who knew things, me, and he came into contact. it was my ticket out and....well id like for it to be your ticket out too," i said. "so you are the one who is fucking all this up?" he said, the anger clearly building. "dont look at it that way, daisya. this is a good thing--" "how in the fuck is this a good thing, ian? i was fine. i had a flow. i had regulars so i had a solid income coming it. because you ratted us all out, i dont know what the fuck im gonna do! what happens when the money runs out, ian? i have no work experience. how the fuck am i gonna live--" i clasped my hands on his face, shocking him.

"listen to me, daisya. i just told you that i would still be here. ill talk to suman to see about your charges. budget the money, daisya. limit yourself to only getting what you need and save the rest. you might need to be frugal for a while but this is a good thing. with this, you can get out of this for good. you can be a regular guy. no more killing people. no more selling drugs. no more having to chase people who have seen you doing something bad..." he chuckled at that, his lips curling into a grin. he caressed my hands on his face," can be normal. get a normal job a like burger king or something. just be normal, ok?" i smiled. "i swear to god im in love with you, ian. real talk. heart eyes, boiling blood, getting hard to breathe, straight up in love with you," he chuckled, a dark blush coming across his cheeks. "i have a boyfriend," i deadpanned. "yeah, i know. lets just...get this out the way so i can get to being normal," he grunted, getting off me.

after he took a shower and put on some clothes, he got a text telling us where the last warehouse was. i took my car while he took his so he could just leave the whole thing there. he will be riding back with me. he pulled into the driveway while i parked a few blocks away. i spotted a sports car already sitting there. i got out and took a long way around to meet daisya at the door. we walked into the huge warehouse, spotting large shelves that were barren. he lead me through the building, finding several forklifts just sitting there collecting dust. we went around some corners and up some stairs to an office, where we found wisely and socalo. there was a bunch of money sitting on the table in little stacks. we walked into the office. "we need to get out of here quickly. place is already wired to explode in two hours. these are your cuts..." wisely pushed the two piles towards us. i brought a children's book bag while daisya had emptied out his school book bag and we loaded them up. "and with that, gentlemen, its been nice knowing you. leave your work devices her to be burned with the rest of the place. me and socalo are taking off tonight for different countries so im sure we will probably never see each other again. have nice lives," we shook hands and headed out.

i took him to the bank to deposit his money. i deposited mine. i was on my way to drop him off at home. "so how is this gonna work? school starts next month and wisely is gonna be leaving tonight. you are the only semi normal person i know right now," he said. "who knows? im gonna talk to my boyfriend to see what we can work out. im sure it will be just fine," i pulled into his driveway. "do you have a regular cell phone?" i asked. he shook his head. "that work phone was everything. i never really had regular friends or anyone i talked to outside of the gang," he said. "well you need to get a regular cell phone and pronto. we need a way to talk on a daily basis," i said. "well you could just come over more often," he said. i shook my head. "boyfriend, daisya. gonna continue to have a boyfriend for a long time. that's the thing about relationships, the tend to be exclusive," i said for the umpteenth time. "i know i know its just....its bothers me, ian. it bothers me cause i still dont see a reason you couldn't have just dated me. we could've been a thing. our age difference is just two years. i bet you cant say that about the other guy, huh? how much older is he that you, ian?" he asked. "13 years," i responded. "what the fuck! that guy is almost old enough to be your dad, ian. he probably has a full time job, already had his degree, big house and all that. he is already set for life. he probably wants to get married and have kids and everything. you arent ready to get married, ian. i know im young but im not stupid. you are too young to be thinking about that stuff. be with me, ian. we are both young and dumb so it probably wouldn't last very long honestly but we will be able to go at the same pace," he argued. i shrugged. "i like older guys," i said. he just pouted.

i dropped him off at his house and headed right to suman's house. he had been sending me texts all day about coming over whenever im done working. i pulled into his driveway and locked up. im excited, ill admit. i dont know what he has in store. i walked up to his door and knocked a few times. the door just cracked open. im taking this as an invitation. i walked in and closed the door. i made my way through the house, searching for him. i saw that the bedroom door was cracked open, just a little. i politely invited myself in to spot him laying on his stomach in the bed, his bare back exposed and the covers obscuring his lower half. "yeah, babe?" i said, opening the door all the way. he turned on his side, revealing that sculpted chest of his. his lips curled into a sick grin. "babe....its that time....."


is it all that bad that i want no one that i know to read any of my stories?


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