New Limits || Barry Allen [1]

By cjswonders_xx

1.4M 43.4K 13.8K

"she was a storm not the kind you run from the kind you chase." NEW LIMITS BOOK 1 THE FLASH SEASON 1 || ARRO... More

00| New Limits (Author's Note)
01| The Scientists
02| Suiting Up
03| The Reveal
04| A New Change
05| What We Loose
06| The Departure
07| Meta-humans
08| A Hero Reborn
09| You Take My Breath Away
10| Old Friends, New Enemies
11| Always By Your Side
12| Against the Code
13| The Ultimate Decision
14| Not All Fun and Games
15| Explosive
16| Midnight Rendezvous
17| The Flash is Born
18| Fighting For You
19| Cupid's Attack
20| Love's Demise
21| Not Science
22| Seeing Red
23| Finally Over
24| Road Trip
25| Unexpected
26| No Turning Back
27| Unforgettable
28| Facing the Past
29| No Way Out
30| Stress
31| Until Next Time
32| Crumbling
33| Not Your Call
34| Midnight City
35| Realization
36| The Return and Departure
37| Searching for You
38| Mission Escape
39| Doubt
40| Speed vs. Sound
41| No Social Life
42| Drunk Summer Nights
43| The Hangover
44| Not Jealous
45| Rising Questions
46| Fallout
47| Surprises
48| Not the One
49| The End to a Beginning
50| Changes
51| Lost Opportunities
52| Turmoil
53| Tricked
54| Revelation
55| The Wedding
56| After Party
57| Why Bees?
58| Triple Date
59| Who Is Harrison Wells?
60| Prison Break
61| Not Him
62| Sweet Revenge
63| Unescapable Truth
64| The Reverse Flash
65| The Search
66| Almost Losing You
67| Motives
68| League of our Own
69| Life Changing Decisions
70| Lost Possibilities
71| Storm
72| Nightmares
74| Shattered Endings

73| Falling Apart

12K 408 97
By cjswonders_xx


We all followed Ra's into another room were Nyssa was waiting and I felt myself sigh in relief knowing that she was okay. "Do you recognize this?" Ra's asked Oliver as he held up a tube of a liquid that I didn't recognize.

"The Alpha and Omega bioweapon." Oliver replied looking straight ahead and ignoring my questioning eyes.

"You will unleash this on Starling City. The Romans call it vastatio. The systemic destruction of a land to insure its subjugation. And what they found was that immolation left a blank slate to build anew." He continued to explain and I shook my head in horror at the thought of the destruction of Starling. "Until you have destroyed your home and severed all ties from your old life, can you begin anew. This shall also help my daughter severe her tires with her past life as well."

"You can't destroy an entire city!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"I can and I will." Ra's replied turning his attention towards me. "And you'll be there to witness it. To watch that beloved city of yours fall." He put the tube back in the case. "I did not foresee the day that Maseo Yamashiro appeared at my door." Ra's said turing towards Maseo. Now that Ra's had hid back towards us I could see the panic and surprise in Oliver's eyes. "You had the courage to demand an audience of me. And those who do usually offer money and treasure in exchange for my favor. But you gave me the Alpha and Omega."

"The plane is en route. It will be ready within a week, as you've commanded." Maseo informed Ra's who seemed pleased with himself as he turned back towards Oliver.

"You will marry my daughter, and you will ascend to Ra's al Ghul, and then you will fly to Starling City carrying death itself."

Ra's lead me into another the armory where he have me special league armor. "This is only the first step my daughter."

Without another word I went into the other room and changed coming out with my old suit in my hands. Ra's took it from me letting it fall to the floor as Maseo lit a match as the suit went up in flames, my eyes widened as I suddenly thought about how Cisco would kill me if he ever found out about this. He looked at me with satisfaction until he reached out for the charm bracelet around my wrist, before he could even touch it I got a hold of his wrist.

The thought of him tainting an object that was so precious to me making me sick to my stomach. It was a gift Roy had given me many years ago, when we were still two teenagers on the streets of The Glades. I always had my suspicions that he has stolen it but never cared to ask, every year on my birthday he gifted me with a new charm. It was something I rarely too off, unless it was to go on a mission afraid of damaging it.

"The bracelet stays." I said firmly making it clear that it wasn't up for negotiation.

"Then it stays but not on your person." I sighed before taking the bracelet off and putting it in my pocket. "This is going to be simple. You gain the upper hand there will be no consequences, you loose then this man will die." Ra's stated as a man from probably a nearby village was forced into the room and pushed down on his hands and knees.

"What type of sick game is this?" I asked in disgust.

"One that will bring you one step closer to the warrior you once were." Ra's replied as he picked up a blade. "Choose your weapon."

I walked over to the wall which held a variety of blades picking a random one and walking in front of Ra's again. He went for the first attack the I quickly blocked we continued going back and forth before his blade cut my arm causing him do gain the advantage as hit the back of my knee causing me to fall forward.

"You know what happens next." Ra's reminded me as the two guards forced the man on his feet as they forced him in front of me before forcing him on his knees. "Now kill him."

I looked up at Ra's and shook my head. "No, I will not kill an innocent man."

"Yes. You will simply because I command it." He replied as a guard gave the chained man a blade. "Now do it. If not I'll make sure your friends back home suffer for it."

The man before me stood on his feet with a look of complete fear before he lived his blade, I easily got a hold of his wrist twisting it out of his hand before piercing my blade through his body. "I'm so sorry." I whispered before pulling out the blade letting the man fall limp on the floor.

"Again." Ra's ordered not giving me another second to process what I've just done. "I said again."

"You can't ask that of me." I muttered, but the look on his face told me that there was not way out of this. I had to face Ra's six more times and each time I failed I was forced to kill another man.

"Tell me how many men will have to die by your hand before you win a battle?" He asked and something inside me snapped as lunged forward twisting his arm back and forcing him against the wall with my blade on his throat. All the members of the League pointed there weapons towards me as Ra's lifted his hand signaling them to stand down "That's it. This is who you are." Ra's said with I look of satisfaction on his face. Shock of everything I've just done began to settle in as I took slowly steps back letting the blade slip through my fingers as is clattered on the ground.

"May I go to my chambers now?" I asked as my hands began to violently shake.

"Yes. Sarab shall escort you to your chambers." Ra's confirmed as Maseo stepped up taking a deep breath I followed him down the hall as we stopped in front of a par of large wooden doors.

"I am truly sorry." He said before walking away, with shaky fingers I opened the door entering my room, I only made it a couple of step in before I fell to my knees. Looking down at my blood stained hands I felt tears begin to run down my cheeks. A couple seconds later I heard the doors open and I didn't even bother looking back when Oliver sat down in front of me.

"It's going to be okay." He assured me softly as he took a hold of both of my hands cleaning the blood off with a piece of cloth he pulled out of his pocket.

"So...what the...plan?" I asked him as I tried to control the gasp that kept forming between each word.

"The plan has to change now. I wasn't aware the Ra's had the Alpha and Omega virus to that he was planning the destruction of Starling City so soon." Oliver admitted I looked up at him in disbelief. "I just need you to trust me. I'll figure something out I just need you to trust me. I need someone to trust me."

"I trust you. Always have." I told him as I pursed me lips together wiping away my tear now that they are clean. "One more question are we actually going to get married?"

"I don't know if I should be offered that your so worried about this."

"Well when Felicity finds out she'd definitely going to bit me head off." I replied as Oliver nodded in agreement. "So are we?"

"Right now all signs point to yes." Oliver confirmed as he looked me in the eye. "There's so much fear in your eyes. And I know that it's not because of Ra's or being stuck in here. So what is it?"

"Back in Central City we found a newspaper from the year 2024 and it say the Barry and Iris are married in the future. When we caught Harrison Wells he told me me something that I haven't been able to stop thinking about since." I told him slowly struggling to find the right words. "He...he told me that I either die a hero or I become my mother...I become the villain."

"Neither of those can be you're future. You can't let him get into your head, that's what he wants." Oliver replied in an angry tone.

"This what happening now only seems to be driving me into becoming that. I can feel myself falling apart. I did the thing I swore never to do again in my life. I haven't taken a life since the moment that I left the League. Not even when you first started your crusade to save the city." I muttered feeling the tears run down my cheeks again. "Ra's got what he wanted from me. He was able to resurface that part of me again."

"No. He drove you off the edge, and I'm sure anyone would have reacted in that way if they were put into your position." He told me but not even his words could change the way I felt. "You are stronger than this and I know you'll be able to get through this."

"I just want to be alone." I stated, Oliver sighed as he stood up leaving me alone. The frustration and the pain was building up so quickly that I had to cover my mouth to muffle the sounds of my screams. I ran my hands through my hair trying to ignore that aching in my chest as I felt that void inside of my grow larger. With shaky finger I pulled the necklace out of my pocket, looking down at it a part of me hoped that this was some twisted dream, but it wasn't. "Where are you Barry? I need you."


"My daughter." Ra's said as he entered my chamber slowly with a jewelry box in his hand that he set on a nearby table. "You were not present during dinner. In fact as far as I am aware you haven't eaten in two days."

"I'm not hungry." I replied entering the room again.

"Ah, yes. Many a bride has skipped a meal or two before their wedding day." He continued although he knew the actual reason why I didn't attend his dinner.

"I would rather die than marry Al Sa him."

"Well, you speak as though they are the only two options before you, my daughter." Ra's continued.

"Daughter. And to think, I once wore that title with pride."

"Perhaps mother will suit you better." Ra's stated and I practically laughed at the thought. "After your betrothal to Al Sah-him, you will extend my lineage by having a child of your own."

"If its a continuation of your lineage that you seek, then you won't get that from me. Or should I remind you that I am not your daughter by blood?" I asked him and the confidence that I had when I spoke those words disappeared when a smirk appeared on Ra's face. "No. mother she said..."

"Yes. She made you believe that you were not my daughter by blood but by name." He continued as I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. "Your mother was always skilled in the art of manipulation. Making you believe that you earned your place as an heir to make you stronger. And it seems to have worked."

"Even so If you think I will bear his child..."

"Yes! I do. And you will have no more say in it than your mother was given." He exclaimed clear unappeased with my disobedience. "Relax, my child."

"Another order I cannot follow." I told him my hope slowly slipping away.

"You speak to me as though I'm a monster." Ra's said placing a finger under my chin. "I'm your father, Artemis."

"Then why do you ask me to marry someone I do not love?"

"Well considering that any man you've ever loved has abandoned you. I consider this as aiding you to avoid further heart break." He told me and I couldn't find anything to say because it was true. "This was my gift to her in honor of you." Ra's continued as he picked up the jewelry box opening it to reveal a necklace. "A gift that she gave me. And so I kept it in the hopes that one day, you would wear it on your wedding day."

"You expect me to marry Al Sah-him because of some trinket?" I asked in disbelief as I hit the box out of his hand.

"I expect you to marry Al Sah-him because it is my will." Ra's exclaimed as he suddenly grabbed my face with his hand painfully so I could meet his eyes. "You defy that, and I will see you suffer the pain of a thousand deaths."

Letting go he left the room I slowly fell over o my bed. At the moment I couldn't think of anything worse that could happen until moments later a guard told me that Ra's wanted my presence as he faced our newly captured intruders. I waited in the main chambers beside Ra's as Oliver entered the room followed by Diggle, Felicity, Laurel, Ray, Merlyn and another women that I didn't recognize in chains.

They were lined up in front of us as Oliver moved to my side. Seeing so many people I care about chained up this way and possible meeting a horrible fate created the frustration in me to grow knowing that I couldn't do anything to help them.

"Chinese have a saying. Stir the grass, and you startle the snake. My ruse with the plane was meant to reveal any traitors among me." Ra's said as he walked around the group. "How did you know of the virus? Of the plane?"

"Maseo told me, and I told them." A women that I did not recognize spoke up.

"So a dead man told you. How convenient."

"He said only three men knew about your plan. You, him, and Oliver." She continued Ra's stopped and looked at Oliver with doubt in his eyes.

"Oliver Queen is dead. I am Al Sah-him." Oliver stated with the same emotionless expression that I had seen from him this whole week.

"This would not be the first time that Sarab has betrayed me to Maseo Yamashiro's weaknesses." Ra's said as he once again circled the group. "And though your timing was a function of my gambit, it was nevertheless fortuitous. You see, by tradition, Ra's would contemplate mercy upon his enemies on the eve of a wedding."

"You are getting married?" Ray asked with fake enthusiasm. "I guess there really is a kettle for every pot."

"The wedding is mine. I am betrothed to Artemis al Ghul." Oliver declared as everyone looked over at me. I caught Felicity's eyes and could see anger and betrayal, but regardless of everything I looked straight ahead ignoring everyones questioning stares.

"Take them below." Ra's ordered as members of the League forced them all out, instinctively I took a step forward wanting to join them but Ra's got a firm grip on my arm keeping me in place. "Remember you are no longer one of them. You are no longer Diane."


"I truly am sorry." Nyssa said softly as she put helped me put on my mother's necklace now that I was in the ceremonial gown that Ra's had chosen.

"I know you are sister." I replied as I stood up pulling her into hug. "I just hope that everything goes according to Oliver's plan."

"Regardless of my troubles with Oliver I believe it will." She replied as he began to walk down the passageways to where the wedding was going to take place. "You deserved better than this sister."

"I wish that were true." I said as the both of us quickly made our way into the room where Oliver and Ra's were standing at the other end. Members of the League stood on both sides of the room watching us as we made our way to the front. Nyssa took her place next to the priestess as I stood next to Oliver. Although I was standing here I couldn't believe that this was actually happening.

"There is no vow more sacred, nor covenant more holy than the one between man and woman. With this ceremony, your souls are bound together, forever joined. You will never be free. You will always be held captive by your love for each other. We offer blessings." The priestess continued as she extended both of her hands in front of her. Oliver didn't hesitant to place his hand on top of hers while all I should do was stare at her open hand that was waiting for mine. I looked up at Oliver who only looked at me with a blank expression, I took a deep breath before placing my hand on top of hers. "The union is sealed."

Once those words were spoken I removed the head piece I was wearing throwing it to the ground before walking out of the room and back into by chambers. I tore the necklace that Ra's gifted me and threw it into the fire. Suddenly I heard the doors creak open and found Oliver quickly making his way inside and closing the door behind him. "Now that your Wareeth al Ghul what's next?"

"I spoke to Ra's and was able to convince him to have you stay." Oliver told me with an almost sad look in his eyes.

"But why? Shouldn't I go with you? You can't do this alone." I replied confused on why the sudden change of plan.

"Nyssa will be with me. I need you here to help the others get out of here safely."

"But how? I can't fight of the whole League of Assassins on my own." I reminded him starting to become frustrated on how vague he was being with the his plan.

"You won't have to." Oliver said as he walked over to the balcony. "Just wait for the thunder."

"What?" I questioned not understanding what he was saying. "Wait for the thunder? What the hell does that even mean?"

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Oliver said placing a hand on my shoulder before pulling me into a hug. And for some reason I felt like he was saying good bye, he let go and without another word headed out the door.

"I'll see when this is all over." I said as he stopped at the doorway for a second before closing the door behind him. Knowing I needed to act quickly I changed out of the ceremonial gown I was wearing and changed into my armor before making my way back to the main chamber. There were ten league members guarding the room, guarding me, so I began to pace around the room waiting for the thunder. "Wait for the thunder." I mumbled under my breath as I continued to pace around the room. "I still don't know what that means."

Suddenly I heard it the thunder and a few minutes later a member of the league burst into the room. "There is word that there is an intruder."

"Then we prepare to fight off this intruder." I told him and all league members gathered in the center of the room behind me. Pulling the hood over my head I prepared myself for whoever it was that Oliver arranged. The doors burst open as everyone lifted there weapons but I stood there frozen as The Flash stood at the doorway. And at that moment I understood what Oliver meant by thunder.

"Kneel before the bride of Wareeth al Ghul." One of the guards demanded taking a step forward.

"The bride of who now?" Barry asked as I took my hood off as the smile fell from his face. "Diane?"

"What are you waiting for?" I asked as he continued to just stare at me.

"Right." He mumbled and the next second he had all the guards in the room chained up together. Barry quickly made his way over to me pulling me into a tight hug, and even though all I ever wanted this week was to see Barry again I couldn't hug him back. He pulled away just enough meet my eyes as he put his hands both both side of my face. "I thought...I thought I lost you."

I grabbed his wrist and put his on his sides as I took a step back. "You did. You did lose me. We have to go." I told him as I began to walk towards the stairway that led to the prisons.

"Diane." Barry called out and I stopped waiting for what he was going to say. "What you said. I don't want you to ever think that. I don't ever want you to think that I don't love you. Because I do. I love you like crazy."

I closed my eyes for a second before turning back to him. "Come on. We're running out of time." I urged him as I continued to make my way down the stair way.

"Umm I know this might not be the best time for this." Barry began to say as he followed me. "But uh you're married?"

"You're right definitely not the right time for this." I replied. "But if you have to know...yes."

"Wait...what? To who?"

"Oliver." I said as I began to walk even faster.

"Wait. Oliver?" Barry exclaimed in surprise. "Oliver." He repeated and now he sounded slight irritated. "I don't even know how I should react to this."

"I don't even know how to react to this." I told him truthfully as I came to the stop in front of the only closed cell. I turned back to Barry who was about to say something as he looked behind me wide eyed.

"Hi, you guys!" Barry announced as he looked inside the cell where everyone was locked up. "Wow! I mean, this is like a real dungeon!"

"Barry!" Felicity exclaimed as she got to her feet.

"Thank you, Felicity." Barry said sarcastically. "You just outed my secret identity to a super villain. No offense."

"None taken. Not that it really matters since I already knew who you were." Merlyn replied in annoyance as everyone now got to their feet. "Now get us out of here!"

"Wait you did? How?"

"Barry focus." I scolded knowing that he had to get back to Starling City as soon as possible.

"All right, uh, stand back." Barry said as his hands vibrated loosing the locks on the door, he opened it letting everyone out.

"Kid." Dig said as he pulled me into a tight hug which I immediately returned. "Are you alright?"

"Honestly no." I admitted taking a step back. "But I'm going to have to be, now lets go."

"Okay so this is where they're keeping all your things." I told them as I opened the doors of the armory with the key.

"Excellent. How many assassins, do you figure?" Diggle asked us everyone entered the armory.

"Uh, none." Barry replied with a triumphant smile. "They're all taking a little nappy time."

"Sorry you and Oliver weren't able to get a honeymoon." Felicity suddenly told me and I was caught off guard by her mentioning this now. "Sorry but I don't approve of your little wedding."

"Yeah I have some objections about it too." I heard Barry say from behind me.

"I honestly can't believe this. We are hours away from the death of an entire city and thats what your worried about?" I exclaimed in annoyance.

"I would have to agree with Ms...sorry Mrs. Queen on this one." Merlyn commented obviously proud of what he just said. "We are running short on time."

"I honestly just can't believe you agreed to it." Felicity continued.

"Sorry it was just really hard to refuse his offer when my other option was death." I told her in complete disbelief that this was what was worrying her. "Now lets move on from this."

"Right." Felicity mumbled before turning towards Barry. "Thank you. And not to be greedy, but we could really use your help on this whole Starling City super virus thing."

"You know I would, but I kind of have a whole city that I need to help rebuild." Barry replied. "I'm sure Oliver's got this."

"I wouldn't count on it." Diggle commented still holding resentment towards Oliver and after everything thats happened I couldn't blame him.

"Oliver hasn't been very forthcoming with his plans lately." Laurel continued as everyone moved around the armory collecting their belongings.

"Well, I don't know what's been going on with him lately, apart from a recent wardrobe change, but one thing that hasn't changed is, he needs you guys." Barry said in an attempt to give everyone hope. "Even if he doesn't think so."

"Wow that's rich coming from you." I commented to his hypocritical statement. Barry sighed before taking a hold of my hand and there were no words to explain how comforted I felt by the simple touch.

"We should go." Barry said and those words are what caused me to pull my hand away from his.

"No I'm staying. This is my fight too and I plan on helping Oliver finish this." I told him and he seemed to understand as he nodded slowly.

"Okay, but you have to promise me you'll be careful." He muttered as he leaned in to kiss me but I moved my head to the side. Barry sighed again placing his finger on my chin forcing me to meet his eyes. "Promise me."

"I promise." I told him turning around to start grabbing a bow and arrow.

"Good luck guys." I heard Barry say and I knew he was as a rush of wind blew my hair to the side. It hurt me treating him this way but I wasn't in the place where I could let myself get close to him.

"I'll never get used to that." Diggle mumbled as he looked at the spot where Barry was standing only a couple of seconds ago.

"Well, there goes our ride home." Merlyn said in annoyance.

"The plane you came in is still secure, but we need to get to it quickly." I told them picking up a couple of weapons before heading out. Not knowing what was going to happen once we got to Starling City all I could do was hope that Oliver succeeded in his plan.


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