again -jc caylen- discontinue...

By ashclit

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The saying goes, if you love something, set it free. If it comes back then it's meant to be. After 3 years o... More

Authors note


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By ashclit

**this is going back to the morning after Jc and Sam do the dirty**

Jc's pov
I plopped onto the black leather couch that sat in front of the tv, holding a bowl full of vanilla yoghurt and strawberries. I took a small bite of it, wanting to hate it, but I didn't. I absolutely loved the taste.

Sam had convinced me to start eating healthy, seeing as "you'll get older and lose all your strength if you keep eating fattening foods"

I just glared at her, does she not see what she eats, it's literally only sugar and carbs. Like that girls apartment is probably made of candy like in hansel and gretel. But, being the sucker I am for her, I did it.

A loud knock echoed through the living room. I groaned and looked at the time; 9:45 am. After hearing the knocking sound again, I stand to my feet and walk to the door, straightening my black suit in the process.

I open the big wooden door to a smiling Connor. A groan leaves my lips and I shut it on his face, turning on my heel and walking to the kitchen to put the bowl on the counter.

I really don't see how he could be smiling this early in the morning.

The door squeaks opens and clicks close, indicating that Connor walked in. His heavy foot steps approach the kitchen and a whiney noise leaves his mouth.

"That was actually so rude of you Justin!" He complained loudly.

"Shhh!" I hissed at him "Sam is sleeping!" I didn't need her waking up, she needs to sleep.

"Sam like in the-girl-you-fell-in-love-with-then-she-moved-and-you-followed-her-like-a-lost-puppy-until-you-found-her-again?" He questioned me with a hint of a smirk on his lips.

"No like the girl from mars" I bit back sarcastically.

"Wait, did you guys fu-" I quickly cut him off.

"Yes Connor, we did." I say as a red color finds its way to my cheeks.

Connors smile widens "finalllllly!" He cheered while fist bumping the air. I shake my head of curls and laugh at my best friend. He looks at me suspiciously.

"You don't work today. Why the fuck are you wearing a suit? You hate them?" He mumbles.

"When Sam wakes up I need her to think I have to go to work so she leaves, and I can call Lia over." I tell him, playing with my bottom lip.

Connor shakes his head disapprovingly at me.

Trust me, I don't want to have to lie to Sam. That's the last thing I would want, but If I told her the truth she'd get upset and probably never talk to me again. That would kill me. I'm going to end my side relationship with Lia, then give all my attention to Sam, and try to form a relationship with her. I miss having her around, and I hate how we turned out.

"Look Jc, you know I'll be with you every step of the way, good and bad, but you can't play Sam like this, she needs something stable, or not at all. That girl deserves happiness more then anyone I know." Connor sassily puts his hand on his hip and points a finger at my face while he talks.

"I know Connor, and I thank you for that. And I'm trying to be that stable person, I'm calling Lia over so we can end this whole side chick thing. I really want to be with Sam, I really want to work this out with her." I told him truthfully.

"You bette-" he tried to sass.

CON!" Sam shrieks loudly. We both snap our heads towards her and Connor smiles.

She runs to him after he holds open his arms and hugs him tightly. Sam returns the hug and Connor kisses her forehead.

I stand back and admire her. The hairs on her head were in every direction and she was wearing my clothes. I smile at her, damn she's making it harder for me to want to lie.

Connor and Sam talked for a second before she turned to me and frowned "are you going to work?"

I pouted out my bottom lip and nodded. "Oh, alright." She smiled at me "have fun"

I nod "I'll call you later okay? And can you get dressed? My cleaning lady is coming and you need to be out soon." She was clearly taken back by what I said. I continued staring at her though.

Sam walked up the stairs to change.

"We gotta go!" I yelled up to her, knowing Lia will be here soon.

"Dude, give her time." Connor glared at me.

"no, it's okay, I'm ready, but how am I going to get home? You uh, drove me here." She whispered.

I looked at my watch "I'm going to be late if I drive you home" I groaned. Not because she needs a ride, but because she has to leave and I have to talk to Lia.

"I thought you could go in at anytime." She said jokingly, trying to lighten up his mood.

"I can't do everything for you." I scoffed.

"I get that. I wasn't saying you had to. Ya know what? It's fine I'll walk. Bye Jc, bye Con." She grabs her phone and heads towards the door.

"Wait." I say. She turned around and looked at me.

"I'll call you later okay" I mumbled.

She frowned "okay."

Sam left my house, slamming the door behind her. "Good job Jc." I hear Connor mumble.
A month later, here I am, in bed, with Lia laying her head on my chest. That day Sam left and Lia came, I told Lia we had to quit what ever we had going on, and we did, until a couple days later and I broke and needed her.

After every time that happened I always hit y self for not calling Sam and telling her to come over, to talk with her. I'm such a screw up.

Lias soft breath kept hitting my bare chest, she was beautiful, yes, but she wasn't Samantha. She didn't make me smile easily. She didn't make me want to laugh all the time.

I loved Sam not Lia.

My phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts, I groan and take it off my night stand, answering it without looking at who called.

"What do you want!" I snap through the phone.

"I-I'm sorry to bother you." A girl sobs into the phone.

I realize it's Sam and I sit up, making Lias head fall off my chest as she sits up with me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?!" I ask worriedly.

"I-I'm pregnant." She breathes out.

I drop the phone and the call ends. Lia looks at me confused as I quickly get out of the bed and throw a shirt on.

"I have to-erm- go, lock the door when you leave." I tell her as I run out of my room and down the stairs.

I throw on some vans and grab my keys, running to my jeep and drive to Sam's apartment.
When I get there I knock on the door and a very frustrated, sad, happy, upset looking Sam opens it.

She instantly starts to cry, again, and I grab her wet face and kiss her nose, mumbling soft reassuring words.

That made her more upset.

I hugged her tightly, and she finally calmed down, deciding she wanted to talk about this.

We sat on the ground, staring for a while until she spoke up. We talked for hours about it. About me, her, this baby.

I kept telling her I'll fix myself, be a better person, so maybe, just maybe we can be together.

I told her that I fucked up and slept with Lia 5 times, but that it meant absolutely nothing. She didn't seem very convinced, then yelled at me for thinking of any woman as just a "good time"

She told me that she loves me. Sam fucking loves me. I couldn't help but smile, even though this isn't a situation I should be smiling in.

We talked out all of our doubts and fears. It felt like she was only just beginning to trust me again, and that's something I would like to celebrate.

While we were talking, Sam said stuff about her being a bad mother. Which actually blew my mind. She was amazing with kids, every little girl and boy in my old neighborhood absolutely adored her. I mean, who wouldn't?

She was smart, beautiful, caring, funny, sarcastic, and the biggest smart ass ever.

I loved her then, and I love her now.

I kept hinting that we should try again, that I would permanently break things off with Lia so her and I can be a family. Like she wanted, and frankly, I did too.

She wasn't very keen on the idea until we talked more. Her and I  talked non stop until morning.
I literally suck ass at fucking ending these. BUT HERES A CHAPTER AND I HOPE YOU LIKE IT :))

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