Cameron Monaghan Imagines

By Fufaation

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I'm just gonna write imagines that pop into my head. Randomly lol it can be where I'll write 3 in one day or... More

The Fair
The Interview
The Interview pt. 2
The Accident
The Road Trip!
I so ship you guys!
I so ship you guys! Part 2
"But You Will."
Jerome. Part 2
Comic Con
The Coffee Stain
I hate how much I love you
I got tagged
Miss me?
Say Okay...
Be With Me.
Fucking Hell!
Baby It's Cold Outside
Fucking Hell! Part 2
The Black Canary
My Soul is Literally Dying!
The Murder Of Your Mother
Miss Me? Pt. 2
She'd See My Love
Chris Wood
How Neat! Her Name's Kara too!
"You Have A Child?"
New Imagine Book
You're a Potterhead??
I'm so sorry!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Same Soul Pt. 1
"You worked for the Gazette, yeah?"

Stop You're Makin' Me Blush!

2K 44 11
By Fufaation

Oh my Lanta!! Today's the day! I'm so excited!!

"Riley! What are you doing up so early?" My roommate Valerie groaned

"Val... it's 10:30." 

"Ugh! Hurry up and leave! I'm trying to sleep!" She sighed and turned over

"Val where's my good jeans?"

Valerie stuck her right hand out and pointed to her closet. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her before ducking into the closet. 

"Where are you going? You only where your good jeans when it's a big day." Valerie yawned

"Val... it's finally the day. It's the 23rd." I beam

"What's so important about the 23rd? Is it cause it's a Saturday?" She grumbles and shuffles into the bathroom.

"I meet Cameron today!" I smile wider than I've ever smiled in my life!

"Ohhh the boy toy!"

I look at her waiting for her to wake up and realize... and.... now.

"Oh my gosh!!!" She shrieks in the middle of brushing her teeth.

"There ya go." I laugh

"Oh my gosh Riley! You finally get to meet your boyfriend! Oh my gosh you need to look extra good! You guys have been together almost a year!" 

I nod and hop in the shower. 

"Oh, got so many things i wanna do... to your body. Caught that glimpse you threw across the room. Yeah I got it. IT's cold hearted, yeah. She's cold hearted!" I sing while bathing myself

"Oh I think I know exactly what you wanna do!" Valerie shouts over my music with a playful tone

"Oh my lord Val! Get out!" I laugh

"But this is our song!!"

"We are young. Heartache to heartache we stand. No promises, no demands. Love is a battlefield." Val and I say with Pat Benatar

"You're begging me go. Then making me stay! Why do you hurt me so bad?"

"IT ould help me to know, do I stand in your way? Or am I the best thing you've ever had?!" Val shrieks to the music

"We are young! Heartache to heartache we stand! No promises. No demands! Love is a battlefield! WE ARE STRONG! No one can tell us we're wrong. Searchin' our hearts for so long. Both of us knowing love is a battlefield." We shout in unison 

I laugh before getting out of the shower and getting ready. It was lucky of me to meet Valerie when I did. I had just moved out of my parents house, and going off to college. I was in need of a roommate and so was she. We met in the coffee shop across the street, and just hit it off. Which was lucky for me since I had a car full of my shit waiting to live somewhere. Valerie asked if I was going to college and I said yes. Which lead her to ask if I lived in the dorms or in an apartment. I had no choice but to tell her none, and her being her assumed I still lived with my parents. I laughed and told her no way! I just hadn't found a place yet when she said she could use a roomie. And we just have been inseparable since.

"What time does his flight land?"

"Uh... at 2 I believe." 

"Well hurry up! It's 12:30 now and it takes about an hour and a half to get there!"

I squealed and finished blow drying my hair to at least straighten it. I applied as little makeup as I usually do and grabbed my bag. Made sure my keys were in there, also my phone. I turned to Valerie and asked if I looked okay with my eyes.

"Hot damn! If I were him, I'd take you!" Val winked

"Oh my gosh you perv! Bye!" I laughed and went down to my car

The drive to the airport is long, but when there isn't that many cars on the road it's a breeze. Luckily today was my day. I was in such a good mood and in such excitement I had no problem with the little bit of traffic at the airport. 

"So baby pull me closer, in the backseat of your Rover." My phone rang

"Yes Val?"

"Did you make it okay? There's a huge accident on the highway! You weren't part of the accident were you?!" She asked so fast I barely caught everything she said

"Val slow down! Yes I made it to the airport okay. No I wasn't part of the accident, I'm okay."

"Oh thank goodness! How long till he lands"

"Well I got here early and his flight was delayed for about 30-45 minutes. So I just gotta wait, and keep myself occupied. Luckily I brought my headphones, and some twizzlers."

"Okay, I'm cleaning the house up a bit. Text me if you get too bored."

"Okay, bye bitch." I smiled

"Bye skank!" She says before we hang up

I smile and plug my headphones in. "Control" by Halsey is the first song to play and I nod along to the song while going through my phone. I begin to think about the moment I met Cameron.

 It was just after the New Years Party Val and I were at, I wasn't feeling to well so I told Val I was going home.  I changed into my pajamas after taking a shower and grabbed my laptop as I got into bed. I was on Skype and I got bored so I looked up meet people online on google. It clicked on this website and I was video chatting this girl, it was weird. But I said hello and she left the chat. I felt so unwanted I was about to exit the stupid website when I saw him. I couldn't stop staring at him. He was beautiful, with all those freckles on his face, and the beautiful big blue-green eyes. Oh and don't get me started on his smile. He just smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. We both sat there for God know's how long before he said hello. I blinked a couple times and said hi. We spoke on that chat for 4 hours and 22 minutes. I was about ready to fall asleep when he asked if I had Skype. I looked up and to my amazement... I said yes and gave him my Skype name. He beamed at me and added me. I smiled back and told him I was going to sleep. 

"Oh okay... Well it was really great meeting you..." he blushed and scratched the back of his neck

"Riley.... But it was nice meeting you too..." I smiled


"Cameron, I like it." I smiled

"Well I'll let you go to bed, you look really tired." Cameron gave me this small smile

"Okay." I smile 

And that was the start. We began Skyping every night, and texting all day. I couldn't get enough of him... it was like my whole world was just getting started. I can't explain the level of apprehension I was feeling right now. This guy has made me feel things that I never thought I would be able to feel. Just seeing that beautiful smile every morning, makes me know I've done good. His laugh just brings out this feeling of awe that I can't help but fall even more in love with him than I already am. I used to think that online dating was stupid and is destined for doom. I never knew hoe happy I could be if it weren't for Cam. He means the world to me and I am so glad that someone out there is looking after me. 

*Beep* *Beep*

Agh! It's time! Oh gosh I'm so nervous. You could do this Riles... you've been waiting for this day for over a year. You could do this.

I got out of my car, and grabbed the poster I made him. I checked myself in the reflection on my window and headed towards the airport. I asked around for his specific gate and practically ran there. I know, too eager but what can I say? 

"Excuse me? Can you tell me where the flight from California is?"

"Oh yeah, just go this way and then go all the way to the end. The gate will be on the left." 

"Thank you." I smiled and went on my way

He still has a maximum of 30 minutes to get off of the plane and in the airport. So I was early even before! Hah... I wish you could feel my excitement!


"Hey Val.. it's me."

"Oh did you get him?! Is he there yet?"

"No, not yet. I was really early... haha I'm so nervous yet so excited." I laughed

"It's all good girl.. just remember to breathe. Don't want you passing out. Hah!" She giggled

"Oh my gosh you're right!" I gasped

"Lord, Ri. Just keep it together. I gotta go though, I have to vacuum and then start the laundry. Love you!" she shouted

"Love you too." I smiled as I hung up

"Now exiting flight 4324 from California." 

I looked up and walked towards where everyone was. I gripped the poster tighter than I should and looked around for my red head. The time seemed to slow down and I was just standing there looking for him. I looked down to check my phone and when I looked up... there he was. Walking out of the doorway and looking for me. My face broke out into such a huge smile I squealed and ran to him. IT was like my body had a mind of its own and it was taking me to him.

"Cam!" I smile

Cameron looked over at me and I jumped on him.


"Oh my gosh..." I smiled and tears welled up in my eyes

I pulled my face back to look at him and the relief of finally being around him was overbearing. I couldn't stop the tears from coming out.

"Hey.. why you cryin' baby?" Cameron asked wiping my tears

"You're finally here... with me." I smiled 

"Yeah I'm here... I'm right here." He smiled

It was like the whole world stopped. Like it was just me and him. The feeling of my soul just coming alive... it was pure bliss. 

I got down from Cameron holding me and we walked hand-in-hand to my car. We couldn't stop the goofy grins our of faces. We probably looked really weird but we didn't care. We were finally together.

"Okay so I live about an hour and a half away from here... are you hungry?" I asked

Cam just shook his head smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that you creeper?" I laughed

"Because I'm finally right next to you."

"Stop you're making me blush." I giggled and started the car

The entire ride from the airport was full of silence... but it wasn't bad or awkward. It was relief silence. It was pure perfection. Cam grabbed my hand and held it while I drove us to my apartment. 

"I figured it out... I figured it out from black and white. Seconds to now.. maybe they had to take some time. I know how it goes, i know how it goes from wrong and right... Silence and sound. Did they ever hold each other tight, like us. Did they ever fight like us? You and I.. We don't wanna be like them... we can make it till the end. Nothing can come between you and I. Not even the gods above could separate the two of us..." I sang along to One Direction

We were stopped at a red light and I was just singing along to my music when I looked over to find Cameron smiling at me.

"You creeper!" I laughed

"You really do love these boys.."


"Hahaha!" Cameron busted out laughing

"You gotta get used to this buddy. I will never give up my babies. Ever..." I say 

"I wouldn't ask you to give them up.. I like them." 

I nearly killed us by slamming on my breaks and looking over to him.

"Woah! Careful there speed racer... this isn't just your life you're in control of! I'm in the car too!" Cameron shouted jokingly

"Come again sir... did I just hear you right?"

"Yes you heard me right... I said I like One Direction. They have good music." Cameron laughed

"Oh my gosh.... Can I marry you?? Please?" 

"That's supposed to be my question!" He pouted

"Too late! I asked first." I laughed and parked in front of my apartment

"Well in that case yes. I will marry you." Cam smiled and hugged me

"Yay! Haha! Come on I'm hungry."

We heaved up Cameron's luggage's and walked in the door. I closed the door and called out to Val.

"Val! We're home! Where'd you go?"

Hm... I wonder where that girl is. I shrugged and gave a grand tour of my cozy home. 

"And lastly this is my room... it might be messy but that's cause I was excited this morning." 

"This is what you call messy?"


"It's a good thing I like you Riley." 

"Why?" I laughed

"You're home!!!" Val shouted and hugged me

"Yeah I called out to you when we came home but you never answered. I assumed you had headphones in?"


"As always. So I didn't go into your room. Didn't wanna scare you."

"Oh thanks! I came out cause I was getting worried... you didn't text me when you had him."

"Oh I meant to... but I was too caught up." I blushed

"IT's okay... I see what you mean about him being pretty damn sexy..."

"Val!" I grumbled

"Hi! I'm Valerie, you're girlfriends crazy best friend and roommate." 

"Hi! It's nice to officially meet you Valerie. You look taller in person." Cameron smiled and hugged Val

"I knew it! I told you the laptop makes me look short!"

"Oh Val! You look perfect." I smile

"I know that.. but you're laptop doesn't!" She pouted

"Can I use the bathroom?" 

"Yeah! Sorry, it's that door right there."

Cameron walked away to the bathroom and I moved his stuff towards my bed.

"He really is a cutie Riles... I like him so far." Valerie smiled

"Yeah? Me too."

"He's a lot taller than I thought he'd be... like man that guy is tall. But it's cute since you're so short."

"I'm not short! I'm 5'8."

"You're shorter than me... and a lot shorter than boy toy over there." 

"That's cause you're 5'11 and a half and he's like 6'." I defend myself

"It's cute though. It looks sweet."

"Who do you think you are? Who do you think I am? You only love to see me breaking... you only want me cause I'm taken. You don't really want my heart. No, you just like to know you can, still be the one who gets it breakin'. You only want me when I'm taken." Valerie and I sang 

"Thank you for showing me, who you are underneath! No thank you, I don't need another heartless misery. You think I'm doing this to make you jealous, and I know that you'll hate to hear this... but this is not about you anymore." Cameron finished for us while he walked out of the bathroom

"He-you-HE KNOWS 1D?!" Valerie gasped

"Right! I had that same reaction in the car! We almost died!" I shrieked

"Is it a crime for a guy to like One Direction?" 

"No!" both Val and I shouted

"Okay then..." He laughed

"Sorry... it's just there is not a lot of guys who like them... let alone anyone that would actually sing along to them! You really found a keeper, Riles." 

"I know!"

"So what's for dinner?"

Valerie and I just stared at Cameron like he grew 3 heads... was this guy even real?! What is happening!?

"What?" Cameron asks surprised

"Jesus! Can I seriously marry you? Where did you come from?!" I groaned


"You are literally just like her.... I don't know what's worse? That there's only one of her or now that there might be two..." 

"Well it's a good thing you asked... cause I'm hungry!"

"Fuck!" Valerie gasped

"Agh!" I shrieked

"Ah fuck! Ow!" Andrew our next door neighbor shouted in agony

"Oh my gosh! Cam! Why'd you hit him?" 

"He came up behind me and scared me. It was a reflex... I'm sorry." 

"Well now we know he can defend you in case of emergencies." Val winked

"Val really? I'm lying in pain and thats all you can think about?"

"Hah yeah my bad." 

Cam helped Andrew up and apologized. We laughed it off and decided on Chinese for dinner. 

"I'm driving!" Andrew shouted

"NO!" Val and I screamed

"What?! You never let me drive!"

"Cause you'll kill us."

"Can I drive?" Cameron asked

"You don't know where you're going babe.." I smiled

"Lord! I'm driving. I'm hungry." Val rolled her eyes

"To the Val mobile!" Andrew says 

4 hours later

"Did you like it?"


"Good, cause we need to be home in approximately 25 minutes and 48 seconds. It's Tuesday, which means the Flash is on today." I said

"I've never seen The Flash. I heard it's good... and by the looks on your faces it's amazing..." Cameron states

"We're having a tv-cation. This is it... we are having a marathon and by Friday you will be all caught up and know how much of awesomeness you've missed out on." Val beams

"Looking forward to it." Cameron half smiled as we walked into the apartment

"Hey Val, Cameron and I are gonna go on a walk."

"Oh okay, well have fun."

"Yeah I'll see you later. Come on babe." I smiled and outstretched my hand

Cam and I put on our jackets and scarves and began our journey around the neighborhood. It was almost December and it was starting to get chilly. All the Christmas lights are out and the town looks beautiful. I smiled as I interlocked my fingers with Cam's. It felt so natural with him and I honestly couldn't help but snuggle closer to him while we walked.

"How do you like it so far?"

"It's beautiful out here. I'm glad I came, and I'm glad I met you."

"I'm glad I met you too, Cam. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me." I confessed

"Hey Riley?" Cameron stopped us and faced me


"I love you."


"I love you, Riley. You have made my life so much more better just by smiling. You have this amazing light around you that just brightens up my day. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. I, love you, Riley." Cameron confesses 

I couldn't help but keep the smile from faltering off of my face. The tears that welt up in my eyes were an indication that I felt the same.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course. I wouldn't say it to you unless it was true."

"I love you too!" I beamed and jumped into his arms


So I know this one sucks booty hole... but I liked the idea of them meeting online and them having a long distance relationship. So here it is.. 

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