The Catalyst (GirlXGirl)

By LBrooks23

1.1M 43.7K 6.1K

~COMPLETED~ In a world that is overruled with corruption and a new incurable disease sweeping through several... More

Chp. 2 "One Year Later"
Chp. 3 "Attraction"
Chp. 4 "A New Face"
Chp. 5 "Undeniable Feelings"
Chp. 6 "Change of Plans"
Chp. 7 "Close Call"
Chp. 8 "Realization"
Chp. 9 "Here's the Plan"
Chp. 10 "Good Guys and Bad Guys"
Chp. 11 "Finishing Up"
Chp. 12 "Oops"
Chp. 13 "Revelation"
Chp. 14 "Who Am I?"
Chp. 15 "What's Next?"
Chp. 16 "The Call"
Chp. 17 "Recruiting"
Chp. 18 "Last Day"
Chp. 19 "Rehearsal"
Chp. 20 "A Familiar Face"
Chp. 21 "And We're Off!"
Chp. 22 "A Friendly Chat"
Chp. 23 "Arrived"
Chp. 24 "Meet the Masons"
Chp. 25 "Eye Opener"
Chp. 26 "Close Call"
Chp. 27 "Home Sweet Home"
Chp. 28 "New Ability"
Chp. 29 "A Serious Talk"
Chp. 30 "Untimely Introductions"
Chp. 31 "Proper Introductions"
Chp. 32 "Preparation"
Chp. 33 "Convincing Lies"
Chp. 34 "Bad News"
Chp. 35 "Secret Skills"
Chp. 36 "Goodbyes"
Chp. 37 "Phase 1"
Chp. 38 "Finally Alone"
Chp. 39 "Deep Thought"
Chp. 40 "Doctor Henson"
Chp. 41 "Down Time"
Chp. 42 "Pursuing Phase 3"
Chp. 43 "Surprise"
Chp. 44 "Welcome to the Bureau"
Chp. 45 "The Lab"
Chp. 46 "The Truth Sucks"
Chp. 47 "Deep Conversations"
Chp. 48 "It's a Date"
Chp. 49 "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures"
Chp. 50 "Two-Sided Story"
Chp. 51 "Hard Work"
Chp. 52 "Great News"
Chp. 53 "Shocking Information"
Chp. 54 "Saving Avery"
Chp. 55 "Confessions"
Chp. 56 "Shocking Secrets"
Chp. 57 "Unexpected Call"
Chp. 58 "Old Wounds"
Chp. 59 "Training"
Chp. 60 "A Much Needed Talk"
Chp. 61 "Awkwad Introductions"
Chp. 62 "Business Meeting"
Chp. 63 "Late Night Talk"
Chp. 64 "Round Two"
Chp. 65 "Friendly Advice"
Chp. 66 "Forgive Me"
Chp. 67 "Morning After"
Chp. 68 "The Final Meeting"
Chp. 69 "The Plan's in Motion"
Chp. 70 "Mishap"
Chp. 71 "Plan B"
Chp. 72 "Escape"
Chp. 73 "The Final Chase"
Chp. 74 "Aftermath"
Chp. 75 "A Step Forward"
Chp. 76 "Welcome Home"
Chp. 77 "A New Beginning"

Chp. 1 "New Best Friend"

82K 1.3K 541
By LBrooks23

Chp. 1 "New Best Friend"

I was sitting in the cold metal desk, staring impatiently at the clock on the fore wall. The white wall made the cobwebs clearly visible as I counted the seconds till the next minute passed. English bored me, paying attention in this class was like watching grass grow. I'm not exaggerating either, this class sucked majorly.

My eyes scanned the dry-erase board with our writing assignment which I hadn't even started. The over-sized calendar caught my attention when I realized today was the first day of March. I sighed in relief, only 3 more months as a junior in high school and then I would be a senior.

High school hadn't flown by for me, it actually was dragging on and on, but watching the end of this year come into sight son made me excited. I stared at my blank sheet of paper as I debated on what I should write about but came up short. I wasn't really the one for story-telling. I tapped my pencil on my desk vigorously, knowing the class would end soon.

Then suddenly the creak of an opening door caught my attention, forcing my eyes towards the entrance. He was scrawny, his bushy hair and those beady blue eyes that scanned the room for a possible teacher. He walked slowly over to her desk, his over-sized Chucks slapping loudly against the linoleum floor of our classroom. Then he spoke, "Maxwell Davidson, I'm a new student."

I looked at my English teacher who looked as if she should be retiring soon, she scanned over the paper he had handed her and huffed. "Take a seat anywhere and start on the prompt written on the board."

I knew he would sit next to me; the only empty seat in this class was next to my desk. I rolled my eyes, great, I would be forced to befriend this kid that looked like a realistic version of Shaggy off of Scooby Doo. I heard him set his things down next to his now permanent desk, digging through that black bag of his with lightning bolts all over it.

I watched him through my peripheral, seeing him read the board and start writing almost instantly. I felt jealousy grow, wondering how he could just simply read it and start while I had been staring at my paper for thirty minutes.

I wanted to ask him what he was writing about but that would involve me talking to him, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that. He seemed so weird, like he was the kind of kid to say weird things at unnecessary times or pop his face pimples during class.

Or maybe I was just being stereotypical.

I whispered, "Pst, what you writing about?"

He looked at me, seeming almost grateful I had made the first move. He shrugged, "Dunno yet, I just started writing what came to mind."

Well that was a bummer, I was hoping to score an idea. I faced forward, looking at the prompt and reading it quietly to myself, "If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be? How would you use it? And would you be a villain or hero?"

It was a stupid statement, it really was. I mean come on, we're juniors in high school don't you think they could get us something more... realistic?

He whispered, "What's your name?"

I looked at him, glancing at his half-filled paper before responding, "Andrea, but I go by Andy."

He nodded, "Maxwell, but seriously, just call me Max. My parents are fucking retarded for naming me that."

I laughed a little to myself, wondering who this kid really was and why he had moved here so late in the year. Then the bell rang and I rolled my eyes, knowing I would have to finish this bullshit for homework. I packed my stuff and slung my booksack over my shoulder, watching Max as he zipped up his booksack. Maybe I was wrong about him, maybe he was cool and funny, and maybe he would like to eat lunch with something other than his book bag.

"Wanna join me for lunch?"

His blue eyes found mine and a wide smile spread over his face, "That would be awesome."

He fell into my stride as we walked silently towards the cafeteria. It was a bit awkward because I expected him to make conversation but he was awfully quite. I sighed, figuring I should just ask him about his writing prompt essay, "So what did you choose for your superpower?"

He smiled, "Isn't it obvious? Definitely electric powers."

That would explain his booksack, the kid liked lightning bolts, and I had to admit it wasn't as cliché as I had assumed. I watched his face, wondering why it looked as if he was thinking something deep in his head. As if he was conjuring up some story or some weird idea...

He was a bit strange.

We made it to the cafeteria and filed into the pizza line considering I didn't want the mystery meat they were serving today. Max spoke, "What about you?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, I mean it's pretty unrealistic but I guess like... flying? I don't know."

He shrugged in mutualism, "I mean, just have an open mind, an imagination."

I looked at him, he stood about 7 inches above me but he was thinner than me. Slim and tall, and he had that weird look on his face again.

I spoke, "So where are you from?"

"Not here, I moved here from North Carolina because my dad's stupid job got him transferred. Again."

I sighed, "I'm sorry, considering junior year is almost over."

He nodded, "Yea, but I mean it's not like I left a lot behind, I only had one friend. I guess you could say I wasn't the most handsome and richest guy at that school."

I smiled, "You're not ugly."

He looked at me, tilting his head and giving me the "really?" look, "Oh yea, I'm a real Taylor Lautner." He ruffled his already bushy hair and smiled, knowing I was finding amusement in him.

I shrugged, "I guess we're both a couple of misfits."

He leaned closer, " I don't believe you. A pretty girl like you a misfit? Nah..."

Just because I was pretty didn't mean people would automatically like me. People probably thought I was a bitch because that's what I came off like. I was quite, I wasn't the type of person to just go up to some random person and strike up a conversation, although I had done it with Max. I mean, when I had good days maybe, but I wasn't the miss popular and get all the guys.

Mostly because I was gay, but that wasn't the point.

But Max was cool, he was different but he was cool, and I figured we could get to know each other a little more. I questioned, "Do you drive to school?"

He shook his head, "Nah, I don't have a car."

"Would you like a ride home?"

He shrugged, "Are you offering this hobo looking kid a ride home after school?"

I smiled, laughing at the jokes he put on himself, "Yea, I guess I am."

The bell rang and he stood, grabbing both of our lunch trays and dumping them into the trashcan. He nodded, "I like you Andy."

"Meet me in the parking lot after school."

He nodded, "I'll find you."

~ ~ ~ ~

I was standing outside my car waiting for Max's familiar face to appear around the corner. Maybe he had forgotten, or gotten his parents to pick him up after school instead. The feeling of being stood up sucked but it happened, so I started getting back into my car.


I recognized that hoarse-like voice as I pictured Max running through the crowded parking lot. I stood back up, peering over the cars and seeing him waving his arm. I smiled, unlocking the passenger door for him as he made his way over to me.

Finally we were both sitting in my car as he spoke, "Sorry, I couldn't find the parking lot."

I laughed aloud as I twisted the key to start my car but got nothing, no sound or anything. I tried again and realized I had left my lights on, killing my battery. I slammed my hands down on my steering wheel and cursed, "Fuck, my batteries dead."

I looked at Max who ordered, "Lemme check it out, pop the hood."

I watched him exit the car in confusion, I knew what was wrong with my car, there was nothing he could do. I hit the button the open my hood as he disappeared, allowing me to hear something he was possibly doing to my car. Then I heard his voice, "Crank it again!"

I cranked it and to my surprise it started without any problem, sending me into a huge state of confusion. He hopped back into the passenger seat and spoke, "Loose wire."

I squinted at him as I tried to figure out how he had jumped my car without any jumper cables. I knew there was no loose wire; I had just gotten my car inspected a week ago. I backed out then, following the directions he gave me to his house still wondering silently how we were driving in the first place.

Finally I pulled up into a drive way and looked at him, he smiled, "Thanks for the ride Andy, see you tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Sure."

He held out his fist, indicating he wanted to fist bump, so I reluctantly hit his fist with mine. Then a loud and painful spark erupted as our fists connected and he jumped back. "Ow, Andy... what the fuck?"

I was just as confused as him, I had no idea what was going on. Then my radio started to freak out, and I touched the metal knob to turn it down. Electric currents flowed through my hand into the radio and caused it to short out. I jumped back, "What the fuck is happening?!"

I looked at Max who had the biggest smile on his face, "Andy..." My heart was hammering hard in my chest as he spoke, "Hold your hands about three inches apart."

I blinked rapidly, wondering what the fuck he was talking about and how he wasn't completely freaked out by this. I held my hands up and watched tiny electric bolts connect my fingers on both hands. I watched in amazement while Max yelped in excitement, "You have electric powers like me!"

I looked at him like he was a complete moron, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

His hands were in the same position as mine now, and I watched the tiny electric currents flash quickly between his fingertips.

Just like mine were.

He smiled, "We both have the same superpower."


So here it is, the new story I promised you guys. It's gonna be a little different than the rest but hopefully you guys like it. Sorry it took so long to post a new one but college has been kicking my ass. Excuse the language. So stay tuned for more chapters on the way!

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