Loved by the Marauders

By musical_riley

271K 6.1K 3K

Casandra Potter, or Cassie as she likes to be called, would never have imagined that one day her life would b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Deleted Scenes

Chapter 16

6.4K 152 115
By musical_riley

YEP! so the last chapter was a total cliffhanger and this one is the next chapter after the cliffhanger!! I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter and i needs to write now so here i go! GO WRITE NOW!! no u go read i write! The picture is Miss Williams >>>>>>>>>> she's played by Olivia Wilde!! She's actually a really important character so don't forget about her!! OH and warning in part of this I was like crying writing it. Like crying crying. It's deep. Yeah. So if you cry easily don't read in public! Hehe!! Kidding read whenever but it did make me cry even though I know whats going to happen. LISTEN TO TE SONG WHEN IT SAYS SO IN THE CHAPTER!! It helps the effect a lot! That might be why I cried when I wrote this because I was listening to sad songs!! hehe but really listen to the song please?!?>>>>>>>>>

Xox Shortie


Chapter 15 {YAY!} {OH and it's the last chapter!}

Remus' POV

"NO! CASSIE!" I screamed as I ran towards the ice. James grabbed my arm holding me back from running to her. I struggled against him but it was no use. After Shelby took Ivory inside Sirius following James and I stayed hoping that Cassie would come back. Safe. When we saw her running from Brad we were ecstatic. Ecstatic. If Cassie were here she would tell me not to use big words. Shelby and Sirius had come back by now but as Cassie got closer we realized she wasn't okay. She had made Timmy come to me so she couldn't get away from the cracking ice that was following her. I thought she was home free and I would get to hold her again in my arms. Then she fell onto the ice holding her head in her hands. The ice caught up with her and I screamed trying to run after her. But James held me back.

"Cassie." I said quietly as she disappeared into the water. All the ice disappeared and James let go of me. I ran out into the dark water not caring how cold I was. I dove down into the water desperately trying to find Cassie. The water was very dark and murky so I couldn't see anything. I felt around searching for any sign of her. I felt something touch my ankle and I spun around quickly hoping Cassie would be right there. I frowned as I saw James behind me searching for Cassie. I swam up to the surface determined. I sucked in a breath and almost smiled as I saw little Timmy swimming around at the surface. He knew that Cassie was gone but he also knew he couldn't do anything. James came up beside me taking a breath.

"Did you find her?" I asked hopefully. He shook his head. I don't know if I was seeing things or if it was just water but I could've sworn I saw tears in James' eyes. James shook his head and I knew I saw a tear fall. I didn't really blame him. I was actually crying too but not a lot. Shelby was crying hysterically into Sirius' shoulder. Sirius looked completely shocked. Like his brain couldn't even process what was happening. james and I were shaking in the water as we went back down deeper to find her. We both knew we had to find her. We knew we couldn't give up on her. We loved her too much. we swam all the way into the depths of the lake. It was so dark we couldn't see but I brought out my wand lighting the end of it. I used a spell that made me breathe under water so i could search better. James copied and we swam around desperately trying to find her. We searched for what seemed like hours until we finally found something.

"Remus, over here." James said using a spell so he could talk. I swam over to him quickly and my eyes widened when I saw what it was. He was holding her hat. Or headband with a hat on it that she was wearing in her hair. Now I knew she was close but where is close?

Cassie's POV.

"You can open your eyes." I heard someone say. I shook my head and slowly opened my eyes. I was in a completely white room. The speaker was a girl. She stared her big brown doe eyes at me smiling sweetly. My eyes widened as I realized who she was and where I was.

"Miss Williams?" I asked slowly. She was my third grade teacher. Everyone always agreed that she was the best teacher ever and everyone loved her. But then in the middle of the year she just disappeared. No one knew what happened to her not even the principal. The only thing I did know is that she was missed. She's really pretty and all of the dude teachers were all depressed when she left. It made me laugh even though I missed her. She was always happy and looked on the positive side of things. The only time I ever saw her sad is when she had a miscarriage and when she got divorced. It was really sad to me too. I helped her name the baby though. It was a girl named Ivy. I looked around at my surroundings sadly. I was in the garden Remus took me to. Except everything was white. It was weird. I was sitting under the arch of glowing butterflies next to Miss WIlliams. I smiled at the memory but when I remembered that I'm probably in heaven tears fell down my face as I began to cry.

"Oh, don't cry. It's okay." Miss Williams said hugging me. I cried into her not really caring if I got her shirt wet or if she was glowing. I didn't even think about the word llama once as I cried onto her white shirt. Oh great now i ruined it. I stopped crying after a minute rubbing my eyes and sniffling. She was glowing faintly but it was really hard to see.

"Why are you glowing Miss WIlliams?" I asked quietly. She laughed.

"Call me Liana. I'm glowing because i'm an angel and that's what I do. I glow." SHe said grinning. I nodded silently staring out into the lake. It looked so peaceful just like the night I came here but I couldn't help but hate it.

"So Liana. Am I dead?" I asked tears coming to my eyes as I thought about Remus. I thought about the star I named after him even though he said it was Venus. I sniffed again.

"Yes. You are dead." She said looking at me. At this I began to cry again. Not on her though. That would be rude like sniffing peoples shoes.

"B-but what about R-remus? I d-didn't get t-to say g-goodbye." I sobbed into my hands. Liana patted my back.

"I know. I've been watching you. You have had a very exciting life. You've been branded by the Cruciatus Curse." She said pointing to the scar on my leg from the curse. It was shaped like a skull but I pretended it was a chocolate bar instead.

"You've been attacked by a werewolf. You've gone through relationships and betrayal. You've drowned in a frozen lake. You've been through so much at such a young age. You truly are a Gryffindor." She said staring out at the lake. I looked down at Hank, my werewolf scar on my leg. If you think about it, if none of those things hadn't happened I wouldn't be who I am. I mean if I hadn't gotten my chocolate bar scar Remus probably would never have helped e with homework and I wouldn't have gotten to like him so much. Especially if he hadn't mauled me as a werewolf. Even if I hadn't drowned or been betrayed (supposedly) by Shelby I never would have had the courage to tell Remus that I loved him.

"Yeah. I don't want to die." I said sadly. She nodded keeping her smile on her face.

"That's why I'm here. I need to tell you a story. So you know how I disappeared? Well I disappeared because I had to go into hiding. Some people were after me for my power. I went to Hogwarts as a kid too you know?" She said. My eyes widened.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded grinning.

"Yep. I was in Gryffindor just like you. Apparently my brother, who was in Slytherin, was after me. He forced me to go into hiding but eventually he found me. He tortured me because he wanted me on his side. I refused and so he killed me. Killed by my own bother. Sad death. Point is that I came here. Not exactly here to my own place." She said. I nodded thinking. How old is she? Maybe she's like 30? Yeah I think that would be the age of a persons like her. ow long do llamas live?

"What do you mean your own place?" I asked. She smiled warmly at me laying down onto the grass. I laid back too looking up at the sky. I remembered when Remus and I did this. Star gazing and looking at the few clouds that were out that night.

"When you die you go to a sort of happy place. You only stay there for a little bit and then you just sort of wander around your memories. This is your safe haven I guess. When you were alive this was the place that made you fell safe, loved, and peaceful all at once. You may have come here only once but it meant a lot to you so your sub conscience chose this as your happy place." She said. I smiled remembering all the good times in life. Then frowned remembering all the things I didn't get to do. Like get a lemur and name it Isis. Or get married and have kids. I know you never thought I wanted to get married but it's true. I want to grow up and have a family. Actually a big family. I want to have lots of kids. I even want to see James grow up and get married maybe even be a godmother. But I can't do these thing now because I'm dead. All because of one obsessive stalker my life is literally ruined. Suddenly I began to cry again. I don't think I've ever cried so much before.

"Not to be a tractor or anything but why are you here?" I asked sniffling. She smiled at me with her dazzling teeth. I looked down and then realized that I wasn't in my dress anymore. I was in a another dress. But a really different one. It was a short white dress with one sleeve sparkled. It was beautiful. I was also wearing some knee high white boots and a tiara. (External Link) I smiled at the outfit even though I don't normally where heels and dresses it really was cute. I looked back up at Liana.

"I'm here because I've been watching you. I knew you were a wizard since the first day I met you. I always knew you were special. Definitely outgoing and unique. I knew one day you would change your fate and now I know you will. In due time your life will change. You will do the impossible and show the world that we can win. You will always be remembered as The Great Cassie Potter. You are destined for greatness Cassie Potter." She said and then sort of faded away. Now I'm alone in my happy place. I fell lonely. I'm not happy. I'm sad. Why am I sad in my happy place. This is weird. Maybe I should take a nap. Naps fix things. Yeah I'll take a nap. Here I come dreamland.

James' POV

"I can't believe she's dead." I said as tears fell down my face three months later. I was standing next to Remus and Sirius. Shelby was crying on Sirius' other side and my parents were sitting across the isle from us crying. Peter was sitting next to Remus with a few tears in his eyes. I don't think he understood what was going on. Almost everyone in Hogwarts came to her funeral. Probably because it was at Hogwarts but it still meant a lot. Almost everyone was crying including Sirius. No one even thought about being a man or ruining their make-up. It was a very lonely three months. We did everything we could to find Cassie but we just couldn't. We eventually found her body washed up on shore on the other side of the lake. Remus had detached himself from everyone. He only went to classes and then went back up to his dorm hiding himself in his bed.

"Ah huh." Remus muttered. He had tears on his face as Dumbledore said words about Cassie.

"She was a very loving girl. She always protected her friends and stayed brave like a true Gryffindor. She survived so much in her short life. She made everyone feel happy and spread joy through out the whole school. I don't think any of us will ever forget Cassie Potter. She was very close to our hearts even if we didn't know her personally. Cassie Potter is a wonderful girl with a great taste in musicals." he said smiling. Everyone in the crowd chuckled lightly as he spoke. It was all true though. Everyone at Hogwarts knew who she was. She made the school laugh and everything eventful. She always had a positive perspective on things.

"I would now like to invite Cassie's brother, James Potter, to speak a few words about his sister." Dumbledore said stepping down. I stood up walking up to the stand with tears in my eyes. I took a breath before starting my speech.


"Cassie was more than just a sister to me. She was my best friend. She made me laugh every day even when I was sick or sad or angry. She kept a positive perspective on things. Even when she was sick or even hurt she would try and help us not worry by not showing her pain and just laughing through it. She was a true Gryffindor and I don't think anyone would doubt that. I don't think Cassie would have wanted us to mourn over her death." I choked up saying the word death. I paused right in the middle of my speech almost breaking down in tears. I knew most people were shocked to see James Potter crying like this but most also understood. They all knew how close me and Cassie were. I bit my lip holding back tears. I looked at my parents and friends in the front row who all nodded at me encouragingly. I took another breath and continued my speech.

"She would have wanted us to celebrate that she died saving someone else or celebrate that she died some extreme way. Cassie would have looked at the good of the situation and say that at least she didn't in vain. She would tell us all to follow the lemurs and deal with life. She would thank us for being the best friends in the world." I said glancing at Remus. I knew that I was taking it hard but I think Remus was taking it harder than anyone. Right now he was staring into space as if in a memory.

"As Cassie died she was probably wishing she lived a longer life to do the things she wanted to do like get married and have kids, get a pet lemur and a llama. There were many things that she wanted to do but she can't. I also know she would be hoping for us to go on with life. She would tell us to move on and forget about her. I love my sister very much but I don't think I will ever forget her and what impact she has had on my life." I said tears now falling freely down my face. I sniffed slightly.

"I would now like to call up Cassie's boyfriend Remus Lupin to say some words about her." I said and went back to my seat as remus went up. I really don't care at all right now about what people think about me. I don't really care if they are laughing at me for being corny or crying. I just want my sister back.

*After funeral at reception*

After I spoke Remus, Sirius, Shelby, and my parents spoke and then we buried her. We found a note somewhere on one of her books or something that she wanted to be buried with chocolate and stuffed animal lemurs. So we did. We buried those with her and buried her in the ground while everyone sang her favorite song. Don't You Remember by ADELLE. It was actually really sad since the song itself was sad. We didn't song very good but nobody cared much. Most students eft but people who knew her personally stayed behind along with a few others. Timmy was always with Remus. He was acting like he was a human or something and his mom died so he went to his dad. I think. I can't exactly talk to him but he was almost like Remus all mopey and sad.

"Your speech was amazing." Lily said walking up to me. After Cassie died Lily had become a lot nicer to us and she seemed guilty. She even apologized for Cassie's sake about being so mean to her. Lily wasn't exactly our friend but she talked to us now a little. She didn't completely ignore us only halfway.

"Thanks." I said sitting down in a chair at a table. She sat next to me studying me. Ever since Cassie died I didn't ask Lily out once. Not a single time. It just didn't fell right. lily obviously noticed me not pestering me all the time and she seemed to like it a lot better.

"Are you okay?" She asked touching my arm. I nodded looking down at the blue table cloth. Every table cloth was a different color because Cassie loved colors. Everybody still wore black but the marauders and I knew that Cassie would hate everything being black so we made it colorful.

"I just- I just miss her so much." I said finally breaking down. Lily hugged me as I cried.

"It's okay. We all do." She said wiping my tears as I pulled away sniffling. I nodded as my parents and friends came my way. Lily saw them and looked back at me smiling.

"Be strong." She said and walked away. I knew she was just being friendly and didn't like me at all but I couldn't help but fell a little hopeful that at least she was being civil with me. My parents came up to me crying themselves. I hugged my mom as she cried into my shoulder rocking back and forth. My friends all sat down at the table with tear stroked faces. I sat down in between my parents as we all leaned on each other crying. I don't even know how I had any tears left but I did.

"Thanks guys." I said as I stopped crying. My friends all looked up with sad eyes.

"For what?" Sirius asked. I looked at them seriously before answering.

"For being there. I know you are all sad too but you're staying strong for the sake of me and my parents. Like Cassie would do..." I said trailing off. Sirius and Remus managed a small smile but my mom and dad and Shelby all started crying again.

"My little girl...." My dad sobbed. I patted him on the back comfortingly. There was a big buffet that the house elves made but no one was really eating just congregating at tables crying onto their friends shoulders. Sirius and Shelby were crying on each other, I was crying with my parents, and Remus was just sitting there staring into space as tears silently fell down his face. I knew if Cassie were here she would try to make us laugh but doing a ridiculous dance or saying something funny unintentionally. For some reason this thought just made me adder instead of comforting me.

Cassie's POV

I've been in Heaven I guess for two days now and I've spent every day crying. Crying when I thought about Remus, or crying when I thought about my short life, even crying when I thought of little lonely Timmy. I miss him. I miss Remus and James the most. Then my parents. I missed my friends and Hogwarts and I really just wanted to get back to my life. But I don't have a life. I'm an angel in a pretty dress. I'm a lonely person with only memories.

"I'm nothing." I mumbled talking to myself and the tree I was leaning on. On the second day I got here the garden scene changed and it was Hogwarts so now I just roam around here. I'm currently leaning up against our tree staring out at the lake. Thinking. Thinking like a ninja. Wait, if i'm already dead then I can't fell pain so I can punch this tree as hard as I want and it won't hurt? Maybe. No. Yes. I'll try it. I stood up facing he tree squinting one eye and leaving the other wide open. Remus would laugh.

"Now I fell sad." I said pouting. I punched the tree anyway but not hard. My hand went right through it which confused me so instead I sat down talking to myself.

"I miss Remus." I moaned closing my eyes and laying down in the grass. we didn't really have to sleep but we could. I guess. Everything confuses me now. And I'm bored there's nothing to do here. I resort to talking to myself. Like a floop. What's a floop? I make no more sense. I haven't talked to Liana since I first go here but I really need to. She mentioned that she was watching me so does that mean I can watch my friends. I somehow managed to find one good thing. Books and a bag. I know it sounds bad but the library was full of books and it had an empty bag on a table so I took it and filled it with books I would be using in school to learn.

"I'm a learner." I mumbled. I still wanted to learn about magic even if I couldn't use it for anything I could still do it. So I studied the books having nothing else. I might have actually gone onto four or fifth year material. Remus would be proud.

"I fell pathetic." I said sitting up and grabbing my bag. I stomped away towards the school.

"You're not pathetic." I heard someone say. It scared the sense out of me. Even though I don't have any.

"AHHH!" I screamed falling on my butt as the person appeared in front of me.I sat up grumbling.

"There you are! Where have you been?! I have so many questions!" I said standing up

eagerly as I realized the person was Liana. She just smiled at me shaking her head.

Liana sounds like llama. It's true I don't lie. Never lie it's bad. Only sometimes. Every once in a while. Maybe monthly. I'm using my monthly lie now. REMUS IS UGLY! See I lied. Hehe.Or did I? Maybe I like him for his smarts. Hehe.

"I can't answer your questions. I can only tell you one thing. I'm here to tell you that your friends miss you." She said sitting down in the grass. I followed alpaca and sat down. I fell like bursting into random song and being weird.

As I shall. Shall I as. Huh?

"Are you sure your name stars with an L?" I asked after minute of awkward awesomeness. She raised her eyebrows at me keeping her usual smile on her face.

"Positive. Why?" Se asked sitting cross legged. I nodded rubbing my non-existing beard. I want one like Dumbledores. His is awesomeness.

"Because I always imagine smart people and wise people to have their name start with a D or an H. Maybe they're the sophisticated letters?" I said shrugging. She laughed.

"I can see that. I will have to leave soon but if you want to I can try to answer your questions?" She suggested. I smiled nodding.

"Yeppers. Here goes questions. First off, can I like watch my friends from above and be all knowing like you?" I asked anxiously. She shook her head smiling kindly.

"Sorry you can't." She said. I frowned moving on to the next question.

"Okay. Is anyone else here? I'm a lonely chicken." I complained. Liana shook her head smiling.

"Well, kind of. Everyone is in their own memories but they can come here like me but most don't. Any other questions?" She asked. I frowned and nodded.

"Just one. Well, what did you mean when you said I would change my fate and show the world we can and stuff?" I asked remembering the conversations I'd had with myself. If I'm dead how am I going to do anything?

"I knew you would ask that. You will have to see. I am only here to guide you on the right path not tell you what to do. I'm also here as a friend. I know that your friends miss you very much and I also know that you miss them." She said. I smiled slightly and nodded.

"I guess I can understand that. Can I just ask one favor?" I asked her hopefully. She smiled at me like she knew what I was going to ask. Maybe she did. Or she's just faking it so I'll tell her even though I would anyway tell her that. Can people read minds? If they can I'm sorry for them. SORRY PERSONS WHO ARE READING MY MIND!

"Anything." She said. I grinned.

"Great. Can you like I guess give me a peek at my friends. I want to see how they're doing? I don't really know what you can do but maybe you can like open a cloud and I'll see them. How does that work?" I asked rambling. She laughed and waved her hand. A little bowl appeared in front of her and I smiled jumping up and down. She pointed to the bowl and I anxiously looked inside it.

"I can show you two things. One is a memory and another is the actual time. Now just look at it like you would a movie screen." She said and poured some weird silky stuff inside of the bowl. I nodded and watched the bowl my eyes staring at it hopefully. Slowly a picture formed in the bowl of water and tears came to my eyes as I realized the scene.

My funeral.

It was a picture of James walking up to the stand at Hogwarts with basically all of Hogwarts there. Everyone was crying including Sirius and even some Slytherins. Never thought I' have Slytherins at my funeral. My friends were all in the front row along with my parents. James began his speech but my eyes were glued to a person in the front row.

Remus Lupin. The most amazing and awesome person ever.

"Cassie was more than just a sister to me. She was my best friend. She made me laugh every day even when I was sick or sad or angry. She kept a positive perspective on things. Even when she was sick or even hurt she would try and help us not worry by not showing her pain and just laughing through it. She was a true Gryffindor and I don't think anyone would doubt that. I don't think Cassie would have wanted us to mourn over her death." James spoke as tears came to my eyes. Remus was staring into space as James spoke and at this point James chocked up stopping his speech. I sniffled slightly and listened to the rest of his speech.

"I would now like to call up Cassie's boyfriend Remus Lupin to say some words about her." By now I was bawling like a baby. I have the best brother ever. Jams sat down in his seat next to Sirius as Remus walked up to the stand. Remus looked beyond sad. He looked devastated and heart broken. He had tears on his face and his eyes were red and puffy from crying. It also probably didn't help that the full moon was soon. He brought out a piece of paper and then began his speech.

"Cassie, is the most random, crazy, loud, sometimes annoying, clumsy, and insane person I've ever met." he started. This just made me sad. That hurt. I guess some of it is true but does he think of me as annoying.

"But that's what I love about her." He finished. AWWWW! He's so sweet. Continue now Remus.

"She always made me smile whenever I was sad. She made everyone smile. She was like the sun shining light onto every little thing and making it better. Even if she made jokes out of everything she would make you fell better about yourself at the same time. She knew me better than I know myself. I don't know what I'm going to do without her." He said tears on the brim of his eye. Tears were way past the brim in my eyes. They were overflowing with love and joy and yet sadness at the same time. Remus continued on with his speech as every girl in the audience bawled. He's mine ladies.

"She was my joy, my life, my everything. I can't live without her but I know I have too. She brought out the best in me. She made me want to work harder and be a better person. She made everyday my day and she made me who I am. I know I'll never be the same person ever again without her but I also know she'll want me to move on. She'd want me to grow up and get married even if it's not with her. She'd want me to fulfill my dreams and have kids, or to be a teacher. Even if she can't. She would be thinking about me instead of herself." He said tears falling freely down his face. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see even Liana was crying. Ever girl was actually. Even my mom in the front row. I may have dreamed it but I think I saw Bellatrix Lestrange crying.

"But today we're here to think about her and I'm going to say no. I won't grow up and get married and fulfill my dreams like she wants me too. I'm not going to move on from her I'm always going to love her more than anyone else. I'm just going to live but I'll never stop thinking about her because she' my Cassie." He said. My vision clouded with tears along with every girl in the audience. Who were all dabbing they're faces with tissues trying to save the last of their make-up from running. Remus walked off the stand sitting down in his seat. He buried his face in his hands and then the picture ended.

"He really does love you." Liana said her voice slightly stuffy from crying. Mine is stuffier. I'll bet on it. I will. I nodded to her wiping away my tears of happiness. Yet sadness. My emotions are so confused right now.

"Yeah. I love him too." I said as I sneezed. I giggled and turned back to her.

"Do you happen to have a tissue?" I asked my voice muffled by my hands. She laughed and handed me one that she got from no where but some where. I blew my nose giggling for some reason.

"Ready for the other one?" Liana asked. I nodded and she turned back to the bowl. This time she just waved her hand over it and an image appeared. Why does she get to do all the awesome stuff?

"This is your friends in their fifth year." She said as the image became clearer. I looked at her confused.

"What? They're in their third year." I said confused. Liana shook her head.

"No. Time passes faster here. So one day here is a year there." She said looking back into the bowl. My eyes widened.

"So they've been missing me for two years?" I asked in shock. Liana nodded and I turned to the image of their fifth year. It looked like the normal Marauders walking down the hall. Minus one though. James and Sirius were walking side by side smiling at random people evilly. Remus was behind them next to Peter. He was reading a book while walking. Peter was just waddling along. Shelby wasn't there by them and I had this feeling something bad had happened. They continued like this Sirius stopping and flirting with random girls as James rolled his eyes. Then James stopped and asked Lily out which made me slightly mad. I saw her at the funeral memory and she seemed nicer but when James asked her out she scowled and turned away.

"Why won't school just end already?" James groaned falling onto his bed as they made it to the common room and up to the dorm. Sirius laughed falling onto his bed. Peter sat down next to Sirius while Remus pulled the curtains shut around his bed. I frowned at this but Sirius and James continued to talk quietly so Remus wouldn't hear.

"He really needs to get out more." Sirius said smiling. James cast him a dark look and Sirius topped laughing.

"You know what he thinks about that. He's obviously made it clear that he's going to die a lone wolf." James said frowning. Sirius shook his head. I frowned at this but also smiled. He has not forgot me. I hope at least.

"I know but all he does is study, study, study and then he hides himself in his bed. He skips breakfast everyday and doesn't even pull pranks with us anymore." Sirius said to James. James nodded.

"Yeah, but it's no use trying to get him to go on a date. I guess he's just not over her yet." James said sadness in his voice. The way he said it made it sound like Sirius and him were but I could tell from their eyes that they weren't back to normal. Just an act. I waved at James as he looked up out of the bowl then remembered that I was watching him not vise versa.

"We all miss her though. I know he loved her and all but they were only thirteen. Don't you think it would've just been a school fling anyway? They probably would have broken up by now anyway." Sirius said leaning back onto his headboard. I starred at the bowl wide eyed. Is it true? Would we have broken up by now? I know I wouldn't want to but what about Remus? Would he want to move on and just be friends? Would he start liking someone else and replace me? Tears came to my eyes just thinking about it. Not the happy kind the sad kind. Is there such thing as confused tears? Like when you have no idea what's going on and you're so confused that you burst into tears? I think so because I do that sometimes. Mostly when I'm emotional. yeah it sounds good.

"I don't know. If they would have broken up by now wouldn't Remus have moved on by now too?" James said looking at Sirius seriously. Pun intended. But bro has a point.

"I guess but either way we have to do something for him. Like to get his mind off of Cassie. He may still love her but people die everyday and their wives and husbands move on. Especially nowadays." Sirius said sadly and then shut his curtains blocking out noise. Peter had fallen asleep halfway into the conversation so that left just James. And the PoPo's going to walk in on him while he poos. It rhymes. James looked up again towards the sky and I had an urge to wave at him yelling. But I controlled myself because I'm a lemon.

"I'm sorry Cassie." James said to the sky and then shut his curtains also. I stared down at the now empty bowl slightly confused. Maybe this is the time for confusion tears. Maybe..... yeah it is. Now I bursted into tears. Bursted is a word. I bursted a pig. It's name was Mr. Wiggles. Why am I talking about a pig? Cause I've got skilage that's why. When I'm nervous or sad I say random things to get my mind off of my mixed up emotions. I didn't even know dead persons could have emotions. I'm nonliving proof that they can.

"Don't cry. He won't forget you." Liana said hopefully and trying to make me fell better. I sobbed a couple more times before rubbing my eyes and wiping my eyes. Why am I crying so much now? I'm like a waterfall of tears. I wish my tears would be rainbow.

"Promise?" I asked my voice sounding all sinusy and stuff. She smiled at me nodding.

"Promise. You should probably take a nap though. It will help your sinuses." She said poking my cheek. I smiled slightly and stood up.

"Okay. Will you come back tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. She nodded her black hair swaying in her face.

"I'll try." She said and disappeared mysteriously again. Well at least she made an exit. I walked back to Hogwarts and to the common room which felt weird because I knew that my friends were sleeping in the dormitory right now. Just not this one. It's like an alternate dimension. I wasn't actually that tired so I picked up a book and began to learn. Maybe I can beat the boys out of Hogwarts. Even if I'm not even in it any more.

Sirius' POV

"It's a date." I told the girl in the common room smirking. She giggled and walked away. I frowned and walked up to the common room with the other marauders. I'm always sad now. Even if every girl in school is practically throwing themselves at me I still feel lonely. After Cassie died we were all depressed and we missed her and each of us had our way of handling it. I resorted to dating every girl in school which ended up with Shelby hating me and being sad. Great. James went on with his normal life but I know he talked to Cassie every night like she was here or what ever. He always thought we were asleep when he did it but I still heard. Remus buried himself in his studies and became anti-social. Peter just stayed Peter. James and I had finally agreed we had to do something about Remus last night and today our plan went into action. Although it didn't work. We tried to set him up with this Hufflepuff girl named Tonks, who we knew liked him, but he kept saying no and then walked away. Right now he's in the library because he knows we never step foot in there.

"Plan failed." James said flopping down on his bed. I chuckled flopping down on my bed. Peter waddled over to his bed and started on his homework. Peter the penguin.

"Yep, didn't work at all. Maybe he really is going to die alone." I said smiling. James rolled his eyes.

"Most likely. Unless he has some sort of epiphany." James said raising his hands in the air. I laughed.

"Yeah, maybe Cassie's ghost will come down and speak to him." I said. James stopped laughing at that comment. He glared at me before shutting the curtains tightly. Bad move on my side. I'll talk to him tomorrow. I stood up not really knowing what to do and wandered over to Cassie's old bed. We still hadn't moved anything just because it felt wrong. I smiled at her little area. SHe had so much personality within her that her whole area was decorated with posters, stuffed animals, pillows. She even had a poster on the wall of all of us together. Surrounding the big poster were a bunch of little pictures. Some were of Remus and her kissing under the mistletoe, or James giving her a piggyback ride at their house in the sumer. She took pictures of everything. She even had a picture of her pushing James into their pool. I thought that one was funny because I did the same thing this summer when I started staying with James.

"Stupid parents." I mumbled as I remembered my reason for running away. I looked at her calendar which hadn't been marked off since the day she.... I brushed my fingers over the date.

"October 1st." I said to myself. i looked away from the calendar to her bed where it was basically covered in pillows and stuffed animals. I smiled as I picked up her snow leopard stuffed animal. We gave it to her for her christmas because of her animagus. I set it down next to the other animals smiling at them all. Most were really random animals like a giraffe or a lemur. She even had a llama that Remus gave her for valentine's day. She somehow managed to name all of them and remember all of their names. I could only remember three because she named them after us. The llama was Remus because he gave it to her. James was a giraffe because she said he was tall and ate leaves. He didn't agree but went along with it. I was a goat for an unknown reason. She said Peter was a spoon but she didn't have a pillow of a spoon. I sighed looking down at all of her stuff. She had tons of pillows with little saying son them and smiley faces. It surprised me that she ever slept on her bed with all the stuff on it.

"Hey." Remus said making me jump as he came into the room. I turned around smiling at him.

"Oh, hey. You're back." I said nodding. He set down is book bag next to his bed and nodded awkwardly. We never even really talked anymore. I don't even know what his favorite color is. Sows what a great friend I am.

"What are you doing?" He asked eyeing Cassie's stuff. I looked down on her bed smiling. I remember every time she got an animal she would hold a "ceremony" at midnight where they officially got their names and a spot on the bed. "Only if they're worthy." She would say.

"Oh, just looking at her stuff." I said frowning awkwardly. Any mention of Cassie around Remus he would go into lock down zone and hide himself. Not this time.

"Oh." He said and went to hide in his bed. I quickly grabbed his arm making him stop.

"Look, we need to talk." I said sitting on the floor. He sat down across from me eyeing me warily.

"About what?" He asked.

"Cassie. I know you don't want to get over her and you blame yourself for her death but it's not your fault. It's his fault and you know what happened to him. He went to St. Mungo's for an insanity check and then was expelled from Hogwarts." I said sadly yet happily. I saw the corners of his mouthes twitch which made me smile.

"Served him right." He said quietly. I laughed.

"Yeah. Look man, we all miss her but you know she would want us to move on. I'm not saying you have to get a girlfriend that's your choice but get out there. Quit hiding yourself." I said thinking about Cassie and what she would say. Remus smiled and nodded.

"I guess." He said standing up. I stood up too.

"Good. Night." I said. He sort of awkwardly waved at me before getting in bed and shutting the curtains. I sighed sitting down on my bed. I pulled the curtains shut falling asleep.


DUD DUD DUD MARAUDERS!! haha yeah!! so this is NOT THE LAST CHAPTER!! just said that cuz I felt like it and Im evil!! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!! yep! so it will go on like this MARAUDERS THEN CASSIE THEN MARAUDERS THEN CASSIE!! and it will be a different perspective every marauders time FOR EXAMPLE

Remus' POV


Cassie's POV


Sirius' POV

SEE!! there u has it!! so yeah I'll try to update soon!! I HAVE THE INSPIRATION AGAIN!! and I read this from another book and for some reason it was just like deep I guess so I shall say it now!! It kind of goes with this part of the story so remember it!! and don't assume Cassie will come back because she probably wont or she might Im not entirely sure but I know if I read this I would be like OH SHELL COME BACK SHE HAS TOO!! but she may not...

So heres the little saying....

"It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all."

See deep right!! and she kind of set it up saying some stuff before OH go read her book its called

Sometimes It Lasts: Marlene and Sirius' story

YEP by xPadfoot GO READ!! its good and she has another story called:

Broken Promises

I think!! yeah both really well written and good!!

Bye now!! I luvs you all and hope you vote and comment on this!

I know this authors note is long because I ramble sometimes!! It's what I do I ramble!! RAMBLESH!!

Xox Shortie

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