Minecraft: Apocalypse

By NightVisions2012

512 25 9

Jonathan lives in the sleepy town of Oaksburg, where all is peaceful. But then, that peace is broken when mon... More

Doctor, Doctor
Mad Science
A Death in the Family
The Very End of the World

Descent Into Hell

16 0 0
By NightVisions2012

Jonathan exited the cave with more obsidian. He walked back to the farm and deposited it in the chest designated specifically for the portal blocks. "Jonathan!" Sara shouted. Jonathan grabbed his bow and ran to the wall surrounding the farm. There were two people standing near it. He drew his bow. One put a hand up. "Please! Let us in! We haven't eaten in days and Martin just got bit." Grayson pulled an axe. "Where?" The one called Martin pulled back his sleeve, revealing a bite in his upper arm. "Stick your arm out." Grayson said. "Why?" Martin asked as he obeyed. Grayson cut some cloth from his shirt and tied it around Martin's arm. Just as Martin understood what was happening, David brought the axe down on his arm just above the bite. Martin screamed. The other man drew his sword. "What was that?" he yelled. Jonathan got between Grayson and the man. "David was stopping the infection from getting to the rest of his body." said Jonathan said calmly. "It's okay, Oliver." Martin said. "We better get you inside." Sara said and led them into the farmhouse. "Sara." Jonathan called. She entered his room. "Do you think it's a good idea, letting them stay here?" Jonathan asked. "Why wouldn't it be? Benjamin did it for us at Justice." Sara answered. Jonathan shrugged. "I don't know. We might not have the room.And they could be a threat." "So we let them stay for, a week,maybe. Then once they're fed and recovered, we tell them to go." Jonathan nodded. "The lab is done and the cure delivery system is almost done." Sara told him. "Good." Before he could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. It was David. "The portal's ready."

The group gathered at the portal to say goodbye to the people who were leaving. Jonathan stood in front of the crowd to make an announcement. "Grayson will be in charge in my absence. Obey and respect him like you would me. Is that understood?" People nodded. "Good." He kissed Sara goodbye and gathered up his men. Then they entered into the unknown. When they stepped out into the opposite side, they were taken aback by what they saw. There was fire and smoke everywhere. Lava flowed between the rocks and down cliffs as lava-falls. They saw a massive fortress in the distance. "We should head there." Jonathan said. "There might be something important." "Wait. What if the portal closes?" Brandon asked. "It shouldn't." David responded. "But if it does, we can relight it." Abe stopped. "I've got some TNT just in case." he said. Jonathan nodded. "Good idea." he replied. Suddenly, they heard an unearthly screech. A fireball came out of nowhere and exploded into the ground mere blocks from the group. They turned. A ghast had spotted them. David notched an arrow and fired it. It collided with a ghast fireball and bounced back. It slammed into the ghast, killing it. "Well, that was lucky." David remarked. They continued through the Nether until they saw a giant fortress. There was a collective gasp among the group. It was a huge structure made with netherbrick with blazes, wither skeletons, and zombie pigmen in and around it. Then David noticed something odd. "It looks like there's a person up there." he said, pointing. It was true. It was hard to make out with the distance and smoke, but the group could make out a human silhouette in the distance.  Abe pulled out his sword. "Let's check it out."

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