My Patient(August Alsina Stor...

By Snook_Bae

561K 17.9K 2.6K

This is another August Alsina story of mine. An lesbian/ Engaged Doctor has never been with an male but an Pa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18-1
Chapter 18-2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note!
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
New Chapter!!!!
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Quiz Answers
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Im sorry
Chapter 55
Bye guys!
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Im backk❤️
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Coming up...

Chapter 56

4K 135 5
By Snook_Bae

(Part 56)

August POV

Time- 2:42 AM

I looked down at Tori sleeping. I sighed and got up walking to the kitchen. I heard one of the bedroom door close and open. I grabbed the hot Cheetos outta the cabinet and a soda. I tuned around but bumped into Bianca. Finna walk around her but she grabbed me and turned me around.

August- C'mon on bruh chill(GCO)
Bianca- No listen to me just a second. I'm sorry. Like extremely sorry. I didn't mean to do something like that(GCO)
August- Yes you did.
Bianca-.....Alright maybe I did but who wouldn't? Your August Alsina
August- I know who I am. Fuck you mean who wouldn't? You fa real trying yo self. Tori got you and Brianna out here with her money then you pull some shit like that?

I shook my head and walked out.

August- I ain't gonna argue with some little ass kid.

I walked into the room and seen Tori not there. I sat the soda and hot chips down on the counter and turned around to look for Tori. I walked into the bathroom she wasn't there. I walked over by the closet and seen her taking her leggings off.

August- Whatchu doin?
Tori- Changing. It felt like 100 spiders crawling on me.
August- Oh Ight.

She walked over to me putting her arms up. I scooped her up by her ass and laid her on the bed.

Tori- Ready to tell me what really happen?
August- Im finna put you back to sleep.
Tori- No.(GCO)
August- It's not a question Tori.


Next Day☁️

I woke up and seen Tori sleeping on me. I honestly didn't wanna tell her knowing she was gone tell Brianna and ion want her to have her heart break but the longer I wait to tell her the more Tori gone be pissed. I got up fixing the covers then walked to the bathroom closing the bathroom door. I knew Tori was gone be up in a couple minutes since I wasn't laying down next to her. I got in the shower and started washing up. I heard the bathroom door open and the sink bathroom run.

August- Tori.
Tori- Hm?
August- You gone join a nigga?
Tori- no my legs is already sore from last night.
August- I ain't gone do nothing

I ain't hear no response but I seen the glass open and close. I grabbed her pulling her closer in me.

August- I'm ready to talk bout it

I took the scrunchy off her wrist putting her hair in a ponytail.

Tori- Thanks.
Tori- So what happen?
August- I was high on the balcony.


I sat down rolling up my last and final blunt. The door opened and I thought it was Tori.

August- I thought you was sleep.
Bianca- Nope I'm wide awake!
August- Oh my bad. Thought you was Tori.
Bianca- oh. So Ima dancer. And I was thinking....
August- You wanna be my back up dancer?
Bianca- Yea watch.

She got up doing some dances and then she turned into a ballerina hella fast spinning around then she fell on my dick. She looked at me and grabbed it then kissed me hella fast. I pushed her off me making her fall to the ground.

FlashBack Over**

Tori- Why couldn't you just tell me this?
August- Because of Brianna. I ain't want her to have another heart break and shut the whole word down knowing what her best friend and the god mother of her child did.
Tori- So keep it away from her? She's her only friend.
August- Yea.
Tori-Or we can kill her
August- *chuckles*

Bianca POV

I woke up to smell of breakfast. I got up and went in Brianna room checking on her but she wasn't there. I walked in the kitchen to see Brianna eating breakfast with Tori. The front door open and August's walked in sitting at the table next to Tori.

Bianca- Morning everyone.

They all gave me a sleepy morning. I made my plate and sat down at the table next to Brianna.

Brianna- So me and Tori was talking...

My heart dropped.

Brianna- And we were gonna leave In a week. I miss my baby.

I sighed outta relief.

Bianca- Yea. That's fine with me.

She nodded. Tori phone went off...then again....then again and over and over. August grabbed it looking at it. Once everyone was finished eating Torj and August left. I lowkey wanted to go but I stayed with Brianna.

Brianna- So what you wanna do?
Bianca- I wanna get one of those coconut drinks first.
Brianna- Hell yea. Lemmie get ready.
Bianca- Same here.

We went in our separate room and did our hygiene.


Tori POV

Tori- August that massage was so good.
August- I bet.
Tori- You didn't like it?
August- I ain't like the way that nigga was looking at you and shit.
Tori- That's why I got a new one August.
August- Yea but he was still looking at you and shit. So from now on I'm the only nigga that's giving you massages.
Tori- *mumbles* You irk my nerve.
August- Yea well you do to.
Tori-*lets his hand go*
August- Somebody's mad.
Tori- I'm not mad. Thank you very much.
August- Mhm.
Tori- Before we go back to the hotel I want another coconut.
August- You needa zip ya fuckin jacket up.
Tori- You needa chill like I want these Otha niggas.
August- You might not want them but I know for sure they want you.
Tori- Like how bitches be wanting you? But the difference between you and me is you entertain them I don't.
August- How do I 'entertain' them?
Tori- By Inviting them in your room.
Employee- How can I help you?

We was in line getting me one of the coconut drinks.

Tori- Can I have the coconut drink?
Employee- Liquor or no liquor?
Tori- liquor
Employee- And what kind of liquor would you like?

I watched him make it and hand it to me. I pulled the money out my bra.

Employee- Thank you have a nice day.
August- Come on.
Tori- Steady doing that shit. *stale faces him*

He rolled his eyes and got the blunt from his ear. Lighting it up he slowed down walking and tried to light it up with out the wind blowing the fire out. Once he got it lit up we started walking again.

August- Oo baybeh wasn't ya talking about gettin ya nails done and shit?
August-*points down the street*

I looked up and seen there wasent nothing there. I looked down and seen August drinking my shit. I sucked my teeth and moved away from him.

Tori- You coulda just asked.
August- mhm. That shot good tho.

A lady bumped into me. She turned around and said sorry. I scrunchy my face up and looked at the familiar face.

Tori- Crystal?

August looked over at her and we both looked at her huge stomach and both our eyes widen.


Had to update😫 I be busy as hell now tho😫

Sorry for errors❤️


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