Fangs: The Fifth Marauder

بواسطة Hypergay

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After being expelled from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Zentheya Melanie Black was forced to face her father'... المزيد

Fangs: The Fifth Maurader
Chapter 1: Father's Wrath
Author's Note: Need help!
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Here I Come!
Author's Note: Me
Author's Note: Question
Chapter 3: I've Always Wanted to Slap a Snobby Pureblood
Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: First Day Jitters
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Severus' Karma and Sirius' Courage
Holy Fire whiskey! 912 Views!
Chapter 8: The Annual Black Twins Prank War
Chapter 9: Finding my Magic Animal Friend
Chapter 10: Who Knew What You Would Discover When You Are Missing or Hiding
Chapter 11: Discovering Remus' Secret Part 1
Holy Butterbeer!
Author's Note
Chapter 12: Who Knew Werewolves could be so Captivated by Fire Part 2
Chapter 13: Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter 15: Becoming a Marauder
Chapter 16: Sirius' Anger
Chapter 17: Becoming an Animagus
Chapter 18: Hogsmeade
Important Not an Update
Chapter 19: Fangs is Born and Moony Imprints
Author's Note

Chapter 14: Making the Team

206 15 12
بواسطة Hypergay

Zentheya's P.O.V.
Potions Class was rather dull, especially with Severus and Lucius watching me the entire period. Every time I felt Lucius' eyes on me, I felt my whole body shudder as the horrid  memories of what he had tried to do to me washed over me, replaying in my mind. "Hey Ze, are you alright?" Lex's gentle voice pulled me from my thoughts as he put his hand on mine.

I blushed slightly and nodded my head. "Yeah fine..." I whispered smiling at him as I began scribbling down the various notes that Professor Slughorn had written on the board. I didn't mind Potions much now, it was still my least favourite subject but thanks to Lily, my grade was improving and since I didn't trust Severus anymore, I made sure that I checked with Lily that the notes he had given me during our tutoring sessions were correct.

"So what are you doing after class?" Lex asked me in a hushed voice.

"I'm trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team!" I explained as the bell rang, signalling the end of the second period.

Lex smiled at me, causing a hopefully unnoticeable blush to spread across my pale face. "Cool, what position are you trying out for?" He asked as we began to pack away our things.

I bit my lip. Part of me didn't want to tell him in case I got the same reaction from him that I got from Peter, however another part of me didn't think Lex was like that and I really wanted to know what he thought of it! I decided to take the risk and tell him. "Oh I'm going trying out for a Beater position, I mean that's what I was at my last school!" I said, shrugging like it was no big deal and praying that he wouldn't laugh. Thankfully he didn't!

"Wow, that's pretty cool!" He said as we began leaving the classroom. "Good luck, I'm sure you'll be great!"

I blushed at his comment. "Thanks!" I said. I almost didn't notice Sirius or James coming out of the classroom. I was too busy going off into a daydream about Lex! It only happened when I was talking to either him or Remus!

"Hey Ze! Earth to Zentheykins!" James' voice suddenly snapped me from my day dream.

I shook my head and glared at him. "Don't call me that Pee Pee!" I warned him. "What?"

Sirius smirked at me and James. "We've gotta go, tryouts are now!" He told me putting an arm around me.

"Oh right! Okay!"

"Why Pad, I think speaking to a certain Slytherin made her forget!" James teased me as we began walking outside.

I couldn't help but blush, causing Sirius to laugh and smirk. "Why Prongs old chum, I think you're right!" He joined in.

"Oh shut up you two!" I hissed at them as I walked faster, hoping to avoid more teasing. I could hear them laughing behind me. Damn them!

It didn't take us long to reach the Quidditch pitch and like most Quidditch pitches, it was oval shaped and spread to about five-hundred feet long and one-hundred and eight feet wide with a small central circle of approximately two feet in diameter where the balls were released at the beginning of every game. There were a lot more students trying out than I had imagined, which only made my nerves worse. I could feel my hands shaking with nerves as I stood on the pitch alongside Halter and Sirius waiting for the tryouts to begin. What if I didn't make the team!? What if I had a panic attack in the air!?  I thought to myself as I tried to calm my nerves. "Ze, would you relax? I can feel your hands shaking from here!" Sirius chuckled as he put an arm around me. 

"It's not my fault I'm nervous!" I huffed childishly, making him smirk.

"Lighten up would you? You'll be fine, you've played Quidditch before!" He reminded me, ruffling my hair in his annoying brotherly way.

I glared at him as I fixed my hair, yet I couldn't help but smile. Sirius always knew what to say to make my nerves die down. I was glad that I had come to Hogwarts this year. Spending all those hours with him that we had missed every other year, was the best thing ever! "So, who's the captain?" I asked, wanting to know who had the final say about who got on the team.

"Why none other than yours truly Theya!" James' smug voice called as he got off his broom and bowed.

"And it so hasn't gone to his head!" Sirius muttered to me with a smirk, making me laugh.

"Oi your sarcasm isn't appreciated Black!" James huffed as he straightened up and glared at Sirius with friendly offence, who just smirked in response.

I laughed. It made me feel relieved to know that during those years when I wasn't around, Sirius had people who were like brothers to him and Remus and James were definitely like brothers to him, closer if even. Remus... He was all alone in the Hospital Wing after a horribly painful transformation! No one should have to go through something as painful as that, especially not someone as kind and as gentle and cute and sweet as him! 

"Earth to ZeZe!?" The sudden use of Sirius' childhood nickname for me snapped me out of my thoughts, making me blush. "See, I told you that would get her attention!" He smirked as he stood beside James.

"What!?" I asked, hiding my blush behind my hair as I glared at the two of them.

"I said, that it's time for the tryouts to begin. Now, as your captain I will split you into the different positions that you each are trying out for with the help of my side kick!" James smirked teasingly at Sirius.

"Watch it Potter, or a Bludger might just accidentally knock you right off that broom of yours, I doubt your big head filled with thoughts of your deer Lilypad would be able to hold you!" Sirius replied with another smirk. 

I bit my lip to stop the giggles from escaping as I noticed the little 'deer' joke that Sirius had used. Typical of my brother to slip in a jab about their animagus abilities. "Anyone who is trying out for the position of Chaser, head over to Frank, Keepers go to Fabian, Seekers over to Gideon and Beaters over to Sirius!" James instructed and without any further instructions, everyone split up into their different positions. 

"Nice little 'deer' joke Siri!" I smirked at him as I joined him and the other students. 

"Why thank you, I thought it was hounderful!" He smirked.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him and his animal puns. I could tell that many of the other students were very confused by the jokes and by the fact that I was trying out for a Beater position, mainly because there weren't many women with an interest for it. 

James' P.O.V.
It wasn't long before nearly everyone had tried out. From the amount of people who had tried out, I knew that we wouldn't be short substitutes this year, especially for the Chasers. However, it was going to be rather difficult to decide who would make the cut this year. After a while it was only the Beaters left to tryout. "Alright, one by one you'll fly up and wait for either me or Sirius to release a Bludger, try and hit it as hard as you can with your bat!" I told them as they mounted their brooms and ascended into the air. I waited for them to form a line before releasing a Bludger. 

Soon it was Zentheya's turn, I waited for her to move forward and get herself ready before I gave Sirius the signal to release the Bludger. It sped through the air with a great amount of speed, hurtling towards Zentheya. I frowned as it looked like she wasn't paying attention and the Bludger was getting closer to her! "Sirius!" I said worriedly as it was getting dangerously close to hitting her.

"Wait for it!" He told me, not taking his eyes off his sister. 

My heart was thundering in my chest as it looked like it was about to smash right into her, when at the very last minute she swung her bat at the Bludger, striking it with an almighty force. The force sent the Bludger hurtling back towards the pitch at three times the speed it went up, causing it to crash into the ground with an almighty thud! I stared at the smoking Bludger with wide eyes as the Beaters descended from the air. "That was bloody brilliant! You're defiantly on the team!" I cried as Zentheya came over to us. 

She smiled. "Thanks!" 

"Well done sis, I thought he was going to wet himself again!" Sirius teased me. 

"Hey! That was like in first year!" I protested, blushing as they laughed. "Git!" I huffed.

After tryouts, we began making our way back inside the castle and I noticed that Zentheya had become increasingly saddened. I glanced at Sirius who shrugged, obviously equally confused as I was. "Hey Ze, are you alright?" I asked her.

"Huh? Oh yeah...I was just thinking about Remus and if he is alright or not..." She explained giving me a weak smile.

Sirius smiled at her. "I think Remy'll be fine, why don't we go check on him?"

"Brilliant idea Padfoot!" I agreed and sprinted off, racing them to the Hospital Wing.

Remus' P.O.V.
It seemed like hours had passed before I finally opened my eyes. Groaning as my whole body ached from the transformation last night, I sat up weakly. Everything was rather blurry to begin with and it took a few minutes before my sight cleared. When it did, I could see the familiar decorations and furniture of the Hospital Wing and I could hear the familiar movement of Madame Pomfrey. "Ah I see that you're finally awake Mr. Lupin!" Her voice echoed through the room as she made her way over to me. I watched her as she gathered the different potions that she usually makes me take after a transformation and I couldn't help but notice that she was carrying fewer bottles than usual. I frowned in confusion. "I must say Remus, I am pleasantly surprised to see you looking in much better condition than any other time!" She commented.

Those few words were like a trigger to a portkey, pulling me back to the events of last night when I transformed in the Library, in front of Marlene, Elodea, Lily and Zentheya! Panic immediately attacked my system as I began searching for any sign of them in the room, however much to my complete and utter joy, there was none. I relaxed back against the bed frame and focused on taking the potion. "How did I get here Madame? Was I in the Shack?" I asked hoping that James and Sirius had found me before Moony had hurt any of them. But the universe seemed to be punishing me as Madame Pomfrey shook her head. 

"Sorry dear, Professor McGonagall and I found you and Ms. Black wandering back to the Castle from the direction of the Forbidden Forest around sunrise this morning!" She explained to me.

Horror filled my body as images of Zentheya's cold corpse plagued my mind. I couldn't imagine how Sirius would react! He'd hate me for the rest of my life! I could feel the beginning of a panic attack starting as I heard footsteps racing towards the Hospital Wing! "Ha! I win! Seriously, you're slower than Peter at breakfast!" Sirius' teasing voice echoed as he skidded to a halt in the room. 

"No running in the Hospital Wing, how many times Mr. Black!" Madame Pomfrey scolded him sighing as she left us alone to gather some more vials. Almost as soon as her dress disappeared from my sight, I couldn't prevent the long stream of apologises that came flooding out of my mouth. I felt awful!

"Oh Sirius! I am so sorry! I never meant to hurt Ze! I swear! Oh Merlin! I don't blame you if you never speak to me again! I bloody killed her! Oh Merlin I'm such a mons-!"

"Remus John Lupin! Stop your nonsensical babbling at once! Only James and I are allowed to babble uncontrollably! If the three of us do it, a prank will never work again!" Sirius interrupted me, placing a hand on my shoulder as he smiled at me. "Now, firstly your ridiculous theory that I would never talk to you again is absurd! You aren't getting out of our mad friendship that easily!"

I stared at him in shock. "B-but I-"

"Secondly, you aren't a monster! I mean for crying out loud Rem, you fold your god damn sucks! Forgive me if I'm not quaking in my shoes!" He smirked at me in a friendly manner. "And lastly, I know you'd never intentionally hurt Zentheya because you can't even hurt a fly! Now would you please relax? My sister isn't dead! She's slow but not dead!"

"Hey! I'm faster than James!" Ze's voice echoed in my ears as she and James came into my view. James was panting heavily and Ze had the biggest smile on her face. "Remy!" She cried as soon as she seen me and raced over to me, engulfing me into a hug.

I let out a gasp of pain as my muscles were still aching, but I was more so shocked by the fact that she was here and not a mangled mess and she was actually happy to see me! "Oh Merlin, I'm so sorry Remus!" She apologised as she quickly released me from her hug. 

"Sorry!? What are you sorry for!? I could of killed you last night!" I told her, guilt in my eyes.

Ze just smirked, an identical smirk to her brother's. "Nah, it'll take more than a few scratches to kill moi!"

"And you all say that I'm the smug one!" Sirius teased, rolling his eyes at his twin. 

I smiled weakly to myself, relieved that she was in fact okay, but it soon vanished as I heard her words. I had scratched her. Maybe it is too dangerous to act on my feelings for her, it would be safer for her if she and I were just friends.... I thought to myself, sighing heavily.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the help thefangirlofhp. Please enjoy and vote, comment or follow!

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