Forever and Always - KomaHina...

By HopeKomaeda02

115K 4.2K 4.5K

"I treasure every single moment I have you, because I wouldn't have wanted to live a life where I never knew... More

Drabble #1
Drabble #2
Heartbeat - Drabble #3
Party till ya Drop - Oneshot #1
Ow - Drabble #4
Up the Hill - Drabble #5
An Intruder? - Drabble #6
Author speaks
At the Playground - Drabble #7
Time to Sleep - Drabble #8
Jinx - Drabble #9
Rooftop - Drabble #10
Sickness - Drabble #11
Promises - Drabble #12
Lost - Drabble #13
Silver Ring - Drabble #14
Smol Update
On to the Honeymoon - Drabble #15
This is True Happiness - Drabble #16
Sleeping Theater - Drabble #17
Rain - Drabble #18
Valentine's Gift
Secret Place
Happy Birthday, Nagito
Author's Note - Thank you

Delay - Drabble #19

2.2K 113 47
By HopeKomaeda02

Komaeda nervously fidgeted with his fingers as he stood at the terminal, waiting anxiously for a certain plane to land at the airport.

The plane had been estimated to land around 8:50 a.m., but now half an hour had past and no sight of the plane was to be seen. He had already tried contacting Hinata, only to receive the 'unable to connect to number' line every attempt he made. "Of course" Komaeda thought bitterly. "He's up on a plane, of course there isn't any service."

It had been a month since Hinata had been sent off to America for work at the Future Foundation, and in that long, agonizing month, Komaeda managed to learn many things. Such as how much of a paranoid freak he was, always calling Hinata multiple times a day to make sure he was ok, if he was eating properly, getting enough rest, etcetera etcetera. Komaeda was surprised that he hadn't drove Hinata crazy yet.

But now he was driving himself crazy with worry, as the longer he stood there, the more horrible thoughts of why the plane hadn't arrived yet came into mind. What if the plane had crashed somewhere? What if the plane landed in the middle of the ocean, with no sight of land to be seen?

.... what if the plane had been hijacked?

Komaeda slap himself and shook his hand. No! The plane was just delayed, Hinata was fine and he was just being too worrisome. In order to calm down his nerves, Komaeda walked up to the information desk once again.

"Um, excuse me madam?" The women who sat behind the desk, typing away on her phone, looked up and grimaced in annoyance at the sight of Komaeda for the 3rd time in 20 minutes. "Pardon trash like me for interrupting your work again, but wasn't the plane suppose to land here around 30 minutes ago?"

The last signed, typing up something on the computer in front of her, before looking at him again. "It says here that there has been a delay and the plane had to land momentarily due to thunderstorms; the plane should come in around 10 minutes." The lady replied  in a monotone voice.

"Thank you..." Komaeda mumbled, before shuffling back to his standing place by the door. All this anxiety wasn't good for him, and Hinata would have probably scolded him for worrying too much, but with his already strong fear of planes, he couldn't help himself. Along with the fact that he hadn't seen Hajime for an entire month, one could say he was a little desperate as well.

10 minutes seemed to pass like hours, but to his surprise, the lady behind the service desk had been right, and the plane that held Hinata in landed and people filled out one by one. Komaeda almost couldn't contain his excitement, waiting by the door looking for spiky brown hair and green-yellow eyes.

More and more people came out into the terminal, many squealing with joy had they reunited with a loved one, as Komaeda waited for his.

And just when he thought that everyone had left the plane, one more person came out to the terminal.

The moment their eyes met, Komaeda flung himself into Hinata's arms, hugging him more tightly then he had ever had as his eyes watered a bit. Hinata returned the embrace, hugging him with even more strength and almost twirling him around in a circle with a big smile on his face.

The town stood like that for a while, before breaking apart from the hug and finally meeting eyes once again. "You've been away for too long Hajime, your never leaving without me ever again." Komaeda said suddenly, his tone of voice serious. Hinata laughed, kissing his husband's forehead and hugging him once more. "Now that I know what it's like to be away from you for a month, I can agree with you on that."

By now the terminal was empty, and the now reunited couple made their way to claim Hinata's luggage as he told Komaeda of his adventures in America, their hands intertwined with each other the entire time.


Hey hey, sorry for not uploading the story last Friday! High school is finally catching up on me, and I also needed to recover from having my heart broken from seeing DR3 come to an end. I'm gonna miss these babies so much :'( But on the another hand, this story reached 200+ votes!!! Thank you all so so much, every time I update this story, it just seems to reach a new milestone!! I can't thank you all enough ^w^ Thank you all for reading, and I wish you all a great day/night!!

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