Destined || Luke Hemmings

By taylorms4

777K 13.1K 4K

Summer has finally arrived and Taylor can't wait to leave her boring town and go to her beach house. She's be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The Party (Part 1)
The Party (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
*Another Author's Note*
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 22

19.7K 370 132
By taylorms4

Amanda and I are at the beach with our families. The boys are songwriting and promised to hang out with us when they’re done. Our families left to get everyone lunch, leaving Amanda and I alone.

“Amanda” I nudge her shoulder. Amanda pulls out her headphones and looks at me expectantly

“Before our families come back, I have to tell you something.” I look around to make sure they weren’t coming back. No Brunner’s or Green’s in sight. “It happened. Luke and I had sex last night”

I laugh as Amanda tackles me onto my towel, screaming and congratulating me.

She asks me to tell her the story, so I do.

“That’s so hot, wow” she compliments and I nod, my cheeks flushing as I relive last night in my head.

My thoughts are interrupted when an unfamiliar voice speaks

“Hey. You girls are like 16-20, right?” a guy with short, brown hair asks

“Yeah, 17” I nod warily

“Me and some friends are having a party tonight at 136 East 42nd Street. 8:00. You girls wanna come?”

I look at Amanda and she nods excitedly

“Sure. Can we bring friends?”

“How many?”


“Yup, that’s fine. I’m Sean by the way” He sticks his hand out in front of me. I grab it and shake


Sean shakes hands with Amanda and they introduce themselves

“See you girls later” Sean winks and walks away


“Guys are you almost ready? We gotta go!” Calum whines from behind the door

I take my hair out of the brain and shake out the long, brown waves so they fall over my shoulders and down my back. Amanda applies one last flick of mascara on her eyelashes before nodding at me.

“Ready!” we reply and walk out to leave

We all pack into the car, Ashton driving, Amanda riding shot gun, Cal and Michael in the back row and Luke and I in the middle row.

Luke places a hand on my thigh and squeezes it tenderly.

“You look so beautiful today” he whispers in my ear. I’m wearing black acid wash high-waisted shorts, a white crop top and black Doc Martens. I shift to look at him. Luke is wearing blue jeans that cuff right above the knee, a white V-neck, flip-flops and a navy blue beanie that rests on his quiffed blonde hair.

“You don’t look so bad yourself” I whisper back

“Keep it PG up there!” Michael yells from the back

My cheeks flush immediately. I expected Luke to tell them but it’s still embarrassing to be called out for it. I hide my head on Luke’s neck and mumble an “Oh God.” Luke laughs uncomfortably and rubs soothing patterns on my back.

We arrive at the address Sean gave me and walk into the house after Ashton parks. Amanda offered to be the designated driver since she likes drinking the least out of all of us. I felt bad, I didn’t want her to feel left out so I promised her I wouldn’t drink that much.

We walk into the house and are instantly greeted with loud music and a crowded hallway.

“Taylor!” Sean jogs over with two cups, one in each hand. He hands me one and I accept it.

“Hey, Sean” I smile at him. Luke wraps his arm securely around my waist and pulls me close to his side.

“Guys, this is Sean. Sean, this is Ashton, Calum, Michael and my boyfriend, Luke”

“Boyfriend, huh?” Sean asks

“Yes, boyfriend” Luke grits through his teeth and pulls me even closer to him. I can see the jealousy steaming through his ears and I don’t know if I should be annoyed or flattered.

“Lucky guy” Sean winks

“Very” Luke snaps

“Well, I’ll see you guys around. Enjoy yourselves” Sean smiles and walks away

I turn to Luke and cross my arms. “That was rude. He was just trying to be a good host”

“A good host or a good flirt?”

I take Luke’s hand in mine and place my other hand on his shoulder. “Luke, calm down. I don’t know why you’re acting this way because it shouldn’t matter if Sean was flirting or not. I only want you” I bring my hand from his shoulder and cup his cheek, rubbing it gently with my thumb. Luke lets out a long breath and pulls me into a hug.

“I’m sorry” Luke sighs

“It’s okay. Everyone gets jealous” I laugh

“I was not jealous” Luke pouts

I kiss the pout off his face

“Whatever you say” I take a sip of my drink, smirking

The song changes and Timber by Pitbull and Ke$ha comes on

“I love this song! Let’s dance” I smile widely

“I’m not much of a dancer” Luke yells over the music, shuffling his feet. I ignore his complaints and tug him to the living room that’s been turned into a makeshift dance floor

We get onto the dance floor and I take Luke’s hands and start dancing. He sways awkwardly and I try but fail to suppress my laughter.

“I told you I’m a sucky dancer” Luke chuckles at his expense

“Here, maybe this will be better”

I spin myself around, my back against Luke’s front. His hands instantly find my hips, I place my hands over his and we sway against each other to the music.

“This is much better” Luke growls in my ear

I run a hand up his arm and around to the nape of his neck, ruffling my hand through the hairs on his neck. We dance like this for a few songs before breaking apart, both of us coated in a thin layer of sweat.

Luke kisses me roughly, pulls us through the crowd and we collapse on a couch. He positions us so I’m straddling him, my cheeks flushing deeply from the PDA.

“Luke. We’re not alone” I giggle

“So? People make out at parties all the time” he shrugs

I roll my eyes in defeat. Basically everyone here is drunk and a stranger.

Luke and I make out for a bit, but I pull away when I can feel Luke getting too excited, not wanting to end up in Sean’s bedroom.

“I’m gonna go get a water” I say

“Okay, I need to go find Mikey and Cal. Make sure they’re not getting too drunk” He laughs

I peck his lips, remove myself from his lap and walk outside to get water from the drinks table.

I grab a bottle and take a swig, staying by the drinks table and entertaining myself to watching all the drunken teens

I’m tapped on the shoulder and when I turn around I see one of the last people I expected to approach me.

“Brian” I gasp

“Hey, Taylor” he smiles at me and I tense with nerves

“What do you want?” I spit

“To talk. And to apologize. I shouldn’t have called you a whore just for moving on. I was jealous but I treated you like shit and you obviously deserve better. If Luke is better than so be it”

“I forgive you, Brian. Thank you” I give him a reassuring smile

“Don’t thank me. I just wanna be friends” Brian confesses

“So let’s be friends. Hi, I’m Taylor” I extend my hand to Brian

“I’m Brian. Nice to meet you” He shakes my hand and winks

“Likewise” I giggle

Brian and I talk for a while, telling stories and laughing. I can’t believe this was the same Brian that threw me out his house for not putting out and threatened me when I moved on.

“TAYLOR! Our song is on!” Amanda yells from the door. Pompeii by Bastille blasts throughout the house.

“Ah! I’ll talk to you later, Brian. I gotta dance!” Brian waves and laughs and I run away with Amanda to the dance floor.

(Luke’s POV)

“Lukey I’m fine. Go fuck your girlfriend, again Lukey” Calum slurs, giggling like crazy

“Shut the fuck up man, you’re wasted out of your mind” I laugh

“I’m not wasted. You’re wasted” Calum pokes my chest

“Lay off the vodka, Cal. I’m going to find Taylor”

“Get it on!” Cal yells and I walk away laughing

I walk outside and start to go to the drinks table when something stops me. Taylor is already talking to someone. Not just any someone, but Brian. She’s talking to Brian, laughing and smiling. With Brian. My jaw clenches and my hands ball into fists as I watch them converse.

Amanda interrupts their conversation and Taylor leaves with her. Brian openly checks Taylor out as she runs away and that’s the last fucking straw.

“What the fuck was that” I bark, letting my anger get the best of me

“Hey, Luke isn’t it?” Brian cocks his head and smiles innocently at me

“You know damn well who I am and I know damn fucking well what you’re trying to do”

“And what exactly am I trying to do?” Brian asks slyly

“You’re trying to take Taylor back, and away from me”

“I’m only trying to be friends with her”

“Bullshit” I seethe

“Alright, fine you caught me. Taylor was mine first and I want her back. I made a few mistakes and I apologized for them. I’m just starting from the beginning. But it won’t take long before she’s in my bed moaning my name without a second thought as to who you even are”

“Taylor doesn’t want you. She wants me, only me”

“Things change. Like Taylor’s virgin status when I take it from her” He says smugly and I laugh

“Too late, pal. Taylor already lost her virginity”

“What?” Brian asks, obviously shocked

“That’s right. I had sex with Taylor, last night actually. You should’ve heard the way she moaned my name as I fucked her. She was quite pleasured if I do say so myself” I fire back, a huge smirk plastered on my lips.

Brian opens his mouth to reply but another voice beats him to it, and it sends ice through my veins.

“Unbelievable” Taylor gasps from the door

“Taylor” Shit shit shit fuck shit fuck. She looks so pissed. This is not happening. Fuck.

“Save it” she spits and storms away

“Looks like you won’t be getting any for a while” Brian laughs

I have two options: I can either punch the smug look off of Brian’s dumb face or I can chase after Tay and attempt to salvage what’s still remaining of our relationship.

I choose the latter

“Fuck you” I spit at Brain and run in the direction Taylor went

I find Taylor sitting on the curb in front of Sean’s house, her legs tucked into her chest.

“Tay…” I say cautiously. She whips her head around to face me. She stands up and wipes her eyes. She’s been crying. I made her cry. Again.

“Taylor” I take a step towards her but she takes off again, walking down the street.

“Tay!” I yell, fast walking to keep up with her but she starts running.

Her short legs move surprisingly fast and she eventually slows down when we reach a park.

“Quit following me, Lucas” Taylor turns around and glares at me

She’s never called me Lucas before

“Taylor I just want to talk. Please listen” I beg

“No. I don’t want to hear it. You listen to me, ok?” she snaps

“Okay” I oblige

“How dare you flaunt our sex life like that! You fucked me? Fucked me. Really? I thought you respected me enough that you wouldn’t resort to such disgusting derogatory terms. I guess I was wrong”


“No. Let me finish. That was so embarrassing to witness. Why have you been so damn jealous tonight? Do you not trust me?” she huffs a long breath, finishing her rant

“Of course I trust you, Tay. I just don’t trust Sean or Brian or any guy that looks at you like a sex toy” I sigh, running a hand through my hair

“Doesn’t seem like you do. Sean hasn’t done anything we just met I barely know the guy. And Brian apologized for acting the way he did. He just wants to be friends”

“No guy wants to be just wants to be friends with you, Taylor. You’re a hot girl.”

“Ashton, Calum and Michael just want to be friends with me” she argues, cocking her hip and placing her hand on it.

“That’s different”

“How is that any different?”

“Because if it wasn’t for me Cal and Mikey would be all over you. They find you incredibly attractive.”

“You’re crazy”

“You’re naïve”

“I’m not naïve! I can take care of myself. I don’t need you gluing me to your side every time a boy walks in my general direction because you can’t keep your jealousy under control!” her hands make wild gestures as she talks, her eyes are furrowed and her forehead is creased from anger.

“I can so keep my jealousy under control!” I protest

“Then what happened tonight?”

I remain silent, unable to think of a reply. She’s right.

“That’s what I thought” Taylor rolls her away and walks to a picnic table, sitting on it and burying her head in her arms on the table.

I realize my silence lasted too long and I jog over to Taylor and sit beside her.

“Tay…” I put my hand in her back and she shoots up, staring at me

“What do you want, Luke?” She sighs

“To talk”

“So talk”

“I’m sorry. I overreacted. I don’t know what came over me tonight. Last night was just so incredible I’m scared that if someone better comes along that can offer you the same things as me you’d leave.”

“Are you saying you think I only wanted you for sex?” She frowns

“No, no not at all. That came out wrong. It’s not about sex. It’s about that feeling of intimacy and passion and lust and love that I felt last night while we were making love. It wasn’t just sex, it was a new level I got to experience with the person I love the most in the world. And you’re so beautiful; any guy would be an idiot to not fall in love with you” I take her hands in mine and gaze into her eyes as they glisten with new tears

“Luke…” she sighs

“You’re a true catch, Tay, one of a kind. You’re perfect” I bring my forehead to hers and breathe in her scent, vanilla and almonds.

“You shouldn’t be worried about me. I’m the one who should be worried” she laughs breathily and pulls her forehead from mine.

“Why should you be worried?” I ask

“Because, I mean, have you seen you? You’re honestly the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. And your accent, my god, girls swoon just from the sound of your voice. You could say ‘I just murdered your entire family’ and girls will still want to make out with you. You can sing, not just sing, but really truly sing. Your voice is angelic. And you play the guitar. You’re extremely talented and funny and weird and down to earth and just everything girls dream of. I love you so much, Luke but for the life of me I can’t understand why you picked me” she explains and I have to force my mouth from not dropping to the ground.

“Do you want to know why I love you?”

“Enlighten me” she rewards me with a smile, it’s small and shows no teeth but I’ll take that small smile over her forehead-creased scowl any day.

I lift her from the bench and set her down on the table, her feet on both sides of my legs

“I love your laugh”

I intertwine my fingers with hers.

“I love your eyes”

I scoot in closer

“I love your smile”

I rest my elbows on her thighs

“I love the way you constantly have one dimple and I love those special, rare moments when both of your dimples show”

She smiles at me and both dimples indent her cheeks

“I love the way your bite your lower lip when you concentrate, when you’re nervous and when you try to suppress a smile or a laugh”

She bites her lip

“I love the way your lips perfectly mold to mine when I kiss you”

I lift up from the bench and kiss her gently, lingering for a few seconds but I pull away and return to my seated position

“I love your body. Your beautiful, sexy, perfect body”

I eye her body and she slaps me with a pair of our tangled hands

“Luke” she giggles, smirking

“Sorry, got lost there for a second. Moving on”

“I love your music taste” I continue

She releases one of my hands and uses her free hand to cup my face

“I love your ability to give everyone the benefit of the doubt”

I lean my head into her hand, losing myself in her gentle touch

“I love…”

“Shh” Taylor cuts me off and leans in, kissing my lips softly.

“You.” I finish “I love you. I love you so much”

“And I love you” she whispers before kissing me again

We pull away simultaneously and look each other in the eyes

“Are we okay?” I ask

“We’re okay” she replies

“I love you, you believe me right?”

“I believe you”


this is probably my most action-packed chapter to date!

i really liked it because we got to see jealous Luke and the moment between Taylor and Luke at the park is my favorite Taylor and Luke moment so far :)

Sean is Beau Mirchoff by the way, if you dont know him he plays Matty McKibben in Awkward! Josh Hutcherson is Brian if you guys didnt know

tell me what you think of the chapter! i love seeing your feedback


but on a side note... 8K READS OH MY GOD that is insane thank you all so much for reading i love you all you guys rock 

until next time...

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