Half Breed's Nightmare. (COMP...

By Mnmsam

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Audrey Mitchell is half werewolf half human. She has been moving town to town with her father for the past ei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 13 Kohen's pov.
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 12

231 12 4
By Mnmsam


Then there was a loud, ear drum blasting growl that bounced it's way through the café. I just knew by the shiver running down my back who that growl belonged to. And I knew this wasn't going to be good.

Five days halfway gone, a new group of friends. Of actual friends, and not enemies, and now a wolf/boy now know as Kohen probably on the hunt for blood.

It wasn't my fault this time.


The arm on my shoulder was gone just as fast as it was placed there. The whole table stilled. Which is to be expected, there was just a growl that rippled through the building, probably window breaking.

Nah, nothing that sounded like shattering glass. The doors were slammed open and footsteps were heard thundering down the halls. As soon as you couldn't hear them anymore the building finally took a breath.

I did too.

"Apparently that isn't such a good idea to do." I spit out, unaware that it was coming out before I could stop it.

"Ya think?" Kinsley asked in a sarcastic tone. "Now Throne, why did you go and do that?"

"I didn't think ab-" He couldn't finish because at that moment the doors were slammed open again and next thing I knew I was being dragged out of there by none other than Kohen.

When we were out of range of the café, because I knew even talking to him would be futile, I started to speak.

"Do you mind?" I snapped at him. He stopped so short. All of the momentum left his body like he turned to stone.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't have many wolf like reflexes. Which meant I would be hugging the floor in just a second or two. But to my ultimate pleasure, my face didn't come in contact with the dirty nasty floor.

Next thing I know my back is up against the lockers and I was being caged in. Again. Then out of nowhere there was a head in my neck, sniffing me. His hair was tickling my sensitive skin. I didn't even know I had sensitive skin.

"Can you please get off of me!" I asked, although that was totally a demand.

"Why was Thorne touching you?" He bypassed my question so I asked again.

"I don't know, if you didn't hear me before in this fit of rage you seem to be having, but get off of me." I pushed at him. It was like pushing a brick wall, a double layered brick wall.

I sighed knowing that I would be trapped here until I explained that absolutely nothing happened. "He was trying to make me laugh at one of the lamest jokes I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. But apparently he thought it was soooo funny, he was laughing so hard he just had to hold onto something. It just so happened to be my shoulder. Now get the hell off me or so help me I'll- "

He places a hand over my mouth to shut me up. "You'll what?" I bet you he thinks I'll lick his hand to see if he removes it that way. Only thing is I knew he would say that won't work on me, que nickname. We all know it'll be a nickname.

I bite down on his hand quite hard and quick. He doesn't have too much time to process it by the time I've already weaved out of his grasp and make my way back to the café. I sit facing the entrance now. Asking people to scoot down wasn't as hard to do as though it would be. I just explained why it was needed.

10 minutes left of lunch and no sign of Kohen. I was in the clear. Now if only that was my luck.

"Can we leave together so I don't die on my way out. We all know he's right there behind those doors waiting for me." I look towards Kinsley pleading for her to just agree with me.

She gives me a smirk. "No can do love, that's one pissed off dude outside. We can hear him thinking from in here."

Thorne looks up at me and then to Kinsley, glaring at her. He must think because I'm human I don't know shit about werewolves.

I start laughing. Sure it might sound a little manic, and definitely wasn't needed. He gives me a look. Like that look where people have just found out you're crazy. Which was true.

"I know Enzo. Couldn't hide that from me, I can smell it on you." I wave my hand in front of my face pretending that the small of a wolf was actually rancid. To a foxling maybe. But to another wolf, or even half wolf, nah.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Rey." He said.

"Rey?" What gives him the audacity to give me a nickname. "From what I'm hearing shouldn't there be an actual name I'm supposed to be called by? It's a four letter word, starts with L. You know that one?"

He gives me a scared look, finally realizing what I was talking about. "Now I get why he was so upset." He gets up and leaves walking right into the line of fire. Or in this case, out the doors to an angry Alpha.


The bell rang and I went to the rest of my classes unscathed. No crazed wolf in sight, but this made me worry, and the worrying made me mad because I shouldn't be thinking of something the likes of worry.

End of the day, last few seconds of the last period and I can finally take my baby and go home. And that's exactly what I was going to do.


Finally! I raced to my locker to put everything I didn't need into it and everything else went into my bag. The first step out the door was great, the sun was shining and it was great that the school day was finally over. The next step not so great.

One. There was a crowd around my car. That meant touching and oohs and aahs would be flying around.

Two. There was someone leaning on my car. Not just someone, but two someones. And something else that I couldn't see because of all the bodies.

Three. One of the someone's was still mad. The fire in his eyes was seen from all the way over here.

Four. Because of the fire in MY eyes I wasn't quite watching where I was going. There was a total of four steps, exactly four steps from the door to the lot, and yet I manage to only hit one of them.

So basically speaking I tripped. But on the plus side I didn't face plant or anything.

When the crowd started to actually notice the girl squeezing her way through they didn't think anything of it, just kinda gave me a look like I was just some bug who decided to bump them. They will regret that.

Maybe. Actually they probably won't care. This is high school after all.

After about halfway through the crowd I had had enough of this. I dug through my bag looking for the one thing I needed to stop all this.

It wasn't in the bag. Because I put it in my glove compartment. My blow horn was in my glove compartment. Fuck.

I went faster to try to get to my car, but I couldn't get to the door. There was a person in my way. Just so happens to be Mr.Alpha. other wise known as Kohen, in my way.

"Move I need to do something." I tell him.
"Is that a way to ask-"
I didn't let him finish. "I wasn't asking." He moved out of my way easily after that.

Grabbing the blow horn from the car I step on the floor board and hold onto the door so I could be higher than everyone when they hear me. I shake it up and press down on the button causing the sound to travel all the way to the football fields.

Now just remember, I was in a crowd full of werewolves and not humans.

Five days almost finished, more than one someone's about to be dead, a group full of people who just had their eardrums erased, and me. Wanting nothing more than to just go home.

Why couldn't it be that easy?

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