His Beauty Her Beast

By AlexisMartinez424

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Meet James Anderson a spoiled rich kid who has had a rough life with his mom dying. Leaving him with a work a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Evelen
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Seven

79 1 0
By AlexisMartinez424

Alena Pov
The last thing i remember was james carrying me up the stairs. To sleep he's the best. I woke up in the morning to the smell of bacon. James was no where in sight i was about to. Go outside our room when the bedroom door opened. In walks james with a tray of food. Good Morning james. Good morning alena happy birthday i made you some breakfast. Thank you james this is amazing. We both sat down on the bed and ate. Well james made me sit in his lap but still i didn't care. It was complete bliss he made waffles and pancakes. With fruit with eggs and bacon on the side. It was amazing i ate the waffles with whip cream and syrup. And ate the eggs and bacon i saw james eye balling. One of my waffles so i gave in and gave him half. The tray was empty of food so james set it down on the night stand. "Hey alena i have a surprise for you." Sure what is it. "Well i would tell you but i think show and tell it better". He was standing on the side of bed so, he picked me up and brought me to this door. That's on the right side of the room next to the bathroom. I remember its a walk in closet because the other room had the same set up. He opened the door and walked inside. He told me to close my eyes. "Okay now open them". I opened my eyes to be utterly stunned. Racks of dresses and draws when i looked inside jeans. Shorts, shirts leggings everything i could every remember wearing. It was amazing rows of shoes from five inch heals to vans. Which are my favorite next to converse. My mouth was hanging opened shocked i turned around. An looked at he has this smile on his face. Like he was happy to see me this happy. I ran to him and jumped lucky he caught me. I raped my legs around his waist. Is all this mine? "Yes of course but that's not all come with me". He didn't bother putting me down he walked with me to his dresser. He set me down infront and told me to look through the drawers on the right. I looked and on the top bras,panties,sports bars. The second one had all shorts to sleep in or run in. Then the third one has pajamas pants and shirts. James this is to much stuff. "Aww princess that's not even all of it". He brought me to this vanity with a mirror and drawers.

With a little chair in front i opened the two drawers. It had makeup everything from lip gloss to concealer. Then the bottom two drawers had straighteners. An curling iron with hair sprays and heat protection. It was amazing i was ecstatic. But on everyone of the clothes and makeup had name brand. Looking at all of this stuff it must have cost a fortune. At least five grand. I was happy but then i thought of all the money, he spent on me. "Hey whats wrong alena aren't you happy". I am but it must have cost a lot you shouldn't, have spend money on me. Aww be happy its all worth it to see you happy. Now go get ready i have another surprise, before we go to school. Okay then i get up and jump in his arms. Thank you so much james i really love everything that you gave me. I gave him a big kiss and wrap my legs around his waist. So i was at his eye level we came up from air. A few minutes later it was wonderful. I gave him a kiss on both his checks and got down. I went and got panties and bras then to the closet to grab a outfit. I decided I'd go a little dressed up. Since it is my birthday so, i grabbed black skinny jeans. With white long sleeves and white coat paired it up with black boots. The belt for my jeans where gold so it matched perfectly with a purse i found in the closet. I grabbed all my clothes and went to the restroom to change. When i came out i saw james on the bed. I told him to get up and take a shower. At first he didn't want to but he eventually went. I went to my vanity where it had all the makeup. With blow dryer i blow out my hair. So i wont get sick i took out the curling iron. And did nice beach waves curls you could see. Some bruises so i just put on powder and a wing eyeliner. I turned around when i heard the bathroom door open. I just finished putting on my shoes when james walked in. I turned around and see james eyes roaming all over me. It felt nice to have james look at me i didn't feel discussed. Like when my dads friends back in California. Looked at me like that for me when james looks at me i blush. I let him for a couple more second. I walked up to him and thanks to this boots. They put me at 5'8 with james still at 5'10. I gave him a kiss on the check. I take your silence as a complement. I grabbed my purse with everything i need an. My backpack and walk out the room and to the stairs. I get to the second step before james comes behind me and picks me up. I don't fight it i relax in his arms we get to the bottom. I just decided not to take my backpack just take my purse. So i grabbed my binder that has my work in there. And toss a few pens and pencils. In my purse and waited for james he grabbed his backpack. "Okay princess i have another surprise for you". James you need to stop, the clothes where enough. "Aww but your my princess and its your birthday. Now come on. I never told you about your car well the car was messed up. So it needed new parts so i got it fixed for you". All the time he was leading me outside to the garage. Once he got.there he told me to close my eyes. "Okay now open them". When i opener my eyes to see my moms car with a new paint job.

I tried searching for my keys but i have no idea where it went. I heard the keys dangling i looked over and saw james with them. I ran over to him and kissed him on the check. Then grabbed the keyes while he was distracted. I ran back over the the car with keyed and hopped in. I started the car and it purred to life. It was amazing it sounded just like when i first got it. A week after my mom funeral. I tired up a bit but careful not to mess up my makeup. After i turned off the car i ran to james and wrapped my legs around him. An buried my head in his neck. I whispered a thank you in his ear. I got down from him and checked my phone i could barely see the time. But it said eight-twenty so we were going to be late. James after school can we go to the mall? "Sure we can". We better get going were going to be late. "Yeah come on lets go which car do you want to take?" Can we take my car i haven't been in it in forever. "Of course princess its your birthday. Now i have our bags ill put them in the back seat. Do you want to drive or me". Ill drive hop in Anderson. We got in the car and i pulled out of the garage and drive way. Hold on Anderson will be there in five minutes. With that i punched on the gas pedal. We made it to school just in time for the bell to ringing. I was going to park on the other side of the parking lot. But james told me to just go park in his parking space so i did. Right when i pulled in everyone was looking at the car. Thank goodness james put in the tinted windows. James i don't know if i can do this all those people. Are already staring at the car. "Hey its okay I'm going to get out and grab our bags. Then I'm going to go to your side and open the door. Ill give you your purse an ill hold your binder. Don't worry about them your with me. I wont let anything happen to you my princess." Okay I'm ready him saying my princess made my stomach have flutters. My door opened and james was right there i stepped out. I grabbed onto james hand for dear life. He handed me my purse i took it and we walked into the school. I heard whispers where every we went. We went in the direction of my locker. Finally going over there was a circle surrounding us i grew uncomfortable. By the minute. I stood on my tippy toes and whispered in james ear. Do you think you can make them go away? I gave him my best puppy dog eyes when i pulled away from him. I know for sure he wanted to keep his big tough mask. But he couldn't so he broke out in a smile. "Sure anything for you my princess". Thank you i reached up and gave him a kiss on the check. "Okay quit starring go to class". No one moved or blinked james lost his smile and got his i will end you face. "NOW!!!" After he said that not a minute later. The hall way was empty james still looked like he could kill someone. I placed my arm around his waist and turned him to me. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my neck. After a few more minutes of me calming him down. He pulled away and look at me he gave me a kiss on the nose. "Thank you i needed that". Sure anytime now come on lets go were late to class. I put my books for my other class in my locker. Once i grabbed what i needed and closed my locker. Okay ready to go when ever. "Okay lets go" We walked to our first period hand in hand. He opened the door for me and i walked in. Everyone looked at us. Anderson,Rodriquez you two our late detention after school. But sir were only late by five minutes please can you let us slide. "No you two our late now go sit down". "Sir i think my father wouldn't want me to get a dentition. So i think you should reconsider". "I think not you still have detention after school both of you. I will not have you intimidate me in my classroom because of your dad". "Okay then your career". James got on the phone and speaked to his dad in a hush voice. When james finished he had his smirk on his face. Okay then your phone, should be ringing in three minutes. And three minutes later the teacher phone rang. Once he was off the phone you, could tell the teacher was beyond mad. "I'm sorry Anderson it appears that you, Rodriquez don't have detention. Take a seat start working, on your project i have to go to the main office". The teacher left and james sat in his normal spot. I didn't know what to do so i just followed james. In front of james seat there was a guy sitting there. "Here princess have my seat". I sat down and james gave the him in front of him a look. Like move or i will move you. The guy took off as fast as lighting. James sat down and turned around to face me. Class went by in a blur.
(Lunch time)
Finally lunch came around
Me and hope talked through whole day she loved my outfit. It was amazing she was very excited. I guess i looked really happy today and why wouldn't i. James gave me so many great surprises today, anyone would be happy. Hope and i walked to the cafeteria after our last class. We walked into the caferteria and the whole place. Got quite it was strange because they only go this quite, for james and his gang. James and his friends were sitting at there table already. Even they just stayed quite we got to our nornal table an sat down. But things still didnt go back to normal so i just did something bold. Okay you guys you may all resume your life. An just like that all eyes are off me and back to normal. My tips yesterday were good, so i was planning on using that to buy lunch. Hope and i put our stuff down and headed to the lunch line but before we could. James and his friends came up to our table. "Hey princess i got your lunch already". Our table was quiet large, enough for james and his friends. Oh thanks you guys are more then welcome to come and sit with us. So all of them sat down with us hope still wanted food so she just went on her own. Once everyone was seated i was the only one left without a chair. I was kinda awkwardly standing. Between james seat and lucas seats i was turning around to go get a chair but a hand grips my wrist. And pulls me back to the table. "Where do you think your going sweetheart"? I need a chair Carter. "Well your in luck Marie because there's a chair open. I scan the table again but see no openings. I'm about to tell him when he pulls me down into his lap. This sudden movement made me blush. I looked to see my friends the guys had a bored but surprise look on there face. And all the girls were squealing with excitement. I turned to see if any other students notice our table. I looked back and saw all eyes on us more specifically james and i. I knew it wasn't going to help the rumors. That are probably making there way around the cafeteria. But i buried my head in james neck to once again hide my embarrassment. Thanks a lot now everyone is looking at us again. "Aww come on its okay, if it makes you feel better ill tell them to stop". Yes please. "OKAY everyone go back to normal!!!" An just like that everything was back to normal. James gave me the food he got for me. It looked delicious just like breakfast. It was a hamburger with curly fries. With a sweet tea and fruit. It was heaven i ate half of my burger and fries i looked over at james plate. Of course it was empty knowing him he's still hungry, so slide my plate over to him. I looked back at him and he was staring at me. "Are you sure"? Yeah I'm not that hungry since we had breakfast this morning. Oh i forgot to tell you thank you for it. I gave him a kiss on the check. He got a full blown smile on his face. We stared at each other for a second well what we thought was a second. Someone cough so we turned back to the table. Everyone was looking at me and james shocked that he was smiling. What? "Nothing its just james never smiles especially that big to anyone". Oh okay thanks hope can y'all quiet staring. "Yeah sorry its just weird he has never smiled like that before". Okay then. James stood up but he lifted me in his arms. So i wouldn't fall to the floor when he got up. He started walking with me in his arms. Umm james where are we going? "Just watch". He took me to the other side of cafeteria where there was a group forming. Everyone turned around and saw james coming so they moved at of the way. In the middle of the cafeteria everyone looks scared, that james will be mad at whats in the middle. When we finally break threw there his a big birthday cake.

James put me down and i walked up to the cake. When i saw what was on the cake in big black letters said. Happy Birthday Princess by the time. I was done reading it i was in tears. I ran back to james in his arms. He spanned me around and put me down. Thank you james its amazing more then what i would ever dream. "Anything for you my princess happy birthday". I reached up and gave him a kiss on the lips when he pulled me in. Closer so the kissed lasted longer then i was meaning it to. We walk back to the table with a tray of cake for everyone. We were almost to the table when someone bummed into me. And the cake spills all over to us but mostly me. I turn around to see who bumped into us. Of course i couldn't have a nice good birthday, without someone ruining. "Oh I'm so sorry james i didn't mean to get you dirty". " Madison you did that on purpose. I would suggest if you want to live to see graduation, you leave me and alena alone". James had that death glare on that made me scared. Its fine james i knew my birthday couldn't go perfectly. Come i have spare clothes in my locker lets go. I grabbed him away from her, because i knew the longer he stayed. The more angrily he will get. He wouldn't budged so i walked in front of madison. As much as i hate her i don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. He was looking past me to her. I put my hand on his cheek James look at me please. He looked at me finally after a couple of minutes. We looked into each other eyes. James please calm down, lets go home i bet you i will win basketball again. He had this side smile but still not good enough. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Come on ill even let you win. After that he couldn't resist anymore, he got his big goofy smile that i love. "Fine lets go princess, your lucky its your birthday". Once he said that we continue to the table to grab our things. Everyone was staring at us when we were walking their. "Okay guys well were leaving for the rest of the day". Yeah sorry to do this to you i just don't feel like being here. On my birthday but tomorrow. How about all of you come over to james house. We can all hang out and have a nice relaxing day. We got a courses of yeah and sure. I picked up my purse from the side of the table. Okay see you later bye. We walked out of the cafeteria with ever still staring at us. I don't know if it was because of how messy we looked. Or that i made the James Anderson calm down and, not rip someone head off. Okay princess lets go home and, change then we can go where ever you want. Once we got home he took me up the stairs, still refusing to let me climb them. Once in his bedroom i went to my closet to pull out a new outfit. I may not celebrate my birthday normal standers. But i still did something every year. I would go to the place my mom was buried to see her tell her. How that year was for me so i knew exactly what i wanted to do today. I grabbed a comfy outfit one that i wouldn't mind sleeping in. So i grabbed black leggings and a grey t-shirt with james jacket. And a pair of grey vans. I took a nice shower in the my old room and, came back just as james was putting on his shirt. "Okay sweetheart what do you want to do today". I looked down umm... do you think we can go to California just for a little bit. Whenever it was my birthday since my mom died i visited my mom grave. "Of course if you want lets spend the night there. I just need to tell my dad an ask for money. Do you want to drive there or fly"? Lets drive i want to see the open road. Okay babe how about you pack for the both of us. "While i go and tell my dad where were going". Okay he headed off to the other room while i stayed. An packed two separate duffle bags, a grey one for him an a blue one for me. I made sure we each have two spare change of clothes. Including sleep wear an under clothes. I closed the bag on james bag right when he walked in. "Okay my dad wasn't really on bored for us to go but in the end he let us. He said to maje sure were okay and that if we need to sleep then just stop to rest. He told me we can spend two days there but, we have to be back on thursday night. Also told me to tell you happy birthday and make sure to keep me in check. Also reloaded my credit card so if we need anything to use it". That's amazing i cant wait but now i need to put more clothes in our bags. I was going to put more clothes is his bag but he told me he could do it. So i just left to the closet to grab two more pairs of outfits. Then went to my drawers to get more under clothes an sleeping clothes. I grabbed an extra jacket one for james an one for me. I knew he didn't get one for himself. So we headed outside i grabbed the keys to my car. Just in case i don't know what car we are taking. "Okay sweetheart what car do you want to take. We can take your or the Lamborghini. Or i have a third option i got this one for my birthday that just past. He opened the garage and parked right in there next to his Lamborghini is a dodge charger. Omg james is this a dodge charger wait what year is this. "Its a dodge charger 2017 with a sales price of 27,995". Janes these car hasn't even set on a lot how did you even get this. "My dad his best friend is the person who owns dodge let him buy one and shipped here for my birthday". Dodge like the car company. James this car is worth more then my car and me combined. "Aww don't say that sweetheart your priceless. I would gladly trade this car to make you happy any day". Aww that was really sweet but cheesy babe. Okay lets take this one i really like it. I put james and i bags in the backseat. While he got into the drivers seat i plugged in my aux cord. When i got into the passenger seat. He got out of the car to go make sure all the doors and windows were locked. Once inside we pulled out of the garage he closed the door to the garage. Thank goodness the car set up a GPS for us. So i started my songs for a road trip. I played cheap thrills by sia. I sang tell i was falling asleep. I pulled james jacket over my head to keep me warm, and i grabbed james hand.  So he had one hand on the stirring wheel. And the other one in my hand comforting me. I drifted to sleep knowing I'm safe with the man i love.

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