Daddy Harry

By harryssdimpless_

69.5K 1K 49

Harry Styles the young single dad to a beautiful little 2 year old, but with a rough past. What happens when... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

chapter 9

1.5K 26 0
By harryssdimpless_

Skylar's pov

After we had dinner, just Anne, robin, gemma and I, it was about 7:50 and Harry still isn't back, I go to the living room and Gemma is there,

"this happens quite alot by the way, she cries, he storms of then they come back all giggly again, but she has never asked for her mum before" she says, and I sit down next to her " I probably shouldn't be the one telling you this but I think you have the right to know... when Darcy was only a month old Harry started having a nervous breakdown he locked himself in his house and wouldn't let anyone in he didn't want our help or anything with Darcy, he got drunk and everything in the end we managed to get in and he was on the floor, he was a mess and the house was a tip so my mum took Darcy because he couldn't look after her, not until he got himself sorted out and lets just say he was a mess before taking Darcy but when we took her he was a bigger mess when that happened he went out got drunk had one night stands, smoked, he still does actually but he thinks I don't know he doesn't smoke infront of Darcy or anyone but I'm scared the way Darcy has been lately that he will go back to that harry again... " she says a tear rolling down her cheek, and makes me tear up, "in the end he got himself sorted out for Darcy moved house and started fresh" she finishes, wiping her tears me doing the same, I didn't have the chance to say anything because the front door closes.

Gemma gives me a quick hug and walks out, I turn round and Harry is standing there he sees that I've been crying and he comes up to me already knowing what Gemma has told me, and he pulls me into his chest "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to leave" he says, "harry I won't leave you" i tell him pulling away looking straight into his eyes, "now your dinner is in the microwave go and eat"

While he has he's dinner with Darcy I go up stairs and pack my things, and I redo my hair and makeup, I walk back downstairs and Darcy runs towards me her face full of food laughing.

We go back upstairs Harry carrying Darcy, and he lays her on the changing mat on the bed to change her nappy "could you grab that bag for me please" he says pointing to the pink baby bag, "yeah" I grab the baby bag getting out the baby wipes and a nappy.

He changes her nappy and puts her in some clean clothes and cleans her mouth,I grab the baby bag and my bag while Harry carrys Darcy and his bag, we walk down stairs and say our goodbyes to everyone, "could you keep an eye on harry for me" gemma whispers as she pulls me to a side, " i know he won't go back to how he was, but I'm scared he will" she tells me looking worried "I will keep an eye on him, I promise" I picky promise "thank you" she hugs me.

As soon as we hit the road Darcy is asleep, and I must admit I would be too but I want to keep harry company, "how about we stop at yours you grab your things for tomorrow and you sleep at mine?" he says smiling, "ok sure"

When we get to mine it's around 11 I quickly check on Bailey and then go upstairs I grab my clothes for tomorrow and my washbag, once I have all my stuff I lock up again and get back in the car.

"I'll just put this one to bed" he says as we get in, he walks up stairs and not long he is back down " you can get changed upstairs if you want" , "ok" we walk up stairs and I go in the bathroom to put my pyjamas on, I look in my bag and I can't find them, did I even pack them? I knew I was missing something, I walk in Harry's room and he has the door wide open taking his t-shirt off, "eh- Harry I forgot my pyjamas" he turns around and smirks, "here wear this" he says giving me a grey hoddie, I go back to the bathroom and put it on, I actually really like this sweater it is long and big and cosy.

"if you need anything I'll be downstairs" he says grabbing some spare pillows and blankets "night" "wait where you going?" I ask a bit confused "sleeping downstairs" he tells me walking towards the stairs "why don't you just sleep here?" I ask him, and he smiles widely "what's the difference in here and before?" "well I just-" "shut up and get in" i tell him getting under the duvet.

He gets in next to me and raps his hands round my waist and i lay my head on he's chest and we soon fall asleep.

"sky, sky" i hear a deep husky morning voice whisper "hmm" I mumble "I made breakfast,now get up"he tickles me
"I'm awake I'm awake" "good" he smiles "your so mean" I mumble as a pull the covers off of me, "what was that" he grins coming towards me and hovers over me so he is on top of me "nothing" I laugh, and he is smiling "what are you smiling at" "I like your laugh" he smiles staring in to my eyes leaning closer our foreheads touching, he looks down at my lips and back up at my eyes and then crashes he's soft lips against mine, I'm surprised about his first move but at the same time I'm not, his hands are either side of my head supporting himself up, I finally kiss back letting the kiss get deeper and sloppier, it gets more heated and I pull away and start to blush hiding my face in the pillow,and he laughs.

Oh my friking god, what just happened? Harry and I? What?

"I'm I still mean?" he asks interrupting my thoughts, i look up at him and he is still hovering over me, he gives me the puppy face and I can't help but laugh, "no" I smile.

"dadda" we hear a little voice from across the hall, he smiles back and gets of giving me a quick kiss walking out to sort Darcy out, I quickly put my hair in a bun, I walk downstairs into the kitchen and not long after Harry comes in Darcy on his hip "tea?" i ask him "please" I get two cups out putting the tea bag in "well morning little one" I say giving her a kiss and she gives me a sloppy 'kiss' on my cheek full of dribble and she laughs, I finish making our tea and we sit down and have our breakfast "so when have we gotta be at the meeting?" I ask him "in about a hour and half" he tells me.

We finish breakfast and I go upstairs to get changed and to do my hair and makeup once I'm ready I make the bed and I go on twitter while Harry is getting Darcy ready.

"hey guys! Hope you all have an amazing day!
ps: ask me questions on the #askskylar and I will answer as many as i can x"

"#askskylar hi omg I love u!, and my question is, when will you post your next video?"

"@skarrylovee hi awe, it might be up tomorrow x"

"#askskylar are the rumours true that you are dating harry styles?"

"@parisastyles123 no them rumours are fake x"

"#askskylar will you ever do a video with harry?"

"@xbabystylessx tbh I've never really thought about that, I could do one we will see"

"#askskylar what is Darcy like?"

"@horanbellahoran Darcy is hands down the cutest and most well behaved toddler I've ever met"

"#askskylar what would you say if Harry asked you to be his girlfriend?"

"@daisyyypayne haha tbh that has never crossed my mind x

I finish answering some more questions and Harry walks in with the baby bag on his shoulder and Darcy running towards me "ready?" he asks me "yep" I say picking Darcy up and grabbing my handbag.

We walk in the daycare and it is really cute, it reminds me back when I was 19 when I used to work at a daycare like this, it was one of my best experiences I loved it.

"hi,you must be Harry,Darcys dad" a lady in about her thirties approaches us shaking Harry's hand "and you must be her mother" she smiles at me, I was about to speak up before she carrys on,"I'm poppy and I will be Darcys teacher" she says smiling at Darcy walking us through the cute corridors with drawings and paintings on the wall the children have done, we walk in a empty classroom and sit down.

"so you said that you would like darcy to start before September to see how she goes" she says looking at Harry, "yeah, she has never been away from me, she's always been around people she knows, and I just feel like it will be good for her to be with children her age for a couple of weeks, and I'm going away soon so I want her to get used to me not being by her side all day"  harry tells her "yeah, and that's a great idea, I just need you both to fill this out and sign at the bottom " she says giving harry a form "it's to know if she has any allergies and all",  harry fills all the forms out putting his full name and Darcys full name and date of birth filling it all in, signing at the bottom handing it back to the teacher "and yours too" she tells me "oh no I'm not her-" I tell her "oh I apologise"

she shows us  round the school seeing kids in their own classrooms others playing outside having fun, "bye thank-you for coming see you tomorrow" she tells us as we walk out.

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