His Beauty Her Beast

By AlexisMartinez424

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Meet James Anderson a spoiled rich kid who has had a rough life with his mom dying. Leaving him with a work a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Evelen
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Six

71 1 0
By AlexisMartinez424

Alena POV
I started to wake up from my peaceful night sleep with someone touching my face. I knew it was James because I felt the warmth he brings me. My eyes fluttered opened I looked up and saw James looking at me. Good morning "Good morning you looks so peaceful when you were asleep". Why didn't you wake me up. "Well don't make fun of me but I like having you in my arms in my bed". Aww that's cute James I really like you. "Well good I really like you too". We sat up and he sat me on his lap. "Okay now you missy you have some explaining to do" . Uh why can't I just hide away from everything in your neck. "Because I want to know and no matter what I'll always be here." Okay well I told you about my mother accident, well he started to blame me. So he started to hit me because he believe it was all my fault, so for two years I've lived with his abuse. "Why didn't you ever try to run away!" By this time James was trying to keep his cool. What was I suppose to do I'm a minor until Monday. Now calm down and don't yell at me."Okay I'm sorry so since this is going to be a good life changing birthday. We are going to celebrate it". Really! I haven't celebrated my birthday in two years. All my dad would do for me was not hit me that day. "Well then this will be the best birthday ever". Okay now can we get something to eat I'm hungry. I hopped off the his lap but the sheets got caught. On my leg making me fall. I hear James laughing at me. Oww James I hurt myself please help me. Not a minute later James is up, off the bed picking me up. "Are you okay? Do you need a Doctor?" Aww the big bad beast cares about me. Who would have thought. "Of course I care princess tricking me was a very bad thing". I'm sorry it was to good to pass up. "For your crime of dishonesty you are not allowed to sleep in my bed tonight." Go head your the one that likes to hold me in your arms. Now come on if you make me breakfast. I'll consider letting you sleep in my bed. When you come in the middle of the night. Saying I had a bad dream or I couldn't sleep without you in my arms. "Uhh I hate you". Aww you don't hate me you love me. Now let's go since I know for sure your going, to carry me down to the kitchen. We went to the kitchen and this time I sat on bar stool. And watched as he made me eggs, sausage with waffles, toast. He serve two plates for me and him and the juice. And sat them down I thought he was going to sit in the seat next to me nope. He picked me up and sat down and then sat me in his lap. I was eating and relaxing just being in this moment. His dad came into the room and saw me and James happy. Talking we were talking about our favorite super hero. I started talking to his dad and then I was about to put a piece of waffle in my mouth when. James comes and eats it off my fork James that was mine what happened to yours, "I'm sorry I finished all my food and so I still wanted, some more waffles. I thought you would be nice and shared". He gave me those sad puppy dogs looks, and since I didn't have any siblings. I wasn't immune to it. Uhh fine we can spilt my last waffle, his smile reached all the way to his eyes. You could see joy, happiness, love. It was then in that moment I knew my true feelings toward him I was falling in love with the big bad beast. "Fine deal, but you have to feed it to me". Why your not a baby you can do it your self . "I know I can. I like it when you do it." Fine you big baby. What do you want to do today? "Don't you have work." I called in and said i wont be in until five o'clock with everything going on. I think i needed a timeout from work. "Great we should go somewhere fun." How about we go to the park. I haven't seen a park in awhile. "Okay come lets go." I jumped off his lap and put the dishes in the sink and washed them. Then dried them and put them away. I thought james already left to get dressed but no he didn't. I turned around and he was right in front of me. He was so close to me that i could feel his breath on me. He started to lean in and so do i. Not a second later our lips brush up against each other. Sparks are erupting from my lips he put his arms on the counter. But moved them to my waist. To pull me closer to him i wrapped my arms around his neck. It started off as a slow kiss but then turned into a fast needing kiss. We finally pulled apart gasping for air. That one kiss had me in complete bliss. I turn and looked at james and he had this dumb look on his face. A goofy smile on his face which I'm sure i have the same look on my face. Okay well off to get dressed i reach on my tippy toes, and give him a kiss on the check. I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall way to the stairs. I was on my second step when james came and picked me up. Took you long enough. "Well i was very surprised that i got to kiss the most amazing person ever." Will i ever go up and down these stairs without being carried. "Nope" Well i guess its a good thing i like the guy that's carrying me. I gave him a kiss on his check. And i saw a blush creeping up his check. Aww my little beast is blushing that's so cute. "Hey I'm not blushing or cute I'm hot." Okay now come on put me down i need to go get dressed. He takes me to his room and he grabs clothes and heads to the bathroom. I opened up my luggage and changed. Into black jeans an a white v neck an i grabbed leather jacket. With my white converse i finished dressing, with a black hat and sunglasses. When james walks in with just jeans on. I turned to tell him if he was ready but the words. Couldn't leave my mouth his eight pack was mouth watering. His jeans wore hung low so you could see the v out line. I'm pretty sure i looked like a fish out of water. He put his shirt on and that snaps me out of my trans. "You might want to close your mouth and wipe that drool off." Me like an idiot i checked and now i look like a fire truck. Umm, are you ready to go to the park. "Yeah sure let me get my shoes." He had the smug look on his face. He grabbed his black nick shoes that matched his black v neck shirt. And grabbed a black leather jacket when he has his shoes on i headed out the door. I walked until i got to the stairs and kept going i got 1 fourths of the way down. When i felt myself being picked up. Dang it i almost made it down the stairs by myself. "I'm starting to get the feeling you don't like me to carry you." Oh no i like you carrying me i just don't like when people. Stare at me when I'm with you its like they've never seen two people like us. "Aww sweet heart that's because, they have never seen me this nice and happy. So when the big bad beast is happy and nice its a sight to see. Everyone wants to see the person that makes the beast smile." He gave me a kiss on the check aww see your so nice and cute why do people think that way. "Because believe it or not i use to be worse i hated. Everything,one and cruel to everyone but my friends. An fears to anyone to dare stand in my way." Okay i get it now come on lets go i want to go on the swings. He puts me down and we walk outside to his car. Its a little breeze but lucky i brought james jacket. We get inside the car and drive for ten minutes. Finally we get there not many kids are there but some are. James parks the car and we take the walk way to the playground. I go on the tallest slide and go down. I run to the monkey bars and get to the middle. My palms start to sweat but i keep going and i make it to the other side. Once i get there i hear clapping and turn around and see james smiling at me. Can i help you james why don't you go play, have fun once in awhile. "Fine ill go but don't go to far away from me stay, were i can see you." James I'm going to be eighteen not eight now go. He walks away smiling at me.
(A few hours later)
After a while of playing james took us home and we went upstairs. James hung out in our room while i went to the bathroom. To shower and get ready for james to take me to work. I walked out of the bathroom and put my shoes. I went to james dresser where some of my makeup is at. And put on light powder, since my bruises were still a little noticeable. And just a touch of mascara. I finished and i turned back around, to see james staring at me. Okay you could quit being a creep and take me to work. "Aww but i want to stare at you longer but i think. I can be persuaded". But i don't want to kiss you its gross. I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't. I burst out laughing his face was priceless. It was sad and disappoint meant with an playful angry look. I'm kidding. I walked up to him, and gave him a kiss on the check. But when i turned to walk away he grabbed me. By my waist and laid me on the bed i winced a little. Because where he grabbed me wasn't that far, away where my stitches are. "Are you okay alena"? Yeah I'm fine just my stitches your hand was really close. And just hurt a little its okay. "I'm so sorry i didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay Alena?" He pulled away from me to not to hurt me. Its okay James I'm fine don't worry about it. He was about to apologize again but, i stopped him with a kiss. It was just supposed to be a little sweet kiss. But james snaked his arm around me and pulled me closer. So the kiss could last until we needed air. Okay as much as i lo-ike you i need to get to work. Can you drop me off? "Yeah sure let me put my shoes on and we can take my bike". Okay then ill be waiting down stairs. "Nope your going to sit on the bed and wait for me to put my shoes on". Uhh fine but hurry we have fifteen minutes to get there. He got ready and he of course carried me down the stairs. Once he got down the stairs it took us ten minutes to get there. I didn't want to go on the bike but he said. If i didn't then he wouldn't take me any other way. I got off his bike. Bye james ill call you so you can pick me. I gave him a kiss on the check and started to walk away. From him he pulled me back and gave me a big kiss. "Bye Alena be careful make sure to wait inside for me". 

James pov
After the park me and alena went up to my room. But i should say our room shes there as much as i am. She got clothes and went to the restroom to take a shower. I was thinking of what i should do for her birthday. I was knocked out of my planning when alena came out.  She went over and started to out on make up to cover up the bruising. Her dad left just thinking about him made me mad. She looked so beautiful when her bruises go,away I'm throwing away all her makeup. She doesn't need any of it. She snapped me out of my thoughts when she told me stop staring. And asked me to take her to work i was going to take her no matter what. But i really wanted a kiss so she, walked up to me and gave me a kiss. But it ended to fast so i pulled her towards when i looked back at her. She looked like she was in pain when i touched her. I felt bad and sad and mad at myself for hurting her. But then she said it was okay but i was going to apologize again. But she stopped me with the perfect kiss. Once we pulled apart for the sole reason that we needed air. She asked me again to take her to work. But not before almost slipping out the i love you. She was going to wait for me down stairs but i realized she would walked down the stairs so. I made her wait for me on our bed and i would carry her down. So that's exactly what i did. We took my bike i only had one helmet so i gave it to her. Because i could careless about me as long as shes safe. We got there fast once she got off she didn't, complain like i thought most girls would. But my Alena is nothing like most girls. "Bye james ill call you when I'm ready". She gave me a quick kiss. Bht i pulled her back and gave her a proper kiss bye. And told her to make sure she waits in the store. I know she won't get out until late. I don't want anything to happen to her. Once she left in the shop i put my helmet on and took off back home. I called Adrian i need his help well more like his moms help.
Adrian: Hello James my dear friend what do you want
James: Hey Adrian why do you think i want something. Why can't i just call up one of my dear friends.
Adrian: Lets see since Alena been here you haven't called any of us this whole weekend. So excused me but i pretty sure you want something or Alena's at work and your bored.
James: Okay you caught me Alena is at work and her birthday tomorrow. And i was hoping that your mom is here so she can get alena a new wardrobe.
Adrian: Well you are in luck my friend my mom just got back from fashion week in Paris. Hold on ill put her on right now to see if she can do it.
James: Cool thanks that would be great
Adrian: Hello james?
James: Yes hey Mrs. Armor its james i was wondering if you could do a whole wardrobe for my friend.
Adrian: Aww james of course i can ill be right over so i can get look at her clothes. And get a feel of her style will be over in fifteen. Bye heres adrian I'm going to get my things.
James: Thank you so much ill see you two soon.
Adrian: Well there you go ill see you soon bro.
James: Bye
I called my dad up to see if i could use his card for Alena I'm going to at least need eight grand. Four grand to go to the mechanic to fix Alenas car. Then that other four to do her wardrobe and get her a present. Even if some would called her new wardrobe and car a gift i don't.
James: Hey dad
Dad: hey james what do you need im kinda busy here.
James: Sorry i wanted to ask you a question about money.
Dad: How much do you want to spend?
James: Eight thousand maybe add a grand or two
Dad: What? why? Would you want to use so much
James: For alena its her birthday tomorrow and i want to do something special. She hasn't done anything for her birthday since her mom died.
Dad: For Alena birthday fine go ahead but you cant spend more then ten grand.
James: Thanks dad not that I'm ungrateful for the money. But why do you care so much for alena?
Dad: Its a long story one that i should tell you and alena at the same time. I've got to go i have a meeting to get to.
James: Thanks dad for everything oh and alena wont be here til midnight shes working late.
Dad: Okay then see you later james. Bye.
James: Bye
I got off the phone just in time to hear the door bell ring. I hurried to the front door. I opened it up to a site both alex and adrian next to their mom. Of course lexa looks just like both alex and adrian. She has dirt blond hair with green eyes. Adrian gets his black hair from his dad and alex gets his blue eyes from him too. Come on in. All of them come in and i lead them to the living room. We all sit down. "Okay james the boys have been telling me. That theirs a girl in your life that you, want to give a new wardrobe to." Well yes i do she important to me i love her and its her birthday tomorrow. I heard an aww from their mom and heard an eww from the boys. Okay yes i know its kinda cheesy but i do. What ever can we get on with this. I want it to be done before she gets home tonight. "Oh alright why don't the guys stay here and we can go look at her clothes. So i can see how her style then we can go to the mall." Sure come with me all her stuff is in my room. "Okay then lets go". We went up the stairs and went to my room i showed her all her stuff. She got all she need in twenty minutes. Of seeing all of her clothes. We headed back down the stairs and see Alex and Adrian. On the couch watching a movie. "Okay boys we are going to the mall i need one of you to come with me and james." But mom neither one of us wants to go, all your doing is shopping. Uh Alex your coming with us Adrian your staying here. I need you to stay here and wait for the mechanic. To show up and give him the keys to Alena car so he can take it and get it fixed. Also tell him to put a new paint job on her car same color. Tell him ill pay him later like tuesday. Okay thanks lets roll keys on the table. Adrian was so happy he got to stay here. And of course alex threw a fit having to come with us. The boys brought the SUV with them so we end up taking that. It took us fifteen minutes to get to the mall. We followed his mom everywhere when ever we finished with one store. I'd swipe my dad's credit card. We went to every store imaginable. Like forever 21,macy,JCPenney,vans store. An so on she got everything from sleeping clothes to nice dresses. We went into sephora she got all the makeup alena might need. And got her a few curling irons and a straightener. I told his mom she doesn't need all this makeup but she insisted. Every store we went to there was always a girl at the register. Checking me out and flirting with me. We got to the counter and the sales girl was checking out all the stuff. "Did you find everything all right if need anything you should have asked. I would have been more tgen happy to help you with anything you might need". Excuse me but can stop flirting with me where kinda in a rush. I want to surprise my girlfriend before she gets home. Right when i said that her smile went away and rung us up. I swiped the card we left as soon as we could. When we got to the next store Alex was cracking up. Omg dude that was hilarious but since when was alena your girlfriend. Since when have you ever dated someone. Shut up dude lets keep going. We got a vanity to put in my room so alena can put all her makeup in there.  Our very last stop was victoria secret alex mom went in their. I decided it was best if i just stay outside the store on the bench. And i didn't want Alex to know what alena could be wearing. So i made him sit on the bench with me while she went in alone. I gave her my card to use. She came out thirty minutes later. An gave me back my card. We were at the mal for at least four hours. So every hour and a half we would go to the car and put the bags in their. So the car was full to the top with all the clothes. Finally able to go home we left and got to my house another fifteen minutes. I made adrian help bring the bags up stairs. I set up the vanity for her. "Okay james you have in your room a dresser and a walk in closet. Which one do you want her to have?" She can have the walk in closet and half of my dresser. i only use one side of it plus i have two closet. One walk in and the other normal. And that one only is for my suits. "Okay then ill put her dresses and shoes. In the closet with her jeans and shirts. And ill put her underclothes and sleeping clothes in the right side of the dresser. Sound good? " Yes that's perfect thank you. "Sure lets get to work now".

(A couple hours later)
Where finally done with everything and alena car is back in the garage. When he came back to drop the car i just payed it then so. Now everything is ready. I said goodbye to alex and adrian mom. And thanked her so much. I was beyond tried from everything today but i stilled needed to get her. A president so i was thinking of what i could get her. I want to give her something no one else has. I remember that my mom had a jewelry box. She had something in their that i would always play with when she wore it.

It was a heart locket with a picture of me and her and dad. I found it and shined it and put it in a box it looks amazing now only thing. Is to ask my dad if i could have it and give it to alena. Its about ten o'clock I'm in the living room watching a movie. When i hear the front door open my dad walks in. "Hello james". Hey dad i wanted to ask you a question. "Sure let me go change and put my stuff down". He came back ten minutes later in a college t-shirt and jeans. Okay shoot what do want to ask me. Well its about mom theirs a locket she use to have. And i wanted to know if i can have it. I want to give it to alena. "I see you really like this girl don't you". Yes i do shes means the world to me. "Okay you can give it to her but i need to tell her something about her past. I use to know her mother a long time ago but i would tell you more. But its something where i should tell you both at the same time. Right now just be with her make her happy and let tomorrow be happy to. Because on tuesday i need to tell you both the story". Okay thanks dad don't worry once these next two days. Are up you can tell us but i want her to be happy. For the time being. Its already eleven so im going to wait to make dinner. Alena should be coming out of work in a hour. "Okay james i ate at the office so ill probably be in my study. Then go to bed goodnight james". Goodnight. I called the chefs from the school. An told them to have a three tear birthday cake chocolate. For alena tomorrow for lunch. Before alena went to work i called her job. I told her boss that she wont be in tomorrow. So everything is set for her. I kept watching the movie until my phone rang. It was alena she asked me if i could pick her up. I took the Lamborghini it was late. I know she would be to tried to want to hold onto me. She got in and she looked dead tried so we drove home in silence. Once i parked the car i looked over to see her asleep. I picked her up and went inside i set her down on one of the bar stools. I know she was tried but i also know if she doesn't eat. She will come late at night at get food. So i made her a sandwich, with everything on it. And a bag of chips with water i made myself one to. I woke her up and told her to eat her food. Then we can go up stairs and go to sleep. It took her awhile but we ate both our foods. While i cleaned up the mess she fell back asleep. So i put the dishes away and cleaned the counter top. I picked her up and went to our room. I gave her my shirt and a pair of shorts. She had and told her to go change. I stripped into my boxers and she came out and got into bed. I went and brushed my teeth. And came back out to see alena hugging my pillow. I pried the pillow away and climbed into bed. With her i pulled her close and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Happy birthday alena i love you with all my heart. I drifted off into sleep in complete bliss.

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