Forever and Always - KomaHina...

By HopeKomaeda02

115K 4.2K 4.5K

"I treasure every single moment I have you, because I wouldn't have wanted to live a life where I never knew... More

Drabble #1
Drabble #2
Heartbeat - Drabble #3
Party till ya Drop - Oneshot #1
Ow - Drabble #4
Up the Hill - Drabble #5
An Intruder? - Drabble #6
Author speaks
At the Playground - Drabble #7
Time to Sleep - Drabble #8
Jinx - Drabble #9
Rooftop - Drabble #10
Sickness - Drabble #11
Promises - Drabble #12
Lost - Drabble #13
Silver Ring - Drabble #14
Smol Update
On to the Honeymoon - Drabble #15
This is True Happiness - Drabble #16
Rain - Drabble #18
Delay - Drabble #19
Valentine's Gift
Secret Place
Happy Birthday, Nagito
Author's Note - Thank you

Sleeping Theater - Drabble #17

2.7K 97 68
By HopeKomaeda02

Komaeda didn't particularly get involved with his classmates activities. Unless it was something that Hinata had pulled him into, more often then not he would spend most of his time watching Hinata and his classmates indulge in some game they all played together.

Komaeda didn't mind anyway, as long as Hinata seemed to be happy, he was happy. He could tell from afar it bothered Hinata though, seeing how he was out having fun while he simply sat alone, watching them from a distance like a loner. Even when Komaeda reminded him over and over again that it was "probably for the best after all" that he be left out, he could still see the sting of annoyance apparent in his eyes.

So it came to no surprise to Komaeda when Hinata made him go to the movie with everyone.

"Come on Ko, it can't be that bad, it's just a movie for god sake." The two stood in the front of the movie theater, everyone waiting inside for the two of them. Komaeda fiddled with his fingers, trying to avoid eye contact.

"But Hinata-kun, what if my luck manages to ruin everyone's fun?" Hinata crossed his arms, tapping his foot on the pavement. "Oh yeah? What can possibly happen when your sitting down the entire time?"

"Well," Komaeda looked up thoughtfully, "there might be a short circuit while the movie is playing that might end up exploding, not only hurting everyone in our class but anyone in the theater room as well-"

"Ok ok, I get your point." Hinata sighed. The two stood in silence for a bit, before Komaeda came to a conclusion. "I guess, one night wouldn't hurt?" The brunette looked up, surprise turning into a gentle smile that made Komaeda's heart pound just a little faster. "Great! Seriously, I think you'll like it, now lets go already." Hinata opened the theater door, letting himself him as Komaeda followed closely behind him.


It wasn't until they were all seated in a row of the theater room that Komaeda realized he didn't even know what movie that were watching. "Hinata-kun, what movie is this suppose to be?" "Uh I think it's a horror movie about some serial killer? I'm not really sure, Sonia was the one who choose the movie." Hinata shrugged, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the box in Komaeda's hands.

Komaeda was about to ask why would Sonia of all people would choose a horror movie, nonetheless about serial killers, when the lights toned down, implicating the movie was starting.

"Hope I don't get scared." Hinata jokingly said. "If you do, feel free to grasp onto me for comfort Hinata-kun!" Komaeda reassure maybe a little too loudly. And while he couldn't see through the darkness of the theater, he could have sworn he saw Hinata's face turn red.

30 minutes into the movie and Komaeda already found himself extremely bored. The movie was completely predictable, having all the stereotypical horror movie tropes; and while most of his classmates (more specifically Mioda and Souda) jumped or shrieked at the so-called jump scares, the least they could get out of him was a yawn and the urge to try and not fall asleep.

Just when he thought he would be able to sneak out of the theater without being caught, he suddenly felt something wrap around his arm. Komaeda tensed, looking down to see that Hinata fast asleep, holding onto his arm almost like it was a lifeline.

"U-um..." Komaeda stuttered, slowly trying to lift his arm out of Hinata's grasp. Bad idea. Hinata only tightened his grip, firmly keeping Komaeda's arm in place. Komaeda stared at the movie screen, trying his best not to look down at the sleeping male on him. The more time seemed to pass, the more Hinata seemed to snuggle into him.

Komaeda finally gave in, slumping a bit into his seat and making himself comfortable. He rested his head in Hinata's, taking a deep breath and smiling softly as he watched through the rest of the movie.


"Wow, that movie sucked." Hinata stretched has the two of them walked back to the dorms, yawning a bit as if he hadn't slept at all. "It was completely predictable, I got bored the first 5 minutes."

Komaeda chuckled, remembering how he looked down at Hinata's sleeping face. "Is that why you got comfortable and fell asleep on me Hinata-kun?" Hinata laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Y-yeah, sorry about that, I didn't think I'd fall asleep so easily..."

"I said you could use my arm as comfort, not as a pillow."

Komaeda laughed softly next to him while Hinata looked down at the pavement in embarrassment, mumbling "at least you were a soft pillow".

The two walked in comfortable silence, before Komaeda cleared his throat. "Although the movie was quick horrible..." Hinata tilted his head, "I had fun, in all honesty."

"S-Seriously??" Hinata seemed excited, smiling brightly at him. "Finally, something that you liked going to for once!"

Komaeda laughed next to him, the two of them walking closely together as they made their way home.

For once, Komaeda could say he was glad to have gone out with his class, and especially Hinata-kun.


This is a bit shorter then my normal stories, mostly cause I feel a bit broken after yesterday's episode of Despair Arc, sorry about that! I hope you all still liked it though!

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