Gods & Monsters (Suicide Squa...

By JessicaHarris924

613K 12.1K 1.2K

Scarlett Eleanor Diamond, is one of the most gorgeous women in the world yet one of the most deadliest crimin... More

Gods & Monsters (Suicide Squad)
New Characters And The Leading Lady
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A/N + Questions Anyone?
A/N and A Chapter Deleted
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Questions To Be Answered
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chatper 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Readers + Questions
Chapter 21
Not A Update But A Thank you
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
A/N & Important News
Chapter 25
Kinda Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

16.9K 460 14
By JessicaHarris924

When the team finally got to Harley, they saw she had taken out three of the disfigured monsters. Which Eleanor found impressive since she did it all in the small compacted space of a elevator.

They walked in a large office space, all of them had their weapons out ready to defend their selfs at any given second.

"Hold." Flag demanded, which everyone did. The obnoxious feeling of something jumping out and killing them was high, so it made a lot of them feel on edge.

"Flag I don't like this..." Deadshot stated.

"I don't like it either." Rick replied after a few seconds.

Eleanor looked forward and quietly luaghed at what she saw, Deadshot putting on his little safety mask.

"Pussy." Harley said, looking towards him. "I well knock your ass out," Floyd replied. "I don't care if your a girl."

Eleanor made a 'pff' noise before speaking "so much for a gentlemen."

She felt him glaring at her throw his mask. She sent him a wink before taking out angel killer and aiming up when she sensed movement above.

"Let the party begin." she said just as a large embodiment of monsters came flooding out of the ceiling.

Eleanor shot as many of them as she could before her little angel ran out of ammo. She didn't have time to worry about it because she had to use a new weapon, which just so happens to be herself.

one of the monsters came running at her, she rised her hands and a powerful white-ish green blast came out that took out two more then what she was expecting.

A arm warpped it self around her neck and started to choke her, her air supply became short as she clawed at her attacker's arm, before she actually remember all of what she could do.

Her body started to heat up to a point the monster couldn't hold on anymore, when it let go she turned around and blasted it. Her veins were glowing green but slowly lost it's glow and reverted back to normal.

She huffed as she stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets but was cut by something sharp. She let a small sound of pain and quickly pulled her hand out to see it was bleeding heavily before it healed itself.

She put her hand back in the pocket but more slowly this time, she found whatever it was curved and had some kind of engraved on it.

She gasped realization and quickly pulled it out and saw it was her dagger from when she was a Amazonian "oh thank you sweet Minerva!" she took the other one out as well, just in time to hear deadshot "they're after Flag again!"

She quickly looked over to where Rick was and saw him being dragged away. She growled with anger before sprinting over to him, as she ran over to him, the monsters in her path were pushed out of her way by a green mist until she clashed her hands which instantly killed them.

She bashed one the creatures skull in with her foot before slicing another one's throat "just to let you know, you owe me a date for saving your life." Eleanor glaring back at him as the rest of the squad crowded around him, except for one.

Eleanor looked around for the missing member until she spotted him "yo, tattoos!" he looked up at her "are you just gonna stand there and do nothing?!" a certain look of guilt flashed in his eyes before he shook his head and moved further away from them.

She wanted to go after him, but she had other things to deal with at the moment, like try and keep Rick back from getting killed. "Let me fight!" he shouted while trying to escape their huddle.

"You die and we die." Deadshot yelled as he shot one monsters in the head. The next few minutes were beyond chaos. But it finally came to a calm.

Eleanor started to use the larger range of her powers, to seek out if there's any more of them. She sighed and lowered her hands when she didn't sense anything in the area.

"Clear!" Eleanor exclaimed. "Move out!" no one opposed her and followed her as she walked out of the now thrashed office space.

When Eleanor walked out she instantly hit with a bullet to the head, she fell to the ground which caused many of her new friends to gasp in horror, except for Rick who ran to her side and try and check for pulse which barely there.

"No, no Eleanor you can't die on me. Not like this..." her eyes slowly started to close which signified that she was dead. Rick didn't have a lot of time to moan over the death of Eleanor, when rapid fire started which made everyone duck for cover

Rick wanted to hold her a little bit longer but he had a team of people to worry about versus a dead lover.

After Eleanor died, Floyd and El Diablo got into a fight, with Floyd trying to froce him to do something. Which he did by using his fire power to the extreme.

Eleanor eyes were closed as she appeared to be dead but the moment the heat hit her, her eyes snapped open. She looked at what was happening and saw lots of fire coming from the second floor.

A bullet fell from her head as she sat up, she picked it up and held it to her face inspecting it.

El Diablo looked towards Deadshot frowning "I was just trying to get you there..." Floyd stated nervously from what he just saw. "We good right?"

Eleanor got up and dusted herself off before hugging Diablo from behind and giving him a kiss on his tattooed cheek. "I knew you would come around, darling." everyone eyes were wide as they looked at her.

"What?" she asked, tilting her head to the side "do I have something on my face?" She started to run a hand over her face. Floyd shook her head and asked the question everyone was thinking. "How the hell are you alive?"

Eleanor laughed before answering "well you see this shit," she held up the bullet that had taken her down "can't kill me." she grined.

She walked past them but stoped in front of Flag "don't worry Ricky your not getting rid of me so easily." she whispered in his ear while grinning sinisterly at him before walking away.

"No can get rid of me so easily. Especially no disfigured monster."

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