π™Έπš—πš’πšπš’πšŠπšπšŽ | Divergent

By anxieteaandbiscuits

98.2K 2.4K 248

Completed and edited 1# in Dauntless 9/02/19 1# in Divergent 24/12/18 1# in Abnegation 29/04/19 Sasha Eaton... More

Character Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 7

3.9K 106 21
By anxieteaandbiscuits

The compound was quiet as I followed the meandering hallways, I briefly considered finding my brother's apartment, but I figured he might be in bed. There were a couple of nightclubs and plenty of bars in The Pit but it wasn't the atmosphere I was looking for.

Suddenly, I caught the faint sound of crashing water in the distance that signalled the Chasm was nearby, and that I had made my way almost full circle through the tunnels in the couple of hours since leaving the dorm.

The Chasm was well lit compared to the tunnels and my eyes took a moment to adjust, I made my way to the middle and sat, letting my legs dangle from the bridge as I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cool metal railing. I felt the damp spray of the tumbling water chill my ankles, although it wasn't strictly unpleasant, it did make me regret walking around in shorts and the oversized tee shirt that was given to us on our first day.

Over the sound of the Chasm I couldn't hear my thoughts. I had felt lonely in Dauntless, but this was truly the first time I felt alone. It was nice.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Startled, I was forced to grab the railing before I slipped under. For a moment, I forgot the cause of my panic, then I had to cran my head back to find the owner of the voice, Eric was glaring down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Walk of shame, is it?" I questioned innocently.

Eric ignored me, grabbing my arm and hauling me to my feet.

"It's four in the morning, initiate." Seven days ago I had been Sasha, the change was as unexpected as him using my name in the first place. "I don't have much patience, so save me a little time, what are you doing out here?"

"Taking some time to think."

"About what?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I was clearing my head."

Eric sighed and led me off the bridge.

"Couldn't do that somewhere else?"

I remained quiet, it took me a moment to realise he was heading back to the dorms.

We paused by the doors, there was no sound inside, everyone was still asleep.

"Stay off the bridge, Initiate." Eric dropped my arm "find somewhere else to think."


"This is the second out of your three fights." The pairing had been torturing me, unlike the first fight where we didn't know who we were fighting, we found out our opponent five days ago and I hadn't been able to relax since. "Like before, ten points are awarded to each victor, no points are given if you lose."

Maddie V. Kyle
Nick V. Jake
Sasha V. Mason
Owen V. Ruby
Lucia V. Poppy

Maddie didn't speak, she bounced on the balls of her feet and fidgeted, I couldn't tell whether it was due to nervousness or eagerness. I had yet to see her fight but I could see the lean muscles under her tanned skin, she had mentioned she had worked during the harvests from a young age, she was stronger than she looked.

Jake eyed the board wearily, Nick was an ass but he was good in the ring, fast and cunning, Kyle had to stay the night in the infirmary after fighting him.

"Fights will begin after lunch." Tobias gestured for us to leave, the sea of black clad initiates begin to file out.

Maddie paused when she realised I was not behind her. "Sasha, are you coming?"

Shaking my head, I gestured at the bag behind me "I'm going to get some practice in."

The fighting was getting easier, however, it would take more than luck to beat Mason, he stood at least perhaps half a foot taller and was far broader. At least the bruises from my previous fight were fading, my eye had mellowed to a yellowish colour with a deep purple streak, I had stopped feeling guilty every time I saw Poppy.

"From what I hear, you've been in here every evening since you found out who you were fighting against," Eric stated, walking over to me, arms crossed. "You've improved."

I hummed.

"Why don't you practice on me?" He offered shrugging his jacket off. "Bags don't hit back."

I froze, I had never seen Eric fight, and I wasn't sure I wanted to.

Though I wouldn't be able to improve unless I took risks, I repositioned my wraps. "Okay."

We moved to the training mats, I had barely got in my stance when Eric had shot forward, throwing a punch at my abdomen which I was forced to block, I spent the entire time on defence, paying so much attention to Eric's punches that I forgot about his legs.

He spun and kicked my legs out from under me, I fell to the ground and he pinned me with his body, straddling my waist and tangling his legs with mine.

"Can you teach me that?" I asked, distracting him so I could punch him.

"There's lots of things I could teach you like this, Sasha." Eric smirked, swatting my fist away and pinning my arms above my head, I rolled my eyes at his double meaning. "You'll have to be more specific."

"Very funny." my tone was dry as I tapped out, there was no way I would be able to get out of his hold.

Eric jumped to his feet and headed back to his side of the mat "again."

The more we fought the better I could understand and predict Eric's movements, he was taller and stronger than me, so I had to rely on the same skills as I would with my fight with Mason, Eric wasn't as agile as me nor was he as patient, which enabled me to gain the upper hand on a couple of occasions.

I heard someone clear their throat, Eric peered over my shoulder and immediately straightened.

"Eric, a word outside please," Max asked, the younger leader nodded and left the room with him.

I took a break from the mat and took a seat against the wall. Absentmindedly, I picked at the apple and few grapes that I brought with me from breakfast, replaying the fights back in my head.


I was warming up with Maddie when I noticed my brother and the young Dauntless leader walk in, they both looked irritated, like they had been arguing. Tobias stepped up onto the ring and whistled sharply "first fight, Maddie and Kyle."

We all gathered around the ring, it was the only time that the training room went silent. I squeezed Maddie's shaking hands in my own before she began to unlace her boots. There was no sign of a tremble as she stepped towards the raised mat, her steps were sure and her hands were clenched into fists.

Maddie protected her face with her fists as we'd been taught and Kyle done the same, the fight began the moment my brother stated 'go'.

Kyle's fist caught Maddie on the jaw, she stumbled but remained standing, instead, she rushed after him, pushing him into the defensive position. Maddie couldn't overpower him, but the way she danced around the ring, needling Kyle with jabs, made his defences useless and tired him out. Her primary goal seemed to be to disorientate him, he couldn't land another punch on her if he couldn't predict where she would be.

Suddenly, she landed an upper cut into his stomach, forcing him back. Her leg hooked around the back of his and sent him crashing to the ground, that was when her real assault began. After the fifth punch to the face Tobias called the fight, declaring Maddie the winner.

Jake and Nick were up next, both Maddie and I glanced at each other nervously, we had spent every day with Jake since he got out the infirmary, we had seen him struggle to do basic things like tie his shoes or lift his arms above his head, we knew this wasn't going to be pretty.

Smirking, Nick stalked forward, fist hitting him square in the face, Jake groaned as he attempted to lift his arms up higher, which gave Nick an opening to kick him hard in the ribs. Jake tipped to the side before regaining his balance, swinging his fist and catching him in the stomach.

Nick huffed, it could've possibly been a laugh, he grabbed Jake's arm to hold him as he punched him hard, Jake swayed backwards, looking dazed.

I held my breath and prayed for him to be okay.

Without hesitation, Nick dropped his arm and kicked him in the stomach, toppling him to the ground, he raised his foot again as Jake slowly turned to crawl away.

"That's enough." Tobias ordered.

I exhaled.

Smirking, Nick walked back to Mason and Ruby, I rushed to help Jake, Maddie close behind. "I'm doing pretty shit, hm?" He mumbled as we carefully pulled him to his feet.

I shook my head, I didn't want to lose my friend so soon, "it's okay, you still have one more fight to go, you're doing really well in your marksmanship and knives as well."

"Sash is right." Maddie agreed, we stopped at a nearby concrete pillar to give Jake something to lean against "you're gonna be just fine, you'll see."

"Next fight, Sasha and Mason."

I bit my lip and glanced at them both, Maddie offed a whispered good luck.

Determined, I removed my shoes and hopped onto the raised mat.

My brother had barely stepped out of the ring when Mason struck me square in the face, the pain rolled through my skull and I faltered, eyes watering, his fist felt like was made of stone. I didn't have time to raise my hands before it struck me again, the world careened violently to one side, and in the haze I caught Nick smiling at me.

The fist sailed at me again and I lurched out the way, catching Mason in the chest, and forcing him a couple of steps back. It was not much, but it provided enough space for me to slip around him and away from the edge of the ring.

The Erudite transfer turned grab me, I ducked under his arm and thrusted my elbow upwards, aiming for the throat, he stumbled back, gagging and gasping. I felt his palm crashing into the side of my head as he swung wildly.

My ears rang violently as the floor began to sway beneath my feet, my hands brushed the mat, panic flared in my stomach, I knew I needed to stay on my feet.

It didn't matter though, a foot collided with my side, a searing pain burned across my ribs, a whimper escaped my bloody lips. Something wetted my cheeks, I couldn't tell if it was tears or blood.

Another kick dispelled the air from my lungs and almost sent me sprawling backwards, it was enough to know Mason had recovered. Gasping, I lashed out and my heel struck his shin, and another his groin, I could hear the hiss of pain Mason made though my eyes refused to focus on him, I stumbled forward and drove my fist as hard as I could into the person shaped mass in my hazy vision. I hit something and Mason groaned.

Mason moved quickly. Pain exploded in my temple. Darkness blanketed the world.


I was swaying.

Gently swaying.

Two arms were cradling me.

"Where we going? Why are you carrying me?" I asked groggily, I tried to open my eyes but they seemed impossibly heavy and I was really tired.

"I liked it better when you didn't talk." The man responded.

"You're mean," I pouted, I could feel the hand of sleep holding my own and pulling me back under. "It's not nice."


The infirmary was dark and quiet when I woke, I was surprised by the softness of the blankets and the lack of feeling in my body. Although I was the only patient here, I was not the only person. Maddie sat criss-cross at the foot of the bed whilst Jake was in the chair, his face was now more purple than skin toned, they were discussing the other fights.

"Your face looks bad." I muttered, forcing myself to sit up, the sudden movement sent a throbbing ache back into my head and my stomach flipped at the sensation.

"Speak for yourself." Jake gently eased me into a sitting position "you look like you got hit by a train."

"I feel it." I cradled my side as a stabbing pain shoots across my chest. "How bad was it?"

My lip felt swollen and scabbed and I couldn't see out of my left eye.

Maddie winced, and that was all I needed to know.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, there was a shadow of a bruise forming on her jaw.

"Fine." I attempted to smile, the painkillers the nurses had given me managed to keep the worst at bay "it only hurts when I breathe."

"Yeah, that would be the two broken ribs."

"And the headache?"

"Grade two concussion."

"Oh, lovely."

Maddie smiled sadly, there was some pity in her eyes, I didn't like the feeling of being pitied. "Four and Eric deducted points for dirty fighting."

It was nice to know that Dauntless honour extended to the initiation process, it was known that some of the Dauntless fought dirty but I didn't expect it from a previous Erudite. It made me feel better, but not much, despite Mason's underhand tactics, I still lost my fight.

"Jake and I were thinking of doing some shopping, if you're up to it." Maddie explained, "if not we can stay here."

"No, no, it's fine." I forced my lips into a smile "I need to get some more clothes."

Maddie and Jake excused themselves so I could get changed, the nurse brought me my clothes and explained that I would likely have some memory loss, nausea and a headache. I changed from the hospital gown into my clothes slowly, and shoved my feet into my unlaced boots, I stared at them for a moment, there was no way I would be able to reach down and tie them, before meeting them both outside the infirmary. Maddie kneeled down and tied my laces without a word.

My first thought when entering the clothing store was the sheer number of choices, not only did styles of clothing vary massively but there was a surprising range in colours to chose from.

"Hello, I'm Ella. Just let me know if you need any help finding anything." The lady behind the counter explained, I was surprised at how unalarmed she look at our appearance "initiates tend to find it a bit much the first time."

Although I knew I had a lot to buy, I mostly stuck to the basics, tee shirts, hoodies, sweatpants and a pair of jeans. Though one thing did catch my eye, I carefully pulled a pair of leather combat boots from the shelf, they laced up to my knees and had a chunkier sole than the ones I was wearing.

"Ella, do you have these in a size nine?" I asked, showing her the shoes.

"I'll have a look out back, give me a moment, sweet." I watched as she moved between sections, catching flashes of her neon green hair between the shelves and railings.

Eventually, she returned with a large brown box in arms "you're very lucky, it's my last pair."

Ella priced up the rest of my items and I handed over my credits.

"Good luck in your initiation!" Ella handed over the bag with a smile.

I smiled back "thank you."


"Maddie are you nearly done?" I called through the changing room curtain.

Jake had disappeared shortly after he spotted the sheer amount of clothing in her arms, mumbling something about checking out the other shops. I didn't blame him, but I did wish I had managed to escape too. Instead, I found a rickety old chair in another changing room and waited.

"Yeah, one sec."

I followed her to the till, where Jake was waiting, empty handed, but with a shiny black ring in his septum.

"That's not fair!" Maddie laughed, taking her bags from the cashier "I want a piercing now."

I wasn't expecting the tattoo and piercing studio to be so vast, but it spanned a significant portion of the ground and first floor, with the art, piercing rooms and waiting areas on the bottom floor and the tattoo beds on the first floor.

I couldn't help at the size of it as I wandered into the colourfully lit shop, my eyes caught a familiar face, and I found myself in front of Tori.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be in Abnegation." Tori whispered. "They will find out about you here."

"What? Why?" I asked, startled by her vehemence, but Tori shook her head.

"Another time." She promised, her eyes flicking to the door which had just chimed, I craned my neck and saw Eric talking with the other tattooist. "I promise."

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It's Visiting Day next... What could go wrong?

Edited- 13/7/18

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