Running From Love (A Eric Nor...

By ShadowQueenRules

115K 2.5K 180

She's been trapped since she was a little girl. Constantly being fed from and raped. She knows nothing other... More

Chapter 1: Stronger, Faster, Better
Chapter 2: It'll Be Over Before You Know It
Chapter 3: Mine
Chapter 4: I better get paid for this
Chapter 5: Custody Battle
Chapter 6: Barbie Doll
Chapter 7: Tomorrow
Chapter 8: Pam's Plan
Chapter 9: You sound sexy when you moan like that
Chapter 10: Terry
Chapter 11: Making Out with Eric Northman
Chapter 12: Plan of her own
Chapter 13: Running From Love
Chapter 14: A Race
Chapter 15: One Way or Another
Chapter 16: Pancakes
Chapter 17: Gotcha
Chapter 18: Vacation
Chapter 20: We can't let you leave
Chapter 21: I love you
Chapter 22: Now go fuck Harry!

Chapter 19: Kisses and Blood

3K 81 2
By ShadowQueenRules

ł West's POV ł

When I woke up I thought I was back in my bed. Peter's arm were around my waist and I was in my comfortable silk pyjamas. I smile to myself and strokes Peters arm.

With my eyes still closed I turn around and bury my head in Peters chest. His arms tighten around me, when I realize.

I don't own any silk pyjamas.

Then it comes rushing back to me. Ugh. Did I have to get kidnapped today. Why not tomorrow or any other day. Or not at all. Where did I slip up? How did Eric find me?

Wait Eric. If the arms around me aren't Peters then... shit Eric.

I scramble out of his arms and fall off the edge of the bed. Standing up my hair lands in front of my eyes. My pyjamas are soft and as I look down I realize they are a shade of light pink. Hmmm I do kind of like them. But that's not why I got up.

Looking to the bed Eric is laying there with his arm resting on the pillow and his classic smirk. In his husky low voice he tells me. "Well aren't you just a little spit fire."

I look around and see that the windows in this room are sealed. That would explain why Eric isn't in a coffin. "Where the fuck am I?"

Looking around Eric responds. "Well I thought it was a bit obvious that we we're in a sun tight hotel."

"Uuuugh." I collapse on the ground with my head in my hands. I knew that the life I had couldn't last long but I hoped it would last longer, like at least a couple years.

"Come on." I feel Eric's strong arm around my shoulders. "Let's get you into some real clothes."

Getting up I back away from him. "I am perfectly capable of putting on my own clothes thank you very much."

I start to walk away from him when I realize. I have no clue where my clothes are. Turning around Eric seems to answer the question in my mind. "Your suitcase is in the next room, through that door."

He points to the door beside a closest and I start to move when I realize. Eric is only wearing pants. Oooh those abs. My eyes catch on them and I stop for a moment. He looks like a Greek sculpture. How is he so fit? I didn't even know a guy could look so good.

I snap out of it when I realize who I am thinking about. It's Eric Northman, the annoying cocky viking vampire who kidnapped me.

As I see his signature smile start to appear on his face I head for the door. I can't stand that evil cocky handsome irresistible smirk. I find my suit case there and as I expected it's practically a mirror to what Pam usually wears, except Amelia must have helped because there are some less slutty items to wear.

After slipping into a white lacy bra and a matching underwear I start to pull a shoulder less green top on.

"Hmmmmmm." I hear humming from behind me and stop in my tracks. The top falls over my stomach as I turn around to face Eric.

"What the fuck are you-" I start to question him but I am interrupted as he slams me against the wall with his lips.

All the oxygen leaves my lungs as he pins me with his with shoulders. One of his staring hands is sliding up the back of my thigh as the other holds my face.

I hate myself for secretly enjoying this and pretend to fight him. I can't deny that I like Eric though, I wouldn't have run away if I hadn't. And Peter, oh Peter, I'm not even sure if I really loved him. I mean I said I did. But how can I be sure. Do I even know what love is? Because I think if I actually loved Peter I would have left him too. That's what I do, because if you love something it can hurt you. And I refuse to get hurt any more.

But maybe I don't have to run from Eric. He's chased me and looked for me. He went to such great lengths to find me, maybe he won't hurt me. Maybe I don't have to hide or run from him. Maybe, just maybe, I can be happy with him.

So without another thought I kiss him back. Throwing my hands around his neck and wrapping my legs around his hips. I feel him smile against my lips as I kiss him hard.

Pulling away I gasp in need of air. Eric waits until he sees I have breathed enough before smashing his lips back on mine. His hands move around the bottom of my shirt and slowly start to brush it up. He's shockingly gentle as he starts to take off my shirt, as if he thinks I am a porcelain doll he is afraid of cracking.

I run my hands down his back and his hands reach the bottom of my bra. Carrying me he moves through the door back into the bedroom. He throws my shirt away just as we land on the bed.

I still don't want to go any farther than kissing with him though, I'm just not comfortable yet. And I'm not sure how I would face him. So just as his hands glide back done my back towards my underwear I place a firm hand on his chest stopping him. Breaking the kiss I stare into his eyes.

"I have to go get dressed." I slip out from underneath him and quickly grab my shirt before dashing away. Dammit that was awkward. I really need to stop letting it go so far. I put the shirt back on and rush over to my bag.

I pick out a pair of dark grey dress pants and slip them on. I pick a pair of black heels that go nicely with them to wear and sit taking a chance to look around. There's a tv, two couches, a dinner table with six chairs, and the smaller table that my bag is on. It's all quite extravagant. There are several different steps in the room that make all the different parts of the room uneven.

Eric comes out of his room in a fancy gray suit and tells me with a smile. "Let's go."

ł Third Person POV ł

The two entered the club and all eyes landed on them. Eric Northman sexy as ever caught everyone's attention as usual, only now he has to share that attention with his partner. Eyes caught her and everyone admired them, the two beings drew in many people. All the humans wanted to take her up to their rooms and kiss until night and the vampires wanted to take her to a back dumpster and suck her dry.

They saw the arm that held her waist though and knew immediately not to mess with her. Nobody at that bar would dare mess with Eric Northman's human, that would be pure suicide. Eric would shred anyone who laid one finger on her. Though they were somewhat surprised to see Eric with a human, usually he wasn't so committed.

Eric moved in front of West and whispered quietly in her ear. "Try to enjoy yourself ok."

Smiling slightly she whispered back. "I'll give it my best shot."

They turned back to the club and walked towards the bar. Sitting down the bartender asked West what she wanted. She opened her mouth to respond when she realized she didn't really know any of the drinks. She turned to Eric with a cute smile. Smirking back he told the bartender. "Just get her a martini with a lemon."

West smiled at the bartender and he rushed off. Turning to look at the bar she observed the place. It seemed to be full of vampires with their humans, there were a few single vampires and humans, but West knew that they wouldn't be single for very long.

The bartender got her the drink and the first thing she did was take out the lemon and bit down. She dipped be whole piece off and chewed it before swallowing. Eric gave her a somewhat shocked look.

"What?" She asked confused to why he looked at her in such a way.

"Humans usually find lemons from what I understand, very sour and hard to eat." He tried to explain from what he had heard.

Taking a small sip of her drink she responded. "I've always liked them."

"Your captors fed you lemons?" Eric asked sceptically.

West hesitated before answering him in a quiet voice. "Ummmm, actually Peter used to like keeping them around the house."

She saw Eric clench his fist but decided to move on from the topic. Grabbing her drink she stood. "Well why don't we go socialize."

Admittedly Eric didn't socialize well. It wasn't really his thing to say the least. But he took one look into West's multicoloured eyes and slipped a hand around her waist. Besides there were few individuals there that he knew.

They spent most of the night talking to different people Eric knew or sitting at the bar. Eric noticed that West had drank nearly five martinis yet barely seemed to even stagger. He could see the look behind her eyes though that glazed over separation. He knew one or two more drinks and he could convince her to do anything he wanted her to.

So that's what he did. He socialized more begrudgingly and eventually got the two martinis in her. After she put down the glass of the seventh drink she staggered right into Eric's arms. Whispering to her huskily he asked. "How about we go back up to the room now?"

Smirking in a sexy way she whispered back. "I'd love that."

ł West's POV ł

The world seems to have a happy sort of sheet over it right now. Colours seem brighter, the world seems more crisp. And somewhat fuzzy too. I can't seem to walk straight and the floor is moving just a little. Eric arm feels good around my waist and I want to jump on him and attack him with kisses. We aren't in the room yet though so I can't.

As soon as we get to our floor I rush to the room and wait by the door for Eric. He comes traipsing down the hallway and he looks so sexy doing it.

He opens up the door and the moment we're through I throw myself on him. Wrapping my legs around his waist he holds my face to his. We kiss passionately and deeply. His tongue glides along my lips and I open them for him. His jacket comes off as we stagger towards the bedroom.

I rip off his tie as he flicks my shoes away. Brushing up my shirt my back hits the bedroom door. We push through the doorway and land on the bed. My shirt disappeared some where along the way with his.

Suddenly I hear a popping sound and as I look up I see what caused it. Eric fangs are out and for some strange reason they don't scare me.

Then he leans down and places kisses up my shoulder. Slowly he moves up to my throat. Pain floods me for a second then the most indescribably feeling in the world. I feel complete and utter bliss, nothing matters, everything it alright. I moan willingly as Eric slowly comes away from my neck.

Blood is running down his chin as he reaches for his wrist. Splitting it open with his fangs he puts it near my mouth. I reach out and grab his wrist to drink.

That's the last thing I can remember.

«Ooooh..... What do you guys think!!!!


Until next time dearies!






Don't copy»

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