The Last Day

By bluebirdist

547 90 40

There was never even me and you. There was only me waiting for you. It seems like I have always been here, i... More



12 2 0
By bluebirdist

The much awaited chapter. I hope I have made you guys happy! Please comment and vote and I'll upload a new chapter soon as per your requests :) xx

Throughout the entire dinner, Chris was calm as if he didn't just almost drop a bomb on me. As if I almost didn't explode. After greeting his parents and serving dinner, they decided to lounge in the kitchen, I decided to stay with them. I did not want to be alone with Chris. Whatever he had to tell me would be done at his house. I couldn't be bothered to have another breakdown, especially in front of my parents.

"Riya, you don't need to stay here, you can join Chris outside." Emily offered. I was about to say no when I realised Chris wasn't even in the living room. I looked through the window and saw him kicking a pebble with his shoe in the driveway. I didn't even notice him leave but his mother did.

Something was really bothering him, and I just had to bear it on my shoulders as well. So I walked out after telling Emily 'sure'.

"Was the food really that bad?" I joked. Chris had his hands in his pockets and his head down as he kicked the rock but upon hearing my voice he smiled. Then he looked up.

"Yeah, I think you put way too many spices. I think I might have diarrhea."

I laughed, "I really hope you do, then I can't tell everyone you wet your bed."

Chris smiled at me while shaking his head, "that's very evil, do you want everyone to see a video of you snoring?"

My smile faded off my face, "I do not snore!"

Chris chuckled, "sure you don't."

"I Don't! You told me I didn't."

"Well you didn't snore that day but on the bus you were really loud so I just had to take a video." I slapped him on his arm.

"That's not funny, delete it!" Chris held my hand.

"Never." And he smiled wider. I groaned out of frustration. "For what its worth, I think your cute when you sleep." That made my heart flutter and I felt all gooey inside. Can we just head back to your place already!?!

After that Chris and I just sat on the stairs and talked about everything and anything. I was at ease with him. I would only tense up when his arm mistakenly touched mine and I felt that he noticed him too. I tried to hide the goosebumps that formed on my arm, but it was extremely difficult.

"Kiddos!" Dad opened the door behind us making us jump.

"Jesus! dad, do you want us to have a heart attack?" I put a hand on my chest.

He laughed, "No, I just wanted to surprise you guys and make sure you weren't doing anything inappropriate." Dad looked at Chris and Chris turned pale.

"We are out in the open." I reminded him, "Don't you think the neighbours would've stopped us by now?" He seemed to think about it for a little before he nodded.

"Okay whatever, just come inside you two, its starting to get really cold." He opened the door wider and we walked in, "Oh and if you want some ice-cream, its on the table in the kitchen. Knock yourselves out."

It was indeed pitch black outside and colder too. How long had they been here? Can we just go to Chris' house so I can snuggle with him? No Riya, your not supposed to. Just keep your distance. But he's sooooo irresistible!

"Want some?" Chris handed me a bowl of vanilla ice cream and I thanked him.

"How did you know I liked vanilla?" I took a bite.

"Lucky guess, and I think you told me once that you like chocolate too." He scooped some ice cream for himself. So he was that attentive? How lucky am I honestly...

"Do you know what time it is?" I didn't wear a watch and the clock on the wall was broken.

He checked his phone then smiled. Was he smiling at a text from his new girlfriend? I refrained myself from asking as I bite my tongue. "10:34" He finally said and he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Nice." I rocked on my heels. "I should probably go pack some clothes if I'm staying at your house tonight." I told him.

"You might not want to." He said slowly looking at his feet. What did he mean?

"You have someone else coming over?" I knew I was being jealous but I couldn't help it. Chris' brows furrowed.

"No no no. That's not it, I was just-" He started to smile as if he realised something, "are you jealous?"


"No! That's preposterous! Why would you think that?" I tried my best to seem composed but Chris' smile only widened. I don't know why he was being so happy. I had been jealous around him countless of time. But it was like only this time mattered.

"Okay, as you say." He shook his head, "just pack a few clothes, not a suitcase!" What the hell happened to 'no don't pack anything cuz I'm so confusing yada yada yada.' Okay, I know I was being petty but still. He had no right of getting happy while I was jealous! And like the mind reader he was, he knew I was in denial.

"Do you even know me? I pack reasonably." I told him.

"I know." He smiled, "Now hurry up, it looks like they are almost done with whatever they were talking about." He pointed at his parents and my dad that were shaking hands in the living room. I nodded before running upstairs. I packed a cute legging, a denim shorts, a dress and two tops for whatever my mood was tomorrow.

"You ready?" Chris asked when I descended from my room.

"Yeah." I put the bag over my shoulder. He offered me his hand and I took it.

"Be back tomorrow by noon! or even sooner, and you better not do anything crazy with my daughter." He pointed at Chris. He never cared when I slept over at Chris' house before. But then again he would rather have that than me drunk drive home. I better not tell him I shared room with Chris two weeks ago.

"Yes sir." Chris said obediently.

"Goodnight kiddo." Dad kissed my head.

"Goodnight dad. Do you want me to help you clean up?"

"No its okay. Go now, Chris' parents are waiting in the car." He told me and so I went off. Chris and I sat in the backseat while their parents made small talk with me. It was a bit awkward at first but Emily saved the day. She was such a good conversationalist, much like Chris.

"Want some hot cocoa?" Chris asked once he entered his room. He quietly closed his door and I put my bag down near his sofa.

"Umm sure." I said while rubbing my hands for insulation. I let the tension in the air engulf us. Chris had a mug on his side table so he poured some cocoa in it from a thermal bottle he had.

"Thanks," I said when he handed me the cup. I looked around the room, it was pretty clean. "Your room looks different, I can't pin point what exactly though."

"Yeah, I removed the basketball I had there." He pointed to the other side of his room, "And I moved the ping pong table further down." He put his hands in his pockets again. I nodded and took a sip. The cocoa was so nice and hot.

"Are you cold?" He asked

"A bit."

"You should change to something warmer, let me see what I have." He marched to his walk in closet and pulled out a warm sweater.

"Thanks," I put it on, feeling better already. "Can you turn on the heater?" It was already November and the snow should be falling anytime soon.

"Yeah sure." I guess we were just delaying time but eventually Chris just had to tell me what he had to tell me. But I had a bad feeling about it.

"So..." I started as I put my mug down and stood beside him.

"So..." He scratched the back of his hair. "I would ask if you wanted to go and talk outside but its cold as fuck." He chuckled humourlessly.

"Yeah." I didn't pressurise him. If he needed time, I would give him. It was just itching me because I wanted to know so bad. I looked at him and hoped he could read my mind. Just tell me already!

"So I uhm." He cleared his throat, "I guess I should should just go right ahead and tell you huh?"

"I guess you should." I replied keeping my voice steady. I saw him twitching, "Would it help if we were sitting?"

He looked at me crazily as if nothing would help the situation but sat down anyways. "God, this is harder than I thought." He massaged his temples.

"What is it Chris? Your scaring me!"

He looked at me and then sighed, "I'm sorry. It's not that bad trust me."

"You keep saying I should trust you, is there a reason I shouldn't?" I asked slowly. I hope this wasn't a repeat of Josh.

"No. I'm just having trouble... saying what I want to say."

"I wish I were like you, so I could just read your mind."

Chris smiled and I suddenly felt calm, "I'm really clueless right now."

"About what?" I sat closer to him. He needed to confide in me, "I'm not going to run away you know. I made a promise do you remember?"

"Promises were meant to be broken." He looked so broken right now that I wanted to cry. I held his pinkie with my pinkie and laughed. The whole thing looked so childish. "Not ours okay?

Chris laughed too. "Okay..." He blew out a breath becoming serious again. "You're seriously amazing, do you know that?"

"Thank you, you are too Christopher Sharp."

"And I will always love seeing that smile on your face." he touched my cheeks and caressed it slowly. I leaned into his touch. "I never want to see you cry... ever." I held his hand.

Is it bad that I love him more now?

"I know I won't, not with you." He smiled a lopsided grin.

"I love you." He said and my whole world stopped. I froze and the entire world under me shook even though it shouldn't have. I mean it shouldn't have because the guy I loved felt the same. However I felt very very bad. Like I should've prevented this somehow.

Chris came closer to me while I pulled away. He felt scared, scared he was going to loose me. His eyes were filled with worry and... pain?

"You said you wouldn't leave." He reminded me. I sighed. I did didn't I? I closed my eyes.

"I'm not." I reassured him.

"Just listen out to me before you say anything please."

"I'm listening." I gestured for him to continue. Although I was calm, my heart was beating erratically and my eyes kept diverting to Chris' lips.

"I don't know how and why I fell in love with you but I just did. And I tried to change that, I tried so hard to not love you but every time we were together I just loved you more. And staying away from you was torture. Seeing you with that asshole Nick, was torture. I thought I would just wait until you moved on from Josh and I was so sure you were moving on from him. And I actually thought you liked me, maybe I misread the signals you were giving me-"

"I was giving you signals?"

He put a hand through his hair, "you got jealous so easily and I thought maybe you liked me. But I can see I was so wrong." No you weren't. "And I'm sorry. Sorry for loving you. I just... just had to give us some space so that we could breathe and rethink. I tried to get over with those other girls." What the fuck? "But they are nothing like you Riya. Nothing like you! I love you and only you."

He exhaled and looked at me for an answer. His eyes were red, almost like he was about to cry. But I wouldn't let him. Not the guy I loved. Not the guy that helped me through everything, who showed me a million reasons to live and laugh. Who loved me till ends of the earth. The guy who wouldn't allow me to walk away. The guy who would fight for me. And I was done comparing him with Josh because they were nothing alike. I trusted Chris and I know he would never hurt me, ever. So I gave into my feelings and I kissed him.

This kiss started off slowly as I explored the wonders of his lips. Chris then grabbed my waist pulling me onto his lap. I ran my hand though his hair. And the butterflies, oh the butterflies, they were swimming along with the fish giggling in my belly. There were fireworks, electricity and even goosebumps. Oh so many goosebumps. The kiss was so passionate and I had the need to touch him, to get close to him. And so I did.

I unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt and then I felt Chris' hands against my hands as he helped me unbutton it. He smiled through the kiss as I changed my position and put my legs on either side of his lap. I pushed him further into the couch and pulled away for a second to let my eyes devour the wonder that was Chris' torso. His abs perfectly sculpted. He was so HOT! And he loved me. Me of all people!

I didn't have enough time to look in detail because Chris pulled me back for another kiss. And this kiss was fierce. He memorised my lips and now knew what to do. He bit my lip and I moaned. I traced my hands around his abs and I felt him wince at my touch, my unfamiliar touch.

I felt sad thinking about the other girls and I pulled back slowly but Chris just held my legs tighter, never letting me go. He kissed me harder, he never wanted to let me go.

And so he pulled the sweater off of me and I felt a fire between us. The need to be closer... well because I loved him.

And he loved me too.

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