Kikiyo, a Naruto Adventure

By kerbear_96

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This is a sort of spin off of Naruto. About a girl of my own creation who is the heroine of the story, along... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: A Strange ending to an eventful birthday
Chapter 3: In defense of a new friend
Chapter 4: Twin massacres
Chapter 5: Relationships, romantic and Familial
Chapter 6:Team 7, for the first time
Chapter 7: Elephant Shoes
Chapter 8: Escort the bridge builder
Chapter 9: Escort the Bridge builder-part 2
Chapter 10: escort the bridge builder-part 3
Chapter 11: The Between
Chapter 12: Birthday presents and applications
Chapter 13:Chunin exams- the written exam and old friends
Chapter 14: written exams complete
Chapter 15:Chunin exams- forest of death
Chapter 16:Chunin Exams- Preliminaries
Chapter 17: Chunin exams- A Secret Reveled
Chapter 19: Only trips to the bathhouse.
Chapter 20: helping the wilted flower blossom and pictures
Chapter 21: Chunin exams- the final rounds begin
chapter 22: chunin exams-the final round closes
chapter 23:jinchuriki vs. a jinchuriki tag team
chapter 24: quest for the new hokage
chapter 25: sealing the beast, a will that can endure
chapter 26: Recovery
chapter 27: recovery part 2
chapter 28: recovery part 3
chapter 29: the lesson
chapter 30: the realization
chapter 31: the parting
chapter 32: soul division
chapter 33:a new girl
chapter 34: the negotiation
chapter 35: a test and a good bye

Chapter 18:Chunin exams- Jiraiya's story and a father's love.

35 1 0
By kerbear_96

Hey guys sorry about the cliff hanger but I had to do it. Jiraiya and Kakashi are about to break your hearts.This is going to be super heartfelt. Enjoy:)

Jiraiya's POV

Sitting back down on the dock, I pulled a scroll out of my back pocket and performed some hand signs, when I was finished a guitar appeared in my hands. "Do you play at all?" I asked, she sat down and nodded, I smiled and began to tune it. "Why does it matter if I do or not? Most of the Siada were musically gifted. I mean we sing to confess our love." she was slightly confused as to where this was going. I began to play and she thought it was absolutely beautiful, "I don't think I've ever heard something so gorgeous in my life." she said in astonishment. "You know, I learned to play at a young age, in an effort to impress your grandmother, I was always to afraid to ever play for her though. Even after your father was born. To this day I've never gotten the nerve. I doubt if she knows I'm in love with her." I continued my story as I played and she listened intently.


I had just finished training with my new team, that blonde boy was quite remarkable, that other young man was pretty interesting, and that Siada girl, well she seems to be a hit with everyone. Well that is to be expected of a Siada, if I remember right she is friends with my son. I think I'm going to like these kids. Recalling the bell test, I had just given them, I smiled, yes they will be fine shinobi one day. Coming to a clearing in the woods, I made sure no one else was around. After performing a few hand signs, I began to play the guitar that appeared.After about ten minutes I heard a rustling in the woods and I stopped. "Please don't stop playing on my account Sensei." stepping into the clearing was my student Samara Siada, her crest in the center of her forehead, she also had sigals on her upper right arm and left leg. Her hair was short, dirty blonde, and she had the most beautiful gray eyes, I knew there was a powerful kekkei genkai behind them. One that struck fear into the enemy. She sat next to me and I spoke, "I thought you told us earlier you had to celebrate your younger sister's birthday this evening?" she frowned, "My sister has always been seen as the special one and its all because she has the guardian spirit inside of her. I am powerful too, I have natural talent but no one sees that.. She is only special based on circumstance. No one is going to miss me if I'm not there trust me." I looked at her and then continued to play, neither of us speaking.

"Sensei, Tsunehisa is your son right?" she blushed as she broke our silence, I smiled, "Why yes he is, why did you have a crush on him?" I giggled slightly then what she said surprised me, "Actually yes, ever since we were little..." She smiled and continued, "I want to share my heart song with him but I'm scared the words won't be in his heart too." Still playing I pondered her words, "You know, you are quite good at playing, who did you learn for?" she asked, again surprising me, "Anyone who plays with that much skill, picked up the art for a reason." She smiled and I answered, "I learned for her, Tsunehisa mother. As you know she and I aren't married but she is my best friend and mother of my child. I've been in love with her since we were kids but because she loved another, I've never been able to play for her. So I became a ladies man of sorts, until Bindo of course, we've both tried for him, I think our friendship makes it easier to raise him together. However we fight pretty constantly, but we keep it from him. I can't find the words to tell her my feelings though. Even now that we have a child together. Maybe things would be better if she knew I loved her." I blushed, I couldn't believe I was spilling my guts to my student but she smiled, "I'll make you a deal, if you teach me to play guitar and train me to be a powerful kunoichi, I will let you use my heart song to share your feelings with her and I'll do the same for Bindo." My eyes widened at her proposal then they softened as she smiled. "What about this melody?" I smiled, began to play and she started to sing. That was the beginning of our teacher - student bond and friendship.

end flashback

Kiki's POV

I began to cry as he told the story and then he stopped and struck the first cord of a song my mother used to sing to me when I was young. "Is that.." I couldn't get the words out "Yes this was her heart song." he answered me. He played the opening, memories of my mother playing guitar flooded my mind and I cried more, "Why don't we sing together? You start." he said smiling as he played, I nodded and started, as I did my sigals illuminated.

"Wise men say, 'only fools rush in' but I can't help, falling in love with you. Oh shall I stay, would it be a sin? Oh, if I can't help falling in love with you? Like a river flows, surly to the seas, darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be."

he continued, "Take my hand, take my whole life too. Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you. oh like a river flows,surly to the sea, darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be."

We ended in unison, "Oh take my hand, take my whole life too, for I cant help falling in love with you. oh for I, I cant help falling in love with you."

He finished playing, with a smile, his voice was deep and beautiful, I'd never heard a voice so husky and astonishing. Once he was finished tunning it again, he placed the guitar on the dock next to him. I jumped into his arms, sobbing and wrapped my small arms around his neck. He rubbed my back and held me tightly. We both heard clapping which caused us to separate, we looked toward to shore to see several people, among them was the third hokage, my papa, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Neji, Tenten, Lee and the other sensei. Even some of the proctors looked on, as well as villagers. Everyone was smiling and some were crying, its hard not to when such beauty is displayed. My grandfather and I stood, "Hokage-sama, I'm ready to meet with the council." I said. He waved me off and smiled, "We'll deal with that tomorrow, enjoy your family reunion." I looked up to my grandfather and smiled, he returned it. "Kiki-chan, get over here and introduce us!" Sakura yelled, waving at us. I pulled my grandfather by the hand and ran to my friends, Naruto and I introduced them one by one. Naruto had filled them in, as to who he was to me before hand, and they were curious. When we got to the sensei; papa, Gai, Asuma, Kurenai, all bowed to him in respect. "Its been a long time. I remember all of you when you were just children." they all smiled, "It has, hasn't it?" said Asuma. "Youthful as ever, with the ladies too, I assume." said Gai with his signature thumbs up. "Its an honor to see you again, Jiraiya-sama." Kurenai said with a slight blush, which didn't go unnoticed by anyone, especially my grandfather. "Better watch out Asuma, I might snatch your girl up." he said laughing which caused a chain reaction. He then looked at my father and smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder, his words brought tears to my eyes. "You've done right by my granddaughter, you are a good father. I expected nothing less from the pupil of Minato. Samara and Bindo would be proud of you. Just as I am." I could tell his words deeply touch my papa because he immediately grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Thank you for trusting me with her.. She is the light of my life." he said with a smile under his mask. "awwws" were heard all around. "Well this is all touching but I'm hungry." said Choji and Naruto shouting. "RAMEN!" they again said in unison. Everyone laughed and began to follow the two gluttons. I walked next to Sasuke, holding his arm.

Jiraiya POV

Kikashi and my former teacher walked on either side of me as I followed behind my god-son and granddaughter. I noticed her take the arm of a young boy, smiling all the while. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest when I noticed the Uchiha Crest on his shirt. "That's Sasuke, huh?" I asked the men, who nodded in response. "He and Kiki-chan were engaged to be married but that was nullified when both families passed." said the third. "However, they seem to be quite taken with each other regardless." he continued. The three of us looked on, as the sun shined on her smiling face as she looked up at the young man. "She looks likes her." I said seeing her golden eyes. "She is a good combination of her mother and grandmother, you're right about that." said the third. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the young Uchiha bent down and whispered something in her ear causing her to blush and smile shyly. For some reason I felt angry and protective of her. Yes she is my granddaughter but do I really have the right? Kakashi spoke as if he were reading my mind.

Kakashi's POV
"I know what you're thinking, he doesn't deserve her. He knows, Jiraiya-sama, I assure you." I said while putting my hands in my pockets. We kept distance between ourselves and the others as we continued toward Ichiraku's, walking at a slow pace. "I'm currently training him, you see Orochimaru made a surprise visit in the Forest of Death and marked him." I said then looked to the ground, the third continued, "His target however, was our princess, Sasuke protected her and took the burden. Kakashi has sealed the mark away but he still worries for his daughter." Jiraiya looked at me as if to tell me to keep talking. "During the preliminary round Kiki-chan used an energy exchange so that Sasuke would advance to the next round." He gasped, "Energy exchange? She's only thirteen, that's advanced even for a Siada of thirty." I nodded, "Even before her clan died, she would sneak into the family shrine and study jutsu, mastering ones that would take years in only months, months in weeks and weeks in a day. When the massacre occurred she took all of the family scrolls and destroyed the compound to keep bandits away. She came to live with me and continued to study and learn. She is a prodigy." We were silent as we again admired her from a distance. "She's more than a prodigy, she sounds like the beginning of the next generation of 'jutsu master'. There hasn't been one since the sages own children." Said the third causing Jiraiya and I to look shocked.

For a while no one spoke before Jiraiya asked a question that took me by surprise. "Do you trust the Uchiha?" This time the third and I looked at him in awe. "Like I said I've been training him.. After his recovery during the preliminaries I spoke with him about things. Then as said, I sealed his curse mark. Then training began.." I continued for the two of them as memories came to my mind.

We'd been training for hours, it didn't seem that Sasuke was getting the hang of the chidori, I'd been teaching him. If I hadn't agreed to train him I could be at home with my daughter, helping her. She would have this done in an hour or less. "Kakashi, are we going to continue?" Sasuke pulled me out of my daydream, pretty rudely but I ignored it. "Yes of course Sasuke but why don't you work on striking force. Chidori won't matter if you can't put force behind it. Try that boulder over there." I pointed to it and he walked away. As he did I imagined my daughter's arm wrapped around his and the way they looked into each other's eyes. He began hitting the large rock, blow after blow it began to chip away. Taking this opportunity I took out my favorite novel and began to read it's glory. Oh, how Jiraiya was a genius! Occasionally I looked up to see Sasuke pounding the rock, my thoughts wondered to the idea of my daughter's heart one day being that rock, Broken and cracked. Shaking my head I went back to reading, suddenly the books content began to blend with my reality. Instead of the main characters I saw my child and student, utterly disturbed by the thought of my daughter engaging in those acts, I tossed the book and yelled slightly. Sasuke turned to me questioningly before seeing the book on the ground, "It's my understanding that those aren't horror novels." He said with a smirk before continuing on the rock. "Oh you have no idea..." I mumbled under my breath.

Several hours passed, light had long since left the sky and I called out to my student, "Sasuke, let's call it a night. I have to get home, Kiki-chan will butcher me for being so late again." He immediately halted, exhausted he nodded and agreed. We had begun walking back to the village, it was silent, there was never much to say between us. To be honest it could get pretty awkward, everytime I looked at him all I could think about was my daughter's lips against his. Granted I'd never actually seen an exchange of affection between them, escorting was about as public as they got.. But I'm not a fool, they are young and in love... I remember stealing kisses every now and then at that age too. Frowning under my mask, I didn't let the young man see my inner conflict. No one would ever see my feelings, at least that was until a certain, golden eyed girl stepped in and stole my heart. This brought another thought to mind, a thought that made me grow angry. Did this boy realize how little he deserved her? I suppose as her father though no one is good enough for my beautiful blessing. Suddenly, another thing dawned on me, maybe she isn't only a blessing in my life but in others as well. Anyone, who has ever met her seem to be enchanted by her. I began to remember our time in the Land of Waves and how she completely changed the lives of Tazuna and his family. Smiling at the thought, I looked at Sasuke out the corner of my eye. There was still an avenger there, i wasn't the only one who saw it. But when he and her were together, that angry look changed into a look of peace and a feeling I don't think he fully understood.

"She loves you, you know that?" I said causing him the look at me in surprise. He only smirked or smiled? It's hard to tell with him sometimes. "I know, she is pretty special." He said looking up toward to stars. "How she could actually care about me, I don't understand." "Do you love her?" I asked again taking him off guard. It was silent as we got closer to the gates of Konoha, he broke the silence with a small laugh. "she does things to me that I don't completely understand but ever since we were little I've wanted to keep her safe. Even when I closed myself off from everyone, I sat with her in class, trained with her during outdoor activities, went into the library to watch over her. She never questioned it, she only accepted it. I love her, yes. But she has accepted that I have goals that must be met in order for me to fully protect her. I don't deserve her grace, I know, she could love so many others better than me. I only want her happiness, even if that means I'm not the cause of it. She doesn't show it but she hurts, more than a lot of people. It's for other people that she hides these feelings. She loves humanity on a level, I nor anyone else can. She doesn't see differences in upbringing, civilian or shinobi, she sees people as people, nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps that's what everyone is so drawn to. She brings peace to the heart and soul. When she took the pain from that boy in the Land of Waves, it made me think, what does she see when she holds us? Could she be taking our pain little by little? What if we're taking her peace because she's taking our grief?"When he finished speaking I was stunned, he really did care about her, I only smiled through my mask, "as long as you understand that. Don't give me a reason to distrust you." We walked through the gates of konoha and he began to walk ahead of me, before I began to walk toward my home he stopped me. Without turning around he spoke, "Any decision I make is for her, I want you to know that. I also plan to make her my wife one day. Her happiness is everything to me. I just wanted to make my intentions known." With that we went our separate ways.

End flashback

Both of the older men smiled as we reached the ramen house, everyone else had long since ordered and been seated. Naturally Sasuke took the seat to the right of Kiki, closest to the wall, Naruto was on the left and Sakura was next to him. "What took you all so long?" Asked Naruto stuffing his face. None of us answered, we only took our seats with the other Jonin. Out the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the beautiful girl, I got to call my daughter. She smiled, at all of her friends, oh how I loved to see her smile. Jiraiya was doing the same, everything was right with the world. "Let's all go to the baths tonight!" Cheered Ino, suddenly everything got less right. The girls giggled in agreement, "A bath does sound nice, what do you guys, say?" Asked Kiki with a smile, no one can resist that beautiful, white smile of hers. All the young men in attendance blushed in embarrassment but shook their heads yes. "We won't be going with you children. I'm sorry but I need Asuma, Kurenai, Gai and Kakashi but I'm sure Jiraiya-sama, here wouldn't mind going with you all." Said the third Hokage as he stood. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean the old Guy's a--" Jiraiya threw his hand over Naruto's mouth before he could finish, "I will keep an eye on these youngsters ,no problem!" He yelled. We finished eating and then went our separate ways. The kids and Jiraiya went toward the bathhouse and we Jonin followed the Hokage. "Hokage-sama, why do you need us sir? If I may ask?" Kurenai questioned respectfully as we were lead through the park. "Oh I don't really, I just wanted to see how Jiraiya will act as a grandfather and chaperone." He reply with a smile. "Should we start placing bets now?" I asked in a teasing manner, we all laughed. Oh Jiraiya please do right by her.

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