Bullied By Magcon Boys|| H.B...

By rowlandsxjenzie

52.9K 1.2K 173


Chap. 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 15
Chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 18
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Chap 24
Chap 25
Chap 26
Chap 27
Chap 28
Chap 29
Chap 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chap 34
Chap 35
Chap 36
Chap 37
Chap 38
Chap 39
Chap 40
Chap 41
Chap 42
Last Chapter

Chap 30

972 22 6
By rowlandsxjenzie

Mae : umm no , I think they still have their towels off.

( you and mae turn around and the boys are bare naked still. With their towels on the floor. You and mae look at each other. )

Y/n : Mae let's go upstairs!
Mae : yeah!

( you shield your eyes away from the boys and try to go with your gut to the stair case. You continue walking as mae follows you. You bump into something and something long hits your leg. You look up and see hunter. You try and walk around him but he won't let you. )

Y/n : um hunter ..
Hunter : I'm not letting you through
Y/n : moveee
Hunter : naah

( you push hunter out of your way. You and mae rush upstairs , all the boys follow you with their towels. )

Blake : we see ya!

( the boys get their towels and spin it around trying to whip you. They chase you and mae around , you run upstairs. You go close the door to your room and shut your curtains making it dark. You go and hide in your closet. Your heart beats heavily as you breathe in and out. You hear faint footsteps enter the room. You try to slow down your breathing. )

Voice : * whispers very low * I guess she isn't I'm here

( you hear the footsteps go faintly out of your room. You start to relax. * 8 mins later * you're still in your closet and you hear mae from a distance. )

Y/n : * thoughts * maybe I should find mae. Maybe I shouldn't the boys are probably somewhere out there.

( you were debating between your thoughts. You then made a decision. )

Y/n : I'm gonna risk it.

( you get up slowly and quietly as you could , and you step out of your closet. The door to your room is wide open. Your heart beat gets stronger as you're getting nervous by each second. You take a big deep breath and step out of your room. You tried to remember where Mae's voice came from. You walk over to the stairs and you were about to take your first step down but you feel something wrap around your waist. Pulling you back upstairs. You come to a stop and look up , there's hunter. You feel his breathing on your body. )

Y/n : guess you found me
Hunter : yup I definitely did!
Y/n : haha well did you guys find mae?
Hunter : I don't know I was only looking for you * he winks , you blush *
Y/n : well why dont we go downstairs and I can get some snacks for everyone and some pillows and blankets because I'm tired.
Hunter : yeah sounds good.

( hunter hugs you tight. You feel something poke you real hard , below your waist. )

Y/n : ouchh!
Hunter : sorry!
( you look down below and see hunter's dick. )
Y/n : umm hunter ..
Hunter : yeah sexy
Y/n : your um * cough * dick * cough * is up ..
Hunter : henry
Y/n : who?
Hunter : I named my dick henry
Y/n : hahaha whatt omg! 😂
Hunter : yup! 😁

( you break away from hunter and walk downstairs as he follows you. You walk into the kitchen and feel a smack of a towel on your butt. )

Y/n : hunter I told you I wa ..
( you turn around to see cam. )
Y/n : oh hey cam
Cam : hey what are you doing?
Y/n : getting some snacks and then pillows and blankets so we can just chill ..
Cam : okay

( you grab chips , cookies and candy and bring it all to the living room and place it on the table. Everyone is sitting on the couch. )

Y/n : brando and mae , can y'all help me get some pillows and blankets?
Brando&Mae : of course!

( you go to the basement and grab some pillows and blankets and walk back downstairs and place them in the living room. You lay down and everyone gets comfortable and begin to eat snacks. Starring at each other without saying a word. )

Blake : this is getting real awkward ..
Mae : yeah let's do something?
Cam : yeah
Hunter : how about a movie?
Y/n : ehh no
Brandon : turn on and turn offs?
( you all nod your heads in agreement )
Brandon : who wants to go first?
Blake : MEE!
Brandon : okay blake ..

Yay anothaaa one :)

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