Hetalia oneshots.

By fandomlover987

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A series of one-shots between you and you're favorite hetalia character. Y/n= your name h/c= Hair color e/c=... More

Japan x Reader: Gomenasai
Prussia x lonely reader
America x orphan child reader
Magic Trio x Fragmentation Reader
Germany x reader: Until The Day I Die
Dead Italy x Sister Reader x Germany
Russia x Lithuania's Sister Reader
Bully Prussia x Bullied suicidal reader.
Prussia x reader
Norway x soldier reader: Never
Iceland x Male Country Reader
Denmark x Shy Reader
Sweden x Male Reader
Finland x Reader : Union
Iceland x Reader : Hanging Tree
Japan x Sister reader: Nothing Left
Norway x Violinist Sad Reader: The Sea and the Rock.
Russia x Country Reader: Exhausted.
Denmark x reader: You're My Idiot
England x Reader
DenNor (Mah OTP)
German brothers X Sister reader.
Norway x Denmark's Sister Reader: Pain
Sealand x reader: Growing up
Sweden x Viking Reader
Finland x Denmark's Sister Reader : Death is an inevitable punishment.
Norway x Reader : Never Forget.
Nordics x Big sister reader: Once a family, always a family.
Cheater Germany x Reader x Prussia
Norway x Sweden's Sister Reader
Iceland x Dying Depressed Reader: Always here.
Sweden x Shy Male Reader
Different Nordics X My Friends
Denmark x Reader : Piling Stones
Norway x Depressed Bullied Reader
England x Human Flying Mint Bunny Reader!
Cheater America x Reader x France
Greece x Neko Reader
Denmark x Bullied Reader: Perfect
Norway x Reader: Labelled
Sweden x Kirkland Reader
Norway X Depressed Reader: I have an addiction
Norway x Mute Reader
Sweden x Reader: Bound by our Souls
Nordics x Reader: Introduction.
Nordics x Reader: Norway's Ending.
Nordics X Reader: Denmark's Ending
Nordics X Reader: Iceland's Ending
Nordic's X Reader: Sweden's Ending
Nordics x Reader: Finland's Ending
Prince Denmark x Poor Reader: I don't Care!
Prince Denmark X Poor Reader (Part 2): I don't Care!
Norway x Teen Reader: Not Illegal.
DenNor Angst
Depressed Finland x Sweden: Stop!
Sweden X Rival Reader: Not Hate.
Denmark X Reader: Safe and Sound~
SuFinX PTSD Child Reader: Love?
Norway x Reader: A Thousand Years.
Norway x Rival Reader: Protect.
Sweden x Reader: For you, Anything.
Denmark X Viking Reader
Doctor Norway x Depressed! Anorexic! Patient! Reader: Self-fulfilling prophecy
Norway x OC: Over
Nordics x Abused Child Reader: Bruises and Scars
Denmark x Reader: Stranger
Norway x Reader: Fairytale
Norway x Reader: From Lovers to Enemies
Denmark X Bullied, depressed Reader: Make the pain stop.
Norway x Reader: I love you
DenSu/SuDen: The reason why...
Denmark x Anorexic Reader
A/N (Important, please read)
Denmark X Reader
Dying Sealand X Mother Reader: You are My Sunshine.
Norway x Abused Reader: Girl from the Sunrise Hill.
Nordics x Soldier Reader: The Last Letter.
Denmark x Pregnant Reader
Norway x Pregnant Reader.
Iceland x Bullied Depressed Suicidal Reader: I Care.
Denmark x Homeless Mute Reader: Soundless Voice.
Denmark x Reader: Farvel, Goodbye.
Iceland x Reader: Youth.
Hockey Player Norway x Figure Skater Reader.

District 7 Denmark x District 11 Reader: Just our Luck.

1.6K 36 12
By fandomlover987

"I volunteer as tribute!" A loud yell rings out through the silence as I push my way through the crowd. "Oh, it would appear we have a volunteer! How wonderful! Come up here dearie, ah there you go!" I walk bravely up to the stage, where I look over at the people that I had grown up with. Many shocked and worried faces peer up at me, including my sisters', who had just been picked out of the reaping bowl. Out of all the people's names, that were in that glass bowl, out of all the tesserae that I placed in there (57 to be exact, I do know other girls that had put their names in more though) my 12-year-old sister, who had put in no tesserae, was chosen. "What's your name and age dear?" I shoot a disgusted look at the woman dressed all up in frilly pink and violet. "Y/n L/n, aged 15," I state almost mechanically. The woman looks kind of shocked when I mention my name and age. "And was that your sister that got reaped?" She asks, pressing the microphone to my lips. "Yes, it was." I hear the woman say something about sibling love, and how wonderful it was of me to volunteer, but all I can think about is the look of terror in my sister's eyes as she was pulled away from me. "And now for the male tribute. Let's see," She takes out a card with the name of the poor boy that has to fight beside me in the arena. "Christian Jonas!" My stomach drops as I recognise the name to be my best friends'.  Christian walks up bravely, barely letting any emotion cross his mocha coloured face. He stands next to me and we're forced to shake hands. His eyes say exactly the same thing as mine 'Don't die.'


We've been at the capitol for a day now, and we are getting prepared for the big ceremony. I haven't yet seen any other tributes. That is to be left for later. These people have high expectations, don't they? I mean, before today I had not even heard of half of the things they were doing to my body. Apparently, they wanted me all clean and beautiful for my designer Francis. Speaking of the man, he walks into the room, holding a bag that looks full of clothes. "Bonjour Mademoiselle! I am here to make jou look so beautiful that the other districts won't even know what hit zhem! It looks as though I won't even have to try that hard, though, you already have a natural air of beauty and grace!" I blush from the compliment and stutter out a thank you. "I heard how brave you were, standing up for your little sister like that is truly amiable," I smile as my thought drifts to my sister. "Ah, here we go!" A lengthy at the back short at the front wheat coloured dress is shoved into my arms, along with black knee length boots. I stare at the gorgeous clothes in awe for a few seconds before hurrying them on my body.  They are a perfect fit! Francis gives me a smile and places something on my head. I turn to look at it in the mirror and smile when I see it. It's a golden, wheat shaped crown that wraps all the way around my head. I smile with tears in my eyes. "I look beautiful. Thank you, Francis." Francis smiles at me and gives me a hug. "Most of that beauty is your own, my dear." 

The time of the ceremony is drawing near. It's only approximately 10 minutes away! Our mentor, Josephine, told us to talk to some of the other tributes, try to gain possible allies early on. Neither I or Christian know how to talk to people, so we just stand there next to our chariot, stroking our horse's mane. During the time before the ceremony, I notice a boy from another district glancing my way. The girl next to him whispers something in his ear, causing the tall man to laugh and walk in our direction. Christian notices me looking at the blonde male, and looks in the same direction as me. "Hey there! My name is-" We are cut off by a woman's voice telling us to all get in our chariots. He pouts but runs back to his chariot. Christian and I laugh at the childish man, whilst mounting our own. All of the chariots file out one by one, right until district 12's right at the end. "And would you look at the female tribute from District 11? She looks like a princess am I right?" I hear over the speaker. "Indeed! Such a spectacular outfit for District 11 this year!" Christian nudges me playfully and wiggles his eyebrows. I giggle a little and wave to the roaring crowd. Before I know it the night is over and I am asleep in the most comfortable bed I have ever slept on!

The first day of training is today. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. This is my chance to put give off a good impression to the other tributes and possibly gain some allies too. Gaining allies are very important for people like me, it means that I have someone to depend on if my partner dies or goes missing. The table was silent as we ate. Everyone was too nervous to say anything. Right now we are in the elevator waiting to go down to the training area. Christian is tapping his foot and keeps pacing. "Christian, stop pacing! You're making me nervous!" I cry out in exasperation. Christian gives me a cute look and hugs me tightly. I gasp for air. Suddenly I notice that the elevator is slowing down and shove Christian off of me, straightening my clothes and giving him a small smile. He smiles back and the doors finally open, revealing a  large area with different stations. It seems like most districts are already there. "Hey there District elevens!" A loud and joyful voice greets us. I smile as I recognise it to be the boys' from the other night. I take in his features as he walks towards us. Blonde hair that seemed to defy gravity, ivory skin, happy grin and gorgeous cerulean blue eyes. "Listen up people!" An instructor commands making the blonde groan in annoyance again. The girl from his district shoots him a playful smirk. He stands next to us, paying no attention whatsoever to the instructor, instead sending glances in our direction, obviously being impatient to talk to us. "Alright, go on to a station." 

"Anyway, I'm Matthias and I'm from District 7! It's nice to meet you!" Christian shoves me in front of him. Surprisingly, Christian is very shy around people. He manages to stammer all his words and ends up a red, blushing mess. "I'm Y/n L/n, District 11, and this is Christian" Matthias grins at us and surprisingly pulls us both into a huge, bone-crushing hug. "You're both so cute!" He yells, catching the attention of most people in the room. The instructors all chuckle and the tributes either roll their eyes or smirk. "Matthias, stop unintentionally cutting off their air supply!" Matthias pouts and lets us go, allowing us to both breathe. He mutters a sorry before walking dejectedly towards the girl from his District. Christian and I are bright red from the shocking encounter. "Um so, what station?" I ask him awkwardly. Bothof our eyes drift to the climbing section and we nod. "Ah look! The District 11's think they actually have a chance at climbing! How cute!" My eye twitches at the sound of the overly confident and vain District 2 female tribute. "Well, I'd like to see a pampered priss like you try to beat me." My strong reply shocks even me. The District 1 girl walks towards me with a smirk on her face. "Fine, let's place a bet. If I win, I get to be the one to kill you in the Games. If you win, I let you go free." I contemplate all of this and nod. "Agreed." We shake hands and both of us get ready. I look at the fastest time and smile, I can easily beat 10.227 seconds. "3," We both grab a separate rope. "2," She sends me a confident smirk and I return it. "1!" We both lift ourselves up. As I climb I realise just how easy it actually is. It's nothing compared to what I had to do at home. With even more confidence than before, I swing myself back down at the finish and look at everyone's surprised expressions. Even Christian's mouth is dropped in shock. I look up and realise that District 1 girl is still only half way done. The instructor smiles and lifts my hand up in the air, almost picking me up. "We have a victory! And a new fastest time of 6.452 seconds!" Christian bounds up to me and lifts me on his shoulders cheering. "This is my Best Friend you lot! This is why you never underestimate the power of District 11!" 

Training went by fast. Matthias and I talked some more, and I'm fairly certain I have a new ally. He's really good with things like wielding an axe, which makes sense given the fact that he was a lumberjack back home. Genevive (The other District 7 tribute) is really nice too. Training is over for now, though, and we only have about 4 days until we have to go into the arena. I've been getting nightmares recently. I imagine what would happen if my Little Sister was in these games. It scares me to know that she would be had I not volunteered. I am waiting anxiously for this afternoon when I will go before the Gamemakers and show a skill. I am exceptionally good with knives and climbing, so those are the things that I'll be showing today. 

It's time to show off our skills. Christian goes in first and comes out after 10 minutes. He has a relieved look on his face and he whispers something like 'Good Luck' in my ear. I brace myself and walk out, giving off the aura of a confident woman. I bow in front of the Gamemakers, before picking up a nice set of steel knives. I walk over to the dummies and spin around, throwing the knife perfectly into the centre. I notice that the Gamekeepers aren't even watching. I grow annoyed and throw another knife into the head of the dummies. They still aren't looking, instead, they are crowded around a roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. I growl and aim my next knife in that direction. I throw it perfectly, the knife sailing through the air before cutting right through the apple. That grabs their attention and they all turn to me with shocked and amazed expressions on their faces. I bow sarcastically before placing the knives back into their holder. "Next time, I'd look out." I walk out of the area proudly. As I wait for the elevator to go back up to my floor, I realise what I just did and begin to panic. I'll get a 2 for sure from that stunt! Christian greets me at the top. "Hey, how did it go?" I run into his arms and begin to cry hysterically. He hushes me enough for me to be able to tell him what happened. "I messed up! I threw a knife at them! Well not at them, I hit the apple in the Pigs mouth. But oh my god! What if they take it out on Mama or Sister?" Christian instantly pulls me into a hug to calm me down. He looks at me firmly. "Y/n, they won't take it out on your family! They're not allowed to do that! Calm down!" I calm myself down, still breathing heavily and allow Christian to drag me to the royal blue, satin sofa. He gives me a grin, which makes me feel like we're back at home, where we would usually give each other grins whilst working. No on ever saw us, which made it all so much more exciting. "Look, it's time!" Everyone that works with us piles into the room and sit on or around the sofa. Josephine puts her hand on my shoulder as it starts. "First, we have District 1, with Tim Van Den Berg at 9 points, and Cecilia Quinn with 8 points. District 2 with Ivan Braginsky at 10 points and Adelheid Zwingli at 9 points. District 3 with Eduard Von Bock at 8 points and Christina Selward at 8 points. District 4 with Berwald Oxenstierna at 9 points and Madeline Williams at 8 points. District 5 with Arthur Kirkland at 7 points and Elizaveta Hederavy at 8 points. District 6 with Alfred Jones at 9 points and Nichiko Honda with 7 points. District 7-" My breath catches in my throat as I wait to see what Matthias and Genevive got. "with Matthias Kohler at 10 points and Genevive Fineslin at 8 points." I breathe a sigh of relief. "District 8 with Feliks  Łukasiewicz at 6 points and Xiao Mei at 7 points. District 9 with Jack Nevender at 8 points and Katyusha Braginskya at 7 points. District 10 with Angus Stewart with 8 points and Milly Stewart at 5 points. District 11-" Everyone takes a sharp breath as we wait to see what we get. "with Christian Jonas at 8 points-" We congratulate Christian. "and Y/n L/n at an amazing score of 11 points." My hand goes up to cover my mouth and tears fill my eyes. Everyone screams my name in joy. "And finally District 12 with Jett Kirkman at 7 points and Kaelin Anderson at 7 points." We switch the device off and give each other hugs.

I am all dressed up for the interview tonight. I can never seem to get over the beauty of the dresses Francis has me wear. I am waiting for Christian to finish up so we can go down together. "Okay, I'm done!" I mutter out a 'finally' and drag him behind me. When we finally make it all the way down, we are given looks of astonishment from the other Districts. We take our places in between District 10 and District 12. Matthias and Genevive walk towards us and strike up a conversation. "Genevive is wearing a light blue knee length dress with fluffy boots. She looks really adorable with her short, light blonde hair pushed out of her eyes by a snowflake hair clip. "My designer has a thing for Winter." She explains. "Besides, you should be thinking about your own dress! You look beautiful!" I thank her, blushing a light pink. We are told to all get in our respectful places so we can go in one by one. I ignore what they are all saying until it comes up to District 7. "Welcome people, Matthias Kohler!" The crowd goes wild as Matthias steps on stage with a grin. He waves at the crowd and takes a seat next to Caesar. "So Matthias, let's get right into business," Matthias cracks his fingers and nods for Caesar to go on. Is he taking the humorous route? "How is it here in the Capitol? What's your favourite part?" I can see Matthias thinking about what to say. "It's awesome here in the Capitol, there is literally so many things here that you can't get back in District 7! As for my favourite part, that would be meeting the District 11 Tributes!" Maybe not. Is he just going natural? Caesar makes a surprised and intrigued face, as the crowd 'ooh's for dramatic effect. "And why would that be?" Matthias rubs his hands together and grins at the crowd. "Because they are really awesome people! After you get over the shy barrier with Christian he's a really cool guy to talk to,  and after you get over the wall of defence from Y/n, she's actually pretty chill!" Thank you, Matthias. I can tell Caesar is excited from the juicy information. "Okay, let's move on. So we found out that at home you have a 2 younger brothers and no parents. How did this happen if you don't mind me asking?" Matthias gulps slightly. "Well, my brothers' names are Lukas and Emil. They aren't biologically my brothers, I took them in when their  parents died. My Mother died during childbirth and my Dad died from a tree fall incident." I feel pity for Matthias. He shouldn't have gone through all of that. The crowd obviously thinks so too as they all 'awe' in pity. "Okay, okay." Caesar pats Matthias on the shoulder and moves on to another question. "So, have you got a girl at home? Someone you have a crush on maybe?" Matthias goes slightly pink at the question and Caesar chuckles. "I presume that it's a yes then?" Matthias shakes his head and the crowd sighs in disappointment. Even I am surprised at his answer. Surely a man as handsome as Matthias would have a girlfriend. "Well, there is this one girl. But she isn't from my district." Caesar winces. "She's actually another tribute here." Caesar shakes his head and gives Matthias a pat on the shoulder. "Poor boy. Having to go against the person you love. Who is it exactly?" Matthias swallows and whispers an answer. Caesar tells him to speak up. "Y/n L/n." His answer makes the crowd go silent. It makes my jaw drop and my eyes widen. Matthias likes me?

"And now, please stay calm men, welcome to the stage, Y/n L/n of District 11!" I walk on stage with a huge smile, ignoring the flashing lights and loud cheers. "How are you doing dear?" Caesar asks me with a friendly smile. "A little overwhelmed, a little nervous and a little bit anxious. Normal things you feel before going into the arena I suppose." Caesar smiles and asks his next question. "Yes, the arena. Your Sister would be going in if you weren't, correct?" I nod and force a smile. "And how brave of you to take her place! How old is she?" He asks, I smile and reply. "She's 12, she loves to act older, though. Sometimes she would pretend to be like me at home. She would offer to do the same things I did all the time." Caesar and the crowd 'aww'. "Yes, I can imagine that happening. You seem like a great role model," I try to protest. "very modest too apparently." The crowd laughs and I blush a deep crimson. "So, let's talk about this dress you are wearing tonight!" He pulls me up and makes me spin around. "I know, beautiful isn't it? I have Francis to thank you for that." I say with a smile. Caesar allows me to sit back down. "Yes, it is. Don't you all think so?" The crowd roars with applause and compliments. "Yes, yes. So, what about that wonderful score you got? 11 points!" I smile and laugh a little nodding my head. "Yeah, I was very surprised when I heard that. Between you and me, what I did may have been a bit dangerous for the Gamekeepers. But that's all I can say." The crowd oohs at my words and I shoot a grin in their direction. I swear I see one man faint. Ceasar chuckles. "Play fire with fire eh? Anyway, how do you plan on winning the games?" I think about it for a few moments before coming up with the best answer. "I'm very fast, and I have to say I am fairly good at survival, good at hiding too. So, run, hide and survive. I don't plan on killing anyone unless I need to." Caesar nods in understanding. The timer beeps and the crowd groan in disappointment. "Don't worry! You'll all see me in the games anyway!" I call out, much to the humour of Caesar.

The first day in the arena is today, and I am stood in this sort of glass cylinder waiting to go up and face whatever the Gamemakers throw at me. I take deep breaths as it finally moves upwards. A forest is the first thing I notice of my surroundings. That and the cornucopia in the middle. That's where the bloodbath will begin. The countdown begins and I look around me. People are preparing to run. I look around and try to spot Matthias, Genevive and Christian. Matthias is directly in front of me, Genevive is somewhere to my right and Christian is left. Matthias stares at me the entire time, mouthing words over and over again. 'Run, run, grab a bag and run for it.' At least that's what I can make out. I nod and prepare to run as well. He smiles at me, but it isn't one of his usual happy grins, it's a fearful smile. He's scared. My hands shake as the gun finally goes off. I run as fast as I can, avoiding everyone else and grabbing a survival bag along with 12 knives that catch my eye. I notice Matthias out of the corner of my eye,  grabbing a 6-foot long battle axe and swinging it at Angus, easily killing the boy. I take my chance and run away from the cornucopia. The forest is my safe place. I quickly climb a tree and jump from tree to tree, making sure not to make too much noise. My heart beats fast and my breathing is quick as I move. I can hear screams and yells of the other tributes back at the cornucopia, so I run until I can no longer hear them. I run so far that I end up at a lake. I mentally pinpoint where it is and move away slightly, so no one can find me in the thick greenery. I look through both of the bags, finding a sleeping bag, some rope, a bottle of water, some water cleaning tablets, a pen knife, some burn medicine, some bandages and some matches. I grin and place 6 of the knives in a bag, placing the other 6 in various places around my body. I grab a chunk of my hair and cut it all off. My h/l hair would have gotten in the way had I not. The sun begins to set over the horizon. Of course. The Gamemakers literally control everything in the arena, including time. I sigh and get out my sleeping bag. I tie it to the tree and slip inside. The Capitol's song comes on and the names of all the dead tributes come up. Christina Selward, District 3, Angus Stewart, District 10, Eduard Von Bock, District 3, Feliks  Łukasiewicz, District 8, Jack Nevender, District 9, and Christian Jonas. My stomach drops when I see Christian's name up there. Tears pool in my eyes and I begin to sob. My Best Friend is dead.

2 days in, and so far I haven't been found. Surprisingly it didn't hurt to sleep in a tree overnight. I've been thinking about Matthias for a while now. Whether he's okay, whether he's safe. I know he isn't dead. His name hasn't shown up yet. It's all that gives me hope now. "That girl from District 11 seems dangerous. We should find her first!"I curse under my breath as I hear the Career Districts talking about me. I grip the handle of one of my knives, pack up my things and throw the knife. It sails through the air and right into the head of Madeline. The 5 remaining tributes turn in my direction and each gets out their respectful weapons. I notice that there are only actually 4 of them, Berwald isn't with them at all. Good, that's one more that I don't have to deal with.  I jump into another tree, making no sound whatsoever. I smirk when I see Cecilia come into view. I hate her so much. I throw the knife, hitting her right between the eyes. I throw another knife, killing Tim. "Come on, let's get outta here before another one of us gets killed!" The last 2 run away in fear. I smirk and drop down onto the forest floor, picking up my three knives. I almost throw up when I see all the blood on them. I wipe them on the tributes clothes. It's not like they'll need them anyway. If they managed to find this place, it means that I won't be safe here any longer. I grab my things and move away from the water. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see a trail of blood. An animal perhaps? I follow the blood until it suddenly stops in its tracks. I look around me and see a sight I never wanted to see again. Matthias laid on the ground, bleeding heavily from a wound on his stomach. "Matthias!" I call out in fear. I instantly kneel down next to him and get out some bandages. Matthias wakes up. But something seems different about him. I look at him and realise what it is. This wasn't Matthias. The Matthias-look-alike pounces at me, holding a knife to my throat. I push it off of me and take out my own knife. "You wouldn't kill me now would you Y/n dear?" The voice sounds so similar to Matthias'. This is going to hurt me, isn't it? "Wouldn't I?" I ask rhetorically before stabbing the thing in the chest. Tears drip down my face as I kill it. I know it's not real, but it feels like it. And I despise the very feeling that comes along with it. These aren't just games. It's a brutal way of breaking people. Even if you do get out alive, you won't be fixed.

I didn't sleep that night. I stayed awake the entire time, crying and shaking. The dead body of 'Matthias' laid in front of me. I couldn't bring myself to move away. When I finally did move, it was morning. My stomach had rumbled with hunger and I had gathered some berries to eat. I made sure none were poisonous of course. "Ah!" I heard a cry of pain coming from somewhere nearby. I hesitantly walk in that direction, holding a knife up just in case. "Y/n?" I look around rapidly, hearing the voice of Matthias. The real Matthias. "Matt?" A limping figure comes out from behind a tree. The blonde, naturally gravity defying hair is definitely his. Tears gather at the corners of my eyes, and I leap into his arms. He laughs and laces his fingers through my dirty hair. I smile into his shoulder as we stand in a warm embrace. "What happened? Where did you go? Is Genevive with you?" I ask questions rapidly, staring up into his beautiful blue eyes. His smile turns into a frown. "Berwald attacked me, I-I had to kill him. I just wandered around. Berwald killed Genevive early this morning." I sigh and press a chaste kiss to his cheek. "I heard that Christian's dead? Do you know what happened?" I shake my head in answer to his question. I look down to his wound and gasp in horror. "Matthias, your leg!" I bend down and grab some water and bandages from one of my backpacks. "Y/n it's fine, don't waste them on me." I frown and shake my head, beginning to clean the wound. He hisses in pain as I wrap the bandages tightly around the wound. "What happened to your hair anyway?"  I laugh at his random question. "I cut it off, it was going to get in the way." He ruffles my hair playfully. I giggle a bit at his childish nature. "It's nice, I like it!" I smile and stand back up brushing the dirt from my clothes. "I'm glad." Suddenly a red substance pours from the sky. It's too thick to be rain. As it pours on our heads, I finally realise what it is. "Blood," I whisper in horror. I take Matthias' hand and run through the forest the blood staining my skin a dark crimson colour. Matthias can't run properly with his leg. We have to take cover somewhere. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a cave next to a river. I drag Matthias behind me, through the wild waters and into the cave. He is gasping and wheezing as I finally lay him down on a rock. I look down and notice that a yellowish substance is coming out of Matthias' leg. "It's infected," I mutter.

That night I cuddled up to Matthias inside the sleeping bag. His arms wrapped around my waist, and my head buried in his chest. It was actually very comfortable. Although, he was groaning in pain in his sleep. I'll have to find some herbs or something to treat his leg. I press a hand to his head, checking his temperature. I have to pull my hand away quickly, though. He's scorching hot! "Attention all remaining tributes. Each and every one of you needs something, and the Capitol has decided to give you these things. But to get them, you have to go to the cornucopia. The things will be inside bags with your District number on them.Come this evening to get them. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour." My eyes brighten at the opportunity. I grab my knives, some water and some bandages just in case. A pressure on my hand stops me from moving anywhere else. "No," Matthias tells me sternly, his usual happy and carefree expression gone. "Why not? Matthias, they'll have everything we need!" He shakes his head, his blue eyes looking up at me with an emotion I can't decipher. "No, I don't care! Don't you see? It's a trap! There hasn't been enough action recently, they'll want people to go there and kill each other! I can't let you do that!" I become frustrated at his stubbornness. He knows it too. Matthias gives me a look. I frown at him. "Matthias, this is probably the only chance for us to heal your leg! It'll only get worse if I don't go! I can't just sit back and watch you slowly die because you wouldn't give me permission to get medicine for the wound!" I can see Matthias getting exasperated. He reaches up and pulls me down with him. I end up sat on his lap as he grabs my face and makes me look at him in the eye. "I can't let you put yourself in danger for me. I'm not worth it!" I am about to protest when Matthias slams his lips onto mine in a passionate lip-lock. I make a sound of surprise and my eyes widen profusely. A hot blush spreads across my cheeks like a wildfire. And yet something about this seems so right. My eyes slide shut and I kiss back. His hand tangles itself in my hair and both of mine wrap around his neck. He pulls away slightly and rests his forehead on mine. Our breaths mingle together as his hand moves to caress my cheek. I smile softly. "Don't go." I sigh and nod, resting down next to him.

I leave the cave quietly, making sure my steps don't make any sound. I feel awful for lying to Matthias but it had to be done. I run all the way in the direction of the cornucopia. Somewhere in the distance, I see Adelheid grabbing both District 2 bags. I take out a knife and swiftly throw it in her direction. I watch as it hits her in the back before quickly running off in another direction. Ivan comes out from behind a tree and sneers. "Y/n," He growls in anger before taking the knife and throwing it in my direction. I scramble to get out of the way, but I'm not quick enough as it barely scrapes my cheek. Ivan begins to walk in my direction, so I ready another knife, not expecting Alfred to come out from nowhere and shoot a gun at his head. "That was for Nichiko." He doesn't notice me behind him, so I throw the knife into his back. I take the bag off of his shoulder, along with grabbing the District 2 bags. I look around the cornucopia and see Jett dead on the floor and Kaelin sat next to him sobbing. I can't bring myself to kill her. She looks too much like Little sister. Instead, I grab Matthias' bag, my bag and run. Branches whip at my face as I make my way through the thick greenery. I see the cave in the distance and run faster. I'm not prepared to hear the clanging of metal, though. I see Matthias pushing Elizaveta out of the cave. I take out another knife and run towards Elizaveta, being blinded by rage. I flip her onto the ground and pin her to the floor, blocking her attempts to disarm me. I stab my knife down into her stomach a total of 7 times, blood spurting out onto my face. Matthias finally drags me off of her, a look of anger on his face. He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me into the cave, where I notice Xiao Mei laying dead. He takes my face in his hands and forces me to look at him. "I told you not to go! What were you thinking putting yourself in such danger? And you're injured too! I told you it wasn't worth it! Next time you at least tell me, or leave a message so I know you weren't dragged out and killed by something! Do you know how scared I was?" I place my hand on his cheek, silencing him for the time being. "I'm not sorry Matthias. You need this, and I won't let you go without it. My injury doesn't matter, it's just a scratch. If I left a message you would have come after me and gotten even more hurt." Matthias frowns and pulls me into him for a hug. "You scared me." He whispers into my hair. I smile and wrap my arms around his shoulders. "I'm sorry."

After I cleaned and applied the cream sort of medicine to his wound, and Matthias did the same for mine, we fell asleep in each other's arms. Matthias had managed to wrap his legs around mine and placed his arm under my head as a pillow, lacing his fingers with mine. He was adorable when he slept, his mouth would be partially open and he would cling on to me like a little child, which in a way I suppose he kind of was. On the outside, he acts all tough and strong, but on the inside was a scared and fragile child that needed care and attention. I guess that's why I love him. I need to care for someone so I can care for myself. "Hey," Matthias whispers finally opening his blue eyes that I have come to adore. "Hey," I reply, my voice soft. He smiles and presses a loving kiss to my lips. I kiss him back. "I love you." He mumbles against my lips. I giggle and reply. "I love you too Matthias." Suddenly yells from outside alert us and we stand up. I grab my knives and Matthias grabs his axe, standing slightly in front of me. Matthias turns and presses a kiss to my forehead before walking out, keeping me behind him a little. I see Arthur, Katyusha and Kaelin standing there, Arthur wielding a sword, Katyusha holding a spear and Kaelin gripping tightly onto a trident. Katyusha instantly throws the spear in Matthias' direction. Matthias' eyes widen and he is paralysed with fear. I shove him out of the way at the last minute, the spear pushing itself all the way through my stomach. Matthias looks up at me with crystalline tears pricking at his cerulean blue eyes. I look down and yank the spear out, throwing it into Katyusha before falling to the floor in pain. Everything around me seems to spin. It feels like I'm under water. I hear Matthias give out a yell of fury, before swinging his axe into Kaelin and turning towards Arthur. Arthur slices his sword through Matthias' neck, but Matthias throws his axe into his stomach. Matthias' falls down beside me, blood seeping from his neck. 'I love you' I mouth, tears rolling down my face. 'I love you too' he mouths back, placing a hand on my cheek and the other on my waist. He kisses my lips softly, then more passionately. And I know. I know that this will be the last sign of affection we share, that it will be the last thing we do before we die. The last thing I feel before drifting away is Matthias warm embrace and his soft lips on mine. It seems like Milly, the girl with the lowest score, won.

I suppose it's just my luck, huh? Falling in love with a man from another District and then dying by his side.

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