again -jc caylen- discontinue...

By ashclit

28.7K 899 450

The saying goes, if you love something, set it free. If it comes back then it's meant to be. After 3 years o... More

Authors note


1.1K 39 11
By ashclit

"Okay class, your assignment is to take pictures of people you love doing simple every day things. Kind of like candids. You then have to tell the class why you love them." My professors voice booms through the room.

"Who are you going to photograph?" Carlie whispers to me.

"Uhm either my boyfriend or best friend." I say slightly shrugging.

"JJ? I didn't know you loved him." She said confused.

"I do. I think." I say truthfully.

I don't really know if I love JJ, I've been with him for a year and a half but I still feel this void in my heart. When we kiss I don't feel that special spark you know? Like the feelings of butterflies when ever the one you love holds your hand or looks at you a certain way. It's just not there.

"Okay! Class is dismissed. The assignment is due in two weeks." Carlie and I get up, shoving our shit into our bags and walking out of the door.

"Does he help you pay the bills?" She asks making conversation as we walk to the small coffee shop that we work at.

"No, but I've got it under control my jobs cover the bill." I say forcing a smile.

"What about your building. It's forecloser." She says sighing.

I shrug, " I guess I got into it too quickly. Spent my money too fast."

"You know that that is completely unfair, you worked your ass off for this and JJ does nothing." She says sighing as we walk into the small cafe on the edge of the street.

"He's looking for a job." I huff and walk behind the counter.

"Stop defending hi-" Carlie was cut off by Marcus running into the back frantically.

"There's so many people out there! I need help." He says looking at us desperately. I sigh and look at the clock while tying my apron behind my back.

"I'll go." I volunteer and walk out there. I take orders and make them, then bring them out to people.

I grabbed the caramel mocha some preppy chick ordered and called her name. I look up to see if she was coming and see a set of brown eyes look down at me.

"S-Samantha?" He says baffled. My face drained of the little color it held. The lady came and took her drink mumbling a quiet thank you and leaving.

"Aye.." I smiled a little.

He was wearing a all black suit with a dark maroon tie. He looked so good in a suit.

"I-uh what are you doin here?" He asks.

"Well ya know, just selling children." I answered sarcastically. He chuckled a little bit and scratched the back of his neck.

I straighten out the apron I was wearing "clearly I work here, so whatcha wanna get?" I asked quietly.

He pulled his wallet out of his blazer "a dark coffee, no creamer or sugar just black. And a banana muffin."

I punch his order into the machine while smirking slightly. I knew what he was gonna order.

"So... How have you been?" He says awkwardly. I hate this. I hate it.

I've been bad.

"Great. How about you?" I ask while putting the money he handed me into the cash register.

"Shi- oh! That's where you are!" The all too familiar voice interrupts him.

"Babeee! Can you get me a drink?" She asks him batting her false lashes at him.

"Sure." he mumbled. She gave me an order and Jc and Lia sat at a table talking and laughing.

I contemplated throwing their drinks at them but I decided against it.

"You've been staring at them for a while Sam.. Give them their orders before they go cold." Carlie says.

"Fine!" I huff walking over to their and putting the drinks on the table "have a Nice day." I forced a smile.

"Thank you Sammy." Jc says. He smiles at me and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"What ever." I mumble and walk out the back to get a breath of fresh air.
After about 10 minutes I decide it's time to go back inside. I open the door and run into some one.

"Sorry." I mumble looking up to see Jc. He smelt like a fancy ass cologne and... Cigarettes?

I walk away from him and run to the back to the break room and text Kian.

To Kian
Jc is here please come.

Dumb way to end 😹

Here's today's chapterrr

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