Fangs: The Fifth Marauder

By Hypergay

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After being expelled from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Zentheya Melanie Black was forced to face her father'... More

Fangs: The Fifth Maurader
Chapter 1: Father's Wrath
Author's Note: Need help!
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Here I Come!
Author's Note: Me
Author's Note: Question
Chapter 3: I've Always Wanted to Slap a Snobby Pureblood
Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: First Day Jitters
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Severus' Karma and Sirius' Courage
Holy Fire whiskey! 912 Views!
Chapter 8: The Annual Black Twins Prank War
Chapter 9: Finding my Magic Animal Friend
Chapter 10: Who Knew What You Would Discover When You Are Missing or Hiding
Holy Butterbeer!
Author's Note
Chapter 12: Who Knew Werewolves could be so Captivated by Fire Part 2
Chapter 13: Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter 14: Making the Team
Chapter 15: Becoming a Marauder
Chapter 16: Sirius' Anger
Chapter 17: Becoming an Animagus
Chapter 18: Hogsmeade
Important Not an Update
Chapter 19: Fangs is Born and Moony Imprints
Author's Note

Chapter 11: Discovering Remus' Secret Part 1

280 15 4
By Hypergay

Sirius' P.O.V.
"Sirius! Wake up!" James' voice snapped me from my restless sleep, his voice was so loud in my ears that it caused my eyes to shoot open.

"Merlin James!" I whined as I sat up and rubbed the sleep from the corner of my eyes. "What the hell do you want?" I asked him.

"Come on get up! We are late for breakfast!" He exclaimed frantically.

My eyes widened and I literally jumped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom to get ready while the others changed in the dorm. I always changed in the bathroom so no one else could see the marks and bruises on my back and front. I didn't need any of them to start asking questions about where the marks came from or about how they got there. Some of which were from my Father, others were from Rodupholus and many were from Bellatrix...

It didn't take me too long to get ready and within five minutes, I was dressed and exiting the bathroom just as Remus and James were leaving the dorm with Frank, the twins, Halter and Sam. "How did we manage to sleep in again!?" Frank whined as he stretched his arms and his back.

"Who knows!" Fabian began, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe it was Halter again. He always does enjoy keeping us asleep!" Gideon concluded, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"Ooooor maybe none of us could hear the alarm because of James' ridiculous snoring!" Remus smirked.

"Hey!" James whined as the others laughed.

I smiled slightly at them but it soon faded as I walked into the Common Room. Zentheya wasn't here to greet me... I had to find out what Malfoy did to her! "Ze will be alright mate!" Remus' voice snapped me out of my thoughts as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I know...I would just like to know what Malfoy needed from her!" I told him sighing heavily.

"Come on, let's go and have some food, then we can go and see her after breakfast!" James suggested.

I nodded and with that, we all raced to the Great Hall for our breakfast.

Zentheya's P.O.V.
I tossed and turned in my sleep as I was reliving the events of the night before. Gasping sharply, I woke up, drenched in sweat. My whole body was aching and I didn't want to be alone! I groaned as a sharp pain radiated through my entire body. "Ah you're awake!" A sudden voice made me jump and turn around. I was faced with this rather plump female with grey hair, light skin and kind blue eyes. "Your brother was very worried about you!" She told me gently. I stared at her confused as I was still rather drowsy and sleepy. Looking around me, I realise that I was in the Hospital Wing, there weren't many students in the Hospital Wing, however I did notice a small round potions bottle sitting on the bedside table. "Oh that was a simple sleeping mixture to help you have a slightly more peaceful sleep, however the effects began to wear off in the early hours of this morning!"

I nodded slowly. "W-who are y-you?" I asked quietly.

"Oh silly me! My name is Madame Pomfrey, your brother calls me by my first name 'Poppy', and I am the school nurse here at Hogwarts. Mr. Lupin and your brother brought you in last night after the Feast, you had lost quite a bit of blood my dear," Madame Pomfrey explained. "What happened dear? I've got a few ideas from the state that you were in when the boys brought you here, I just need to take a statement from you dear!"

I bit my lip. "I-I fell.." I lied, however I was rather surprised when Madame Pomfrey didn't believe me and she raised one of her eyebrows at me in disbelief.

"I am aware that you believe or want other people to believe that you are accident prone, however my dear, I believe from the scars on your arms and back which are similar to your brother, that you do not have a very happy home life, is that correct?" Madame Pomfrey inquired, but I stayed silent not wanting to confirm it in case my Father found out. "I also believe that last night you were attacked by a fellow student, is that right?" She concluded.

I bit my lip as she was surprisingly spot on. Sirius was right, teachers and staff here notice things that the staff at Beauxabatons didn't. I felt my eyes beginning to water. I nodded slightly and the tears started to escape from my eyes. "P-please don't tell anyone!" I begged her.

Madame Pomfrey's face softened completely. "Now dear, it is alright but you need to tell me exactly what happened alright?" She asked me as she sat beside me in the wooden chair and put an arm around me.

I bit my lip but nodded. "W-well Peter h-had given me a l-letter that he said was from R-Remus telling me to meet him o-outside the F-Forest *sniffle* so I went but Remus never was Lucius!" I explained. I told her everything. I felt myself shaking as I talked about it. I told everything, just how it happened. "But he didn't get far...R-Remus a-and Lex and P-Peter appeared and R-Remus used a s-stunning spell on him and I ran! I just ran through the forest, but I eventually found my way back before I collapsed..." When I had finished, I felt her press a tissue into my hand while she listened to me.

"It's alright dear, I will need to inform Professor McGonagall about this, he will have to be watched very closely!" Madam Pomfrey told me. "I won't mention your name dear...un;ess asked!" She promised.

I sighed heavily, knowing that she was right, but as long as Sirius didn't find out. I knew that he would go ape-shit if he knew. "A-alright as long as S-Sirius doesn't find out!"

Lily's P.O.V.
It had been about 12 hours since Zentheya had gone missing and I hadn't seen Sirius, Remus and James until they arrived back at the dorm around midnight looking even more upset! I was growing increasingly worried for one of my best friends. "I haven't seen her since yesterday! She never came to the Feast last night!" Marlene whispered in a low voice as we sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, having our breakfast.

I sighed heavily as I picked at my breakfast. I wasn't in the mood to eat as I was too busy thinking about Zentheya and Sirius! Did little Regulus know that his sister was missing!? I was far too worried that the thought of food made me sick. "Look! Here comes Sirius with the others!" Mary's voice snapped me from my thoughts, causing me to look up.

Sure enough Sirius, James, Remus, the twins, Frank and Halter walked into the Great Hall. Sirius looked as worried as ever! I couldn't stop myself from getting up off of the bench that I was sitting on and running over to embrace Sirius. "Any luck looking for Ze!? I didn't get the chance to ask you last night!" I asked them as Sirius hugged me back before I let go and settled into a hug from James.

"Yeah, we found her..." Sirius sighed as he went to sit down. He looked like half a person! He looked so lost without his beloved twin with him! It was heart breaking.

I smiled at the thought of Zentheya being safe and well. "Well that's brilliant! Where is she!? What happened to her!?" I asked as James put one of his arms around me and led me back to the table. Sirius looked like he was about to cry!

"Sirius! What's wrong!?" Alice asked as she placed one of her hands on his arm.

"Remus and I found her unconscious, lying in a pool of her own blood in the corridor near the Divinations Tower! She was covered in blood and her robes were ripped.." Sirius poked at his breakfast as he explained.

I gasped sitting down beside Marlene and across from James. "Oh Siri! Maybe she just fell when she was in the Forest!" I suggested, hoping to put his worried mind to rest.

"Has she woken up yet, mate?" Frank asked.

Sirius shook his head. "Not yet no...but Poppy promised that she would come and get me as soon as she woke up..."

"She'll be alright mate!" Fabian reassured him.

"Yeah! I mean she is a Black ain't she?" Gideon smiled.

Sirius gave us a small smile as he began to eat his breakfast. "Yeah, thanks guys..."

"Well on other news apparently Quidditch tryout will be tomorrow!" James chimed happily. "Do you think Ze will tryout?"

"Maybe, she was a Beater for her old school!" Sirius smirked at the shocked faces of the others gathered at the table.

I couldn't help but smile at James' passion for the sport. I had noticed over the past years how whenever the subject of Quidditch came up in conversation, James' eyes would begin to sparkle and he would instantly forget about everything else, just like they did whenever he was pranking.

"Lupin!" Malfoy's sudden snobby and obnoxious voice echoed over the Gryffindor table, ruining our perfectly peaceful breakfast as he strutted towards Remus. I noticed that he had a bandage on his forehead and one of his arms were in a sling. I would personally like to applaud whoever did that to him, because I am sure he righteously deserved it! "Look at what you've done! I hope your filthy muggle mother can deal with the consequences!" He snarled loudly as he was joined by his gang of pathetic Slytherins.

I glared at Malfoy as my fists clenched and opened my mouth to defend Remus when he just smiled, it was a smirk of knowing if anything. "I'm sure she'll deal with them fine since there won't be any!" Remus said casually.

"Excuse me Half-blood?" Lucius snarled.

"Well I wouldn't have had to use a Stunning Spell if you weren't on top of Zentheya hurting her!" Remus' face darkened as he made the shocking revelation.

Gasps filled the Gryffindor table as the students began whispering in shock, disgust and confusion. What was Malfoy doing on top of Ze!? I thought to myself and my mind began to run through all of the horrendous scenarios, however the sound of metal cutlery hitting the wooden table echoed through the Hall, snapping me from my thoughts. I glanced at Sirius and bit my lip as his eyes darkened and his muscles tensed. "James!" I whispered as I could see Sirius getting ready to lunge at Lucius.

Marlene's P.O.V.
Remus' sudden and shocking revelation had caused the Gryffindor table to fall silent. The other students were discussing what had just been revealed. I watched as Sirius erupted with protective fury for his twin. "What the bloody hell were you doing to my sister!?" Sirius snarled, turning around sharply and was about to lunge at Lucius when Remus and James jumped up and held him back. James grabbed Sirius' arms to stop him lunging forwards while Remus stood in front of him, acting like a barrier between him and Lucius.

"I-I wasn't near your dumb sister Black!" Lucius sneered. He smirked when he seen how angry he could make Sirius just by insulting his twin. "It's a good thing she's pretty though, since she doesn't have much brains!"

Sirius growled in anger and struggled even more against James. "I'll bloody well kill you Malfoy!" He snarled.

"Sirius, mate! Calm down!" James said, struggling to hold Sirius back.

"You won't be able to see Ze if you're in detention!" I told Sirius as the twins and Frank stood up.

"Back off Malfoy, before you end up with more than a sprained wrist!" Frank threatened as the twins managed to get Sirius to sit back down.

"And if I don't? What are you going to do Longbottom?"

"We'll break your face!" The twins said together.

Lucius' face went from a smug and obnoxious smirk to once of fear and annoyance as the Great Hall doors closed shut and Lex began storming up to him. "Just stay away from Zentheya!" He snarled as he punched Lucius right in the face before walking away.

The Great Hall fell silent. The Slytherin table especially as one of their own had just defended a Gryffindor. Not only that, but he had defended the sister of someone who the majority of them considered to be a bloodtraitor! Lucius held his bleeding nose as his gang of Slytherins hurried to help him, while the rest of the students watched as Lex left the Hall.

Lex's P.O.V.
I was filled with anger as I stormed down the grand corridors of Hogwarts. I was far too angry to care about the throbbing pain in my fist that was caused by the impact it had made when it collided with Lucius' fat nose! He deserved it and frankly I didn't care about what my parents would think, my mind was only consumed with worry for Zentheya. When Remus, Peter and I had found her, my heart had just stopped. It felt like Lucius had stabbed me when I seen what he was trying to do to her. Maybe this wasn't just a little crush like I had originally thought, but what could I do? I sighed heavily to myself as I walked around the corner. Zentheya was a Gryffindor and I was a Slytherin, but then again when did I care? I was already a disappointment in the eyes of my parents!

"Lex!" A sudden voice made me turn around and stop in my tracks. I was met with the face of Daisy Hookum. Daisy was one of my best friends in the Slytherin House. Like me, she was also friends with Sirius, James, Peter and Zentheya as well as Lily, Marlene, Alice, Mary and Elodea. Daisy wasn't one for trying to start fights, she was a decent girl who had a pretty mean bad side. "What the hell did you do!?" Daisy asked me shocked and angry.

"I gave Malfoy something that he deserves! Hopefully a broken nose!" I said through clenched teeth. I was too angry to try to calm down, I knew that if I unclenched my teeth I would snap her head off.

"Yeah! It certainly looks like that! Look your knuckles are bleeding!" She lectured me. Daisy was like the caring sister that I never had.

"And your pointing this out becauuuuuuse?" I asked, not really caring that my knuckles were bleeding. I must have split them when I broke Malfoy's nose. That idea brought a strange satisfied smile to my face. He deserved it, in fact he deserved a hell of a lot more!

"Go to the Hospital Wing and get your hand fixed! I frankly don't want to lose anymore House Points than what we already will lose because you decided to punch Malfoy!" She ordered.

I opened my mouth to protest but she gave me a stern look so I decided to shut it again. Daisy could be pretty scary if she wanted to be.

Zentheya's P.O.V.
It took Madam Pomfrey a while to reassure me that Lucius wouldn't be able to try that again. Especially not now that Professor McGonagall was aware. "Just don't wonder anywhere alone, alright dear?" She told me.

"Alright..." I nodded. After what I had gone through, I felt myself retreating into a shell once again, something which I didn't want to do. "C-can I leave now?" I asked, wanting to find Sirius and to be with him and his friends.

"Not yet Zentheya dear, now I want you to be extra careful alright? Your arm needs to stay in that sling until tomorrow, alright?" Madame Pomfrey told me.

I nodded, wincing as she carefully placed my arm into a soft sling. She gave me an apologetic smile as she continued to write down a few notes. I suddenly felt something wriggling in one of the pockets of my robe. Momentarily confused, I reached my hand into my pocket and felt something scaly and small. Realisation hit my as I remembered Norbet! I had completely forgotten about him. I smiled as he poked his head out of the pocket to see if I was alright. I stroked the top of his scaly head and felt him purr in delight that I was alright. I was so scared that Malfoy would try something again and I didn't want to be alone with anyone other than my brother. There was a sudden sound of furious footsteps stomping towards the Hospital Wing. My sides began to shake as I feared that it may be Lucius coming to hurt me! However, I found myself relaxing as Lex emerged from the archway. He looked really angry as he shook his hand. "Stupid blonde git!" He muttered angrily.

"Are you okay?" I heart myself asking him.

Lex's head snapped up to see me and his face seemed to soften into a smile as he walked closer. "Oh yeah, I'm fine...I just er punched a wall, but the wall had it coming!" He said, shrugging his shoulders.

I couldn't help but smile slightly as I raised on of my eyebrows at him. "Sirius has used that excuse more than once you know!" I giggled but covered it up with a cough.

Lex chuckled. "Yeah well..." He began but shook his head. "How are you feel in' Ze?" He asked me as he sat down on the wooden chair. Norbet hid inside my robes once more, so that he was out of sight, he obviously didn't like humans that much!

"I-I'm alright..." I said shyly as I fiddled with my hands. I frowned as I see the cuts on his hand, however before I could ask Madame Pomfrey reappeared.

"Oh hello there Mr. Baraz, what can I do for you?" She asked, making her way over to me with some potion vials in her hands.

"Nothing really Madame, I was just here to check on Zentheya...Sirius is worried and so was I..." Lex said as a small, barely noticeable blush spread over his face.

"Ah yes well Ms. Black can leave now, but Zentheya I want you to take these," Madame Pomfrey began as she handed me the vials. "The darker ones are sleeping potions, only three drops per night, they should help provide you with a peaceful, dreamless sleep, and the lighter ones will need to be taken whenever you feel a panic attack coming on!" She instructed me with a small smile.

I nodded. "Thank you Madame..." I said slipping the vials into my robe pocket that didn't have my pet in it.

"Now Mr. Baraz, would you mind taking Zentheya to the Great Hall for breakfast, and take these for your knuckles!" Madame Pomfrey said handing him some plasters.

Lex smiled at her in thanks. "Sure no problem Madame!" He smiled and offered me one of his hands.

Timidly I took his hand in my none injured one and honestly for a few minutes, I was afraid that he was going to hurt me, however, something in his blue eyes told me that I could trust him. Madame Pomfrey left with a smile. "Don't worry Ze, I won't hurt you, I promise!" He promised me, giving me a gentle smile as he began to lead me from the Hospital Wing.

Heyas so sorry Potterheads for the delay but it's been a rough couple of days for me with my results and being denied my place at University. However, that is all fixed now and I am just letting you guys know that I am going to be even more busy now. So updates aren't going to be as regular, sorry. Also Daisy Hookum doesn't belong to me but it belongs to dambiscuits.

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