Fangs: The Fifth Marauder

By Hypergay

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After being expelled from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Zentheya Melanie Black was forced to face her father'... More

Fangs: The Fifth Maurader
Chapter 1: Father's Wrath
Author's Note: Need help!
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Here I Come!
Author's Note: Me
Author's Note: Question
Chapter 3: I've Always Wanted to Slap a Snobby Pureblood
Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: First Day Jitters
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Severus' Karma and Sirius' Courage
Holy Fire whiskey! 912 Views!
Chapter 8: The Annual Black Twins Prank War
Chapter 9: Finding my Magic Animal Friend
Chapter 11: Discovering Remus' Secret Part 1
Holy Butterbeer!
Author's Note
Chapter 12: Who Knew Werewolves could be so Captivated by Fire Part 2
Chapter 13: Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter 14: Making the Team
Chapter 15: Becoming a Marauder
Chapter 16: Sirius' Anger
Chapter 17: Becoming an Animagus
Chapter 18: Hogsmeade
Important Not an Update
Chapter 19: Fangs is Born and Moony Imprints
Author's Note

Chapter 10: Who Knew What You Would Discover When You Are Missing or Hiding

333 16 304
By Hypergay

Wow! Two chapters in one night haha! That's a first for me! I hope you guys enjoy!


Sirius' P.O.V.
I sat with Elodea, playing with her hands as we watched the other pupils getting ready for their next class. I had an awful feeling in my stomach that something horrendous had happened to my sister, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I sighed heavily and glanced at the clock. It was coming up to Zentheya's tutoring session with me, but she hadn't shown up. We always met here, in the Gryffindor Common Room. I was beginning to worry! "Sirius, are you okay?" Elodea's voice snapped me from my thoughts as she looked at me with a worried expression on her face.

"Not really El," I began as I sat up straight with an arm wrapped around her shoulders. "I'm worried about Ze, she's meant to be meeting me in a couple of minutes but I haven't seen her since this morning!" I explained to her.

"I'm sure she is absolutely fine Siri, she may just be with Lily or Marlene or Alice! I'm sure she'll reappear!" Elodea reassured me as she sat up, lifting her head off of my chest.

"But El, me and Ze are close, like really close! We have a special bond and we can tell when something isn't right with the other!" I explained, looking down worriedly as a million of the worst possible scenarios in the world began racing through my head.

"Sirius, it'll be alright! I promise!" Elodea slipped her index finger and thumb under my chin so that she would be able to lift my head, making me look at her.

"But wha-" I broke off as Elodea shook her head and kissed me gently on the lips, washing away every worry that was causing me to get worked into a panic tizzy. I was so glad that I was here with her as no one else could make my fears go away like her.

Remus' P.O.V.
I was still in shock from what I had just witnessed. I couldn't believe that Lucius had tried to... I shook my head. I didn't want to think about it! My mind was racing with a mass amount of worry and concern for Zentheya, as well as even greater anger towards Lucius. How could he!? Was Ze alright!? "Why on earth did she meet Lucius!? She hates him!" I asked Peter as we walked towards the Gryffindor Common Room. It was getting late and I was praying that Zentheya was sitting inside, with her brother! Lex had taken Lucius the slimy pervert to the Hospital Wing. I personally, hope that the blonde perverted git chokes on his own vomit!

"I-I don't k-know..." Peter said nervously.

I raised an eyebrow at him. He seemed to be growing increasingly jittery, guilty even like he had done something wrong...but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it was witnessing the event that has gotten to him. "Shall we tell Sirius about what we saw though!?" I asked him as that seemed like a good thing to do but at the same time it could also be a really bad thing! To add to my suspicions that Peter was hiding something, he became increasingly afraid at the thought of Sirius finding out what Lucius had tried to do to his beloved twin...strange...

"No! Remus, she told us not to!" He reminded me quickly. His words came out a little too fast for my liking...

It wasn't long before we reached the Common Room. I was praying that I would see Zentheya sitting safely in there and that she had told her brother. If not I would have to get the guys to come with me to search the Forbidden Forest for her. "Just calm down Sirius!" James' voice echoed in my ears as we climbed the stairs. "So she missed your tutoring session, she probably just fell asleep in the Library! Merlin knows I've done it a million times!"

I felt that wave of guilt and concern for Zentheya dig deeper inside me as I seen Sirius panicking like mad! "James! Ze doesn't just disappear!" Sirius explained. "I haven't seen her since this morning and Ze and I can sense when something is wrong with each other and believe me! I have a really bad feeling that something is wrong!"

"Siri, you need to relax okay?" Elodea said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Sirius sighed heavily and sat down beside her.

"What's going on?" I asked as Peter and I walked into the room.

"Ze missed a tutoring session and Sirius is freaking out!" James explained.

"How about Elodea and I go and search the library for her?" Lily suggested rising from James' lap.

"Please that'll be helpful thanks Lils!" Sirius mumbled as Elodea rose as well.

"She'll be alright Sirius!" Elodea reassured him as she kissed his cheek quickly before leaving with Lily.

I raised an eyebrow in shock. Was there something going on between Elodea and Sirius!? Now isn't the time for that! I reminded myself. "Who has the Map!?" Sirius asked.

"Here!" James riffled through his bag to pull out the Marauders Map before handing it to Sirius.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!" Setting the Map on the desk, Sirius pointed his wand at it and spoke the magic words. We had created the Map in our third year and we had designed it so that we would he able to see every single person within this castle and what they were doing at any given time. It had been a wonderful help for us. "She isn't anywhere on the Map!" Sirius exclaimed, the worry in his voice caused us all to crowd around the Map.

Sure enough, every other student was acounted for. Lily and Elodea were in the library, Lex and Lucius were in the Hospital Wing, but there wasn't a single dot to represent Zentheya! "Sirius where would she be then!?" James asked beginning to get worried.

"I don't know but Zentheya is claustrophobic, and she gets really bad panic and anxiety attacks! I have to find her!" The desperation within his voice was extensive. I had to tell him...

Zentheya's P.O.V.
I walked with my dragon through the cave. I was trying to think of a name for him, Norbet seemed like the best one that I could come up with and it seemed to suit him rather well...but what about Smaug...nah too obvious. "Norbet..." I called simply to try it out. Norbet seemed to approve of it as he breathed fire and gave a little roar of happiness. I smiled and picked him up, setting him on my shoulder so that I wouldn't step on him. "Where are we going little guy?" I asked, creating a flame in the palm of my hand to light my way. What if someone sees me!? I thought to myself as I bit my lip and extinguished the flame. Instead I pulled out my wand, which to my surprise hadn't broken at all, and chanted, "Lumus!" A bright light was projected from the tip of my wand, illuminating my way as I walked through the cave.

It felt like I had been walking for hours before I reached a strange door. There was a carving on the door, it looked like a dragon surrounding a woman, yet they somehow looked connected... Raising one of my eyebrows, I reached my hand out to and placed it on the door. I could feel the heat radiating off of the stone as strange images flashed in my mind. Slightly freaked out, I yanked my hand off of the door. It was then did I notice a number of holes in a pattern on the door. Maybe it's some kind of lock? I thought to myself as I conjured a few fireballs in my hand and reached out, ensuring that the fireballs fitted neatly into each one of the different holes. Within a matter of minutes, the door began to glow and separate. My eyes widened as excitement filled me. I had no idea that there was a series of well constructed tunnels underneath the school! Curious as always, I began to make my way through the door to get a better look at the tunnels, using my wand to light my way.

Peter's P.O.V.
Watching Sirius pace back and forth across the Common Room floor, with a worryingly high level of panic, fear and worry regarding the well being and whereabouts of his sister, I was beginning to feel even more guilty for playing that tiny part which I had played in Lucius' plan. I had no idea that he was actually going to try and... I bit my lip nervously. Glancing at my other two friends, I could see that Remus was still in shock and maybe even a little bit angry. If I looked hard and long enough I could see Remus shaking ever so slightly! How will they react if they find out that I had a part to play!? I thought nervously to myself. "Sirius! You need to stop! Mate, you're going to make me sick!" James' voice snapped me from my thoughts. Sirius looked at him as he stopped pacing but sat down on the sofa nonetheless. "Thank you! Look Pad, we'll find her alright! For all we know she could be in Hogsmede or something like that!"

"The Room of Requirement!" I suddenly found myself blurting out, provoking Sirius, Remus and James to give me looks of great confusion.

"What about it Peter?" Remus asked.

"The Room of Requirement doesn't appear on the Map, remember?"

James clapped his hands together like a light bulb had just gone off inside his head. "That's right! Well remembered Peter! I completely forgot about that!" He said. "Maybe she found the Room and she's just lost!"

I smiled slightly at James' suggestion, hoping to put it all to rest, however I knew Remus' conscience was too loud as he shook his head. "Sorry James, I don't think so..." He began. "Sirius, Peter, Lex and I saw Ze with Lucius and then she ran off into the Forbidden Forest..." He told her.

My eyes widened. Zentheya had asked us to not tell Sirius! Sirius' eyes widened and his fists clenched. "Why was she with Malfoy!?" He asked us.

"I don't know Sirius, she didn't stick around to answer, she ran off into the Forbidden Forest..." Remus told him.

That idiot! I could have strangled Remus for that. "Where is Malfoy!?" Sirius asked, snarling protectively as he stood up sharply.

"Sirius!" James caught his arm sharply, stopping him from leaving. "You can't do anything! You can't hurt him! You'll get in trouble!"

"James, I don't care! If he has laid a finger on her in a harmful way, I'll murder him!" Sirius snarled. "She is my bloody sister!"

"Sirius!" Lily's voice echoed in my ears as she and Elodea re-entered the Common Room. "Look what we found in the Library!" She told him as they made their way up the stairs and over to us. I could see the piece of parchment that I had given to Zentheya earlier today! Panicked alarms began ringing in my head as she handed it to him.

"What is it?" He asked as James let go of his arm.

Maybe if I confess to giving it to Zentheya then maybe I can pin the blame on Remus! I thought to myself before saying, "I gave it to Zentheya...I-I told her that it was from Remus..."

Remus' eyes widened in shock and panic. "B-but I never gave you anything let alone a letter to give to her!" He cried standing up. "Sirius! I swear I didn't!"

"It's alright Remy! I know that you've been in Prefect meetings all day!" Sirius placed his hand on Remus shoulder, indicating that he believed him and that he wasn't mad at him. I seen Remus relax slightly. "Pete, who gave you this letter?"

Well done Genius! Any other bright ideas!? That sarcastic voice in my head cried. I bit my lip in fear. I didn't want them to ask why I took the letter from Lucius. Come on brain! Think dammit! I thought to myself as I tried to come up with a good enough excuse. However, I noticed that the longer I stayed quiet the darker Sirius' eyes became. "Peter! Who gave you this bloody letter!" Sirius repeated through clenched teeth.

I gulped. "L-Lucius...h-he said that Remus l-left it at one of the m-meetings!" I squeaked. Sirius was rather terrifying when angry.

"And you didn't think that was weird!?"

"No I didn't! It was just a bloody letter Sirius! It isn't my fault that your sister can't handle a little hassle from Malfoy!" I scoffed. The words came out without me thinking about them. The moment I said them, I regretted them as the Common Room fell silent and Sirius gave me a look that if looks could kill then I'd be nothing more than a corpse....

Zentheya's P.O.V.
The tunnels were well constructed and as I carried on through the passages, strange torches began lighting as soon as I passed them. I felt my head aching as did the rest of my body, but I was too fascinated with the strange underground tunnels that it dulled the pain. As I got further into the tunnels, I could hear a voice calling my name... "Zentheya Melanie Black..." The voice whispered, drawing me closer to the source of the voice. It was like a feeling of familiarity, pulling me through the tunnels like a magnet. Norbet seemed to be content sitting on my shoulder. He was a beautiful dragon and I felt an unbelievable connection with him, he was my magical animal friend!

It only took around ten minutes before I reached the centre of the caves. I could tell that it was the centre because there was a rather big space and there was a giant statue of a dragon. Not to mention the many pathways that led to other tunnels that were linked to this space. The voice was louder and clearer now. "I have been waiting for you..." The voice whispered making me turn around. What I saw standing behind me was astonishing! There was a beautiful ghost who had a strange fiery glow around her. "You are one of the few who have found their way here... you have such a wonderful gift!" She told me.

Confusion ran through me as I raised on eyebrow at her. "G-gift? What gift?" I asked.

The ghost smiled gently at me. "The gift of the Dragon Fire!"

James' P.O.V.
"Okay enough! Both of you!" I yelled over the top of Sirius and Peter, making them fall silent. Sirius had always had a short fuse, it always seemed to strengthen him though and Peter wasn't helping by insulting Zentheya! "Remus! Take Sirius outside to look for Ze, Peter and I will have a chat with Malfoy and see what he has to say!" I suggested looking at Remus who, with the help from Lily and Elodea, was just about able to hold Sirius back from starting a physical fight with Peter.

"Come on Sirius, let's go look for Ze!" Remus said as he guided Sirius out of the Common Room, leaving Peter with me, Lily and Elodea.

"Well done Peter! Happy now!?" I asked. "What the hell has gotten into you!?" Peter's odd behaviour was beginning to really get on my nerves and I was hoping for a straight answer, however nothing seemed to be straight with Peter at all this year!

"N-nothing James! I'm just saying that Zentheya can't always depend on Sirius! She needs to learn how to look after herself!" Peter told me.

I glared at him and opened my mouth to defend Zentheya who I had grown to like as a sister, when Elodea and Lily beat me to it. "Peter! How could you say such horrid things about Zentheya!?" Elodea asked shocked.

"You've really changed this year Peter!" Lily hissed shaking her head. "I'm going to see if she is in the Girl's Bathroom, come on El!"

I nodded. "We'll go see Malfoy and see what he has to say about the letter!" I suggested looking at Peter with complete annoyance. He just nodded and with that we left the Common Room.

Zentheya's P.O.V.
"The Dragon Fire!?" I asked. "W-who are you!?" I thought that the strangest thing that I would see here would be the three headed dog called Fluffy, but now I was standing in some underground passage with a ghost who looked eerily like me.

"My name is Cedrella Weasley née Black, I am like you, I was on of the first to possess this unique ability. My dear it is not a curse, but a gift. A wonderful and precious gift that many have used for destruction and pain!" Cedrella told began.

As she launched into the history of the Dragon Fire, I noticed different torches lighting, revealing different carvings on the walls of the cave. Each of the carvings seemed to be telling a story, a story that held the history to my curse and maybe the path that it would lead me down... I swallowed as I watched with anguish and fear as I listened to her words. "Many of the other witches who have been blessed with this ability have been consumed by its ability to harm those around them, however you my child are the strongest out of the seven previous guardians, six of which failed in their duty as they have turned to the Dark Side, becoming Death Eaters and servants to the Dark Lord..."

I swallowed. How was this meant to help me change my opinion of my curse!? Hearing that many of the other witches responsible for protecting this gift have used it for destruction made me shiver. Maybe I was on the same path! "Why are you telling me this!?" I asked.

"Because Zentheya, all previous guardians have been getting stronger, preparing for the arrival of the one with the dragon birthmark..." Cedrella told me.

My eyes widened as my hand subconsciously ran over my dragon shaped birthmark. I just wanted to know why! "Why? W-why am I so special!?" I asked.

Cedrella smiled at me gently. "You have been born for amazing things child! You are prophesied for greatness!" She told me.

"P-prophesised for w-what?" I asked. My words were beginning to stutter as I felt a sense of dizziness beginning to take hold. Maybe it was the blood loss....

Cedrella seemed to notice as well. I felt her leading me down the passages. "All will become clear in time my dear..." She told me. "Just follow this passage, it will take you back to the school!"

I followed her instructions and stumbled my way through the passages. My vision was getting increasingly dimmer and more blurry with every step I took. Norbet seemed to be nervous. I felt him tugging at my robe, trying to get me to stop but I couldn't. I had to keep walking. I needed to get back to Hogwarts!

It took me a little longer than I thought. My strength failed me just as I reached the surface. The cold air reached me as I felt my knees buckle and I hit the hard floor with a painful thus. I could faintly hear a cracking sound and someone yelling my name....

Sirius' P.O.V.
My mind was in a complete panic. Where was my beloved sister!? I was very worried about her. I was walking through the corridors with Remus looking for her. It was getting late and soon it would be curfew! "We'll find her Sirius!" Remus promised me as he put his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't say anything, I just nodded. "Pad, she'll be alright!"

I opened my mouth to say something when I felt a wave of dizziness engulf me and my vision blurred for a few minutes as I had to lean against the wall to steady myself. "Shit..." I mumbled.

"Sirius! Are you alright!?" Remus asked me as he placed his hand on my shoulders to support me. "What's wrong!?"

I blinked rapidly to refocus my eyes. "'s Ze! Moony! I can feel her...she's going to collapse!" I told him worriedly as the wave of dizziness passed and I looked at him.

Remus' eyes widened with worry. "Come on, I've got the Map! Maybe she'll be somewhere in the castle!" He suggested as he pulled out the Map.

Please! Please! I thought to myself as Remus pointed his wand at the Map and repeated the magic words needed in order to open the parchment. It revealed a number of students and teachers in the corridors. I could see Mcgonagall in her class, Slughorn was in the corridors along with Avery, Barty, Macbier and Snivellus. I also spotted Malfoy in the Hospital Wing along with Madame Pomfrey, James and Peter, as well as Lily, Elodea, Marlene and Alice who were searching the bathroom. "Remus do you see her!?" I asked frantically.

"No I-wait! There! Near the Divinations Tower!" Remus pointed at the two footprints that had suddenly appeared on the Map. "Mischief Managed!"

"Come on!" I said dashing off quickly towards the tower.

It didn't take us long to reach the Divinations Tower with every one of the secret passages that we had discovered throughout our years at Hogwarts. We reached the Divinations Tower just in time to see Zentheya collapsing! "Zentheya!" I yelled as we quickened our paces to a sprint, I knew that we wouldn't be there in time to prevent her from hitting the ground but I hoped that I would reach her before she had one of her nightmares. "Ze! Zentheya, wake up!" I begged her as we reached her. She was lying scarily still, which I didn't like! My heart was pounding as I seen her lying in a pool of blood. "Help me turn her over and on to her back, Moony!" I said as I seen the blood in her hair! Remus helped me to carefully turn Zentheya on to her back and my fears increased. Her robes didn't seem to sit quite right on her and the sleeve of her robe was ripped, however my eyes were focusing on the amount of blood that was coming off her! Her entire left arm was covered in blood and the left side of her face had a line of dried blood down her pale face. What the hell has happened to my sister!? I thought to myself as I gently lifted her up so that she was leaning against me. "Ze!? Please talk to me!" I pleaded with her as the amount of blood was scaring me. Had our Father been here!? She didn't seem to have any bruises.

"Sirius, we need to take her to Poppy!" Remus told me as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "She needs medical help!"

I knew he was right. I just hoped that Poppy would let me stay with her! "O-okay!" I stuttered in shock as I scooped Zentheya's limp legs into my arms and stood up with Remus' help. I didn't care that I had her blood all over my robes. "What is the quickest way Remus!?" I wasn't ready to lose my sister...

"Er this way, through Peeves' portrait!" He told me.

I nodded and followed him to the portrait. I just hoped that the pranking poltergeist would be able to grasp how vitally important it was for us to get through the portrait! "Peeves!" I called as I leaned against the wall. Thankfully it didn't take long for him to appear. We were probably the only people that he listened to besides Dumbledore and the Bloody Baron.

"Well if it isn't Sirius Black and Loony Loopy Lupin!" Peeves exclaimed as he appeared in his portrait. Usually I would snigger at his nickname for Remus but I wasn't in the mood. "Oh and who's this? Another admirer Sirius?" He asked looking at Zentheya, whose head was lying on my shoulder.

My fear turned to disgust as I gagged and shook my head. "No! Peeves this is my twin sister you bloody pin head!" I told him.

"Look Peeves! She is badly hurt! We need to get to the Hospital Wing! Now!" Remus explained with a great deal of urgency.

"Alright enter!" Peeves moved backwards through his portrait bad allowed us to enter through.

"Please be okay!" I mumbled to my unconscious sister as I carried her as we followed Peeves down the passageway. Zentheya began to stir and whimper in my arms. I felt tears falling from her eyes and begin to wet my neck as her breathing became shallow and sharp. Oh no! She was having one of her panic attacks in her sleep again! "Peeves! Can't we go any faster!?" I asked as I tightened my grip on Zentheya as she began twitching.

"Sorry Sirius, this is the fastest way, why do you need to go faster?" Peeves was always a nosey poltergeist.

"Because Peeves, Zentheya has awful panic attacks sometimes in her sleep and I can't calm her if I'm too busy trying not to bloody well drop her!" I told him.

Remus had gone quiet. I wasn't sure why but I was glad that he cared about Zentheya. It was comforting to know that if something happened to me that she would still have Remus, James and the girls to look after her. "Come on, we are nearly there!" He told me.

I could hear the sound of Madame Pomfrey yelling at other students, I could also hear James giving off to someone. I hoped it was Malfoy. Zentheya began mumbling if to French as a frightened sweat began to break over her forehead. "Madame Pomfrey!" Remus called as we appeared often the Hospital Wing.

Madame Pomfrey turned away from Lucius and James to face us. Her eyes widened as she seen my sister. "Oh deary me! What on Earth happened to Miss. Black?" She asked as she hurried over to us.

"I-I don't know! Please Poppy! Do something!" I pleaded with her desperately as I carried my sister over to one of the spare beds, just as she began having her nightmare!

"Aw Sirius! Of course I shall help her, dear!" She told me as she followed me and began looking over Zentheya.

"Can I say with her!? She has really bad nightmares and panic attacks! Please Poppy!" I pleaded to stay with her. I heard Malfoy sniggering. My fists clenched and I spun around sharply only for James and Remus to stand in front of me.

"I'm sorry Sirius, I can't allow you to stay!" Madame Pomfrey sighed shaking her head. "However you may come and visit her as soon as she wakes up and I will give her a calming potion to help her sleep!"

My face fell with sadness but I had to respect her orders. I just didn't want to Zentheya to wake up surrounded by flames without me there! "Just promise to come and get me as soon as she is awake, please!"

Pomfrey nodded. "I will my dear, she is in good hands Sirius! Now please go back to your dorm and get ready for tomorrow!" She suggested as she placed a hand comfortingly on my shoulder.

I nodded and let the guys take me back to the dorm. I looked at my sleeping sister once more as the worry and concern dug even deeper into my stomach, I felt almost sick...

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