Across Boundaries (COMPLETED)

By dare_to_dreamxoxo

160K 7.5K 1.3K

Update: I realised today (5 years after I actually started writing) that this book is cringe as fvck and need... More

Chapter 1 | I Really Didn't Do This Thing
Chapter 2 | The New Admission.
Chapter 3 | Did You Really Just Walk Into That Wall?
Chapter 4 | Your Order, Sir?
Chapter 6 | Take That, You Jerk.
Chapter 7 | I Seriously Needed To Stop Thinking About Her.
Chapter 8 | Saviour? My Foot!
Chapter 9 | The Perverts Here Aren't Even Racist.
Chapter 10| I Am Not A Nerd.
Chapter 11 | Tugged Heartstrings
Chapter 12 | The Game
Chapter 13 | Things On Mind
Chapter 14 | Fights, Princesses and Bribes
Chapter 15 | No More Sorrys
Chapter 16 | Just Trying To Figure Her Out
26 (I)
26 (II)
Chapter 33 | A Lot More To A Relationship
Chapter 34 | Lets Sleep Together.
Chapter 35 | You Know You're Amazing?
Chapter 36 | This Was My Home Turf.
Chapter 37 | There's Only So Much Beauty I Can Stand.
Chapter 38 | You Sure Wonder A Lot.
Chapter 39 | I Love You.
Chapter 40 | Of Holes And Rips.
Chapter 41 | What A Tease.
Chapter 42 | Back Off.
Chapter 43|Gisele
Chapter 44 | You Bet.
Chapter 45 | I'm Dylan...
Chapter 46| Don't Forget To Breathe.
Chapter 47 | Her Real Mr. Right.
Chapter 48 | Four Months Later
Chapter 49 | That You Love Me...
Chapter 50 | Break A Leg {FINAL CHAPTER} UNEDITED

Chapter 5 | Dylan Delicious Scott

4.4K 217 40
By dare_to_dreamxoxo


I jumped out of bed as soon as the alarm rang. I enjoyed a very good sleep and was feeling refreshed which eventually led me to feel happy and cheerful.

And trust me, it didn't happen all that often.

I opened my bedside drawer to find my phone. I shuffled through my music playlist and hit play. 'You Belong With Me' by Taylor Swift came up first and I skipped across the room to select my clothes.

After contemplating for almost ten minutes, I finally decided upon a white slim fit top with a pair of faded ripped jeans and a black and white, striped long shrug. I even accessorised with a golden neck piece and left my hair half up.

After showering, I dressed up quickly and put on my white sandals that went beautifully with my dressy outfit and after collecting my homework assignments, I walked outside the room, locking the door behind me. While descending the stairs I quickly ran my fingers through my hair to take out the tangles. It tended to get messed up really easily as I didn't usually leave my hair open.

I stopped on the way to buy a cup of coffee from the Claude's restaurant and slowly sipping my coffee, I walked towards the University.

When I reached, a big smile spread on my face. Renee stood there waiting for me. I waved at her and she waved back grinning mischievously.

As I neared her she made a 'you look great' sign with her hand and whistled.

"Damn girl, you look fine!" she grinned. "I love your outfit. You're looking fire,"

"Thanks. I just decided to put some more effort  into my appearance today," I smiled back. "Although, I feel this outfit might be a little too blingy," I pursed my lips in afterthought.

"No, you crazy girl!" Renee exclaimed, waving  me off. "To be honest, you look perfect. Way better than those fake barbie doll rejects, trust me." She scowled in the direction of a small group of highly dressed up girls who stood giggling around a tall, athletic-looking guy.

"Who's that?" I gestured towards the guy and Renee scowled.

"I'm barely holding back from knocking that asshole dead right now." She seethed.

"You know him?" I frowned. "I'm pretty sure I haven't seen him before,"

"Yeah, that's Parker. You haven't met him yet." Renee nodded, linking arms with me. "I'm not usually one for much physical contact but I really need someone to hold me back at the moment, or I'm not really sure what I'll do next." She gestured at our linked arms and then went back to glare at the guy who seemed to be completely oblivious of Renee's chagrin towards him.

"Is it the Parker that I know?" I questioned and Renee nodded.

"Yes, the very same piece of shit," She fumed.

"Did he do something?" I frowned, confused. I looked at Parker and then back at Renee. "You look like you'd strangle him right now, if you could," I observed.

"Oh, how I would love to do that," Renee said. "But I don't want to waste my perfectly good hands on touching that manwhore,"

"Huh," I grimaced. "You can be really crude sometimes," I said awkwardly as I began pulling her along.

"Let's go. If he bothers you so much, we better not stand here," I told her.

Renee made a face. "Why do we have to go?" She scowled. "It's him who should disappear from the face of the freaking Earth and take his stupid ass along," she muttered savagely under her breath and I burst out laughing.

"Are you throwing a fit, right now?"

"Yeah," Renee said sullenly. "I can't believe it either. I'm never like this," She pulled back at our linked arms as we skittered to a stop.

"Won't you ask me about it?" She asked.

"About what?"


I smiled. "I just thought you'd tell me when you were comfortable," I shrugged. "I don't know much about such relationships so it's better not to butt in,"

"But still," Renee urged.

"Why?" I chuckled uncomfortably. "Do you want me to ask?"

"Don't you think you should?" Renee retorted. "Treat my horrible relationship experiences like lessons." She said. "Rule number one. Never fall for a player. Rule number two. If you have, never and I mean it, never confess first."

"Yes, Ma'am," I mock saluted her and started walking again, effectively dragging Renee along.

"Gosh," I exclaimed. "I had never thought I'd be getting dating advice from someone,"

"I'm not just someone, Mira," Renee chided. "I'm your best friend. Your best friend whose words you should take seriously-"

I cut her off with an exaggerated bow. "Yes, I'll surely keep that in mind, my dear best friend," I mocked, grinning.

"-especially when you are as clueless as they come, when it comes to dating and boys in general," Renee completed and I rolled my eyes.

We laughed and moved towards the lockers. As I entered, I saw Dylan leaning against my locker, surrounded by a group of his fangirls.

I rolled my eyes.

So it was true. Dylan was indeed the 'popular guy'.

Even the last time I had seen him he was surrounded by these beautiful yet awfully annoying girls. If it were me, I wouldn't even have been able to breathe.

Poor guy, he couldn't really go anywhere unnoticed.

Beside him, stood the four guys I had seen with him at Claude's. I grimaced as Jayden's gaze fell on me. He excitedly waved at me, his eyes twinkling with humour and I ignored him pretending to be busy talking with Renee.

But I had to collect my books. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn't going to be able to avoid facing Dylan and his friends. So I let out a deep breath, straightened my chin and letting go of Renee's arm, stalked forward.

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief and annoyance at how the girls were huddled around the five guys.

There was this one particular girl Dylan seemed to be talking really animatedly with and the way he was touching her-leaving careless caresses here and there made me want to throw up.

At times like these, I really missed the comparatively decent atmosphere of Indian schools and colleges. Even if teenagers were seeing each other, they didn't go around displaying affection publicly and making others uncomfortable.

From where I stood, Dylan was clearly working his bad boy charm and that girl looked smitten with him.

I felt sorry for her.

Did she not know about his reputation? He was a lady killer and there she was, jumping into the trap, right in front of my eyes.

I cleared my throat loudly as I looked directly at Dylan. "That's my locker and you are kind of blocking my way." I said trying to look apologetic that I disturbed him.

But I guess the sarcasm dripping from my tone was too much and the girls easy saw through my façade, because all I got in reply was poisonous glares and a highly amused look from Dylan who seemed like he was trying hard to hold back his laughter.

Grasshole. Pardon my French.

I raised my eyebrows at them in a bored manner and shrugged. "Please get aside so I can get my things,"

To my exasperation, they ignored me and went back to batting their eyelashes at Dylan who strangely enough seemed to be staring right at me. He gazed at me intensely, his jaw working but he looked far from angry.

He stared deep into my eyes and then as if a switch was flipped on, his eyes darkened with an emotion I couldn't decipher and roved over me, lingering at places where they absolutely shouldn't have; completely at their leisure. I was forced to blush.

It was completely unacceptable.

There was definitely something wrong with my blood circulation.

A smirk spread on his face and realizing my mistake, I looked back up at him.

It was clearly time to set my head straight and buck up. I could not lose to a rake like him.

"Could you please move aside?" I tried again, unable to take my eyes off him, much to my annoyance.

He looked as handsome as ever in a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark blue button down shirt.

"Like what you see?" He taunted and I realized I had zoned out. My cheeks flushed as I heard the laughter of all the girls.

"Huh, as if I was even looking." I drawled looking bored.

Okay, that was lame. We needed another decent comeback and fast.

He knew it was a white lie and he also knew that I knew.

"You know you were so checking me out." He smirked knowingly, his voice persuasive.

"Yeah, if looking at you and wanting to wipe that stupid smirk of yours right off your face, means checking you out, then yes, by all means I was." I scoffed.

Dylan looked slightly surprised but quickly regained control.

"Don't lie," He mocked. "Everyone wants a piece of me,"

"In your dreams, Scott. That is never going to happen," I looked him in the eye.

"You're lying again," He crooned softly and I barely stopped myself scowling as a chorus of oohs and aahs erupted around us.

"I have a knack of making things happen, cara," He winked at me, a wild smirk on his face and I grimaced.

"Only in hell,"

"Ooh, burn," Someone called out from the crowd as some students giggled at the catcalling.

I heard someone wolf whistle.

"So you do admit you want me, even if its in hell," Dylan said and the crowd silenced. "Trust me, I could make hell feel like heaven for you." He winked mischievously as the girls around him seethed with rage.

Much to my amusement, they clearly weren't liking the direction in which our conversation was going.

Too bad, I had absolutely no intention of snatching their pretty boy from them. He was a looker, for sure, but not my type. He and I belonged in different worlds and although, I did think he looked delectable, I also knew this wasn't what I had come so far for.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you think very highly of yourself, Dylan? Is it too hard for your perverted brain to understand that not every girl is interested in you and your very ordinary looks?" I asked annoyed as he looked shocked.

Well, that 'looks' part was a huge, gigantic lie.

Everyone looked as shocked as he was and a chorus of giggling erupted as someone from the group muttered "burn" yet again. This time I even got a few 'you go girl's and I realized that not everyone hated me for standing up to him.

Dylan glared at his friend and I noticed that the offender was Chase. I looked up to see him smile and wink at me. Behind Chase, the other three guys too, grinned.

I smiled back and to my dismay, Dylan stiffened.

He and I seemed to be involved in some kind of a locked gazes battle where either of us refused to look away.

Finally, he gave up and moved aside.

"Thank you," I put on my biggest, most practised fake smile. "Someone's extreme bigheadedness was suffocating me,"

The look on his face was worth looking at, and almost made my day.


I couldn't help but smirk and do a victory dance inside my brain as I walked towards my first class. In my peripheral vision, I could see Renee silently opening and closing her mouth like a fish as if she wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words.

"Oh my God, M, you were so smartass out there. I always knew that the spark was there in you somewhere," She exclaimed sounding dazed and impressed at the same time. "I told you this morning, didn't I? Oh my days, you really are fire today," She grinned and I had to laugh at how excited she was.

If I had impressed Renee then it was certain that I had successfully managed to take Dylan by surprise too.

The classes went really well. My Chemistry professor, Mr. Brown was extremely pleased by the effort I had put into my files and I couldn't be happier. I had worked hard for that project.

With that shine on my face, I could have made any Miss-I-Am-A-Self-proclaimed-Beauty-Queen-Who'll-Get-All-The-Guys look ugly.

Soon, it was break time and I searched for Renee the moment I stepped inside the cafeteria. I found her sitting on a table right in the middle of the hall.

"Why did you choose this table? I hate being in the centre of anything." I whined. "It's like everyone can see you,"

"That, my friend, is an absolutely perfect logic and clearly explains why you absolutely should not sit here," Renee deadpanned.

I huffed and sat down.

"Come on, chill out. I'll keep that in mind next time," She smiled. "On the plus side, I already bought you food," She pushed a plate towards me.

"Thanks, that's very kind of you," I said gratefully.

"And don't worry, it's vegetarian,"

"Thanks, you're the best," I chuckled.

I quickly ate my pasta and fries and was sipping my coke slowly whilst learning a new equation. Renee had already reprimanded me for about the umpteenth time, but I wasn't really listening.

I had a really important test coming up and I was going to have to work hard if I wanted to keep my scholarship. Trust me, getting a perfect GPA and maintaining your high score in an University filled with geniuses, was hard.

So let's just say that she was really pissed off that I wasn't paying any attention to her.

"Girl, are you even listening what I am saying?" she frowned.


Renee rolled her eyes.

I grinned cheekily.

"Keep the book upside down," she commanded. "Right now,"

Her eyes were wide with shock as she gripped my hand, her actions hurried.

I rolled my eyes and drawled, "What now, Renee? Can you stop being such a drama queen?"

"He's looking at you!" She exclaimed excitedly, her voice hushed. "Oh my god. He's actually looking at you. I can't believe it,"

I frowned.

"Who is looking at me?" I asked confused, looking around.

"Dylan Delicious Scott," she whispered, grinning like a cheshire cat.

"Oh, not again!" I groaned and turned around in my seat to find Dylan's intense gaze fixed on me. He seemed to be taken aback for a split second but his look of surprise was quickly masked and before I knew what exactly had happened, he was smirking at me.

I glared back at him. He sent me a discreet fly kiss and I feigned nausea.

He looked amused.

He had the cheek to be amused. Argh.

To hell with his amusement, I thought to myself and continued glaring daggers at him.

He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. He was such an immature jerk.

He pouted.

Really? Were we really doing that now?

I made a face.

See? Height of maturity.

Vexated, I shook my head and turned around to see Renee looking at me open mouthed.

"What?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"He sent you a fly kiss." She whisper-shrieked.

"He's lucky he didn't get a tight slap," I seethed.

"No, that's not it. Don't you get it? He sent you fly-fricking-kiss," She whisper- shrieked.

"Damn him," I muttered, fuming as I busied myself with my book again.

"Damn who, cara?" I jumped as I felt a warm breath on my shoulder.

A very gorgeous Dylan settled in a seat beside me and smirked.

"Damn you, for sending me a fly kiss," I said forcefully.

Dylan shrugged. "Couldn't help myself,"

I fumed as Renee gawked at me.

He chuckled.

I was so annoyed that I didn't notice the other four boys coming to join us.

"Hello there, pretty one," They chorused.

I glared at them. What was with the sudden, not-so-subtle intrusion?

Scowling, I roughly stabbed the fork into the remaining pasta and shoved it into my mouth at which they started laughing their asses off along with Dylan, which obviously pissed me off, although I couldn't make out what was so funny.

"Fiesty. I like 'em that way," Dylan winked.

I smacked him on the back. He feigned a hurt expression.

A small smile formed on my lips at his childishness but I quickly rearranged my expression.

Renee looked at me, jaw dropped. I seriously wanted to laugh at her stunned expression. It wasn't everyday that Renee was shocked into silence.

"Whom do you like that way? Those bimbos?" I scoffed.

"You know cara, that hurt. Right here," He pouted with a hand on his chest.

"Sure it did," I said in disbelief. "And I'm not your cara or anything. Understand?" I frowned at him.

"Ah. Gotcha baby." Dylan looked amused as if I had said something that I shouldn't have said. "Someone remembers the endearments," He grinned.

"Yeah, because they are stupid,"

"They are not," Dylan said in disbelief, looking truly hurt. "I've been scoring girls with those endearments all these years and now you say they're stupid? How's that even possible?"

"Go away, Scott!" I exclaimed, disgusted.

"Why? Is that because you find me too hot?" He winked and I lost my patience.

I hit him on the shoulder as hard as I could but all that grasshole did was to laugh like I had just cracked a joke.

Great. Just great.

I guess life couldn't get better.





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