In Her Shoes

Від BleuSandee

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Then, something strange happened in that moment. Her face changed -- no that's not quite the word; it flicker... Більше

Chapter 1: Meet Jesse
Chapter 2: The King meets the Witch
Chapter 3: True or False?
Chapter 4: Misusing the "F" Word
Chapter 5: "Welcome to Your First Day In Hell"
Chapter 6: The King Meets the Angel in Disguise
Chapter 7: Temporary Distractions
Chapter 8: Mistakes & Bad Choices
Chapter 9: How the Witch Killed The King
Chapter 10: Changes...
Chapter 11: New Introductions
Chapter 12: First Day In Hell Pt 2/ Realizations
Chapter 13: Suspicions...
Chapter 14: Black Out
Chapter 15: Waiting For Tomorrow
Chapter 16: Preparing For Battle
Chapter 17: Stepping Up, While Stepping Back
Chapter 18: The Growing Army of Three
Chapter 19: TBH
Chapter 20: Girls Day
Chapter 21: First Times and Sleep Overs
Chapter 22: Moving On and Letting Go
Chapter 23: Pedro
Chapter 24: Truth Hurts
Chapter 25: Friends Aren't Lovers
Chapter 26 : Class Is In Session
Chapter 27: Queen Bee vs Newbie
Chapter 28: Reality Check
Chapter 30: Cat Fight
Chapter 31: The Fake meets The Real
Chapter 32: Party Planning
Chapter 33: A New Best Friend
Chapter 34: Choosing the Perfect Dress
Chapter 35: Party Animals Gone a Little too Wild...
Chapter 36: Taking it too Far
Chapter 37: Respect
Chapter 38: The Last Thing I'll Do
Chapter 39: Love Octagon
Chapter 40: Monster
Chapter 41: The King Has Returned
In Her Shoes Fun Facts!

Chapter 29: Red vs She-Nice

74 2 0
Від BleuSandee

Author's Note: 

Sorry its taken so long to update. Writers block has been a MAJOR beyotch :(  

Well anyway thanks to those of you who haven't lost faith and have been waiting patiently...ish for my special-ed creativity. (It's not always that special but it just needed to take its medicine :) 

Random, I know, so let me shut-up and give ya'll what you been waiting for. 


"So what are you doing the day of the party?" Anna asked me the next day.

I shrugged. "Hadn't really thought about it."

"Good. Wanna hang out?"

I smiled. Duh. "Yeah, sounds cool."

"Cool." she pulled away suddenly, unlinking our arms and running to a poster on one of the walls. "Oh my gosh look Jess!! The Spring Fling Dance is coming up!"

I rolled my eyes. Usually I'd be running for Spring Fling King and naturally would win. Just like last year. It sickened me to know that most likely Aaron would be crowned this year.

"Oh my God, Please tell me you're going!" she begged snapping me out of my reverie.

"Uh...I don't know..." And to be honest I wasn't sure. Spring Fling was in a few weeks, and I was hoping to be Jesse by then. The stupid tree was now in winter however, so there was a fear that I would still be Jessica. I shuddered at the thought.

"Oh come on, Jess! You have to go!"

I sighed and bit my lip, unsure what to tell her. "I'll think about it."

She jumped up. "Yes!"

I smiled at her. "I said I'll think about it, that's not a guaranteed yes."

"I know," she said with a shrug. "But its close enough."

I laughed and rolled my eyes, happy that we had linked arms again.

I know Aiden had told me to drop the whole revenge plan, and I was going to. But apparently Shenise had told the rest of the Cheers about our little confrontation, and they were all starting to give me hell. Meaghan was especially bitter since I had told Tony she was cheating, and the fact that he was now in the makes of becoming someone else's boyfriend had her even more T-ed off.

Her and Emina had rudely bumped into me and Anna on the way to class. "Watch it, dweeb," they snapped to me.

Of course, they must not have noticed the shirt I was wearing from Forever 21.

"Oh no, It's learned to read," I retorted back.

They turned and stared at my crop tee shirt, at a lost for words. Then Meghan regained her composure. "Nice. You should get another one that says slut next."

"I don't wanna steal your style," I retorted. "Oh, and Emina, there was this one shirt that had your name on it only they spelled it different."

The poor girl actually looked intrigued. "Really?"

"Yeah. Only they spelled it: F. A. K. E. It was so you."

Her eyes tightened and she glared at me. "You calling me fake?"

"Oh you have no"-

"Come on, Jess, let's just go," Anna said dragging me away.

"You better drag her off!" Emina shouted to our retreating backs.

I turned on my heels but Anna kept pulling me. "Jess....stop it's not worth it."

But it was worth it. It would be so be worth it. Still I let Anna drag me away and we headed to our next class together. Today was just one of those days.

When I woke up this morning I thought I was dying because I was bleeding from...well, you know. I panicked and googled a bunch of reasons why this was happening until I realized.

I had gotten my first period.

Thank God for Google cause there was no way I was gonna ask my fake mom what to do. I shuddered at what girls had to do with tampons, so I stuck with pads. I felt like I was wearing a diaper. I swore that I would be much more sympathetic when one of my girls was on her period when I turned back. If I ever turned back.

The whole day was just a big fat terd, and The Cheers made sure it stayed that way. They would bump into me every time they saw me, they tripped me whenever I walked pass them, in one class they even tried to unevenly cut some of my ends off! I was beyond pissed. I knew I was probably letting them get to me a little too much when even them just staring and whispering about me pissed me off. So that's why I was not looking forward to sixth period when I had most of the Jocks, the Cheers...and Shenise.

I stomped into class, glaring at all the guys who whistled at me. "Someone's in an excellent mood," I heard Shenise say from the back of the room. I ignored her and took my seat as far away from her near the front. I heard whispering behind me and just rolled my eyes some more. I put my head down and waited for class to start.

The teacher was late, as usual, so the class was still being loud and raucous. Suddenly, I felt something small and constant hitting the back of my hair. These better not be spit balls, I warned in my head. I lifted my head up and glared at the back of the class, where I had caught Shenise urging a Jock to throw a small balled up paper at me. I glared at him as he held it up, daring him to toss it. He must've seen something in my stare for he dropped and scratched the back of his head casually.

Shenise whacked him on the back of the head, mad that he chickened out. He simply shrugged. "What am I supposed to do? She's hot."

I smiled. There goes half of your army, bitch. She glared back at me, clearly able to read the expression written on my face. I turned back around and rested my head on my forearms, trying to pretend like they didn't exist.

It wasn't easy.

Soon I heard paper being passed around the class and everyone who got it was snickering. I ignored it until it got passed to me. Real Original, I thought to myself. I wasn't gonna waste my time opening it, but the bitchiness inside me was just begging for something to punch so I could let me anger out, so any form of instigation was more then welcome.

As I unfolded the paper people unsuccessfully tried to stiffle their giggles behind me. I opened it and stared at the image sprawled before me. It was supposed to me, I knew that before I even opened the paper. It was the artwork of a three year old- no two. A three year old could've done better.

The girl was drawn with the most unflattering figure, straw hair, big glasses and acne all over her face. She was curled ina ball with a pitiful expression, and what I'm guessing was the Cheers, were all around her tossing rocks at her. Above were the words: 'Don't forget your place, Red, 'cause me and my girls will gladly remind you.'

As it was passed around things had been added like, "The rocks made such a better improvement." "So you like the taste of dirt?" "Next time we'll find bigger rocks." And then your usual: "Bitch." "Slut." and other names not nice enough to write.

I stared at it blankly, people finally laughing out loud as they took in my expression. I was only lost for a second before I flipped it over and began to draw my masterpiece on the back.

When I was done the teacher had finally stepped in and the class was trying to settle down. We had presentations that day, where we had to write a paper of why we think some character in a book acted the way they did. Whatever. I had actually finished mine two days ago, but I felt like I had something much more interesting to present to the class then a boring old English paper....

Mr. Taylor was standing in front of his desk looking for someone to volunteer when I raised my hand eagerly. "I'd like to go first Mr. Taylor."

"Okay. Thank-you Jessica," he said though he couldn't quite hide the surprise in his voice. "Just stand in front of the class and tell us about your presentation."

As I walked to the front of the class people snickered and made jokes about rocks. I simply smirked, feeling even more satisfied about what I was about to do...

"Okay," I said when I got to the front of class. "So...yeah I didn't really read the story 'cause I thought it was really boring..." the class laughed but before Mr. Taylor could interrupt I continued. "So I actually wrote my own version of it."

He raised his brows, impressed. "Oh..o.k..well let's see what you got."

"Okay." I flicked my hair, an annoying girl tendency, and began. "So my story is about this big brute named...She-Nice." The class laughed at the clear name similarities of who I was obviously talking about. "So She-Nice was a goddess. Everyone loved her and obeyed her every wish."

Shenise flicked her hair, pleased at where the story was heading so far. "But there was something about She-Nice that no one really knew. Well besides the obvious fact that she wasn't very nice she was...well a bitch."

Shenise's jaw dropped and the class roared with laughter.

Mr. Taylor cleared his throat and glared. "Jessica..."

"No I mean she was a female dog. I just wanted to use the proper term to sound professional."

He rolled his eyes. "Get on with it."

"Thank-you Mr. Taylor." I turned back to the class. "So what would happen is she would be a goddess by day but a bitch by night. Everything she did she was a dog. She loved doing things," I looked directly at her and winked, "doggy style."

The class roared with "Oohs" and Shenise's hand was frozen in her hair and her jaw rested on her desk. I continued. "She ate like a dog, she smelled like a dog, even her hair looked like a dog. And just so you could all see how bitch-like she was, I drew a picture." I flashed them what I had drawn on the back of Shenis's picture of me, and they went mad again.

"So one night while She-Nice was being a bitch she confronted a little red hen. She tried to eat the hen and ruin her life, but Red the hen was to smart for the bitch. So she set a trap. She surrounded She-Nice with shade so she would think it was still dark, and woke her up. She-Nice chased Red until Red led her into the light and everyone saw what a bitch She-Nice really was. So the moral of the story is that She-Nice should not try to ruin Red's life, because Red will simply expose her for the bitch she really is."

I got a standing ovation when I was done; well from everyone except for Shenise and Mr. Taylor. I gave him my actual paper much to his confusion, and on my way back to my desk tossed the paper at Shenise, "accidentally" hitting her square on the forehead.

"Oops!" I called to her. "Can you throw that away you're sitting right next to your mom- I mean the trash. Sorry! Common mistake." I smiled pleasantly at her and took my seat with the class still dying and cheering around me.

Mr. Taylor was no doubt confused, but since the class seemed to actually like it and I had actually done the work, he must've figured I went up as a dare and just waved it off. I received a few high-fives and then sat smugly in my seat, wondering what Shenise thought of my masterpiece. To me the picture of her on all four fours in her too tight cheer uniform, back and belly hair, a tongue sticking out of her mouth with fangs was a much better improvement then how she looked now.

Of course, some people just didn't understand art.

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