Breathing the Dead ~ H.S

By Shani_Shana99

385K 14.1K 12.5K

❝...eighteen and a half months ago, October the 8th was when the zombies came out to play.❞ *** October the 8... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Discussion: Chapter 45
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Thirty-Seven

4.5K 160 158
By Shani_Shana99

A/N: This chapter is weird. I can't concentrate because a certain someone made me cry after I read her latest update *cough* May *cough cough*


"Ugh," I winced and held my arm under my swollen breasts in hopes of relieving the tender ache, "ouch."

"Are they sore again?" Harry asked me as he entered the cabin.

I nodded and sighed. "Has anyone found me a maternity bra, yet?"

Harry gave me an apologetic look and shook his head. "Not yet. But I am trying to find you one, love. I've been sending people out on double scavenges for the past two weeks,"

"I know. And I'm grateful, really, I just..." I bit my lip, "23 weeks, Harry. I'm already about 6 months in, and my boobs are really starting to swell, my regular bras are getting too small, and my back's beginning to hurt. And...I'm getting worried, because Liam's starting to say that I really need a good bra for proper support. And if I don't get proper support, I'm going to get saggy old lady boobs and that will not be pretty,"

"Er, Laura..." Harry began slowly, "Liam never said you're going to get saggy old lady boobs."

"I know, but that's what's gonna happen!" I cried, "And I am way too young for saggy old lady boobs!"


"And as if our daughter would want to feed off a pair of saggy tits!"

"Laura," Harry gave me a look, "just calm down, love. These are just your hormones talking. You still look as gorgeous as ever."

I looked up at him doubtfully. "You're only saying that because you haven't seen them. Believe me – you won't have seen anything worse."

"You wanna bet?" Harry cocked an eyebrow at me, "I accidentally walked in on my mother trying to put some clothes on my naked grandmother when I was ten. She had saggy old lady boobs. Really saggy, wrinkly old lady boobs. It scarred me for life, you know. Even now, the mental pictures still haunt me."

My jaw dropped. "No,"

"Oh yes," Harry chuckled, "so believe me when I say that your boobs – whatever they look like now – will always look perfect to me."

I chuckled softly. "Even if they're getting stretch marks?"

Harry scoffed. "I bet they're not even noticeable,"

I smiled and let out a soft, tired groan before I collapsed back on the bed; rubbing my hand over my 23-week bump. "Who knew that this one little girl could make me feel more self-conscious in 6 months than I've ever been in my whole life?"

Harry smiled and crawled into bed next to me; placing his hand beside mine on top of the bump.

"Just keep in mind, sweetheart..." he began, "that in 3 months, it'll all be worth it."

I chuckled. "Yeah," I then let out a dreamy sigh, "just think – two more weeks and I'll be starting my third trimester,"

"I know," Harry's smile grew into a broad grin, "the final stage before our little girl is welcomed into the world at last."

I turned my head to look at him. "Are you nervous?"

"Oh yeah. But at the same time I'm absolutely thrilled," he closed his eyes for a few moments before looking back at me, "do you know, these days I can't stop imagining what it'll be like to hold her for the first time...watching her open her eyes and look right at you."

I nodded. "Same. And hearing her cry for the first time...letting us know that she's alive and well. Can you imagine?"

He immediately broke out a fond, affectionate smile, "Mhmm. To be honest, I think I'm gonna cry as well."

I laughed. "It's OK. I'm pretty sure I will, too. And it won't just be because of the hormones."

Harry chuckled. "Anyway, I came in here because I thought you might want something to eat. Mike whipped up some omelette," he smiled at me, "I know you can't resist omelette."

I smiled back and let out an amused scoff. "You know me too well,"

"I do indeed," Harry cheekily tapped my nose, "and I also know that baby might like some omelette as well."

"She might," I giggled, "OK, I'll have some. But you need to help me off this bed – because I honestly feel like I can't get up. Hashtag 'Baby Bump Struggles'."

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled before getting up from the bed and then helping me up as well – smiling at me and quickly pecking my lips before taking my hand and leading me out of the cabin.


"Afternoon, you two," Mike smiled at us as Harry led me into the kitchen, "heard about the omelette I made, eh Laura?"

"I did," I chuckled softly, "any leftovers?"

He nodded. "Of course – plenty," he scooped up a fresh omelette out of a pan and plopped it onto a plate, "I just made a fresh one, actually. It's all yours. I'm sure it's about feeding time for the little one,"

"It is, actually," I placed my hand on my bump as a force of habit and smiled, "thanks, Mike."

"No problem," he placed the omelette on top of the small table in the kitchen as I sat down in front of it, "eat up, Laura. Give that little girl some protein,"

I chuckled again and nodded. "Yes, sir," I gave him a joking salute.

"I'm just gonna quickly pop up to the patrol tower sweetheart," Harry told me quietly, "I need to keep an eye out for Mako & Farlan's return,"

"OK," I smiled at him, "but...come back soon?"

"Of course," he kissed my forehead, "or come find me if I'm not back by the time you're done eating,"

"Mhmm," I quickly ran my fingers through his thick, soft curls and smiled, "bye, Haz."

"Bon appétit, my love," he smiled back at me, "I'll see you soon."

I nodded and gave him a quick wave goodbye before he left the kitchen.

"So, how old is my granddaughter now, Laura?" Mike asked me after Harry left, "I'm afraid I've lost count,"

"23 weeks since yesterday, old man," I smiled proudly as I began to cut out a piece of the omelette.

"Wow – she's growing pretty fast, isn't she?"

"She sure is," I wrapped my arms around my bump tenderly before looking up at him, "hey, thanks – for being so cool about all this. Most dads would've freaked the fuck out if he came home to a knocked up daughter."

Mike laughed. "I think I used up all my freak-out when you were born, kiddo – not that I'm proud of it," he scratched the back of his neck nervously, "but, of course, Laura. I'm happy for you & Harry. Even if right now's not exactly the best time for a baby, the way Harry's so rapt about both you and your daughter...shows me how much he really loves you – and I couldn't possibly ask for more than that."

I smiled. "You know,'re actually not half bad."

He chuckled. "Well, thank you. That means a lot – coming from you. I know it's hard to believe, but I really do love you, Laura. And I want what's best for you,'s real good to see that you've gotten that for yourself already," his face then turned a bit more serious, and he slowly sunk down into the chair beside me, "and...once again, I deeply regret not being there for you when you were a little girl. I missed out on every little stage of your growth – and I'll never forgive myself for that," his eyes lowered.

I bit my lip out of sympathy for him, and putting my utensils down I slowly reached out to gently touch his arm.

"It's OK," I gave him an assuring smile, "you're here now. And you can always witness everything that you missed by being with your granddaughter."

He smiled back at me. "Thanks, Laura."

I chuckled before beginning to eat the omelette again. "I just wish someone would just find me a maternity bra so I could be more comfortable," I said jokingly.

Mike cocked an eyebrow. "Too much information, don't you think?"

I laughed. "Hey – I have no mum to complain to, so you're the best I got. Deal with it."

Mike chuckled. "Fair enough," he then began to stroke his chin thoughtfully, "hey – have you & the others discussed where you could possibly deliver your baby?"

My face fell. "," I bit my lip, "I guess...I guess I just assumed it'd be here..?"

Mike's eyes widened. "What? can't mean that. Sure – this is a good camp, but it's outdoors. You need a safe, secure, and sheltered place to give birth to your daughter. Because labour & childbirth are both very painful, very loud processes. You're gonna be screaming bloody murder, Laura, and you'll attract walkers for miles."

My breath hitched. "Holy shit. I...I didn't think of that," I let out a shaky breath, and my hands began to pull at my hair stressfully, "fuck...Mike, w-what do I do..?"

Mike smiled. "Lucky for you, your father is someone from a town that he survived in for months, and therefore knows the place like the back of his hand,"

I looked up at him curiously. "You mean Greyfort?"

"Precisely," he said, "in the rich areas of Greyfort, there are loads of mansions with at least two floors each plus an attic in every domicile. The rich fellas who lived in those mansions tried to hole themselves up in their homes for months; before they finally just gave up and left. The result? A whole bunch of mansions locked up & boarded tighter than a safe. Sheltered and secure. Perfect for giving birth to your baby girl."

I cocked an eyebrow. " expect us, to travel all the way to Greyfort – which is at least 45 minutes by vehicle and God-knows-what on foot?"

Mike nodded. "And if it interests you," he continued, "I also know that – last time I was there – there was a baby shop in downtown Greyfort that seemed locked up pretty tight. So...the likelihood is that – since not many people are into having babies right now – most of the baby stuff that was on sale before the apocalypse is highly likely to still be there. Untouched. And if that's the case...then you & Harry can help yourself."

My eyebrows rose. I was definitely interested now.

"Yeah?" I asked curiously, "And how certain are you about that?"


"Good enough for me," I smiled and rose from my chair, "just give me a few minutes. This is something Harry would definitely want to hear."


"And he really thinks that it'll be a better place for you to give birth than here?" Harry asked me as he helped me onto the seat at the top of the patrol tower.

I nodded. "He does. And I kind of agree. I mean...I know this place is secure, Haz, but...Mike's right. While this baby's being delivered, I'm going to be in a lot of pain. And how do you express pain? By screaming and crying and cursing at the top of your voice. That'll bring nearly every lurker in this town over here. And they'll have no problem pushing down that weak wall."

Harry sighed. "You're right."

"And there's a baby store in Greyfort," I gave him a small smile, "and if everything's still there, we can get nearly everything our daughter could possibly need, and want."

"That's true," Harry broke out his own smile as he knelt down beside me, "blankets and cute clothes...and toys," he chuckled, "it'd be amazing if we could get all of that for her," he turned his smile towards me, "and your maternity bra. Maybe even five – if you wanted them," he chuckled.

"That, would be the best thing to ever happen to me," I said dreamily. I then laughed when he gave me a look, "aside from you, of course. And our little girl."

Harry broke out a satisfied smile and then nodded in agreement.

"I agree."

I smiled back. "'s settled, then? Are we going to Greyfort?"

Harry's smile grew a little. "I guess we are."

"Yay!" I clapped my hands, "I'm kinda excited. I don't know why,"

Harry looked at me thoughtfully. "Hormones?"

"Er...I don't think so," I chuckled, "I think I'm just glad that I actually get to shop for baby girl clothes. That's like, goals."

Harry laughed. "True," he then began to turn serious again, "I guess we should figure out who we're taking with us, because with both of us gone, someone still needs to keep an eye on the place."

"Yeah," I sighed, "but...we shouldn't be gone too long, right?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know, babe. We have to play this one by ear. If Greyfort really is the safest place for you to give birth, then...when the time comes, I...don't want you to be travelling all that way with a heaving baby belly. Whether by foot or by wheels – I still don't want it."

My eyes widened. "So...what are you saying?"

"I'm saying," he took a deep breath, "that...we may have to set up camp there. Only temporarily – just for the last few months of your gestation."

My breath hitched. "W...What? N-Not return here for at least three months?"

Harry nodded. "It's for the best, Laura."

"But...but we don't know Greyfort,"

"True. But Mike does," said Harry, "Laura, it's just a few months. They'll be over before you know it,"

"I suppose," I sighed, "it's just...a-are you sure we'll be safe..?"

"I'll make sure we're safe," Harry took my hand, "I'll do everything in my power to keep us safe. Especially our daughter."

I bit my lip anxiously before finally nodding and breaking out a small smile. "Yeah. I know you will."


"You want to go to Greyfort?" Louis asked Harry with a raised eyebrow.

He nodded. "Mike has only the best intentions for his granddaughter. If he says that Greyfort is safer for her birth than here, then we should at least make the effort to scope the place out – especially these mansions he keeps talking about."

"OK, so, we go there, and then what?" asked Niall.

"It depends," said Harry, "if we think Mike's wrong, we turn back and think of another plan. However, if he's right, well...then it'd probably be best to set up temporary camp there, only until Laura gives birth to the baby."

"Seriously?" Mako cocked an eyebrow.

"It's an idea," said Hailee, "and it's not a bad one. Mike's right – this place is good, but really exposed. Personally, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near here if I know I'm gonna go into labour. No offence, Haz,"

"None taken," said Harry, "I agree."

"I actually know an old motel that'd be good for a temporary camp site," said Mike, "it's pretty close to the mansions. A small group used to stay there – but they left ages ago. So there are actually some pretty sturdy walls around the place already – they just need a little refurbishing and they'll be good as gold."

"How far is it from the mansions?" I asked him.

"About 5 to 10 minutes on foot – depending on how fast you are. And maybe 2 minutes on wheels," Mike replied.

"That's good," I said, "really good."

Harry nodded in agreement before looking at Mike. "And you're sure that these mansions are secure?"

"Oh yeah," Mike nodded, "solid."

Harry nodded back. "OK. Looks like we're taking a trip to Greyfort. And since right now it seems likely that we're gonna camp out there, we need to get some stuff ready. I'm sure we've all figured out that while most of us are gonna go, some of us need to stay here. Laura & I have already talked this through, and we've sorted out where we want all of you," he cleared his throat, "Liam – you're definitely coming with us. We're gonna need you when Laura gives birth to the baby. Mike – we're gonna need you, too. You're the only one who'll be able to confidently navigate us through Greyfort. Hailee – you're also coming. You've gotten us out of a tight sport more than once, and you have a keen eye – you'd be handy to tag along. Lou – since you're third-in-command, you'll have to be in charge of everyone else until we come back. Niall needs to keep his post by the gate. Farlan needs to stay, too. I'm not sure if you're quite up to going outside yet," he looked at Farlan.

"That's fine by me," Farlan nodded.

"Uhm, what about me?" Mako sounded insulted, "in case you've forgotten, Styles, aside from Laura I'm the best hand-to-hand combat fighter you've got. And with Laura being in her condition, don't you think I'd be useful?"

"I did think of that," Harry sounded equally insulted, "and you're right, Mako – you are good at hand-to-hand. And that, plus your ruthlessness is best needed here – since we can trust you to fight anything, and anyone, who tries to get into this base. The whole security of this place depends on you. And, since you seem to have forgotten – I'm actually quite good at hand-to-hand myself."

Mako rolled her eyes and sighed. "OK. I guess you're right."

"Thank you. So, are we all happy?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows. Once everyone nodded, he nodded back, "good. So – we're gonna need to start packing some stuff. Liam, Niall – start collecting some guns from the armory and chuck them in the back of the van,"

"Wait – the van in the garage?" Louis' eyes widened, "the van we're not supposed to use unless we have to do an emergency evacuation?"

"Yes – that van," said Harry, "I am not letting my pregnant girlfriend walk all the way to Greyfort."

Louis nodded slowly. "Fair enough," he said with a dismissive shrug.

"It's still good to go, right?" Harry asked.

Louis nodded. "Yep – never stopped checking & working on it,"

"Good," Harry nodded back approvingly, "thanks, Lou."

"No problem, Haz," Louis smiled before turning to Niall and Liam, "go on then, lads. Pack up those guns."

They both nodded and quickly made their way to the armory.

"Mako, Farlan – you go on and pack some food & water. Hails, you pack some meds. I'll go with Louis & Mike to get some extra building supplies for repairing those old motel walls."

"What about me?" I looked at Harry.

He turned to me, and smiled. "You, can go on and get some of that baby stuff Viv left behind. In case that baby shop isn't intact after's best to use what we already have."

I nodded in agreement. "You got it," I then smiled at him, "you know, after all this time, I still think you're damn sexy when you're ordering people around."

Harry smirked and chuckled before kissng me warmly.

"Behave yourself, love," he murmured in my ear, "there's still over three months until we can have our party. So stop trying to entice me into starting it early."

I giggled. "Sorry. I can't help it,"

Harry rolled his eyes before turning be around and giving me a gentle push to the girls' dorms where Viv stored the old baby stuff.

"Go on, love. Go get that over & done with," he patted my bum a few times to get me moving.

I rolled my eyes and smirked to myself as I calmly made my way over.

"OK, baby. A little relocation," I said to my bump as I entered the girls' dorms, "and your daddy's getting it done all for you. You'd better be grateful," I chuckled and rubbed the bump affectionately, "only joking, darling. It's actually me who's grateful. Because I want you born as safely as possible."

I went over to Vivienne's old bed and opened up the trunk; where Alex's old pacifiers and bibs and baby clothes were all neatly stored inside.

"I really hope this baby shop's still alright," I sighed as I picked up a little blue onesie with cute green monsters all over it, "I don't exactly want my little girl to wear a boy's onesie – and I don't think daddy does, either," I chuckled again and looked down at my growing girl, "but I suppose you won't even know the difference."

I grabbed an old duffel bag that used to belong to Rachel and began to pack the baby stuff inside; folding each shirt and each onesie and cringing a little as I looked at the sort-of cheesy designs on them all. One pair of green shorts was decorated with red & blue racecars, and I sighed again.

"I don't see how this will work," I continued to talk to my bump, "these will all be too big for you when you're born. Even if we don't find any new clothes, you still won't be able to wear these until you're at least 6 months old," I shook my head, "what do we do, baby? You need to wear something," I bit my lip, "let's just...keep this between us, yeah? I think if we tell daddy, he won't be able to stop fretting about it. Because even though you're not even born yet, he's already turning into an overprotective dad," I chuckled fondly, "he loves you, very much, sweetie. And so do I," I let both my hands caress the bump tenderly, "we'll work this out. I promise we will. So don't worry, OK? Your mummy & daddy will figure all of this out. You just keep on growing," I kissed my hand and placed it right on top of my stomach.

"I love you, baby girl. I love you so, so much."

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