Daddy Harry

By harryssdimpless_

69.5K 1K 49

Harry Styles the young single dad to a beautiful little 2 year old, but with a rough past. What happens when... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

chapter 4

2K 32 0
By harryssdimpless_

I wake up at 9:30 by the time I finish my fruit salad and do my hair and makeup it's 10:45, i go outside and see Bailey running round in the garden I quickly feed him and go and grab my hand bag and phone I lock the house up and drive to Harry's.

I get to he's house it's quite big and modern, i drive through the gates, and I get out.

I walk up the steps and knock on he's door,my stomach is in knots right now, why I'm I so nervous.
He answers the door and i look up and he is in just he's boxers, "Harry " i burst out laughing, "what" he looks confused, he looks down and then realises and laughs engulfing me in to a hug.

"hey sorry" he laughs again, "We have just woke up and finished breakfast"  he says walking towards the kitchen me following behind. I see Darcy, and she has her back to me so she doesn't know I'm here, so i sneek behind her,"boo!" I laugh tickling her.

"aaah" she squels in excitement jumping in my arms and giving me a big hug,"well hello monster" I smile at her and put her on my hip, "monster no"  she says,"no of course not your a princess" i smile down at her.

I turn around and Harry is just smiling "you have no idea how much this means to me" he says to me,"what does?" I ask a bit confused "this, seeing my daughter happy like this, spending some girl time" he smiles, giving a kiss on Darcys cheek, "do you mind staying with her, while I get dressed?"  he asks "No of course not, mind if I get Darcy dressed?" I ask him, "no of course not, her room is just upstairs on the right" he says.

I walk up stairs  to the room harry told me, it is obviously her bedroom, the walls are white apart from two that are light purple, on one purple wall it has Darcys name in big white letters, and one wall is full of photos from different times, a baby scan,Anne holding a baby I assume is Darcy, another one of harry holding Darcy and Anne and a young girl i assume is he's sister behind him, he seems really happy in all these photos there are so many another one of the boys with Darcy, one catches my eye it's harry golding Darcy up to the sky and she is smiling down at him and he's laughing.

I see her cot in one corner and her changing bed too, i walk to the wardrobe and see lots of different pretty outfits "wow so many clothes darc, look at these" I point to the little dresses, "your like a big girl with so many clothes" I smile at her, "so what do you fancy wearing,?" I ask her and she looks at all the clothes, she points at a little pink tutu, i grab the tutu and a white vest top i change her nappy and put her in to some clean clothes, once she is  all dressed a put a little bow clip in her hair and some white ballerina shoes, "you look so pretty"  I smile at her, she smiles back and lifts her arms up towards me to pick her up.

I walk out the bedroom holding Darcy on my hip, we go down stairs and i put Darcy down and she goes to the living room me following behind her.

She sits on the floor playing with her toys and i sit on the sofa watching her, not long after Harry walks in all dressed, in a white t-shirt and black jeans.

"my little princess" he smiles at Darcy. He sits down next to me looking at Darcy,  he looks like a really proud dad, the way he looks at her it's so sweet.

My phone vibrates on the table in front of me, I grab it and i see I have 3 miss calls from Charlotte and 8 text messages from her.

From Charlotte: hey sky are you with Harry today?

From Charlotte: you are aren't you!I know you are because you never answer your phone when you are with him!

From Charlotte: omg ask him when can I meet niall.

From Charlotte: sky answer your phone!

From Charlotte: so omg if you two get together he would be my.... Omg he would be my brother in law well not technically but he will!

From Charlotte: answer your phone!

From Charlotte: skyy??

From Charlotte: will I be invited to the wedding??

I laugh to myself clossing my phone off, "what's so funny" harry asks "oh nothing just my friend" I tell him, Darcy walks up to us climbing on her father's lap "daddy pool" she tells harry "you want to go swimming baby?" he asks and she nods her head,"well swimming it is" he smirks turning towards me, swimming?? These two are crazy "isn't it a bit to cold for that?" I ask him "yeah but the water is warm it's covered up and its heated" he says 

We walk outside to the big pool Darcy running straight to it "Darcy!" harry says raising his voice, she soon stops and comes back to us knowing that she isn't aloud near the pool on her own  "no" she points to her clothes that she can't take off,  " don't you want to put your swimsuit on?" Harry asks her "No" she shakes her head "so you want to go in your birthday suit" he laughs, i get Darcy ready while harry goes upstairs to put he's trunks on, i put her arm bands on and a flottie that goes round her waist, "water" she points to the pool wanting to get in and trying to run to the pool but I'm holding her hand "No you have to wait for daddy" I smile down at her.

Not long after harry walks out in his yellow swimming trunks, running towards Darcy picking her up, "why don't you get in?" he asks me "no I'll just watch" I tell him sitting down.

I see harry whispering and Darcy giggling about something ok...they are up to something.

They come towards me harry picking me up so he is carrying the both of us ,"harry, put me down,"  i tell him wiggling around in he's grip,  he walks over to the pool and lets go of me dropping me in the pool and he walks in with Darcy on he's hip with her arms around he's neck not letting go"oh my god look at me"i point to my wet clothes,"you look fine" he says grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in to he's hip.

"you know I'm going to get you back for this"  I tell him seriously, "you wouldn't" he smiles at me. We played with Darcy in the pool for quite some time even though she wouldn't let go of Harry the whole time, and me in my soaking wet clothes.

We get out and Harry gives me a towel, "you just wait"  I warn Harry, and he just laughs and dries Darcy putting her clothes back on.

We walk inside and Darcy runs straight to her toys, "come, I'll get you some dry clothes" he says going up stairs, i follow behind him and we go in his bedroom, it's big the walls are white apart from the bed wall that is wood, he also has photos in this room he really loves he's family you can tell he is a family guy, the bed is a king size with loads of cushions, he walks in his wardrobe and grabs some clothes for me.

"here,wear this but it will be big for you" he tells me handing me a white tshirt and hes boxers, i look up at him smirking at me "you can get changed in that bathroom if you like and I'll wash your clothes out after" he tells me pointing to the door across the room.

I walk in the bathroom and take off my wet clothes and put on harrys tshirt and boxers, the tshirt comes to mid thigh and the boxers are big but I love big clothes.

I walk out the bathroom with my wet clothes and harry is sitting on he's bed all dressed and he hands me some running trousers and I can tie these up by the waist "well don't you look good in my clothes"  he smirks taking my wet clothes "I'll wash them"  he tells me and he walks down stairs, I walk in the lounge and see Darcy in the corner going threw the dvd rack with loads of dvds around her,"hey darc what are you doing?" I ask her sitting next to her, and look at all the Disney films she has got "look" she says grabbing the cinderella dvd,  "wow I love that film" i smile down at her my child side taking over me, "do you want to watch it?" I ask her and she nods running to the sofa struggling to get on, i put the dvd in and I  sit on the sofa with her on my lap.

Not long after Harry walks in and sits next to me, "you know we watch this everyday" Harry whispers in my ear groaning, "it's a great film shh"  I whisper back.

"you hungry?" harry asks me as soon as the film finishes, "yes" i smile, we get up Darcy following behind "dadaa" she cries "hey what's wrong baby"  harry says bending down. And she runs in he's arms berrying  her face in he's shoulders, she doesn't say anything she just hides her face in his shoulder.

We walk in the kitchen, Harry still carrying Darcy, "is she ok?" i ask him once she settled down "yeah, she has just recently started doing this, crying out of the blue, i don't know what it is" he says clossing the fridge getting lunch ready looking upset, "hey Darcy?" I ask her, and she looks up at me "how about tomorrow you me and your daddy go to the beach?" I ask her and her eyes soon light up and she smiles at me "you have no idea how much she loves the beach" harry laughs, "well it's a deal then, apparently it's going to be warm tomorrow so let's just hope but no getting in the sea unless you want to be seriously ill " i smile at him and he smiles back giving me the cheeky dimple smile,"don't you have work?" he asks me "yeah but what I'm I going to do? sack myself?"  I laugh.

He cooks lunch not letting me help so I sit down with Darcy on my lap."lunch is served" he says in a posh accent, i put Darcy in her high chair so she can eat.

"so I'll meet you tomorrow at 11" he says while I get my bag,"yeah" i tell him "bye Darcy" I say giving her a hug, i walk to the door harry giving me a hug, "hey sky? Guess what?" he asks me as I walk to my car, "you look hot in my clothes" he winks giving me a smirk.

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