Bullied By Magcon Boys|| H.B...

By rowlandsxjenzie

52.9K 1.2K 173


Chap. 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 15
Chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Chap 24
Chap 25
Chap 26
Chap 27
Chap 28
Chap 29
Chap 30
Chap 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chap 34
Chap 35
Chap 36
Chap 37
Chap 38
Chap 39
Chap 40
Chap 41
Chap 42
Last Chapter

Chap 18

1.2K 32 2
By rowlandsxjenzie

Blake : but I realized this too late .. Mae will never forgive me. I let the love of my life slip right through my fingers. All over my stupid actions , now I wish I never treated people the way I did ..
Y/n : Blake we're humans and we make mistakes.
Blake : before mae and I broke up I had a whole a plan on how I was gonna ask her to semi-formal .. By telling every single person at school to give her a piece of paper to direct her in my direction .. And once she reaches me i'll be on one knee holding a huge poster with rose peddles on the floor in a shape of a heart to show her how much I love her ..
Y/n : aw Blake if a guy did that for me , i would love them forever!
Blake : what an idiot I am ..
Mae : you're not an idiot!
* mae smiles *

( Blake has his arms wide open for her. Mae runs up to him and jumps into his loving arms. )

Mae : its about time!
Blake : I missed you so much!! I am so sorry for being rude to other peopl and for embarrassing you and y/n at a lot of places!
Mae : its okay!

( Blake gets on one knee and looks at mae in the eyes. )

Blake : Mae when you left me I was real angry. I blamed lots of people for it but now I realize it wasn't anyone , it was me and you broke up with me to help me change. And I'm so thankful to have a beautiful girl like you in my life. Is there any space in your loving heart to ever forgive me and take me back?

( Mae stays quiet at first then a big smile creases on her face! )

Mae : I forgive you babe! I want you back in my life!

( Blake picks up mae and spins her around. Then places her down. )

Blake : I love you!! And did I mention daaaam hubba bubba! Mae you are fine as hell!! 🔥
* Mae blushes *
Mae : aw thank you Blake!
Hunter : guys sorry to break the moment but the dance is about to start soon so we should get going.
Mae : how are we gonna get there? Walking or by car?
Y/n : its not that far of a walk?
Hunter : you two gorgeous ladies shouldn't be looking this beautiful to walk to semi! Oh no 😁 we're going to get dropped off by car.
Y/n : aw thanks hunter!

( you put on your heels then all of you walk out to your drive way. Hunter suddenly picks you up. )

Y/n : what are you doing?
Hunter : I told you. You and Mae shouldn't be walking. And I thought you'd look prettier in my arms! * he winks *

*you arrive at hunters front door *

Y/n : you can put me down now
Hunter : oh yeah
* he puts you down *

( hunter knocks on the front door. Brandon opens it and you're the first one he sees. His jaw drops. You enter the room and you see cam's mouth drop as well. You feel uncomfortable. Blake , hunter , and mae are all inside )

Brandon : hey gorgeous
* reffering to you *
Cam : hunter where did you find her? Shes a beauty and I don't think I have seen her at our school
Brandon : she's the prettiest girl I have ever seen!
Hunter : the girl you're calling gorgeous and a beauty is y/n!

( Britt walks up to you and hugs you )

Britt : y/n you look stunning!
Y/n : thanks Britt!
Britt : and mae ndnfxs you look gorg.
Mae : thanks britt so do you!
Britt : thanks!
Cam : y/n I'm sorry for the way I treated you before!
Brandon : I'm sorry too!
Jacob : I'm extremely sorry!
Boys : will you forgive us? And become friends?
Y/n : you're all forgiven and yes we can become friends!
* Christine comes into the room *
Christine : are you ready to go to the dance?
All : yeah
Christine : wow there's a lot of you so if you don't mind squishing in the back and some sitting on each others laps?
All : that's fine

( you all walk out of the house and head to the car. You and hunter decided to sit in the front. And everyone else sits in the back. Christine unlocks the doors. Hunter first sits down. Then you get in and sit on his lap. )

Y/n : sorry if I'm heavy
Hunter : girl what are you talking about!

( everyone squishes in the back and shuts the door. Then Christine gets in and she sees you on hunters lap. She turns on the engine and pulls out of the driveway. )

Christine : are you the gorgeous girl that's going to semi with my son?
Hunter : yes she is mom!
Y/n : yeah I am! And Im y/n! I believe we haven't met!
Christine : hi y/n! I'm Christine!

( you're on school grounds now. Christine comes to a stop. The door from the back opens. )

Christine : not so fast! You all have fun okay!
All : okay

( everyone in the back gets out but Christine stops you )

Christine : y/n! If hunter tries anything on you let me know
Hunter : momm!
Y/n : haha I will!
Christine : have a great time you two!
Y/n : thank you!
Hunter : we will!

What do you think is gonna happen at the dance? o:

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