Fangs: The Fifth Marauder

By Hypergay

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After being expelled from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Zentheya Melanie Black was forced to face her father'... More

Fangs: The Fifth Maurader
Chapter 1: Father's Wrath
Author's Note: Need help!
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Here I Come!
Author's Note: Me
Author's Note: Question
Chapter 3: I've Always Wanted to Slap a Snobby Pureblood
Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: First Day Jitters
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Severus' Karma and Sirius' Courage
Holy Fire whiskey! 912 Views!
Chapter 8: The Annual Black Twins Prank War
Chapter 10: Who Knew What You Would Discover When You Are Missing or Hiding
Chapter 11: Discovering Remus' Secret Part 1
Holy Butterbeer!
Author's Note
Chapter 12: Who Knew Werewolves could be so Captivated by Fire Part 2
Chapter 13: Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter 14: Making the Team
Chapter 15: Becoming a Marauder
Chapter 16: Sirius' Anger
Chapter 17: Becoming an Animagus
Chapter 18: Hogsmeade
Important Not an Update
Chapter 19: Fangs is Born and Moony Imprints
Author's Note

Chapter 9: Finding my Magic Animal Friend

311 17 138
By Hypergay

AN: Holy chocolate frogs! 1.26k views!? I can't believe it! Thank you all so much! I hope you guys continue to enjoy my story! I am just warning you guys that there may be a delay as I am leaving on holiday tomorrow! Can't wait! Anyway please enjoy this chapter!

Zentheya's P.O.V.
Halloween was approaching rather swiftly and many of the students were discussing different costume ideas that they had, while the older ones were looking forward to the Halloween feast. I sighed heavily as I sat in the library looking over the various books that I had lying in front of me. I was eager to find out more about magical creatures. It was one of my favourite subjects alongside Transfiguration. The past few weeks were a blast. The weather hadn't been too good do Quidditch tryouts were being delayed until this week, which worked out well for me because it meant that I could focus on my studies. Flicking over the pages of the text book labeled the The Monster Book of Monsters, I stopped as I came to a page on Werewolves. I had always had a fascination for dark creatures, maybe it was because of my 'gift' as Sirius called it but to me it was a curse, it had been ever since I first realised just how destructive it was, how easily it was for me to hurt and burn those that I loved so much. Like I hurt Sirius.... I thought to myself as the memory flashed in my mind....

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Memory Begins ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I held my head as my father's insults and degrading comments swirled around in my head. I was a disgrace. I was weak, pathetic and useless. I was a disappointment to my family. I was a mistake that never should have been born. I felt the tears running down my face as all I wanted was my Father's love and care. His approval! Why wasn't I good enough!? Not even my mother cared about me. To her, I was this unwanted surprise! "Ze? Are you up here!?" Sirius' voice pulled me from my thoughts as he began making his way into my cupboard sized bedroom. Why was I not the beautiful daughter that my mother wanted!? I felt something explode inside me and the next thing I knew was that fire was exploding from my hands as I threw my arms down, just as Sirius entered the room. "Ze, what are y-" He broke off as he seen the fire spreading from my hands.

I just felt complete anger at myself. I screamed at him through my tears, saying, "Leave me alone!" As I screamed those words at him, I threw my arms out in his direction!
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Memory Ends ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

I would never be able to forget the pure fear that shone in his grey eyes, how he had screamed in pain as the flames engulfed his arms until I put my arms down. I still couldn't look at his right arm without that body-swallowing pit of guilt and regret dig itself an even bigger hole inside my stomach. I remembered how Father took him to St. Mungo's, probably hoping that the flamed would engulf him. I for one am glad that they didn't. As I continued to read about werewolves, my mind began to think of Remus and how he was always missing at least once a month and sometimes Sirius, James and Peter would sneak out of the Common Room in the middle of the night. I couldn't help being a little suspicious, now could I? Okay maybe I was also very curious! Buuuuuuuut I couldn't help it!

Sirius' P.O.V.
I smiled as Elodea giggled. We had been spending more time together and we had decided to tell our friends, despite how much fun it was sneaking around! "We don't have to tell them you know!" I told her as I kissed her soft lips and ran my thumb over her cheek where Emma had slapt her. I still couldn't believe that my Father had wanted me to marry that crazy bitch! I was rather nervous about telling my friends that we were dating only, because word spread rather quickly in this school and I didn't want to think about what Emma would do if she ever found out! I didn't realise that my smile was disappearing as I thought of the words that my ex had scarred into her arm.

"I know we don't have to but I want to, besides Lily, Marlene, Mary and Alice have been wanting to set me up with some guys for a while now! I do not want to be dragged to those dates!" Elodea whined giggling.

I chuckled at her whining voice. She was just adorable in every way. "Alright! I won't let you suffer!" I smirked as my other hand traced her scars subconsciously. How could Emma hurt her!?

"I'm okay Sirius! It wasn't your fault!" Elodea told me as she placed her delicate hand over mine. It had been a day or so since my crazy exgirlfriend attacked her. "Besides, why don't you want to tell anyone?"

I sighed. I hoped she didn't think I was ashamed of her! "Because my sweet Pondweed, a) I enjoy sneaking around..." I smirked, playfully tapping her nose. "And b) I don't want anything to happen to you El! If my Father ever found out that his disappointment of a son is dating a Muggle-born witch! I don't want to think what he would do to you!" I felt my arms tighten around her as if my Father would magically appear out of nowhere and kill her in front of me!

"Aw Sirius! Nothing is going to happen to me!" She tried to reassure me as she lovingly stroked my face.

I smiled sadly as I pulled her closer to me. "You have no idea what Orion Black is capable of!" I told her sadly. I was afraid of him. Not for myself, but for my sister and little brother and my friends. I knew he would hurt them to get to me... he does it to Zentheya all the time!

"Well don't think about him...just focus on us, I'm safe here with you!" Elodea's gentle voice whispered as she brushed some of my hair behind my ears, where I was rather ticklish.

I couldn't help flinching and laughing. "I love you so much Pondweed!" I told her kissing her lips softly at first but then the kisses became filled with passion and love. I loved her so much and if she wanted to tell our friends then that was okay, maybe with their help I might be able to protect her better....

James' P.O.V.
The Gryffindor Common Room was rather quiet and empty. Zentheya had been spending more and more time in the library, probably trying to get as much revision in as possible before the exams despite the exams being ages away, so that she would have time to practice for the Quidditch tryouts and help us with more pranks. Lily seems to think that I should take a leaf out of her book, but I just tell her that I have plenty of time to revise! The BTPW was still on going, Sirius had said that we could join in which I wouldn't mind! But Lily says that if I don't start studying soon she is going to ban me from pranking! Peter is still being distant, even if he did apologise for snapping at me a couple of days ago. "Has anyone seen Sirius?" I asked as I sat on the sofa with an arm around Lily. I still couldn't believe that after six years of her rejecting me and calling me an arrogant toe rag, she finally said yes! I still couldn't believe that she was my girlfriend! I sighed happily as I watched her snuggling closer to me.

"James, you're staring again!" Lily pointed out as she looked up at me from her place on my chest.

I blushed slightly. "Sorry love..." I said embarrassed.

Lily sat up with a concerned look in her beautiful face. "James what's wrong?" She asked me. "And don't say nothing because I know you better than that Potter!"

I sighed heavily. She was right. How and why was she always right!? "It is really nothing Lils, I just can't believe that after everything that I've done over the years, you're now sitting with me as my girlfriend..." I confessed to her, letting her she how insecure I was and how scared I was that I was going to screw this up!

Lily's face softened. "Oh James, I'm here with you because it's exactly where I want to be! You are all I've ever wanted and I'm so sorry that it took me so long to realise!" She placed one of her delicate hands on the side of my face as she leaned in for a kiss.

I couldn't say that I ever got used to the feeling of her kissing me. I kissed back with maybe a bit more passion, however our makeout session was caught short by a teasing whistle. I whined as Lily pulled away embarrassed as she began to blush wildly. "Sirius! You arrogant git! Just wait until y-" I broke off as I turned to face him and seen his hand intertwined in Elodea's!

"Wait until what James? Until I have a girlfriend? Well my tiny bladdered friend, your waiting days are over!" Sirius smirked as he put his arm around Elodea.

Lily suddenly squealed with excitement. "When did this happen!?" She cried jumping off the sofa and over to the new couple.

Sirius shrugged smiling the first non smug smile that I had ever seen on his face, while Elodea blushed and played with her hair. "A couple of weeks ago... after Severus called me a..." Elodea began but broke off as her smiled vanished.

"Hey El, don't think about that greasy git, okay?" Sirius told her giving her a gentle kiss on the lips, making her smile.

I smirked. I was happy for them but now it was payback time! "Well, I never thought I'd see the day! Sirius Black has been tamed! Wait till Remus finds out!" I teased them, causing Elodea to hide in Sirius' chest.

"Shut up Pee Pee!" Sirius hissed, however he couldn't stop smiling.

"Where is everyone?" Elodea asked to try and move the attention away from her and Sirius as they came to join us on the sofa.

"Well Remus is at some Prefect meeting, Marlene and Mary are in class, the twins are sleeping, Alice and Frank have gone for a date, Ze is in the library and Peter..." I broke off to think about where Peter was but came up with nothing but blanks. "Only Merlin knows..."

Peter's P.O.V.
"I don't know about this Severus!" I said, the quill shaking in my hand. "Why does Lucius want to talk to her anyways?"

Severus sighed and rolled his black eyes. "I don't know! Why are you betraying your friends?" He retorted. "Just wrote the bloody letter and make it look like it's from Lupin!"

I sighed heavily and began writing, praying that my handwriting would be similar to Remus'. I didn't see why Lucius wanted to meet with Zentheya, but Severus did have a point, why was I betraying my friends!? Because! You like living! I thought to myself. It was true, I wanted to survive this war!

Once the letter was finished, I went to find Zentheya. She just had to appear out of nowhere and make it even harder for me! She didn't even know Remus' secret not had she been with them for as long as I have, and yet they were all acting like she had been here since 1st year! She was ruining everything! I felt hatred and anger against her begin to build up. The letter in my hand crumbled slightly as I walked into the library. There she was sitting there studying. How I hated her. Making my way over to her, I took my wand out and I could have easily ended her life there and then but there were way too many people around. "Oh hey Peter!" Zentheya's voice suddenly made me snap out of my thoughts. Slipping my wand back into my pocket, I made my way over to her.

"Here, Remus asked me to give this to you..." I said abruptly. Why waste pleasantries on someone I didn't like?

"Oh thanks! I was just a bit to head up to the Common Room now, wanna come?" She asked me smiling gently at me.

I seen what Malfoy was talking about. She did have a very beautiful body... "No thanks, I'm busy..." I said handing her the letter. I knew that I could never do anything about what I felt about her because for one thing she was Sirius' twin sister and another was that Lucius wanted to make her his. Besides there was something off about her. She was definitely hiding something. I'm not sure what but I was determined to find out!

"Oh okay...thanks again..." Zentheya sighed as I began to walk away.

I didn't care whether or not she was aware that I didn't like her. I just wanted to get this over and done with! The pull to the dark side was getting stronger than anything I had ever felt before. I walked out of the library and around the corner where I waited to see if she would go to the netting place and she foolishly did...

Third Person P.O.V.
The weather was getting colder as rain clouds rolled in and covered the sky. Zentheya waited for Remus exactly whee the letter said for them to meet. Her instincts were telling her that something was wrong, that she should go back inside, yet she ignored them. She wanted the letter to be from Remus, but that irritating all-knowing voice inside her head told her that somethings was wrong the second she read the letter. Yet here she was nervously pacing back and forth, trying to keep warm as she wondered what Remus wanted to talk about. Before long a shadow emerged and for a split second Zentheya smiled, believing it to be Remus, until they emerged through the mist to reveal themselves as Lucius Malfoy, the creepy git who had on many occasions harassed her. Her smile vanished and turned to confusion. Why is he here?! Zentheya thought to herself, frowning as he approached her.

"Did you get my letter Beautiful?" He asked, flipping his hair arrogantly out of his face.

"Your letter?" Zentheya asked as she took as step backwards. She was beginning to regret ignoring her instincts as Lucius stepped closer to her. "Why would Peter give me a letter from a pompous, creepy git like yourself!?" Her choice of words were picked carefully in order to offend him with the hope that he would leave her alone, however it didn't work as Lucius' green eyes darkened and narrowed at her. He wanted her, yet it was obvious that she did not want him.

"Because I told him that it was from Remus! The chubby coward can't stand on his own two feet without your brother, Potter and Lupin there to protect him!" Lucius explained as he reached out to stroke the side of her face as he pressed her up against the bark of an old tree!

Shivers raced up Zentheya's spine as she slapt his hand away. "Leave me alone Malfoy!" She snarled as she tried to shove him away, only he grabbed hold of her upper arms with a vice-like grip, he shoved her roughly backwards, pinning her against the tree once more with his arms and body.

"Why would I want to do that?" He smirked as he watched the fear dance to her grey eyes. Had she been in this type of situation before? Lucius didn't care, he wanted to watch her squirm, beg him to let her go. He wanted her to be his. He began moving his hands down her arms, carrassing her ass...

"Hey! What the fuck you perv!" She snarled shoving him away, however he didn't budge instead he went to kiss her. What he didn't expect was to feel her fist make contact with his face.

Anger and lust spread through his veins as he slapt her harshly, before throwing her to the ground with a hard thud, dazing her slightly and giving him enough time to start removing her robe. Zentheya screamed and struggled beneath him as he kissed her neck, shrieking as she felt his tongue on her skin. Tears of fear exploded from her eyes as she felt him violating her, his heavy weight prevented her from kicking out.

From a distance, Lex and Remus were leaving their prefect meeting when they seen Peter watching the horrendous event unfold. He hadn't thought Lucius would ever go that far! But the screaming was all too clear. He knew that he would be dragged into this, he had to do something. "Hey Peter, what's go-" Remus was caught of as Zentheya's screams pierced the air. Exchanging concerned looks with a secretly guilty Peter and a confused Lex, the trio set out to follow the screams.

Zentheya's P.O.V.
"Get off me! Stop!" I screamed tears rolling down my face along with blood as I felt his hands under my skirt or feeling me up and his tongue on my face as he licked me. "You'll be mine soon!" Lucius' voice whispered in my ear. I screamed once more as blood dripped from my head and mouth. My heart was pounding violently in my chest. I couldn't even reach my wand! However, thankfully he never got that far.

"Stupefy!" A familiar friendly voice called and Lucius was flown off me.

I could feel myself shaking as I wasted no time in moving away from him. My robes were slipping from my shoulders and blood was streaming down my head and arms. My tear and blood stained face looked up to see who had saved me. To my relief it was Lex and Remus with an out of breath Peter. "Zentheya! Are you alright!?" Lex asked me bending down maybe to wipe away the blood, but that experience had shaken me to my very core. I screamed and moved away until my back hit a tree. "No! L-leave m-me a-alone! P-please!" I begged terrified.

"Hey wow Ze, I'm not going to hurt you!" Lex promised raising his hands in defence.

"We need to get Sirius!" Remus suggested.

I shook my head. "No! H-he can't K-know! D-don't tell Sirius!" I begged as I began running just as Lucius began stirring again. I ran through the Forbidden Forest, ignoring their screams for me to come back. I didn't care where I was going, I just had to run!

Running for what seemed like ages, I made it to a cave, deep inside the forest just as my legs buckled and I rumbled into the cave. Groaning as I  hit the ground hard, I felt even more blood come from me as I sat up. My whole body ached from the fall and my ordeal with Malfoy, yet that didn't seem important anymore when I created a small flame in my hand. I was met with the most magnificent and adorable baby dragon ever! Maybe what they say is true. That witches and wizards instantly know their magic creature as soon as they see them. The baby dragon was beautiful and golden. It was a baby Horn Drake and it was mine....

Sorry for the long wait guys but here it is! Please vote, comment and follow!

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