Learning A Lake ✔

By BeccaJohnson3

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COMPLETED! Learning A Lake - Book One in the Lake Series. Every year you and your best friend go to... More

Introduction and Characters
- PART 1 -
- One -
- Two -
- Three -
- Four -
- Five -
- Six -
- Seven -
- Nine -
- Ten -
- Eleven -
- Twelve -
- Thirteen -
- Fourteen -
- Fifteen -
- Sixteen -
- Seventeen -
- Eighteen -
- PART 2 -
- Nineteen -
- Twenty -
- Twenty-One -
- Twenty-Two -
- Twenty-Three -
- Twenty-Four -
- Twenty-Five -
- Twenty-Six -
- Twenty-Seven -
- Twenty-Eight -
- Twenty-Nine -
- Thirty -
- Thirty-One -
- Thirty-Two -
- Thirty-Three -
- Thirty-Four -
- Thirty-Five -
- Thirty-Six -
- Thirty-Seven -
- Thirty-Eight -
- Thirty-Nine -
- Forty -
- Playlist and Book Two -

- Eight -

130 5 2
By BeccaJohnson3

♢ Laura ♢

The Camps main hall had been decorated amazingly for our first entertainment night. There were fairy lights hanging all around the room. The hall itself is huge and had a wooden theme throughout. All of the walls were cladded with light wood and the large stage was the main focus of the room. It was well lit in preparation for the talent show but the rest of the room was very dark. 

The whole hall had been filled with round tables surrounded by chairs, each table had a candle as the center piece. It looked like a formal event and in all honesty, looked very much like a prom set up. We made our way in and settled for a table at the back of the room, staying away from people as they continued to pile in for the evening. 

There was already background music playing which lightened the mood. An archway to the left of the stage lead through to a brightly lit room which contained a drinks and buffet table covered in snacks. Rachel went to get us all a drink and some snacks before they were all gone. 

"Nervous?" Katie asked. "Nervous is an understatement." I said in reply before taking out a scrappy piece of paper from my bag which displayed the words for the song to make sure I didn't forget them.
"You'll steal the show, your voice is amazing Laura." Rachel gave me a reassuring grin. If the boys weren't here my nerves wouldn't be this bad, but as the background music stopped and Rhi walked onto the stage to do her introductory speech, my heart began to pound. To distract myself I decided to look across to the other side of the room. It was the worst and best decision I had made in a while. Ryan, Matt and Oscar were sitting at the table at the other side of the room to us, right at the back and for some reason when I turned, Ryan was already looking this way. I quickly averted my eyes back down to the lyric sheet on the table. Why was he looking at me? I must have been dreaming, right?

"Hello camp mates!" Rhi began as the room fell silent. "Welcome to Tabara's got Talent!" She laughed. "We have a fun filled evening ahead of us, so please enjoy yourselves and give our acts for this evening some support. Without further delay please welcome our first act of the night, Michelle doing some gymnastics." She said into a microphone and then left the stage. Everyone clapped as the lights changed and the music started. Michelle entered the stage with some cartwheels an began her routine. 

I took another glance towards the boys table, it was now surrounded by other boys and girls. You could tell they were very popular. Somehow I still managed to catch the sight of Ryan, who was still looking in my direction through all the people crowding the table. It didn't look like he wanted all those people surrounding him. He smirked at me before looking away quickly. Did he just blush? Was as he as nervous as I was? I ask myself too many stupid questions.


There were many people who took part this year, the acts included: singing, dancing, comedy and acting. There were some other good singers and it was only a matter of time before it was my tu-.
"Next up is Laura Weller to sing us a song." Rhi said looking into the direction of our table.
"Go on!" Katie said nudging me in the shoulder. I forced myself to stand up and began to walk towards the stage, the suspense was killing me and the room was way too quiet right now.
"WOOOH GO LAURA!" Rachel stood up and shouted. I suppose that helped as her comment filled the room with a small chuckle and a few people clapped.

I made my way onto the stage and the good thing with the spot light shining on my face was that I couldn't see all the teenage faces staring back at me. I didn't bother introducing myself or the song, I just waited for the music to start.

  I don't mind letting you down easy

But just give it time
If it don't hurt now then just wait, just wait a while

You're not the big fish in the pond no more
You are what they're feeding on

So what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you?
So what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you?

Ain't it fun living in the real world
Ain't it good being all alone

Where you're from
You might be the one who's running things
Well, you could ring anybody's bell and get what you want

You see, it's easy to ignore trouble
When you're living in a bubble

So what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you?
So what are you gonna do when nobody wants to fool with you?

Ain't it fun living in the real world
Ain't it good being all alone

Ain't it good to be on your own
Ain't it fun you can't count on no one
Ain't it good to be on your own
Ain't it fun you can't count on no one

Ain't it fun living in the real world

Don't go crying to your mama 'cause you're on your own in the real world
Don't go crying to your mama 'cause you're on your own in the real world

Ain't it fun
Ain't it fun
Baby, now you're one of us
Ain't it fun

Ain't it fun

Ain't it fun

Ain't it fun living in the real world
Ain't it good, ain't it good being all alone

Ain't it fun living in the real world

Ain't it good, ain't it good being all alone 

Don't go crying to your mama 'cause you're on your own in the real world
Don't go crying to your mama 'cause you're on your own in the real world

This is the real world

This is the real world

Don't go crying to your mama 'cause you're on your own in the real world
Don't go crying to your mama 'cause you're on your own in the real world

The lights flooded the room and everyone erupted in applause and was cheering for me. I managed a small "Thank you." Into the microphone before handing it back to Rhi and making my way off the stage, back to the safety of my table with my friends. 

"Wow, Laura Weller everyone!" Rhi beamed. Everyone in the room cheered again. I kind of didn't want the attention so I was glad when Rhi began to introduce the next act so everyone could forget about me quickly. 
"I told you that you're the best here!" Katie squealed giving me a hug. "Everyone was going crazy for your voice Laura!" Rachel said with a grin.
"Thank you guys, I feel so relieved!" I said in return with a genuine smile. I felt so much better now, I got it over and done with and I was so proud of myself. My usual self would have a panic attack and chicken out at the last second. I looked into Ryan's direction again. This time, he's grinning at me. I was sort of scared but inside the butterflies were definitely swarming. I quickly averted my attention to my phone and by this time another person was singing on the stage. I had a text from my sister Eliza. 

Can you call me ASAP? E x

"I'm just going outside to give Eliza a call, I'll be back in a bit." I said loud enough for Rachel and Katie to hear over the music. They both nodded and smiled before looking at the girl on stage. 

I was grateful for the cool evening air when I got outside and sat on one of the benches in the dimly lit porch. It was completely silent outside, apart from the muffled music coming from the building behind me. I dialed Eliza's number and it rang a few times before she answered, I'm glad I set up my phone to call from abroad. 
"Hey Laurie!" She said excitedly.
"Hello Lizzie!" I said with a giggle. 

"How is camp going? I saw the big news from Katie on Facebook. How are you coping with the boys being there?" She said with curiosity.
"Camp is really good, we have a lot to prove now the boys are here, they are definitely better than us at the challenges. I am currently at the talent show and the girls bribed me into singing." I said quietly.
"Oh my goodness!" She squealed. "When do you go on stage? I know your voice is amazing Laura!" I could hear the evident smile in her voice.
"I just got off stage, I'm so glad I did it! Anyway. Enough about me, why did you need me to call you?" I said with a hint of concern after the urgency in her text message.
"That's amazing, I'm so proud of you..." She began and then her mood flipped. "and, well, I need your advice." She said bluntly.
"Um, with what?" I asked with confusion.
"I found out something today... I'm pregnant!" She blurted, almost whispering. Just so you know my sister twenty-two and is with an amazing guy. So this should be nothing to worry about, oh wait. Our parents!

"Oh. My. God." I said in utter shock. "Does Tom know? Does mum and dad know?" I said rather quickly, sitting up on the bench and staring out towards the dark forest. 
"Yes Tom knows, he's really happy and so am I! But mum and dad on the other hand... that's why I phoned you. I don't know what to tell them. You know what they are like, no children before marriage and all." She stated and I could almost hear her eyes roll down the phone.
"Hmm, I know. But you will have to tell them sooner or later if you are definitely sure about it. They will either accept it or they won't at the end of the day you are still their daughter. They will learn to accept it and if you and Tom are happy, that's all that matters, right?" I said with confidence. 

"You're right, I knew you were the best person to call about this, I think I'm going to tell them tomorrow. Thank you Laura!" She said with her happiness returning to her tone of voice.
"That's not a problem, I'm really happy for you!" I smiled, not that she could see.
"Thanks girl! Back to you, is there any boys taking your fancy out there?" she asked with a giggle. I was about to reply when I felt the bench move next to me. I snapped my head to my right. Matt had sat on the bench beside me. I nearly jumped out of my skin and almost forgot I was still on the phone to Eliza. 
"Uh-uhm, I-I-I've gotta go. I'll call you back tomorrow! Bye!" I said to my sister quickly, trying to sound as positive as possible.
"Laura, what are you hiding fro-" She practically shouted before I hung up.

I turned to face Matt again who had now put an arm around me. I definitely wasn't comfortable with that.
"Hi Matt..." I said hesitantly and tried to scoot away from him. My attempts failed as he used his arm to pull me closer to him.
"I just want to say. You have a sexy voice. Laura." He said in a low husky tone straight into my ear.
"Um, thank you?" I said hesitantly, not knowing whether to accept his comment as a compliment or not. 
"My brother wouldn't stop looking at you earlier, too bad I got to you first." He laughed but his words were slurred and I could smell the alcohol on his breath now. He was drunk! This was not good and that definitely wasn't a compliment.

"You're creeping me out." I struggled to get away from him but he only pulled me closer. "I've got to go." I tried to get away once more but only failed as his grip on my shoulder tightened again. My eyes darted everywhere around me, looking for a way to escape. 
"I want you Laura." He said bluntly before pinning my shoulders against the bench and hovering over me. He began to kiss my neck. I struggled to get away. Shit, this is not good at all!
"Get off me!" I croaked "Help!" I tried to raise my voice as I pushed against him with all my force, but it was no hope as he was really strong.  Queue panic attack.
"I knew you liked me." He spoke into my ear with a slow whisper. 

 Just as I thought my summer would be ruined by a drunk ass prick...

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, GET OFF HER MATT!" He shouted. I looked to see who and where the voice was coming from. 


 "You dickhead, I told you not to bring alcohol with you!" He continued as Oscar pulled Matt off me by the hem of his shirt and giving me a look of definite concern. 

"You disgust me, you can't just do things like that, especially not here, you'll get sent home if the staff find out!" Oscar shouted at him. I was in such a state by now. I curled up on the bench, covered my face with my hands and cried my eyes out, my panic attack was in full flow now. I couldn't believe what had just happened, I felt so overwhelmed.
"Take him back to our Cabin, Oscar." Ryan said with gritted teeth as he turned away from his brother in disgust. His face softened when he turned towards me. Oscar shoved Matt towards the cabins. "Get a move on!" He roared at him. Soon enough, their figures faded into the darkness. Ryan sat on the bench opposite me and stared at the floor. I began to calm down and wipe my face with my hands.

"Thank you." I whispered between sniffs. Ryan looked up at me and ran a hand through his hair before sighing. "I'm really sorry about my useless excuse of a fucking brother." He said with annoyance before getting up and sitting down next to me.
"Don't worry, I just thought he was a better person than that. He was nice to me earlier today." I said quietly as I looked into Ryan's direction who was still staring at the floor. He had one hand wrapped around the other which was shaped into a fist. His knuckles were turning white and I could tell he was still very angry.
"He thinks he can do as he pleases with any girl." Ryan said sternly. "Sometimes I am ashamed of being his brother. I thought bringing him here would teach him to control himself but no, he brings alcohol and gets out of hand!" Ryan hissed before putting his head down into his hands.
"Hey, I'm fine, he didn't do anything to me." I stated and turned to face him. 
"That's not the point Laura, because it could have been a lot fucking worse if we didn't show up!" He debated whilst looking up at me with hurt in his blue eyes. 

All of my panic suddenly disappeared when I noticed what Ryan had just said. He said my name like he knew me. It instantly cheered me up but I didn't want my excitement over something so petty, to confuse the situation even more.

I turned back to face the darkness and leaned back onto the bench. This guy made my heart flutter, even when he was angry. Like someone flicked a switch, he seemed to calm down.
"I won't let him hurt you again." He said sitting up and turning to face me. "Your voice really was amazing earlier." He blurted before giving me a small smirk. I flushed bright red in return and I could just see a hint of a blush on his face too. Before I could thank him, he had gently put one arm around me in comfort, being extra careful not to freak me out by being touched. My skin tingled where his arm now rested and his touch filled me with warmth and security. 

 I relaxed a little and leaned into his embrace, my breathing was now back to normal and I felt safe. 

This was the first time I had ever spoken to Ryan properly. He was being nice and was comforting me. He could have just dragged his brother away and left me here but, he didn't. 

I moved my head away from him a little before speaking. 
"Thank you, but honestly i'm not that great at singing." 
"Not that great? You must be having a laugh?" He kind of snorted at me. "I don't see why you never took part in anything at school, with a voice like that you'd be great at that kind of thing." He said, seeming nervous as he complimented me but proceeded to rub my arm. I think he noticed that I was getting colder. 
"I'm not all that confident, which is probably why I've never really spoken to you before." I said sheepishly in reply. I wish I had spoken to him before. 

The door of the hall swung open, my eyes darted to the movement but Ryan didn't flinch at all.
"Laura, there you ar- oh, I guess you're busy! We'll leave you to it." Katie exclaimed before pulling Rachel away from us. "Have fun." She snickered. "See you later!" They said in unison before winking at me. I couldn't get a word in to explain what had just happened before they walked off into the distance towards our cabin, laughing and singing.

I could just about make out what they were singing. 

"Laura and Ryan, sitting in a tree, K - I - S - S - I - N - G!" And I was glad when their voices faded away so neither of us could hear the rest of the song.

♢ Ryan ♢

What is this girl doing to me? I haven't been able to stop looking at her all evening. I'm so pissed that Matt made a move on her though. But what I don't get is, usually I would encourage him to get with a girl like that, usually I would do the same. 

I feel fucking terrible for saying it, but nobody called us the bad-boy-brothers for no reason. The way she was reacting to him was when I knew I had to stop him. She didn't want it, she's completely innocent and did not consent. We would usually go for girls who were experienced, you know? Who actually wanted us to be like that with them!

I thought he had turned a corner, the way he was talking to me about Laura's friend, Rachel today made me think he had moved on from this crap. It seemed as though he really liked her and wanted to commit to someone, but now I wasn't so sure and I definitely didn't realise he had drunk so much this evening. 

There's something about Laura that I can't get my head around, her brown hair, her slim physique, her eyes, her delicate hands. She reminds me of...

I removed that thought from my mind, not wanting to hurt myself even more. 

All I know now is, I can't let myself fall for this girl. I will just end up using her and hurting her. I would never forgive myself for doing that to her. I have to distance myself before it's too late, she's too precious and doesn't deserve a twat like me, especially after what my brother just did to her.

I was the first to break up our embrace. I got up from the bench and turned to face her.
"Come on, I'll walk you to your cabin, you're tired." I said smiling and offering my hand down to her again. She looked at my hand and then my face before turning into a tomato and then looked down at the floor. Her blush was so cute and I now I just wanted to know more about her. She was intriguing. 

After hesitating a little, she took my hand. Her touch sent a shiver down my spine once more and I couldn't explain it. I tried to tell myself that my embrace with her was to only comfort her, but deep down it meant a lot more. I was torturing myself now. 

I pulled her up from the bench and it reminded me of when she fell over in the forest the other night.  
"You don't have to walk me you know." She practically squeaked as we walked down the steps of the porch and into the darkness near the cabin area. I felt her body shaking as I held her hand. She must have still been in shock. Her feet were a little unsteady on the uneven ground in her high heels.
"Our cabins are opposite each other." I sighed. "It doesn't make much difference to me. I want to make sure you are safe." I muttered. 

As we continued to walk towards where the cabins were located, I looked down at her and took in her features. Every inch of her was a mystery, but then parts of her seemed familiar. It all fell into place in my mind and I knew I needed to put a stop to this before I lead her on. She looked susceptible to falling for someone easily and the last thing I wanted to do was break her heart.  

I then let go of her hand. She didn't seem to react too badly so I took this as a good sign. We continued to walk in silence for the next three minutes or so until we reached the middle ground between our cabins.

"Um..." She began. "Goodnight Laura." I said plainly before starting to walk towards my own cabin.
"Wait!" She called and ran to me before throwing her arms around my chest. She was a lot shorter than me and I was rather surprised by her sudden embrace. "Thank you." She mumbled against my shirt. I couldn't stop the smile that crept onto my face. I hesitated before gently putting one arm around her and almost as quickly as I touched her, I let her go again. I couldn't do this to her.
"You should go." I said plainly and turned my smile into a frown, even though she couldn't see it. "But I'm glad I stopped my brother from hurting you." I smirked a little.

"I'm glad too. Goodnight Ryan." She said emphasizing my name a little too much before turning on her heel and walking up the steps and into her cabin. For some reason my heart started beating double time when she said my name like that. I shook the thought from head and went back into our cabin.

My mind was a complete and utter mess. But right now, I really needed to have a word with my prick of a brother. 

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