When The Wicked Witch Meets t...

By FindMeIfYouDare

215K 8.1K 441

What happens when the Big Bad Wolf meets his mate? He kidnaps her of course! He's in for a nasty surprise tho... More

When The Wicked Witch Meets the Big Bad Wolf
The Wicked Witch of the West Wing
Connect and Reconnect
A Tragic Tale and A Flaming One
The Big Mad Wolf
What Rhymes With Witch
Magical Matters
I'll Show You Mine
If You Show Me Yours
The Truth
Before She Became The Wicked Witch
Her Sign is a Sign
How a Witch Plans a Party
Royalty Arrives
Pain In the A** Parents
The Nightmare Begins
Secrets Revealed
Why I Want You
Darkness Becomes Her
Escaping Her Cage
A Deal with the Devil
The Beginning of the End
More to Come

Finally Forgiven

5.3K 240 27
By FindMeIfYouDare

The Wicked Witch

I stand silent at the edge of the forest waiting for the moon to rise above the trees an shine down upon me. When it does I raise my face to greet it with open arms and a smile on my face. It's then that I hear the howls. They come from deep within the tree but move steadily toward me until the ghostly white wolves stand at the edge of their forest facing me. Their alpha steps forward until he's standing inches in front of me. I fall to my knees before him and hang my head in shame, "I'm so sorry. Your packs' blood is on my hands and I come to beg your forgiveness."

The alpha steps forward and licks my bowed head gently. Then he steps back and begins to howl. Soon the whole pack takes up the howl as well. Tears fill my eyes as they give me their forgiveness. It's as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can breathe again. Who knew that forgiveness was something I sought?

After that I turn and hike back up the hill to where he’s waiting for me. The moment he spots me coming his eyes lock with mine and he smiles as if I mean the world to him. And I know I do. I am his world and he is mine. Our love is a bond strong enough to withstand anything. Nothing will ever be able to keep us apart. Even when I was emotionless and cold he managed to break down my walls and make me feel again. And now we are together again as I try to make amends for all the damage I’ve caused the people in my life. No more killing. No more revenge. The old Violet is gone now all I seek is to spread peace and happiness. It sounds cheesy but for someone who has lived a life filled with pain that’s the most soothing thought there is.

“Ready to go Violet?” Lucas holds out his hand to me and we link fingers and walk away from the forest heading home to the people who love us. Every time I see him I can’t help but smile at the flutter he causes in my heart.

I lean in and kiss him on the cheek, “Yeah let’s head home.” Healing takes time and I know that Lucas will help me every step of the way. I let my past come back and haunt me but now is not the time to look to the past only to the future. And every day my future with Lucas looks brighter and brighter.

The Nightmare

I stand behind the trees watching as she and Lucas walk away down the hill. She doesn’t know it but these past few months as she’s been making amends and healing I’ve been watching her. Watching as she grows stronger and pulls herself out of the emotional hole wearing the pendant I gave her sunk her to. Soon she’ll be whole again and then she’ll truly begin to live. Live a life without me. I have wanted her since I first saw her but it’s clear that we are never meant to be.

Turning I walk away and transport myself to the last place I saw Violet before I lost her. It’s the cliff she pushed me off after realizing how bad we were for each other. I thought we were perfect for each other but now that she’s given me my emotions back I know that we were slowly killing each other. We were poison together and in the end we would have died. She wanted to save herself and she did the right thing trying to kill me because unlike her I would have never changed. I have now, but is that enough?

I walk to the edge looking down at the fall I took not so long ago. She is the love of my life and yet I know that we can never be together. Her heart belongs to another and though it hurts to know that I know she’s better off. I’m not the right one for her. Sighing I close my eyes, spread my arms wide, and picture the thing I love most – her.


That's it guys the end. The time has finally come to end the story of the Wicked Witch and the Big Bad Wolf. I hope you guys like the ending and that I didn't leave any questions unanswered for you (if I did let me know!). A huge thank you to anyone who's read this far and watched as Violet and Lucas met and fell in love. It was fun and I'm sad to see the story end but now it's time for another story. . . I've got several in mind that I'll probably post blurbs of here to see if you guys like so make sure to look for them!

Thank you so much again my lovely readers you guys are the best :D HUGS FOR ALL!!!

Oh and the song on the side totally sums up Sebastian's and Violet's relationship. Oh Sebastian!...

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