How a Witch Plans a Party

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Okay I know its been like forever since my last post but its finally spring break so I can write (hopefully!) more often! This chapter is kind of just a filler to set up things for the next chapter but it turned into something more at the end. . . I really didn't plan to throw the end in but it just kinda happened :p Enjoy!

The Wicked Witch

"No one told me your birthday was so close!" I exclaim glaring at Lucas as Jenny bounces up in down in front of me.

"Hey I thought you knew," he says holding up his hands in surrender. "She's not exactly shy about broadcasting the news."

"Uh huh," I mutter narrowing my eyes.

"So will you throw me a party?" asks Jenny again. This is the bomb that was dropped on me first thing this morning before I'd even had my coffee. Jenny's eighth birthday is coming up in a week and she wants me to throw her a magical birthday party.

I glance over a Lucas silently asking what to do but he only shrugs his shoulders. Seeing no help there I turn back to tell Jenny that I can't but she's giving me puppy dog eyes. Damn her and the puppy dog eyes. What else can I do but say yes? "Of course I'll throw you a party sweetie!"

"Really?!" shrieks Jenny hopping around in her form of victory dance. "Are you going to make it magical, and huge, and special, and OH I KNOW can I be a princess! PLEASE!!!" I mentally groan at the task I've set myself up for but at the same time I can't help but smile at how excited Jenny is and how special I can make this day for her. I'm not a witch for nothing.

"Now Jenny," scowls Lucas. "Don't you think that's asking a bit much from Violet? Isn't a simple cake, presents, and nice decorations enough?"

"Um no," pouts Jenny resorting to a pouting look as she glares a her brother. She's certainly is a spoiled princess but she's got such a sweet heart I can't help but want to spoil her. "Is it okay if I'm a princess, Violet?" she asks turning her eyes on me to bat them like a pro.

"Of course it is," I say giving in immediately. Boy am I a sucker. "I've got three days to make this birthday your best one yet!" Even to my ears this sounds overly enthusiastic but I paste on my best smile and ruffle Jenny's hair before she disappears from the room to go tell everyone else.

"You didn't have to do that you know," says Lucas quietly as he comes up beside me.

"Yeah I know I didn't have to," I reply rolling my eyes. "But Jenny's a sweet kid who deserves whatever her little heart desires on her birthday. Besides its fun to see how happy she and Arthur get when I use magic. To me its simply an extension of myself and I don't even blink an I when I do something simply like move something without touching it. But to them its incredible and wonderful. It makes me see my magic as more than a painful reminder."

Lucas wraps a comforting arm around me and I lean my head against his chest. I'm getting better at this whole physical contact thing and actually find it comforting now when he puts his arm around me. "Then I'm glad you're doing it if it make you happy. Jenny will be thrilled with whatever you do for her birthday so don't feel obligated to go all out or anything. She'll be fine if all it turns out to be is present and cake. Though after the last magical display I saw I somehow highly doubt that's what it'll end up being."

I laugh along with him as we make our way to the kitchen to find Delilah and Ivan making out in the seating nook. "Woah," I state stopping suddenly causing Lucas to run into the back of me. "Serious guys you can't lock lips in another room? Preferably one where we don't eat and have to see this!" I cover my eyes and reach back to cover Lucas's as the happy couple breaks apart.

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