Falling For My Bully {Complet...

By muslimah_07

380K 25.3K 4.4K

Amira was called everything in the book. Fat, ugly, stupid, a worthless nobody. Suddenly she leaves for Turke... More

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[Another A/N]
Eid Mubarak
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Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chpater 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 26

6.7K 523 131
By muslimah_07

Not edited, Please comment and not just vote!
(Comment on what you think about the revenge plan, and if Amira should do it or not,)

Mazin POV

"Same reason you're here." She says in a matter-of -fact tone.

"You know it's late right? You were suppose to be home already." I tell her, wiping my mouth.

She shrugged. "So?"

"Nabila it's not good for you to be out so late. You don't have a maharam and it's getting crazy out here these days genius." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Don't worry,I can take care of my well being," She smiles but didn't reach her eyes

"You can be stupid sometimes, you know that?" I said shaking my head

She waves her hand dismissively. "Stop worrying so much dad. So how's Amira doing?"

"She's doing just fine." I answer, grabbing my order from Ashley.

"Thanks Ashley, you're the best." I grin, handing her the money with an extra tip.

"Come back anytime sweetie" she smiles and winks when she sees the tip.

"You know you shouldn't be so close to her," Her voice was full of hate

"Excuse me?" I turn back to look at her.

"It's haram and you know it. You guys have been spending a lot of time together. I thought she was religious anyways." She snickers, shaking her head.

"Why do you hate her so much?" I ask, annoyed. She's always talking smack about her.

"Because I have no one. I don't want to lose you to her. You're all I have." She says quietly. .

I knew there was more to it. I could tell.

"There's more to it isn't there?" I ask.

She sighs. "Don't you see? She has you wrapped around her finger like a puppet. I knew the video wouldn't change your feelings for her."

I almost choked again. I looked at her baffled.

Did I hear her right?


"You weren't suppose to know that.." She trailed off, looking shocked herself.

I clench my fists so tightly that my nails dig into my palm.

"Nabila........ I can't believe that you would that to your own brother. What the hell were you thinking? I almost lost her because of you! I'll never forgive you," I said with rage

"You can't hate me forever Mazin! Your so blind by the love you have for her," She said as we walked out of the shop

I was behind her catching up.

"What makes you think I'm blind by the love I have for her huh?, don't you realize what you've done?!" Blood was boiling inside of me, my throat hurt from the anger I could barely talk

"Do you think she loves you?" She asked laughing after giving me a disgusted face

"What she feels for me, has nothing to do with you!" I point my finger at her while hold the good I just brought on the other

I never knew my sister well, but the was she was acting towards me now made me glad I didn't know much about her.

"Blood hell Mazin wake up! She comes back from turkey, with a damn bloody model look, goes for you when she can have any guy at school! Tell me now if she truly loves you or if this is act," she yells, frustrated

I let her words sink in me. But I don't let it brain wash me. Amira wouldn't do that. I knew her too well. The way she looks at me was true love.

"Her feelings, either if it's a act or not you have no reason coming and try letting the past  repeat. If you truly loved me you would've done what you did,"

I start walking away, and stop half way.

"Oh and Nabila, don't even try to understand me nor act like a lovely sister a home, because you lost the privilege," I say no more and go in my car

Driving and not looking back at her.

And yeah sure maybe I let a tear fall, but knowing Amira loved me made me smile and forget what just happened.

Amira POV

"Stop it Sarah You're embarrassing us!" I hiss, holding in my laughter. She's been acting goofy all day and people were starting to look.

"Why?" She whines.

"Because people are looking!"

"So? You're no fun." She throws a fry on me.

"I don't want all the attention on us." I say, throwing the fry back at her.

It was the day after the wedding and me and Sarah were spending some "quality" time together. Plus I was hungry.

"But I do." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Of course you do."

"What do you think if Adam?" She said throwing a fry in the air and catching with her mouth open

"Adam?" I ask, taking a sip from my drink.

She nods." Yah. What do you think about him?"

"He's pretty chill...Silly good friend ." I shrug.

"That's what I like about him."

"Excuse me?" I choke from my drink

"He's just different. Anyways what's up with you and Mazin? You two seemed pretty cozy in the kitchen." She laughs.

"Wait you like Adam!.....When did you see us?!" I whisper.

And did anyone else see us... Like my mom?!

"I was getting water but then I saw you guys so I just went back. Didn't want to distract you or anything, and no Amira I just said I like him for no reason." She teases.

I have noticed the way they look at each other, but never thought of them getting together. Which seemed strange.

"There wasn't anything going on first of all.. And second that's just creepy." I chuckle.

"So? What did he say?" She questions.

"Nothing much. He apologized and said he... Loved me."

"What?!" She yells, making several tables turn their heads.


"Oh forget them! I knew this was coming. When are you guys getting married?"

I gave her a look. "Seriously?"

"What did you tell him?" She encouraged me to continue

"Sarah I don't know about this." I say, ignoring her question.

"About?" She asked

"The plan.."

She was silent for a moment. I look up at her and saw her frowning.

"Seriously Amira?"

"What?" I asked

"We've worked hard for this. You can't give up" she explains.

" I know but.. Now I'm having second thought." I say quietly, mentally slapping my words right after the words left my mouth.

"Second thoughts?" She groans.

"I just don't know Sarah! The plan was going well but.. Stuff just happened."

"Like you falling in love with him?" She says with raised eyebrows.

"What?!" I almost yelled.

"I'm your best friend Amira. I'm not stupid. I've seen the signs." She implies.

"Oh.." I didn't know what to say. So we just sat there in silence for few seconds. I wanted to forget about the plan... But I knew I needed to get my revenge. Pay him back. Let him experience what he made me go through.

"It's still on." I tell her.


I nod." Yah. This isn't going to change anything. It's probably going to fade anytime soon. I don't even think it's love really."

Who was I trying to convince?

Sarah didn't look convinced but she nodded. "Okay whatever you say Amira Remember this is up to you."

"I know."

"So when can we tell home? And how are we going to drop this on him?" She asked

I shake my head." Not soon. We need more time. Let him get comfortable."

And let the love I have for my bully fade away.


Woah o.O I'm not proud of what Amira is doing ! She's crazy!

Oma did you guys see the 90k views on this book ! I'm soooooo happy Sukran. Oh and this chapter isn't edited 😊

Anyone know where I got that from ^^^? No one ...... ? Okay it's from New York gyro 😍it's amazing right. Yes guys I have a obsession I taking food pictures 😩

Oh and thank you for the 90 comments on the last chapter it made me update 😊😊

So vote and comment for a update !

Goal: 40 votes and 50 comments (note: I already  started the next chapter and once I see you reached the goal I'll post )

Oh and the book is coming to an end.

Okay what else ? Oh and I LOVE YOU GUYS ❤️❤️

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