Unbearable Decisions (boyxboy)

By NickJoyce

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What happens when you find out that you have powers in a world that hates and despises super-humans? Do you l... More

Unbearable Decisions (boyxboy)
Chapter 1 (An Unchosen Meeting)
Chapter 2 (Brands and Beatings)
Chapter 3 (Separations and Reunions)
Chapter 4 (My Loved Ones)
Chapter 5 (Awkwardness)
Chapter 6 (Beginnings and Endings)
Chapter 7 (Natural Disasters?)
Chapter 8 (Eye of the Hurricane)
Chapter 9 (Missing Sensations)
Chapter 10 (End of this Life)
Chapter 11 (Acrophobia)
Chapter 12 (The City of New Age)
Chapter 13 (Homecoming)
Chapter 14 (Arrangements)
Chapter 15 (Getting Comfy)
Chapter 16 (Around Town)
Chapter 17 (Admittance)
Chapter 18 (Oath of a New Best Friend)
Chapter 19 (Breaking Walls)
Chapter 20 (Broken Promises)
Chapter 21 (Bedtime Stories)
Chapter 22 (Remember Me)
Chapter 23 (Hidden Pain)
Chapter 25 (A Very Unhappy Birthday)
Chapter 26 (Repeating the Past)
Chapter 27 (Sins of the Father)
Chapter 28 (What are the Stakes?)
Chapter 29 (Confessions)
Chapter 30 (New Decisions)

Chapter 24 (Showing Love Through Music)

47 2 0
By NickJoyce

Jacob's Point of View

I don't know what has happened to me. Before Luca's accident I would never have been so forward with flirting with him. Now it seems like I can't control myself, especially when I see his innocent face. I was almost seducing him last night when I tried to get him to wake up so he could eat! Bad thing is I don't know if he knows I like him or not, I can't even tell if he likes me!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Luca start moving around on my chest and mumble something about his mom, or as he said it "mum" in his way too sexy British accent! This dream seemed to be much better than the last one he had because he actually has a smile on his face this time. I let my hand drift down from his hair to rub his neck. He shivered slightly and mumbled, "stop it mum that tickles!" I silently chuckled to myself and moved hand down further to his back, where I traced some of the many scars on his back. He started whimpering and trying to tell some name to stop, but it was so low I couldn't make it out.

I quickly shifted my grasp to his arm and rubbed it up and down to calm him down. He stopped struggling and began hugging my body tighter. I swear I also heard him mumble my name, but it must have been my imagination. I my hand started getting closer and closer to his own and I watched his face for any sign of discomfort, only to have him sigh in satisfaction and snuggle into me even closer. I then felt his wrist and immediately stopped, remembering what the doctor had told me yesterday.

"I-I'll go get your clothes" I said as I dashed out of the room. I had asked Mary to go by our apartment and get Luca some clothes. "Thanks Mary, you're a life saver!" I said as she handed me the clothes. "That's what I'm here for, to provide fashion sense to the love sick!" she said sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah hey can you do one more favor for me?" After I explained what I wanted her to do I waved goodbye and made my way back to Luca's room.

"Mr. Jacob, can I have a word please?" asked Luca's doctor. I went over and asked him what was wrong. "Did Mr. Luca seem depressed or angry before he came here?" "No not that I know of. Why?" I said utterly confused. "We found an extensive amount of scar tissue on both of his wrist, some a few years old and others a few days." I felt  like I had just been punched by a brick, "Wait, are you saying he cut himself!?" The doctor nodded, "Yes and not just once. It seems he has been doing it for years and the damage is so old that not even we can fix it." YEARS!!!! Why on earth would he do something like that?

The doctor left me after he saw I was no longer listening, too shocked by what I just heard. After I had given Luca his clothes he began changing and turned around, exposing his scarred back. I couldn't help but feel like whoever had done that to him was also the reason that Luca hurt himself. I forgot about this quickly though when I saw just how toned his back really was as he flexed to get dressed, and I was starting to become more and more turned on by the second. I ran out of the room embarrassed as hell.

My flustered state was lost when I overheard Luca's nurse and his doctor talking in hushed tones. "That boy is the reason Luca hurt himself in the first place!" argued the nurse. "That boy is also the reason that Luca himself was able to wake up after a month" replied the doctor calmly. "That may be, but I told you what I saw before we patched him up, saw the name that he carved into his arm!" continued the nurse. "It is over and done with! We do not interfere with the patient's lives!" I couldn't take it any longer! I walked towards them and demanded to know who's name Luca had cut into himself! "It.......it was your name, Jacob," sighed the doctor. My.....name.....was on......Luca's.....arm! HE CUT MY NAME INTO HIS ARM!! "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS A MONTH AGO!?" I yelled at them. "Because you already had enough to deal with. We didn't want to make you feel worse."

I came out of my flashback to Luca staring at me while I stared at his wrist, my eyes overflown with tears. "Jacob, why are you crying?" asked Luca as he wiped away my tears with his thumb. I leaned into his touch and said, "Because I am such a horrible person." Luca suddenly grabbed my face and made me look straight into his eyes, "You are the nicest person in the world! You stayed with me while I was in the hospital the entire time! I know that because I remember listening to your voice every day while I walked through the darkness! You're the reason I was able to wake up!" He had a point, but I still felt guilty about being the reason he cut himself.

With a new determination to make everything up to Luca I pulled him into a hug and told him to get ready for the day. "Why, what are we doing? ARE WE GETTING FOOD!?" he asked full of new energy. "Yes, but that's not all we are going to do! Seriously, can you go one minute without thinking about food?" He just shook his head no before barreling down the hall to the kitchen. I rushed through my morning preparations and left the house yelling to Luca to not leave the apartment until I get back. He just gave me a pout before digging back into his eggs.

Getting everything ready had taken a lot longer than I had hoped, around 2 hours. Especially since Mary made me get everything ready myself since she made us dinner last night (so I can't cook....sue me). When I got back Luca was sprawled out on the couch listening to some music. He was bobbing his head to the beat and didn't even know I was back as far as I knew. I sneaked up behind the couch and knelt down thinking that if he couldn't see me then I couldn't see him. When I was up against the back of the couch I jumped over to find that the couch was now empty.

"Looking for someone?" said Luca right beside my ear. I shot up, what must have been at least 10 feet in the air! "How did you know I was back?" "You're not as quiet as you think. I heard you coming down the hall and pretended to not notice you," he said cheekily. "Whatever?" I said rolling my eyes. "Can we go get food now?" asked Luca as he gave me the biggest puppy eyes I have ever seen. "First we are going to do your daily exercises, THEN go get food" I said trying my hardest not to look into his eyes. "Fine" he huffed out.

I spent two and a half hours training Luca, trying to do some of the things as well only able to last about a half hour before passing out. Luca on the other hand didn't even break a sweat! "How *huff* are you *huff* not *huff* tired!?" I struggled to get out. "I don't know. Can we get food now?" he asked impatiently. "Fine fine we can go get food. But as your final workout I need- I mean want you to carry me to the park." It wasn't really another exercise, I just didn't have enough feeling in my.....well body to move on my own. I put my arm around Luca so he could support me, only to have him pick me up on his back saying, "This way we can get there faster, and you can let your body recover," with care in his voice. I just put my head on his shoulder and allowed myself to relax and take in everything about him, from his smell to his strong muscles carrying me.

We arrived at the park too soon for my taste, even though Luca did walk slowly saying it was because he was "tired", but I knew that was a lie, he did it on purpose. "Where do you want me to put you down?" he asked as he looked over his shoulder at me. "Right here is good" I said trying to get out of his hold. He seem reluctant to put me down because he gripped my legs tighter, but he did so anyway. "Here put this on" I said as I handed him a blindfold. "W-why?" he said somewhat scared. "Don't worry I have a surprise for you!" trying to reassure him. He hesitated before he allowed me to tie it around his eyes and grab his waist to guide him to the surprise.

"How much farther? And I thought you said we were going to get food!" he said getting more and more antsy by the second. "Would you just wait five seconds so I can finish my plan!" I said while laughing. "Wait, you planned this?" "Why do you think I left for two hours?" "To get me food," he said honestly after a few seconds. I just laughed at him as we arrived.

Luca's Point of View

The blind fold was removed and so were Jacob's hands form my waist, unfortunately. I was met by Jacob standing beside a picnic blanket and basket! I looked between the scene and the boy who looked on edge and rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "So......do you like it?" "Like it?..............I LOVE IT!" I aid happily. I ran at him and gave him the biggest hug I remember giving, which is not much, and picked him off the ground. When I put him back down he had smile that looked like it would split his face in half. "You are the best!" I said as I kissed his cheek, not thinking before I did it.

I then went and sat down beside the basket completely ignoring the boy behind me. I didn't want to mess up anything that might be inside so I turned around to ask Jacob if I could open it, only to find his eyes open all the way, his face redder than a tomato and his mouth slightly open and a smile threatening to break through. "Hey Jacob, you still with us?" I joked. He shook his head and come back down to earth, "Yeah......I'm here. Lets eat!" he said as he ran over and got on the other side of the basket.

He pulled out sandwiches, brownies, water and an assortment of fruits. We dug in and were having an amazing time. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the sun had begun to set. The sky was adorned with color of red, yellow and orange. I was so captivated by the sight that I didn't even notice that Jacob had scooted closer. I only looked at him when I felt his hand cover mine. "Thank you Jacob! This has been one of the best times in my life, even if I can only remember half my life." "I wanted to do something special for you, seeing as how you're finally awake!" he said shyly.

There was a long pause, during which I got lost in his vibrant blue eyes, before Jacob started talking again, "You know Luca....there's something I-I've been wanting to tell you for about a month now." "What?" I said giving him my full attention. He seemed beyond nervous. He mouth was open like he wanted to talk but no sound was coming out. He suddenly shut his mouth and a gleam in his eye made me think that he had made up his mind. I don't know how but I was able to notice that he was slowly leaning in and my body moved on its own, copying his movements.

Our lips were so close, I could feel his breath on my face. I couldn't pull away and my body continued to move forward. That is until I heard a twig snap and the sound of someone coming closer and closer. When I looked back at Jacob he looked devastated, "I'm...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have....I wasn't thinking." I won't lie, I was also upset that our...whatever we were doing, was interrupted. "No...someone's coming" I said moving away from him. "What? How? I made sure this place was extremely isolated!"

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Two faggots making out" said a black haired teenager walking towards us, followed by a younger boy with brown hair. I moved behind Jacob hoping that he would protect me from the black-haired boy who had a very unpleasant look directed at me. "Leave us alone Zack!" said Jacob as he took a step to block Zack's path to me. "Oh please like you can do anything to stop me from having a nice 'chat' with him! Especially since there are no nurses or doctors to save you this time!" he said snidely and pushed Jacob out of the way.

As he advanced on me I retreated back. This continued until my back was up against a tree. "Wow, you really don't remember anything do you?" said Zack while laughing, "This will make it so much more fun!" "M-make what fun?" Before Zack could respond he was violently pulled away, "Leave him alone you bastard! He doesn't need nor deserve this, especially now!" Jacob then grabbed my hand and started dragging me away.

"He deserves everything he gets!" yelled Zack as he ran at Jacob and punched him in the jaw. The boy who came with Zack came over and held me back from going to Jacob's aid. Zack then picked Jacob up by the throat, his strength surprisingly high, and kneed him in the stomach. Zack was then sent rolling on the ground by a blast of water to the head, "NO HE DOESN'T!!!!" Jacob then charged at Zack with a series of attacks with his fist and water. Zack easily dodged each attack without breaking a sweat, in fact for some reason I could tell where he was going to strike next before he even started the next throw. Zack then dodged another futile attack, grabbed Jacob's head, and slammed it into the ground, causing him to nearly pass out.

"Now that he's out of the way.....let's get back to what we were doing" said Zack as he turned back to me. The look he directed at me gave me a sense of deja vu. "Now I can get my revenge for everything you did to me!" he said as he punched me in the face. The pain was terrible, but oddly enough it felt familiar. "This is for what you did to me," *punch*, "this is for what you did to my friends," *punch* "AND THIS IS FOR.....for...her" said Zack as he reeled back for another punch, a sudden heat coming from him at the same time.

Jacob' Point of View 

Zack was stopped short when my hand gripped his leg, "L-leave h-him alone!" I choked out while trying to remain conscious. Zack merely kicked me off, at which point I closed my eyes in pain. I waited and waited to hear the blows to Luca's perfect face, but they never did. Instead I heard the crunching of bones and sounds of a quick fight. When I opened them, I saw that Zack was being held down on the ground by a foot, the foot being connected to Councilman Mathew. "This was a very bad idea! Leave now and I won't throw your arse in prison!" he said. Zack scrambled to get away while yelling, "Come on Trey!!"

I got up and made my way over to Luca who was curled up into the fetal position, mumbling under his breath. "Thank you, Thank you for saving him!" I said to Mathew. "No need to thank me just get him home and take care of him" he said as he knelt down and looked over us, "You're not hurt too bad so you shouldn't have to go to the hospital." With that he was gone as if he wasn't here at all.

I grabbed Luca's shoulder and tried to pull him closer to me so that I could comfort him, but he wouldn't budge and he was still whispering, "Just like you said mum, I'm listening to music!" I could also hear him humming a tune and shaking slightly. "Hey, Luca, it's over.....Luca?" I said gently shaking him hoping he'll snap out of it. He fell back and crawled backwards until his back was against a tree, keeping him from retreating anymore. This caused him to put his arms up to shield his face. I ran back over to his side and held his hand, "Luca it's me...it's me, Jacob! He's gone, no one is going to hurt you anymore!"

With that he lowered his arms slowly before his eyes were visible. They were red and puffy, fear and pain etched into them, too deep for it to be from just this attack. When he finally saw me, seeing as how his eyes were glazed over like he was somewhere else, he flung himself at me and hugged me so tightly I thought he was going to cut off my breathing. I hugged back regardless gripping his lower back and neck just firmly enough to let him know I was here for him. "Please make it stop!" he pleaded. "I will, I promise. Let's go home" I said as I picked him up bridal style.

The whole way home Luca cried on my shoulder and tried to sing some song at the same time. I finally managed to get the door open and set him down on the sofa, "I'm going to go get a first aid kit. You going to be ok?" He nodded a yes and kept his gaze on the floor. Between the time I left him and the time I came back nothing changed, he was still gazing at the floor with a far away look. I knelt down in front of him and lifted his face by his chin, making him look into my eyes. His eyes lit up slightly, just slightly, when he looked into mine, and I felt glad that I could make him just a little bit happy.

I cleaned his face with a wet cloth gently, making sure to take in every action and reaction Luca made. He didn't flinch once, just looked into my eyes as I made his face beautiful again. There was barely any swelling, a few cuts and bruises here and there, but nothing too bad. I finished patching him up and said, "There now you look amazing again," and cupped his cheek while rubbing it with my thumb. He blushed and pushed my hand away, "Shut up" he chuckled.

Before I knew what was going on, I was pulled down onto the sofa while Luca took my place kneeling in front of me, gripping the wet cloth. He took his time to carefully wipe all the blood off my face, and withdrawing every time he accidentally applied too much pressure on the wounds. "Can I ask you something?" I said after deciding for ten minutes as to whether or not I should ask this. "Sure." "What....what were thinking of when you asked me to 'make it stop' and what was that tune you were singing?" He stopped rubbing and let his gaze fall back to the floor. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" I said feeling bad. "No....no I want to tell you! It's just.....not a happy memory." I pulled him up, gently led him to sit beside me, and took his hand in mine, "You can tell me anything."

Luca's Point of View

I was conflicted about telling Jacob this personal memory, one of the few I currently have. I looked back into his eyes, getting lost in them just like I did while I was cleaning his face, causing me to accidentally hurt him over and over. When I finally came out of my trance, the one caused by his vibrant blue eyes, I saw that he was still giving me that wonderful look that was filled with understanding. "Well I guess it all started on my first day of High School," I said as I started the memory that I somehow knew helped me through everything that has happened to me.

Third Person Point of View (Memory)

The seven year old boy walked down the student infested halls with a book bag on his back and a lunchbox in his hands. All the kids around him were much taller and at least seven years older than him. His shyness was evident as he kept his head down and made no eye contact with anyone as he walked to his new locker. He put all his unneeded books in and closed the door, trying to loosen the tie hanging from his neck. The school he was at was a very private school, only the most wealthy, most noble, or most intellectual were allowed to attend this school and it required a very specific, and strict, uniform.

The royal family of New London itself had deemed Luca's unique intelligence worthy enough to go to his house and personally invite him to the school, even offering to pay for any expenses that were required. Of course he didn't care in the slightest, but his parents were overjoyed by this news. All he had to do was continue making good grades and he would get to stay there. He remembered his father's words when he exited the car, "Remember to always smile and show respect, Luca." As Luca made his way down the labyrinth-like hall he kept catching glances that people were throwing him, not all of them pleasant.

He finally made his way to his first class, arriving late since he was new to the place. To say he was nervous was an understatement, not only was he probably the youngest person there but he was also arriving a month later than he should have. "Ah you've finally arrived! Class this is Luca our new student! You can take your seat over there" said the professor. He smiled at the class before moving to take his seat.

The day went by smoothly until it was time for lunch. He made his way too the outdoor seating area, which was a beautiful garden. He sat down on the grass beside a pond, filled with white swans. The sandwich his mum had made was delicious, but he never got to finish it since a group of noble born boys came over to have a little 'chat'. "You know guys, there is just one thing I can't figure out" said the leader. "What's that?" the other boys said almost in unison. "Why the most prestigious school in the continent would let a grotty commoner in!" He boy hid his sadness behind a mask of happiness.

"If this is your spot I'm sorry, I'll move!"  said the boy as he gathered his stuff up, only to be stopped by the group of boys. "You're right this is my spot, this whole school is my spot! So I suggest you get all your disgusting belongings and leave this school forever!" said the leader as he pushed Luca slightly in the chest with two fingers and nocked his sandwich out of his hands. "I'm sorry but I can't do that. The royal family themselves came to my house and asked me to come here!" said the boy as his fear started to rise. "Well look at this boys! This bloody git thinks he's special enough to get the attention of Europe's most important family! Must be off his rocker!" The other boys laughed while dismissing Luca's claim. "But they did! They even bought all my clothes and books for me!" said Luca under his breath.

"AAAAWWWW is the little baby going to cry?" said the boy while laughing with his friends. "No I'm going to go to class and you blighters can enjoy yourselves" said Luca as he left. The leader of the group didn't follow but stood there with a scowl on his face, and Luca smiled at his achievement of getting under the noble's skin. He didn't think of what that one sentence would do to him for the next three years.

Luca's first day of his new school was over and he was pleased with his schedule. He began to walk through the school exploring it a little since he had about an hour before his mum showed up. It didn't take him long to get lost, ending up on the opposite side of the school where he was suppose to meet his mum. "Darn it now I have to walk all the way around!" groaned Luca. "Oh you won't have to worry about that!" said a voice that surprised Luca. "Oh can you show me a shortcu-" he stopped when he saw it was the lead noble boy from lunch. "Yep a shortcut to learning how to respect to your betters!" said the boy as he popped his knuckles. The other boys appeared behind Luca and grabbed his arms to keep him from running.

The beating lasted a half hour, every second was agonizing torture. "Why would the queen come to the house of a weird *punch* spineless *punch* pathetic *punch* bastard like you!" said the leader as the group beat up the young boy on the floor. They finally stopped once they saw blood start pouring out of his head, "Leave him! He's just trash trying to fit in!" the leader laughed out as he spit on the near unconscious boy.

Luca writhed in pain before he gathered the strength to get up and head to where he needed to be. Not once did he shed a tear during the beating. He may have yelled out in pain, but he never gave them the satisfaction of seeing him cry. He had been strong enough to limp halfway before his phone started to go off. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered in a strangled voice, "H-hey mum!" "Honey where are you, I'm out front waiting!" The boy didn't want to worry his mother just yet so he lied, "Sorry I was just talking with some friends so I'll be there soon!" When he finally saw the car it took a minute before the blonde-haired woman jumped out and ran to her son's side just in time to keep him from hitting the sidewalk.

"Hey mum" laughed Luca. "Oh my poor boy! WHO DID THIS TO YOU!!?" "C-can we just go home, please?" asked the boy as he tried to get up. "But-" said the mother but stopped short when she saw her little boy's eyes. She gently carried him to the car, buckled him in, and did the same before driving off. She looked over several times, still keeping her eyes on the road, and around the fourth time she saw tears start falling down his face in a steady stream.

They arrived at the house quickly, and the mother brought Luca to his room immediately, "Stay here love I'm going to bring you some medicine and food!" said the mother as she left the room. Almost no time passed before she was back with a bowl of soup and a small first-aid kit. The entire time she patched him up, Luca was crying and telling her what happened. The worst part about this situation was that they couldn't do anything to expose the boys due to their inferior family status. "WHAT CAN I DO MUM!!? THEY'RE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN!!" said Luca frantically. "Shhh love shhh. I tell you what, I'm going to give you something that can be your best defense against all the bad stuff!" She pulled out a small electrical device from her pocket and put it in Luca's hand. "This is a music player you put these in your ears and it will play music for you! It already has all the songs that make me happy, hope you will use them for the same thing! In fact I even sang a song to put on it! Here we'll listen to it together."

(Cue video)

"Whenever you hear this just remember: No matter what happens, even if I'm not around anymore, if you put on these headphones my love will be with you!" said the mother with tears of her own. The two shared a long hug before they pulled away, "Thanks mum, I love you!" "Love you two my little Snowflake!" "MUM!!" "Sorry but you are my snowflake!" They spent the rest of the night listening to the rest of the songs.

Luca's Point of View

"That's why I asked you to make it stop, the beating was just like that one. It's also why I think of music when I get sad," I explained to Jacob. Somehow I had ended up in between his legs while he ran a hand through my hair and used the other to hold me close. "I am so sorry that happened to you! Your mom sounds like an amazing person, I wish I could meet her!" he said pulling me even closer if that was possible. "Yeah..... she was. She reminds me of you!" I said truthfully. "How?" "Well you're kind, smart, caring, oh and pretty!" "PRETTY!! I AM NOT PRETTY! I'm hot or cute at the least!" he said appalled. "Ok ok fine you're cute and hot!" I said while laughing. "That's more like it!" he said as he got up and ruffled my hair. "Let's get something to eat then go to sleep!" he said holding out his hand. I took it and we spent the rest of the night talking about my mum and music before passing out in his bed.

Hey guys this is an extra long chapter, just for you guys! The song on the left is Headphones by Britt Nicole and the original version is really good. The picture is an example of Luca's old school uniform. I am sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes! Please vote and comment!

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