Don't worry I got You (Markip...

By CaitlynsWorld

93.2K 2.2K 3.7K

When (Y/N) and her two best friends decide to move to L.A. for your 26th birthday they go out to and celebrat... More

Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Baby Names?
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Well then, That was Quick...


4.3K 113 231
By CaitlynsWorld

This Chapter involves Sexy Time ;-)

Your P.O.V

 I woke up in Mark's arms. I decided to get up and make breakfast. But before I did I had to get revenge on Mark for teasing me last night. It was past ten o'clock so I knew (A/F's/N) would be up. I go out in the hall and knock on the door. Almost instantly I was greeted by (A/F's/N). I then explained why I didn't come back last night and why I was leaving again. 

   I went into my room and found a crop top (F/N) had given me as a joke for my birthday last year, and also grab the bottom part of a black bikini.

  Before I knew it I was back in Mark's apartment. I headed to the bathroom and changed into the revealing clothes. I entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. I grabbed some bacon and eggs along with waffle batter from the cabinets. After making six waffles, several pieces of bacon, and two eggs that were sunny side up Mark had entered the kitchen.

   "I made breakfast!" I said while Mark was looking up and down my body.

   "Thanks...nice 'outfit'."

   "Thank you, do you like it." You said putting a plate of food in front of him."What do you want to drink?"

   "Uh- o-orange juice will be fine a-and yeah I love it."

   I open the refrigerator the refrigerator door and searching for the orange juice, and I could feel Mark's eyes on me. I turned around to find him staring at my ass.

   "Hey Mark."


   "Where is the orange juice?" 

   "Bottom shelf behind the grapes."

   I continued with searching for the orange juice. And sure enough they were where he said. I stood up reaching for a glass showing more of my skin. I put the glass down pouring the orange substance in the cup and 'accidentally' made the lid fall to the floor. I bent down and felt eyes on me once more. I then put the orange juice back where it was and took Mark the glass filled with orange juice.

   "T-t-thanks."he said stuttering.

   "Your welcome." I said with a smile one my face.

   I looked over the counter to see Mark had mostly cleaned off his plate and noticed a bulge in his boxers. I walked over to grab his plate and then I carried it over to the sink sitting it down. I then walked back over to Mark at the table and sat down on his lap feeling the bulge on my ass. I then wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a deep kiss. I then turned my body facing him, so I was straddling him. I then started rubbing against his erection.

   "(Y-Y/N) w-what a-a-are you d-doing." He said trying not to moan.

   "What are you talking about I'm not doing anything." I looked up to him with an innocent look in my eyes.

   "(Y-Y/N), this is different!" He said while I sucked on his neck.

   "What's different." I said into his neck.

   I then continued to grind with him trying to find the sweet spot on his neck.Once I did he moaned out loudly and his face was red. After I found his sweet spot I decided to focus more on the grinding until I got him to moan from that. 

   "(Y-Y/N)." He moaned out loudly. With that I got up and continued to do the dishes, when I heard a chair scrapping across the floor followed by Mark's heavy foot steps run t the followed by a door shutting. I then heard a faint moan then the water being turned on. I put the dishes in the dishwasher and was interrupted by hearing Mark yell.




   "SURE BUT YOU HAVE TO COME GET THEM!"I said with a smirk.


    A few minutes later a yelled for Mark to come get them. He came in drying his head with a towel. I looked down to see if he already had boxers, but obviously he didn't because he just came out of the shower.



   "Nothing."I said with my face a bright red.

  "Do you like what you see?"


   "Yes you do."

   "Okay maybe a little." Then I looked back down to it.

  He then walked closer to me dropping the towel. He then bent down for his lips to meet mine. Our heads moved in sync. He then picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. He placed me down on the bed pulling of the crop top then resuming the kiss he left.He unhooked my bra leaving me in the bikini bottom. He then started to suck on my neck as he found my sweet spot I let out a small moan. He then traveled down to breast biting them softly causing me to moan out in pleasure. He looked up at me with a smirk. He lingered down to the bikini bottom pulling them down my legs slowly.

   He then started to kiss my upper thighs causing pressure in my are. How I desire for him to finish me off. He then pulled his head away from my legs.



   "Please."I said looking into his eyes pouting.

   "Please what?" He said with his lips curling at the sides.

  "Finish me off! I let you!"

   "Fine!"He said giving in.

   He then resumed to kiss my upper thighs. He then moved up to my 'womanhood' and put his tongue in-between my folds. He began to go in a circle with his tongue. I bucked my hips into him signalling that I wanted him to go deeper. He then put my legs around his shoulders trying to get his tongue deeper inside me. I felt my stomach churn and my head go dizzy.


   "Yeah, whatever."

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