When The Wicked Witch Meets t...

By FindMeIfYouDare

215K 8.1K 441

What happens when the Big Bad Wolf meets his mate? He kidnaps her of course! He's in for a nasty surprise tho... More

When The Wicked Witch Meets the Big Bad Wolf
The Wicked Witch of the West Wing
Connect and Reconnect
A Tragic Tale and A Flaming One
The Big Mad Wolf
What Rhymes With Witch
Magical Matters
I'll Show You Mine
If You Show Me Yours
The Truth
Before She Became The Wicked Witch
Her Sign is a Sign
How a Witch Plans a Party
Royalty Arrives
Pain In the A** Parents
The Nightmare Begins
Secrets Revealed
Why I Want You
Darkness Becomes Her
Escaping Her Cage
A Deal with the Devil
Finally Forgiven
More to Come

The Beginning of the End

4.8K 237 17
By FindMeIfYouDare


Exams are done and I managed to get all A's and B's on my mid term :D Life is good and to celebrate I have written this lovely part for you my ever supportive readers! The dedication this time is to my darling little sister who sadly has yet to catch up on my story :( She obviously doesn't love me as much as you guys ;)

The Wicked Witch

Why am I back here? I stand in front if the mansion Sebastian held me prisoner in and sigh. What ever powers decided to implant the desire to come back here in my mind must be mad. This mansion - this prison was the beginning of the end for me. It was here that I became what I am. A true monster. I walk up to the front door and let it open before me as I walk in. making my way to my old room I stand in the doorway and see that a thin layer of dust covers everything.

Thoughts of where Sebastian is now full my head. Is he even alive now? Perhaps I finally succeeded in killing him. He was always the monster in my closet and now I'm the monster. And yet the idea that I'm now the monster doesn't bother me. Nothing really bothers me anymore except the emptiness that I constantly feel.

Growling under my breath I stalk to the center of the room, "Are you happy now?" I yell at my reflection in the windows as they stare back at me their eyes laughing. "Are you pleased with what I've done? I wasn't evil enough for you?" I blame myself and yet I don't care about the horrible things I've done. I know that should bother me but it doesn't and that's what bothers me.

"Is this what you wanted Sebastian? My heart trapped so that I feel nothing? You bastard I hope you're rotting in hell!" I may sound angry but there's something missing in my tone. The true essence of anger is lacking and all that comes out is a cold imitation.

"No, I didn't want this," I turn and see Sebastian leaning in the doorway. He's paler than normal and looks disheveled and sickly. "I wanted you're love all to myself cause it's the only way I could feel." He chuckles darkly as he makes his way into the room, "Of course now I feel everything and damn does it hurt! I can't believe this is what most people feel all the time. No wonder you're so lost now you've always let your emotions guide you and now I've taken them from you. I'm sorry Princess. If I could take it back I would but I can't. Give me back the necklace Princess and then you can feel again." He holds his hand a olive branch that he's trying to give me.

I arch an eyebrow at him, "And here I was thinking you were dead! What an... unfortunate surprise. No matter I can remedy that!" I flick my hand out as all the windows in the room break raining down shards if glass on Sebastian and I. He ducks and tries to shield himself while I simply stand and watch the pain I'm causing him.

"That's enough Violet! Stop hurting him!" I glance and see Lucas walk in the room. Something deep within me stirs but I shove it away and concentrate on the small feeling of happiness hurting Sebastian gave me. "Stop it Vi!" Sebastian lies motionless in the floor now death is clearly close for him. I walk toward him a small smile tugging at my lips, all I need to do is give him the final push...

Suddenly a force tackles me to the ground. Hissing in shock I fling Lucas's body off mine and into the wall. "What do you think you are doing?"

"You can't kill him Violet" Lucas tries to sit up but my magic weighs down in him like a physical weight. "He was your friend and even though he hurt you killing him won't give you anything!"

"I'll get the satisfaction of knowing he's dead," I reply walking towards Lucas instead of going to finish off Sebastian. "It may not be much but to a girl who feels nothing it's everything."

"You don't need to destroy to feel something," Lucas manages to stand as he faces me. "Let me help you Vi. I love you and we'll get through this." His eyes plead with me to come to him as he hold out his hand much like Sebastian did only he doesn’t just want the necklace he wants all of me. That thought terrifies me more than anything and I cling to the stone on my necklace trying to gain strength from its cold and numbing power.

I back away from his outstretched hand as if it’s poisonous, “Stay away from me or I’ll rip you throat out you filthy dog! Don’t you get it?” My voice is rising as I begin to feel the walls that surround my emotions crack. I feel as if I’m on a tiny boat stranded in a wild sea with no help in sight. “I don’t love you anymore!” There has been a war going on inside me ever since I had my emotions taken from me. Sebastian clearly didn’t know what he was getting himself into when he took my emotions away.

 “Come on Violet,” Lucas soothes, holding out his hands in a submissive gesture that is totally against his instincts. Alpha’s dominate and control they don’t pacify. “I love you Violet even if you don’t love me. I have loved you since I first saw you. I love you despite your scars and your past. I’ll love you forever. Nothing will stop me from loving you.”

“But I don’t love you,” I glare at him straightening myself to my full height and spitting the words at him like poison darts. “I don’t!’

“You’re lying.” He’s coming closer to me even though I threatened to hurt him. “Sebastian may have clouded your emotions but you still love me. He just locked them away. I love you and you love me.” Does nothing scare him? Here I stand prepared to kill and yet he keeps coming with a look in his eyes that says he knows I won’t hurt him.

“No, no, no,” I say shaking my head and griping my pendant even harder so hard that it cuts into my palm. “I don’t love you, I can’t! I don’t feel anything anymore! The only time I feel is when I’m causing someone pain! Do you really think you can love a monster like me?” My voice holds something akin to emotion to it.

“You’re not a monster,” he says slipping even closer until he’s a hairs breath away. He slips his arms around me and pulls me to him. “You’re just broken but I can fix you.” I rub my hands slowly up his arms and around his neck before using my powers to whirl us so that he’s slammed against the wall with me pressed against him. I scratch my nails against his skin hard enough to draw blood and feel something close to pleasure shoot through me.

“All I cause is pain,” I use my power to cause him pain. My power is like ice water that will run through his veins and chill him to the very core. The idea makes me smile, “Do you still love me now?”

He winces yet pulls me closer, “Yes, no matter what you do to me I will always love you.” Then he does the unthinkable and kisses me. It’s soft and sweet and makes emotions swirl inside of me that I’d rather forget. Gasping in shock I push him away and stumble backward on unsteady feet. “As I said I’ll always love you Violet.” His are clear and focused on me as he says those words. I can see the truth behind them and know he truly loves me but I can’t find any emotion in me to return to him. I am empty. I am nothing. And it’s killing me.

“But I don’t love you!” I scream at him tears streaming down my face as I try to get away from him. “I don’t love you. I don’t love you. I don’t. I don’t. I don’t. I don’t love you!” I can feel something inside of me like water about to break down a dam and it scares me. These feelings I’ve been repressing are coming up to smother me.

“You do love me Violet,” Lucas coming toward me again even as I try to shy away.

“But I don’t want to!” I wail helplessly. “I don’t want to feel like this! I don’t want to love you! I don’t! I don’t love you!” I’m screaming now and ranting and trying to regain control but I can’t. My control is gone and I reach up to hold my pendant close trying to give myself comfort only to feel it burning my skin. Crying in agony and vulnerability I feel my power pouring out of me and wreaking havoc on the room. It is pure and utter chaos.

“If you want my emotions so badly here take them,” I yell at Lucas as I rip the pendant from my around my neck and throw it at him. I see the shock register on his face and watch as my pendant hits him in the chest before I see black at the edge of my vision. Suddenly the world goes black.


Okay I know I had an A/N at the beginning but I have important stuff to say now! Sadly the story of Lucas and Violet is winding to an end (No this is NOT the last chapter) and it will be time to move to another story soon... So I pose the question to those of you who enjoy reading my work and (I hope!) want to read more from me: What would you like next? I have numerous ideas - another werewolf story, a vampire story, perhaps an alice in wonderland story (I have an obsession with alice in wonderland), more witches? What is it you would be interested in reading from me? I'd love some feedback so I can give you all something you'd love to read!

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