Fake Love Story (Under Editin...

By aanavats01

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Highest Rank # 08 (02/1 /17) in Teen Fiction. Love doesn't exist in real worl, it is alive only in novels... More

Chapter 1 - My life!!
Chapter 2 - Mr. Popular!!
Chapter 3 - Miss Beauty!!
Chapter 4 - Night Life!!
Chapter 5 - Take My Girlfriend!!
Chapter 6 -Finding The Special Girl!!
Chapter 7 - Hello To You!!
Chapter 8 - Not @ Perfect Girl!!
Chapter 9 - First Proposal!!
Chapter 10 - DATE OFFERS!!
Chapter 11- Double Date!!
Chapter 12 - Lover Boy!!
Chapter 13 - Mr. Monster Oberoi!!
Chapter 14 - Miss. Silly Girl!!
Chapter 15 - Termination Letter!!
Chapter 16 - New Family!!
Chapter 17 - Shopping Fever!!
Chapter 18 - Dilemma!!
Chapter 19 - I Am The Boss!!
Chapter 20 - Fîrst Dãtē!!
Chapter 21 - I'm In Love!!
Chapter 22 - The Deal!!
Chapter 23 - Farewell Gift!!
Chapter 24 - A Trip!!
Chapter 25 - All Ready!!
Chapter 26 - Get Set Go!!
Chapter 27 - Ten Questions!!
Chapter 28- Fake Love Story!!
Chapter 29- Plan executed!!
Chapter 30 - Confession!!
Chapter 31- Opening Heart!!
Chapter 32 - Happiness!!
Chapter 33- Changed Lives!!
Chapter 34 - Always Yours!!
Chapter 35- Revealing Truth!!
Chapter 36 - I Am Better Single!!
Chapter 37 - Shanaya Is Past!!
Chapter 38- My Whipped Friend!!
Chapter 39 - Time To Meet Silly Girl!!
Chapter 40 - Business Tour!!
Chapter 41 - Cup Of Coffee!!
Chapter 42 - You Are Beautiful!!
Chapter 43 - I Love Myself !!
Chapter 44 - Thinking About You!!
Chapter 45 - Will I Be Engaged!!
Chapter 46 - You Are Mine!!
Chapter 47 - I Hate You!!
Chapter 48 - Ignoring You!!
Chapter 49 - Night Out!!
Chapter 50 - City Of Love!!
Chapter 51 - Back To New York!!
Chapter 52 - You Aren't Bad,You're Worse!!
Chapter 53 - I Am The CEO!!
Chapter 54 - Office Work!!
Chapter 55 - SOS!!
Chapter 56- Trip Part 1
Chapter 57 - Trip Part 2
Chapter 58 - I Love You!!
Chapter 59 - Friends!!
Chapter 60- Wrong Choice!!
Chapter 61 - Surprise!!
Chapter 62- Apology!!
Chapter 63 - Kiss!!
Chapter 64 - On A Mission!!
Chapter 65 -Dinner Date!!
Chapter 66 - A Letter!!
Chapter 68 - My Thoughts!!
Chapter 69- There Is No True Love Story!!
Chapter 70 - I can't let you go!!
Chapter 71 - I Love You!!
Chapter 72- Happy Ending!!
Chapter 73 - My Incomplete Love!!

Chapter 67 - Announcement!!

2.6K 153 21
By aanavats01

Shanaya's P.O.V.

I groaned and pulled my pillow close to my ears, as the constant ringing of my mobile phone is disturbing me. It is ringing for the fifth time and whosoever idiot is there on other line is not getting the point that I'm not interested in taking their calls.

I swore under my breath and extended my hand to my side table and grabbed my mobile and with slight opening of my eyes,I swiped the green mark and put my phone on my ear. I don't even see whose call is this.

"Hello", a very sexy and sweet voice greeted me, I know it's kristein.

He's really gifted with an amazing voice!!

"Hmm", I said.

"Are you okay?", He again asked.

"Hmm", I again said. I was so sleepy to even speak.

"Can you say something except humming?", He said annoying.

I opened my eyes to check the time on the side wall and said, "What the hell kris, why have you called me at six in morning?", I yelled in sleepy voice.

"I was missing you!!", he said like a child.

"But I'm not, so please cut the call. I want to sleep", I said.

"That's rude", he grumbled.

"I know, bye", I cut the call and drifted back to my dreamland.


I felt like I've just closed my eyes after talking to kris that again my mobile rang. I now, woke up in annoyance and saw it was ten in morning.

Did four hours actually pass this soon??

I looked at my mobile screen, again it was kristein.

"Now what?", I asked.

"You're still sleeping?", He asked surprised.

"See kristein, you have disturbed my sleep twice today and whatever you want to say should be worth it, okay", I warned him.

"I love you", he said and I can tell he is smiling and I just rolled my eyes.

"Anything else?", I asked in a boring manner.

"Yes, can you repeat the same?", He asked and I just shook my head.

Impossible boy!!

"I'm feeling sleepy kris, please let me have a good sleep", I said diverting the topic.

"You love your sleep more than me, ain't you?", He asked.

"Yes, I do. Now, will you hang up?", I asked.

"Nope", he said. I knew he's smirking.

"Monster", I mumbled.

"I heard that", he said.

"It was meant for you", I spoke.

"So, as I was saying I've a surprise for you", he said.

"I don't like surprises kris, let me sleep please", I said again and lay down on my soft pillow and pulled on my duvet again, so that I could sleep again.

"I want to meet you for that", he said ignoring my request.

"Not interested", I replied and closed my eyes.

"Hey, are you still mad?", He asked.

"May be", I said with closed eyes.

"Why don't you forgive me? I've told you the reason already", he said.

"Make me", I said.

"Okie, I know how to win your forgiveness, I've prepared a surprise for you and you'll love it", he said .

He was speaking and I was listening him with my eyes closed. I really loved his voice, it makes me more sleepy. I wanted him to speak and speak, I always listen Radio at night as their RJ's super sexy voice makes me sleepy, this is what kristein is doing right now.

I was paying no attention to what was he saying, I was already half sleep!!

"Are you okay with that?", He asked and then stopped talking.

"Yeah, fine", I said disturbed by his pause and then I placed my mobile away from my ears and dozed off. I don't even know what he was asking for!!

After what seems like eternity I finally  got up and get out of my bed and stretched my body. It's already two in afternoon.

Yes I'm a human version of polar bear !!

I went to my bathroom and get ready in a loose floral crop top and a blue shorts, reaching my knees.

I came downstairs and saw no one. I asked Nancy and she told me everyone is out for some reason.

Wow, did they really brought me here to die out of boredom?

I have my breakfast in silence and then went to my room back. I called everyone one by one and nerve of them, they cut my calls.

Huffing I dialled Aaliya's number but her P.A. picked it and said she is in shoot.

What the heck is this? Everyone is busy!!

I dialled Dan's number, as he only can lift my spoiled mood. He picked up after few rings,

"Hey shan", he said.

"Hi, wassup?", I asked.

"Nothing much, just going to attend an important meeting, you say?", He asked.

"Ain't you busy?", I asked.

"I'm, why?", He replied.

"Then why did you picked up my call? I disturbed you, I'm sorry", I said raising my eyebrows.

"It's all about priorities you see, and you're important than my meeting", he said and I smiled.

He is the super sweet guy, get that!! I replied to my stupid heart.

We'll see!! It said.

"That's so sweet of you Dan but it's okay, you go and attend your meeting, I'll catch you later", I said.

"Okie, I'll call you back. Bye", he said and then hung up.

Now what to do?

I again plonked on my bed and started watching some videos on YouTube to kill the time, but soon a message popped on my mobile screen, from kris.

"Hey, sleepy head", he said.

"I'm awake now", I replied.

"So, excited for tonight?", He asked.

"Why? What's going to happen tonight?", I asked.

"Means you didn't listen to me when I was telling you?", He asked.

"What did you tell kris?", I asked as I really was not paying attention to him that time.

"Well, let's keep it a secret for you then", he said.

"What's so special? You're going to cancel the marriage?", I asked teasingly.

"Hell no, I can't leave you never ever", he replied.

"Then I'm not interested in knowing too", I said.

"Okie catch you later, work calling", he said.

"Bye", I replied.

But now I was curious to know what's going to happen tonight? Busy in my thoughts I again take a small nap until someone shook me.

I opened my eyes and saw Angel grinning like a Cheshire cat, "Get up Stuart fast", she said.

"Why? What happened?", I asked stretching my arms.

"Well, we've a surprise for you!", She said.

"What's today with everyone, busy in giving me surprises? And why didn't you picked up my call?'', I asked.

" I was busy, searching a dress for you", she said.

"Why?", I asked confused.

"Okay, didn't kristein told you? ", she asked.

Man, I should've listened to him !!

"Come straight to point, I don't understand what do you mean?", I said.

"There is party tonight here at your home where..", she paused and I signalled her to continue.

"Where Mr. Oberoi and Mr. Thompsom will announce your wedding date", she said.

"What?", I yelled almost.

"Hey, relax. Aren't you happy?", She asked concerned.

Happy?? Should I be happy? What for? For marrying someone whom I used to hate once and now I don't even know what I feel for that person??

"No, I'm not, okay. How can they do this? Didn't they knew that I'm forced into this marriage?", I asked.

"But kris told that he asked if you're okay with this and you agreed!!", She frowned.

Crap!! I didn't even knew what he was asking for? I'm screwed !!

"I... I was sleepy so I didn't listen to him and said yes to whatever he asked so that he could let me sleep", I said placing a hand over my forehead.

"It's okay stuart. Either way you're marrying him, so why are you so worried? It's not that you've to marry him today only", Angel said placing her hand over my shoulder and I left out a sigh.

"I know, I don't know how to react?", I said shrugging my shoulder.

"Just chill, okay. Enjoy the party, you'll be fine, I know", she said squeezing my shoulder and I gave her a weak smile.

"Let's start your makeup now, we don't have much time with us", she said and I get up and moved to bathroom with the dress she gave me.

It was a tricolor dress fully covering my all curves and if it would be any other occasion, then I would love to wear it happily and would've praised it too but not today!!

"Look at you, you're looking gorgeous", Angel said whilst she was done with my makeup. I preferred light makeup and she knew how to make me look beautiful in nude makeup too.

"Thanks to you Angie", I said with a smile.

"Kris will be having a hard time today", she said with a wink and my heart skip a beat.

"Will he be there in the party?", I asked and she chuckled.

Obviously, such a stupid question!! My mind mocked.

"Stuart, don't be silly. Why will he not be here? After all he is the one to marry you, silly girl?", She said.

"Don't call me that", I replied.

Why? Because kris called you that? Asked my heart.

"Okie now you take rest, I'll meet you in evening", she said and left.

I sat on my bed thinking about what a rollercoaster ride my life is turning into. The guy I hate the most, is going to be my husband. I don't hate him now but I don't love him too and he almost proposed me. How can he love me in few days? It doesn't seems real to me atleast!! A person who loathes you, how can he love you?

Why? Didn't you feel special for Dan after your first date only? My heart replied.

I know, but I didn't love Dan nor I ever hate him. I liked him and he broke my heart also. When Dan can broke my heart then I can expect this thing surely from kris also, and I don't have any feelings for him also. I can't love him, if he still wanted to marry me then it's his choice.

But he needs to know that I can't love him, not now and not ever. He is not that type of boy , for which I go head over heels, I'll tell him my answer today. He would feel bad but it's important.


I'm standing amongst group of mens all dressed in expensive suits and womens carrying their expensive gowns and dresses in a very classy way. Money is screaming from their faces and talking style. Mom and Dad too are busy in entertaining the guest.

Olivia and Angel standing along with me, looking stunning as always and Zac busy somewhere. I'm feeling sick inside my stomach and with a fake smile plastered over my face, I'm greeting everyone. My eyes are glued to the main gate, any moment and Oberoi's will mark their presence.

Few moments later, I saw Mr. And Mrs. Oberoi entering, well dressed and a smile on their face, but they were alone. Where is kristein?

Didn't he come?

I went to greet them and Mrs. Bella Oberoi engulfed me into a hug.

"Look at you, you're looking gorgeous", she said adoring me.

"Thanks Bella, you too yourself looks really beautiful", I complimented her.

"Oh, dear can you please go outside and call kris? He's busy in his office calls still, just drag him inside", Mrs. Oberoi said and before I could protest she left me.

I looked back and Olivia and Angel were missing. Should I go? Well, I should. It's the best time to tell him about my feelings.

But then why am I nervous? I know he'll feel bad but I've to do it, so that he doesn't set high and false hopes from me. I moved with fast steps towards his car, ignoring people approaching me on my way.

Once I reached near his car, I saw him talking to someone but who, I can't recognize. He had his back towards me. I moved slowly towards him and saw a very beautiful blonde tall girl, looking no less than a model, height matching almost kristein's height with her heels was standing way too close to him. She had her hands over his chest and he is not trying to remove it too.

He can never change!! Why is he standing so close to her?

Are you jealous? My heart mocked.

No way!!

"Hey", I said marking my presence.

"Hey, shan", Kris said and came near me leaving that blonde girl back behind. He hugged me tightly and my heart skip a beat. He pulled away and said, "You looking really beautiful".

"Thanks", I replied, "You're looking good either".

That blonde girl also approached me with a smile, not reaching her eyes.

"Hi, I'm Helen Joseph", she said giving me her hand.

"Hi, I'm Shanaya Thompson", I replied with a smile.

"Oh, so you're the love lady of kristein's life? Lucky you!!", she said looking at me like I don't deserve kris.

Fine, she's super hot and I'm nothing in front of her but that doesn't mean she can gave me one of those looks saying , "I'm far better than you".

"I'm more lucky to have her", Kris said placing a hand over my waist, pulling me closer, and her face fell.

Good for her!!

"Can you please excuse us for a second?", I asked that girl and she with a smile nodded and left, not before hugging kris. I just rolled my eyes.

What girls find in this boy?.

I turned towards him and he was smiling at me., "I need to talk to you", I said.

"I'm listening", he spoke looking at me intensly and my I felt something tingling sensation in my stomach.

"Not here, Come with me", I hold his hand and moved towards the empty backside garden. I need privacy to talk to him.

I left his hand and turned towards him and spoke, "Kris, you know right why this party is organized? Ain't you?".

"I know and I told you also, and you agreed, that's why we held the party", he said.

"I know but I wanted to tell you something", I said looking at my feet as I can't look into his eyes.

"What happened?", He asked coming closer to me.

"Kris, about that letter you gave and about that proposal of yours, I wanted to say that -", I tried to form an appropriate answer.

"Say what?", He again asked.

"Umm, see kris", I said and closed my eyes, before continuing," I'm sorry but I don't love you and I don't think I would ever be able to love you. I just can't.. I'm sorry but I don't feel anything special for you. This marriage is a compromise for me, and nothing else.. I.. I don't want to hurt you but I can't give you place in my heart and if you still wanted to marry me then it's your wish".

I finished everything in one go and then opened my eyes with an uneven breath and saw him staring at me blankly, not uttering a word.

"Speak something at least!!", I said not liking his silence.

He didn't say anything and walked away leaving me alone in this garden, in complete confusion.

Jesus, just don't make things worse now!!


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