Slut 2❅N.M

By x-Inspiration-x

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Nate want Jade to come back but will she and what was the reason Nate called her a SLUT. More

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Shout out to @mamahkylie
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By x-Inspiration-x

Jades POV

"I can't believe it's the prom 2 weeks already." Zoe screams into my ears.

"I know, Zoe I am scared, it's been literally 2 months I haven't come to college." I confront.

"What really, so Ryan let you go the first two months and then he stopped." Zoe asked and I nodded.

"He would drop exactly 7:00am so I wouldn't go anywhere else and then pick me up exactly at 2:00pm. (A/N sorry guys don't know what time school starts in America) and then one night he came home and said you won't go school any more and took my phone and would give me when I was to be sitting next to him." I finished.

"He let you go to when I was in Iceland and as soon as I came back he never let you go. Wow Jade how did you handle him." Zoe says.

"Honestly Zoe, I really don't know." I lightly laugh.

We arrived at school and I my breathing went uneven. But I had Zoe and now I have Nate I had nothing to be worried about. I got outta my car and straightened my clothes.

With my head held high I waked through the hall straight into class.

I had nothing to be worried about.

I sat in my seat smiling at anyone who was looking at me and placed my books on the desk.

"Ahh, miss carter how nice of you to join us." Mrs bridge speaks.

"Awe did you miss me Mrs Bridge." I say with some sass, tryna be me.

I carried on with the rest of the 2 other lessons before the bell went for lunch.

Me, Zoe, Nate, Sammy and Johnson talked and laughed all lunch.

"So you are official now yeah." Sammy asks.

Just as I'm about say yes I feel a tap in my Shoulder.

"Missed me." I shot my head after hearing that voice.

A huge smile crept up on my face." Luke, oh my life." I hugged him ever do so tight I don't think the poor soul could breathe.

Luke is my cousin, me and him have been close for ages. He is like my best friend.

"What are you doing here."

"I've moved here." He added.

"Oh my gosh no way." I smile.

"Way way."he nodded I couldn't help but hug him again.

I face the others and they all looked at me confused except Zoe because of course she knew who he was.

"Mind to introduce." Sammy raises an eyebrow.

"Oh sorry, this is Luke my cousin, Luke this is Sammy, Johnson, and Nate my boyfriend." I add.

"Wow, J you got a boyfriend." Luke joked.

"Your funny." I fake laughed.

Nate's POV

I watched them laugh together having the time of their lives together. Knowing they were so close was getting me quite jealous.

"So how long have you two been dating." Luke asks and my face goes pale.

What if she tells him everything.

"A few months now." Jade lies.

She looks at me and smiles which I happily return back

"He don't annoy you does he." He asks again.

"No Luke." Jade shakes her head.

At this point I was satisfied but for some reason I wasn't settling with it well.

Like when Jade told him that i was her boyfriend, he lost colour in his face for like 10 seconds.

I hope what I am thinking is. Is not true.

The bell rings.

"Well I'll catch you later, Luke have fun in math." Jade giggles.

She held on to my hand and walked to class with me.

"Hey J how about after school me and you go to the beach just like old times." Luke the idiot calls for her and she lets go of my hand.

Now that really pissed me off.

Sammy was right besides me and I think he noticed how upset/ angry I looked.

"Yeah that'll be good for you two, to catch up, Jade  you can take Nate as well since its been ages you guys have been to the beach together." Sammy adds, making me smile at him, and mouth a thank you.

"Yeah, Luke we can go and Nate I'd love it if you came as well." She smiles.

I glance over at Luke and he has tensed up.

"Course babygirl, I'd love to come with you, now let's go or we'll be late." I cling on to her, bring her in for a beautiful kiss and wink over at Luke.

Boy,  he looked quite.... Annoyed

Jade is mine now and no one tries and takes her away.

That's it for now, I hope y'all enjoyed. Cuz for some stupid reason I love this new chapter. I will show y'all a pick of Luke in the next chapter. But until then.....

love you 💖💖xx

Iman. Xx

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