The Wolfe's Claw

By Silvery_Blue_Flames

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When Lalasa moved to a small town called Oak Haven she didn't know the dangers. Lalasa had a problem though... More

The Wolfe's Claw
Chapter one "New School"
Chapter two "Hell of a Bus Drive"
Chapter Three "School"
Chapter Four "Lord help Me"
Chapter Five "Bad Day In Gym"
Chapter 6 "Our new Luna"
Chapter 7 "Lalya's pet Wolf"
Chapter 8 "Daddy, I need stitches"
Chapter 9 "There's a party"
Authors note, Birthday Edition
Chapter 10 "Shopping hell"
Chapter 11 "What the Hell?"
Chapter 12 "Guess who asked who to dance"
Chapter 13 "I can't Dance"
Chapter 14 "The day after"
Chapter 16 "The truth prevails"
Chapter 17 "The Marked and Mated"
Chapter 18 "Kidnapped?"
Chapter 19 "The Cheshire Cat"
Chapter 20 "Trials"
Chapter 21 "The Change" Epilogue

Chapter 15 "Bonfire Tonight"

376 17 0
By Silvery_Blue_Flames

A/N: Hey peoples. so this is chapter 15, I hope you enjoy, and sorry about the long wait.


                                            *** Lalasa’s P.O.V. ***

             I woke up around two in the afternoon, but I didn’t move, I was so warm, almost toasty in fact. I snuggled deeper into my pillow for a minute before sighing and getting up. I shivered and quickly changed and grabbed my jacket. I put it on and sat on my swivel chair. I loaded up my Facebook and checked my games. I did my Howrse and signed onto Wattpad. I clicked on the writer conleyswifey and went to her works. I clicked on The Innocence and the Outlaw and read it until I heard a horn honk. I voted and closed the computer down. I grabbed my book, If He’s Wicked and headed downstairs. Sora, Angus, and Waneta were waiting by Waneta’s car.

             “Are you coming?” Angus asked and I nodded.

             “We’re going to the docks, well, the cliffs behind the docks.” I nodded again and we all piled into Waneta’s car. It didn’t really take that long, maybe 10, 15 minutes tops. I saw the cars first and man, were they gorgeous. The dates ranged from a 1920’s Ford to a 1970’s Chevy Camaro. I was practically drooling over the darned gorgeous things. When we stopped I was out in a flash, drooling over the Ford. A guy with silver, yes silver, hair came over and smiling at my admiration of his car.  Oh, not to mention, he’s huge. Almost two heads taller than Waneta.

             “Waneta, I see she likes cars.” Waneta smiled.

             “Yeah. You should’ve seen her as we were pulling in, almost like an excited pup.” Waneta stepped forward and did a weird handshake with him, where they grasped forearms.

             “How are you doing Daniel? Anything new?” Waneta asked as he stepped back and Daniel shrugged.

            “I’m doing fine, a bit older, a bit taller, and a bit hairier. Another inch and I’ll beat the record. As for the new, my brother Adham moved in with his wife and rugrats so now I barely get any sleep.” Waneta laughed at Daniel’s put-upon expression. I smiled a bit at his laughter, almost feeling glowy. I shook it off and circled Daniel’s car. I flicked him a glance when I wanted a closer look at the inside and he nodded. I practically rubbed my hands together in glee. I opened the door and sat in the leather. It even had the original seat covers too. I looked in the backseat and poked at the seat covers. I was practically in antique car lover heaven right now. I sat back and relaxed in the seat.

             Ahhh, I thought and smiled. Waneta laughed and I opened my eyes to a bright flash.

             “Hey!” He chuckled as he tried to keep his phone away from me.

          “Uh-uh. This is a good photo. So, Mine.” I pouted at him and he laughed some more and pulled me in for a hug. I stiffened for a second then relaxed and I hugged him back. He nuzzled my neck, which was strange but it felt good. I let go but kept my arm around his waist. Ooo, warm, I thought and kind of snuggled in closer. Waneta and Daniel chuckled at me and I growled at Waneta but smiled at Daniel.

          “Hi, my name is Lalasa.” I held out my hand for him to shake. Waneta growled but Daniel shook my hand. I turned to Waneta.

          “Will you quit being a gloomy, grouchy, gus?” Daniel snorted and Waneta almost, almost, looked sheepish. He nodded and I smiled at him. Waneta tugged at my arm.

             “Come on, I want you to meet someone. It was nice to see you Daniel and for letting Lalasa torment/drool over your car.” Waneta told Daniel and he laughed and waved us on. Waneta dragged me over near the edge of the cliff where a man almost Identical to Waneta stood with a small mahogany haired woman and a little girl with a small stuffed toy wolf and red/brown hair.

             “Waneta!” The little one cried and ran to him. He let go of my hand to catch her. He lifted her up high then hugged her to him.

             “Hello Wyanet. Are you enjoying yourself?” Wyanet nodded and snuggled in closer. Waneta turned to me.

             “Wyanet, this is Lalasa.” He introduced her to me and me to her. Wyanet smiled at me and waved. She held out her hands and I took it to mean that she wanted me to hold her. I held her under her arms and brought her close. Wyanet smiled and nuzzled my neck for a second and stayed there. I kept my arm under her and on my hip. Most people, teenagers mostly, wouldn’t know how to hold a baby or toddler unless they had one or they had a sibling that young.

             I used to babysit the toddlers in my neighborhood so I learned how to hold a baby. I stood next to Waneta for a few minutes, just rocking back and forth for Wyanet, turns out she fell asleep. I tuned to find the man and woman staring at me. I raised a questionable brow at them and they smiled. The woman stepped forward and held out her hand. I put my free hand in hers and shook.

             “Hi, my name is Lalasa.” She smiled at me.

             “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Sarah and this is my husband, Rafael. We’re his parents.” She pointed at Waneta and I turned to him and raised my eyebrows. He turned a nice shade of pink under his tan skin. His mom laughed and his dad chuckled.

             “Sorry I didn’t tell you. I thought you’d panic if I’d told you.” I smiled at him and went back to his side and snuggled in without jarring Wyanet. His arm snaked around my waist. Rafael kissed Sarah on the head before going to the stump of a really old, maybe 500 year old tree.

             “Attention everyone! Welcome to our annual Bonfire. I hope you enjoy, let the party begin.” He stepped off the stump and came back to us. Music came on over the radio and the party built up. I gave Wyanet back to Sarah and Rafael and dragged Waneta back over to the cars. There must have been at least 30 different cars and all from the 1920’s to the 1970’s. I was taking pictures, one of the car’s left side, one for the right side, one for the front, one for the back and one for the inside. I swear, when I was done, I had at least 150 pictures in all.

             I smiled, proud of myself. Waneta smiled at my expression and I gave him a hug. I kept my arm around his waist when I pulled away. We walked around some and got some food. I chowed down while we walked back to the fire pit. We sat on a log close to the pit and waited. Angus and Sora came by and sat next to us. Angus was talking about the cars and I quickly got caught up in that discussion. I was in the middle of telling Angus about my favorite car, the old bugs and how the engine and frame was exquisite and about its perfectness when Waneta’s dad stood up and everyone got quiet.

             “Again, welcome to the annual bonfire, we gather here each year to tell stories of our past. Enjoy and think about what you learn here. Amun, you may begin.” He said nodding to a handsome older man with a few grey hairs. Amun didn’t waste any time and got right to it.

             “Long ago, in a village not far from here there were the Spirit Wolves. The Spirit Wolves were a peaceful race, strong, proud, and arrogant in some ways. They were the guardians of human kind. Be it land fae or tree nymph, they protected them. No one could see the wolves but they were there. One day the Jokester got jealous of the pure power of the Spirit Wolves. The Jokester decided that he wanted their power and so he set out to get it. The Spirit Wolves found out and tried to stop him by praying to the moon for help,” two teenagers started howling eerily like wolves and Amun chuckled and continued.

         “The moon granted their entreaty for help and gave them human form. The joker was incensed and no longer wanted the Spirit Wolves power because it was bound to mortal form and not an immortal one. And that is how the Spirit Wolves outsmarted the Jokester.” Amun concluded his story and we all clapped. When Rafael raised his hand all commotion ceased.

             “Amun, continue on.” Amun smiled at him and continued.

             “This is the tale of how the Spirit Wolves, now Wolf Spirits found their eternal mate. Not long after the Jokester was outsmarted and the goddess, the moon, gave her protection to the wolves, a man, lonely and sad, asked the goddess to send him a woman, one with which he could love and have strong pups with. The goddess granted his request and told him that he had to search for her. The man, known as Wyaleet searched with a determination born of his wolf to find his mate. He found her not 3 yeans later” I looked to Waneta for translation and he leaned in close.              

             “Years” ahhh, I thought and settled in and listened.

             “She wasn’t what he expected but the bond was formed and couldn’t be broken. Yeans passed and they had five pups. Their names were Luta, Shunkaha, Wya, Galabriel, and Illium; two females and three males. The family lived happily and peacefully. One day, the Alpha was jealous and he didn’t have a mate. A mate, as they learned, controlled rage, hate, and all the extreme emotions and increased the softer ones as well. The Alpha tried to take Wyaleet’s mate one night and as he was about to go up the stairs, the youngest daughter Galabriel had woken up a little earlier and was thirsty and as she went down from the loft she saw the powerful man that was her alpha and found her mate at the age of 14. Once the Alpha knew she was his mate, he apologized for not asking permission to enter her home and went away. Galabriel didn’t see him again until the Day of Claiming. The Day of Claiming was the day the females were chosen as mates as on their 16 birthday. This is how the wolves got their mates.”

             I smiled and leaned into Waneta and yawned. Waneta chuckled and tucked me in closer to his side. He motioned to his father and motioned to me, I was falling asleep sitting up. I felt him nodding and felt myself being lifted. You know, being surrounded by people and falling asleep and having a panic attack after not having one for a while, does not mix well. As I was being lifted my heart rate sped up as I noticed exactly how many people were around me. I started panting in panic. Waneta sat back down and started rocking back and forth. Sarah, Waneta, and Rafael gathered around me. Wyanet snuggled up beside me and Sarah patted my hair. I calmed down after a few moments. I peeked up at Waneta, Sarah, and Rafael.

             “Sorry.” Sarah smiled at me and patted my arm.

             “It’s ok dear. You can’t help it. She told me and I surprised both of us when I gave her a hug. Waneta put me on my feet and stood up. He took my hand and Daniel and Angus whistled and I blushed and ducked my head. We walked to his car and got in. He started it up and we were off. I grabbed my bag when we got to my house. We both got out with my book in my hand. We got to the porch and I gave him a hug.

             “Do you want to come in?” I waved to the front door. Waneta nodded and held the door for me. I gave him a smile and went in and he followed and the door shut with a soft click.

             “Maman, I’m home!” I called and set my stuff down at the door. Duske came out from around the corner and leaped at me. I caught her and turned to Waneta.

             “Duske this is Waneta, he’s my friend.” I showed her and she fluffed up a bit. Waneta smiled a bit and held out his hand so she could smell him. She sniffed him a few times before she rubbed her head against his hand. Waneta scratched behind her ears and she started purring and I smiled.

             “Well, come on. I think my mom is in the kitchen.” I nuzzled Duske before putting her down. I went into the kitchen and grinned. My mom was at the stove with a huge kitchen knife, cutting green peppers. I went to her side because I knew better than to go to her back, and kissed her cheek. I didn’t go up behind her because she would’ve gone after me with the knife. My mom smiled.

             “Maman, I brought a friend over.” I told her and she turned around. My mom pinned Waneta with her gaze. I grinned as he squirmed.

             “This is Waneta. Waneta, this is my mom.” My mom switched the knife over to her other hand and held out her hand for him to shake. They shook hands and Waneta stood there looking uncomfortable. I shared a smiled with my mom and gave her a hug and led Waneta into the hall.

             “Your mom is weird, and why did she use the huge knife on green peppers?” he asked me as we went to the door. I started laughing at the look on his face.

              “I guess she knew we’d have teenage male company over and decided Creole was going to be supper. She did it to freak you out. Maman, you succeeded!” I called the last bit to her and we heard a laugh. I grinned and Waneta shook his head as he grinned.

             “You mom’s nuts.” He pointed out and I nodded and said I know and surprised a laugh out of him. The clock on the wall in the living room chimed eleven times to show it was eleven o’clock. Waneta heard the chimes and grimaced.

             “I’ve got to go. I have to take Angus, Sora, Wyanet, and my parents home. A few are going to the local diner to celebrate. It was nice to meet your mom, crazy as she may be. Bye.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek, turned to leave, started to do so, then suddenly turned around and stalked to me.

             My eyes widened as he got closer. He stopped in front of me and swooped down and covered my partially open mouth with his. I stood stiff for a few seconds before relaxing under the pressure of his mouth. As he kissed me he made sure not to crowd me and had his hands on my hips. His tongue touched my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I opened my mouth further in answer. I half expected him to plunge inside my mouth but he did this like he did everything else, slow and thorough. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He moved his hands up to my waist and moved his thumbs rubbing lightly over the skin of my stomach so as not to crowd me. We were so wrapped in our own little world that we didn’t hear my mom coming out into the hallway and now she cleared her throat.

             “Ahem” Waneta broke the kiss and put his forehead to mine.

             “Looks like the kissing police caught us.” He told me and I looked behind me and blushed. Waneta gave me one last kiss and left. I turned around and was met with The Eyebrow.

             “I met him on the first day of school and I’ve jammed hi finger more than most and he’s still my partner in gym.” I blurted out from the unwavering pressure of my mom’s stare. She nodded and I sighed in relief. I ran up to my room and got ready for bed. I grabbed Duske, much to her displeasure, and put her on my pillow. She grumbled but sat down. I turned on the radio and I listened to Plain White T’s croon.

             My head is stuck in the clouds, she begs me to come down

             Says, "Boy, quit foolin' around"

             I told her, "I love the view from up here, warm sun and wind in my ear

             We'll watch the world from above as it turns to the rhythm of love.

                                                *** Waneta’s P.O.V. ***

                I drove back to the cliffs breathing heavily. I shouldn’t have done that, I thought to myself as I pulled back into the bonfire. I got out and walked to where my parents stood. My father turned around when he scented me. He smiled.

              “I like her and its obvious Wyanet likes her too. And it’s time for the Hunt!” My father called and al the wolves past puberty, (16), went and stood in a circle. The other good thing about being a Were was that our clothes changed with us. My father led the shift until there were about forty to fifty wolves around a fire. By now it became basic thought because of the full moon and my father howled and ran into the woods. I ran with my mom and dad until we found a buck no older than two years.

             We spread out and attacked as one. It was a quick and clean kill. We ate our fill and my mom saved a few pieces for Wyanet. I nuzzled them both in goodbye and ran to the pack house. I opened the door using the push pads and went inside. The door shut with a click. I padded up the stairs and opened the door. I sat in the middle of my room and looked around. It was a bit bare, barely any posters or pictures. It seemed I was only a guest. I mean, my clothes, desk, papers and whatnot were here but it looked as If I was on a business trip, ready to pack up and leave any second.

              Since the Hunt had been successful, my wolf was clamoring for our mate. Mate, mate, mine, now, he growled and I told him no. We’d freak her out if we were in her room. He growled again and took over completely, surprising me and making it easier for him to take over. He jumped from the window, good thing I kept it open, and ran into the woods. He ran passed the stream and followed the old scent back to her house. He jumped up the tree next to her window and opened it. He jumped in and jumped onto her bed. He settled himself comfortably and put his head down on her hip. Lalasa woke up and lifted her head.

              “Talon?” I was finally given back control when he heard her voice and I nuzzled her and scooted closer. Lalasa settled down and went back to sleep. I could hear the radio going and I settled down in my spot on her hip. I went to sleep for the first time with my mate.

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