Another Dumb Vampire Book (A...

By DavidBeck

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Aiden can't remember anything that's happened in his past, no matter how hard he tries. Haunted by nightmares... More

Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance)
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8.1K 179 28
By DavidBeck

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*Aiden's POV*

You know that moment where you just want to beat the shit out of any person that looked at you wrong? That moment where even punching a baby sounded appealing? That was going on, in my head, the entire drive home.

"It sure was lucky he knew how to make all those drinks." My aunt said, turning down the radio.

"And you go to school with him, ironic huh?"

"Yeah, and since you know I spend all my time looking for ironic situations, you can only imagine how happy I am!"

I didn't mean to sound so bitter, I was just pissed, and with good reason too! Why the hell was he at the club? Seriously, was he following me or something? Why the hell was he staring at me the entire time?

"There's no need to get snappy, I was simply stating a fact."

I brushed off her words, and started counting the street lights, in hopes of calming down. They looked like fireflies, flying by in the night sky. Pretending they were, I pictured myself joining them, lighting up the sky each time something excited me. Free from the life of a teenager, free from the life of an amnesiac, but most of all, free from him. As he floated back into my mind, I found myself getting pissed. What the hell was with him? Why did he hate me so damn much? I mean, I just moved here! Fighting off my urge to punch something once again, I ignored my aunt's questions as to why I was upset, and headed straight for my room to sleep.

After lying there for what seemed like forever, I finally gave up and admitted I wasn't getting any sleep tonight. Looking around the room after turning on a light, I grabbed my box of posters and started taping them up on the walls.

For some reason, this relaxed me more than anything. All my troubles seemed to fade away as each picture took up a new spot on these white walls. Killing monotony, and adding originality. One thing however, never changed. I still couldn't get him from my head.

The beauty behind his glare seemed to haunt me throughout the night, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get his eyes out of my head. I could see them everywhere, no matter where I turned. He did look oddly familiar though, but I just couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him before. You'd think, someone like him would get stuck inside your mind forever, but for some odd reason, if I did know him, I didn't know from where.

Hearing his voice now, I looked around my room frantically, trying to find the source. Thinking it came from the living room, I rushed out to check, only to find it empty. "I'm losing it." I mumbled, heading back to my room. Checking the clock, I growled in frustration as I realized my alarm would go off in just a few minutes.

After cursing myself repeatedly, I got up and headed out to the kitchen, then started to make some breakfast, then headed back upstairs to take a shower. One thing I loved about this house was the number of bathrooms. I hated sharing one with my aunt. Its not like she was messy or anything, I just didn't like her using my stuff. After almost falling asleep in the shower a number of times, I finally gave in and accepted, today is going to suck.

When I finished brushing my teeth and doing my hair, I covered up my scar as usual, then descended down the stairs to join my aunt at the table.

"Didn't you go to sleep last night?" She asked, looking up from her book. "I could hear you walking around all night."

I knew she was lying. She didn't hear me scream from my usual nightmare, so she probably hoped I didn't have it. Her hair was curled today, and she was dressed in her favorite shirt. Asking her what the occasion was, she laughed and told me to get some breakfast, and then scowled at me when I told her I had already eaten.

The kitchen was beyond clean. The counters shined in what little sunlight made it through the windows. I was scared to touch anything, for fear of adding the slightest bit of dirt to what had no doubt taken her most the night.

Heading back to the table, I started pressuring her for answers about her look. She kept laughing them off, and countering  with a few pointless questions of her own. Finally giving in and accepting I wasn't getting any answers, I headed back upstairs to grab my backpack, but looked around the room once more before leaving.

I was happy with my work, and smiled at all the posters. Figuring I should make my bed, I took care of that as quickly as I could, then dealt with my clothes I had just left sitting on the dresser. After doing one last look through and smiling once again, I grabbed my backpack, then headed off down the stairs and outside to my car.

I knew today was going to suck, but I couldn't stop myself from feeling anxious throughout the day. I knew my aunt was planning something, and I always loved her surprises, no matter what they were. After searching my backpack over and over, I finally gave up and admitted I had lost my map, and tried to find my first period class on my own.

Twenty minutes later, I finally walked through the doors and took my seat, unfortunately, next to him. Grabbing out a pen and some paper, I began to doodle on my page, in a sad effort to keep me awake. It worked for the most part, and managed to keep me awake till lunch, but I didn't hear a word any of the teacher's had said.

Taking off to the nearest gas station, I bought two energy drinks in an effort to further keep me awake, I chugged them down as quickly as I could, then thought about what would happen if I did pass out in class. Visions of my nightmare shot through my head making me head back to the store and buy another one, just in case.

"I don't need myself screaming in front of everyone." I mumbled, heading back to my car.

By the time I got to my door, I jumped and turned around as a familiar voice flowed through my ears.

"So hows everyone at school treating you?"

Her voice was softer than the last time I had heard it, more serene and calming. Turning around, Clair came into my line of sight, smiling, and staring.

"Uh, not bad." I stuttered, trying to get the words out. "I haven't really talked to any of them, though."

"You should. The people here have been talking about you since you got here. I would however, stay away from Lauren."

She must have guessed I had no idea who she was talking about cause she followed it quickly with another statement.

"The blonde chick who tried to hit on you."

Visions of what happen the first day over took me, as I remembered who she was talking about. My memories of Lauren however, were quickly over shadowed Tucker, who managed to fight his way back into my head.

His smile pictured perfectly in my head, haunted my entire conversation with Clair, blocking out most of what she had said. That's one thing I've always hated about my memory. I could picture things I had seen so clearly, like they were happening right in front of me, but I couldn't remember anything about my past. She asked for a ride back to school, because her boyfriend, Paul, wasn't anywhere to be found. After telling her yes, I watched as she walked around my car to the passenger side, and got in.

She walked just as gracefully as the first time I'd seen her, but her clothes were completely different. Wearing a small shirt that barely covered her stomach, and a deep red skirt that showed off her legs, I imagined just about every guy at the school had to of hit on her today. As we pulled into the parking lot of the school, she turned to me before getting out and said something that sent my mind racing.

"Please be kind to him. He doesn't hate you, Aiden."

Her words caught me completely off guard. I wanted to ask her what she meant, why she had felt it necessary to say something like that, but I never got a chance to voice my thoughts. She had already walked out, and headed for the school doors.

Trying to chase after her was pointless. Clair knew the school way better than I did, so I quickly gave up after getting lost. As the day dragged on, I couldn't get what she had said out of my head. If he didn't hate me, he sure had a funny way of showing it.

I avoided Tucker as best I could throughout the day, which wasn't hard considering he did the exact same thing. When the bell finally sounded for the day to end, I headed out into the hall, then down to my locker. After struggling to get the bright red door open, I found myself glaring and cursing at in.

"You know it can't hear you, right?"

I closed my eyes as the voice entered my ears, and a mixture of excitement, and irritation over took me. He stood there, about five inches away, staring at me, and expecting an answer I wasn't going to give. His voice sounded softer this time, less strained. Pushing me aside, he hit my locker once, and it flew open, causing the book I was reading to fall out. I wanted to pick it up before he saw it, but he beat me to it, and as he held it in his hands, a burst of laughter escaped him.

"Are you really reading this?" He asked, tossing it back into my locker. "Vampires don't sparkle."

"Yes, and I suppose you're a real expert on what vampires do."

I couldn't hide the bitterness in my voice even if I wanted too. Why was he even talking to me? Who the hell was he to laugh at what I read? I doubt he even knew what a book was!

"And if I say I am?" He asked, smiling wickedly at me.

Even behind that grin, I could still see the beauty that's haunted my mind since I first saw him, but my astonishment quickly turned to anger.

"I'd call you a liar."

After throwing my books inside, I stormed off down the hall and out to my car. I couldn't stand him. Being in his presence was bad enough because every time I'm near him, I have this horrible feeling that I'm forgetting something, not to mention his incredible looks and his douche bag personality.

No matter what I did to avoid him, he always managed to find where I was, and as I left the school parking lot, I headed for the one place I was safe from him. Home. Rushing inside, I looked all over the house for my aunt, but couldn't find her anywhere. Pulling out my phone, I sent her a text saying I was going to take a nap, then rushed upstairs to my bed. It was still pretty bright outside, so I grabbed a spare blanket and put it up over the one window in my room, then turned off the light.

I knew I'd have a nightmare, but at this point in time, I didn't care. I needed sleep, and I needed it bad. Hearing my phone go off, I check the text my aunt had sent me, then set an alarm to get up at six. I'm not sure why she wanted me dressed nicely by seven, but I wasn't going to argue or ask questions. I was way to tired for that. Feeling the embrace of sleep tightening its hold on me, I pulled the covers up to my neck and let my nightmare over take my mind.

It had picked up at the same place as last time. Tires squealing, and people repeating the same question over and over. I knew exactly what would happen next, and just like clock work, my fathers laugh shook my seat. Watching and waiting for the next scene, I began to shake, trembling uncontrollably.

I had never been this aware before. Ever. Looking to my right, the boy from before turned his eyes to mine as he slid his arm across my shoulders. Something changed this time.

What I had once began to expect, completely flipped, and took a different route. I was no longer in the car, instead, something was covering my mouth, preventing me from breathing. My eyes grew wide as I took in the unfamiliar surroundings. I was pushed up against a huge rock, as the boy did his best to keep my quiet. His shirt was destroyed. Ripped in almost the entire front area, and covered in blood. He didn't seem to be in pain though, in fact, his eyes were the complete opposite, pleading silently for me to keep quiet.

I could hear noises all around me, from growls to screams, and gun fire to silence. My fathers voice entered my ears, begging for my mom to get back up. There was no mistaking his sadness. She was dead, and he knew it.

Another high pitched scream entered my ears, shattering my dreams, and causing me to match the exact noise I had heard moments ago. Panting and covered in sweat, I jumped and sat up, trying to look around the room. I couldn't see anything. After pulling the blanket off the window and reaching for my phone, I cursed myself numerous times as I realized I had slept through my alarm.

Rushing into the bathroom to shower, I had about fifteen minutes before seven, which was barely enough time to dry my hair. By the time I finally made it downstairs, it was almost seven twenty, but my aunt was still no where to be found. Figuring she'd be here soon, I decided to watch some TV to take my mind off of what had just transpired in my head. There was a knock at the door a few minutes later. Getting up off the couch, I headed over and opened it, then stared in shock at who stood in the frame.

"Your aunt told me she was running late and that I should just head over."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I demanded. "When did you talk to my aunt?"

"She gave me her number yesterday."

"Okay, what are you doing here?"

"Did you forget? She invited me over for dinner."

His voice was heavy with annoyance. He just stood there, staring at me as if waiting for something. I had completely forgotten about dinner, and the fact that he was joining us. Turning around and walking away, I expected him to follow, but he never moved.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked, never taking his eyes off me.

Rolling my eyes, I told him the door was open, but he still just stood there. Remembering our conversation about the book I was reading earlier, I resisted my urge to hit something then invited him in.

"A vampire can't just walk into someones house Aiden. They have to be invited in. If Stephenie Meyer knew anything about vampires, she would have put that in the book you love so much."

Resisting my urge was getting harder and harder. I wanted to hit something. I wanted to hit him!

"First of all, acting like a vampire to get inside my house, isn't winning you any points. Second of all, good for you, you know how to use Google."

"Who's pretending?"

I found myself laughing hysterically at his words. Did he really think I was that stupid? Vampires don't exist. Taking my seat on the couch once again, I tried to focus on the TV, but failed because of Tucker standing right next to me.

Rolling my eyes and sliding over, I gave him the spot I was just sitting in and folded my arms. God I couldn't stand him. Looking over at him without moving my head, I took in his appearance, and almost gasped. I hadn't realized what he was wearing until now. If it were at all possible, he looked even better now, than the first time I laid eyes on him. Wearing a black button down shirt tucked into his dress pants, and a small silver necklace with a garnet stone, I stared intently at him until he picked up on it and turned his eyes to mine.

He looked dizzy, like he'd been drinking all night. His head moved from side to side, but he never took his eyes from me. They seemed to have gained more of a shine to them than earlier, when he was first standing in my doorway. Clair's words from before entered my head, shattering all thoughts that had taken root, causing me to jump and move him from my view.

"Please be kind to him. He doesn't hate you, Aiden."

I had a hard time believing her, but I figured he was still a guest in my house. Getting up out of my seat, I started to ask if he wanted anything to drink, but was cut off by my aunt walking through the front door.

"I am so sorry I'm late. The line at the store was insane!"

I could smell the alcohol on her breath, but decided not to bring it up in front of Tucker. She had always had a problem with drinking, but she never let it get to far out of hand before. Until tonight. Rushing over to her to stop her from falling, I helped her to the living room, and sat her down on the couch.

She kept apologizing, over and over and tried to get up. I was so mad at her for this. For making plans with someone, then getting drunk and forgetting all about them. This wasn't like her, and I intended to bring it up later. After a few minutes, she passed out and started to snore. Rubbing my temples, I picked her up and carried her to where she slept, then closed the door.

"I guess I'll just take off then." Tucker stated, turning around.

"No. You were promised a meal, and since she can't cook right now, I'll make you something."

I finished my sentence and headed for the kitchen, to start making dinner. We had some chicken in the fridge so I decided that would work, and I pulled out a number of seasonings and side dishes, then began to work. Walking back into the living room, I told Tucker it wouldn't be long till the food was done, then grabbed the bottle of wine my aunt had put on the table, and took a huge drink. I never cared for the taste, but I wanted something to get me through this night. As I went to set it back down, Tucker asked me for a drink, then walked over to get it when I shook my head yes.

"So, I'll be honest." He said, holding onto the bottle. "Its kind of awkward sitting in here alone. Do you think I could join you in the kitchen?"

After Clair's voice rang in my head once gain, I told him it was okay, then headed back to check on the food. By the time our meal was done, I could already feel the effects of the alcohol kicking in. Setting a plate down in front of Tucker, I dished myself up, then took the seat across from him.

Eating was more than awkward. Neither one of us spoke a word to each other, unless it was to ask for more wine. I could tell he was getting drunk, just like I was, and as we finished the bottle and our plates, I took everything into the kitchen and set it all in the sink to be washed later.

"So, uh...I don't think I can walk home."

I knew he was right. Hell, he could barely stand up with out falling.

"Well, I guess this proves the whole, who's pretending to be a vampire bit wrong."

He rolled his eyes at my words, then used the chair to help himself get up.

"Vampires can get drunk, Aiden. Blood doesn't flow due to no heart beat, so when they drink, the alcohol just stays in their system, until they do something to over power it."

"Oh yeah? And what do they do then?" I could hear the sarcasm bleeding heavily through my voice.

"They eat."

"Do you spend all your free time on Google?"

He rolled his eyes, but didn't answer my question. Seriously, who knows this kind of stuff? After leading him to one of our guest bedrooms, he caught me as I began to fall, then held me in place while staring intently at me. I couldn't break they eye contact, even if I wanted too. I could feel my body moving closer to his, despite my mind telling it to stop. He started following my movements, clearing the space that lingered between us, while moving his hands down my shoulders, and towards my hips. He was freezing, but then again, so was I.

Our faces now just inches apart, I could feel my breathing getting heavy. His forehead rested itself against mine, and his hand moved to my face, softly brushing against it, in slow controlled motions. He pushed himself forward, slightly touching my lips before I shoved him away, and ran from the room.

Rushing for my bed, I quickly locked the door, and cursed myself for letting the alcohol have that much of an effect on me. There was no way I was going to be one of those drunk nights, for him. I still couldn't stand him, and yet I let him kiss me! Cursing myself over and over, I tired not to think about him, but that only caused him to make his way into my mind even more. About three hours had past since I left him in the other room alone, and I still couldn't sleep. After finally giving in and heading downstairs to watch a movie, I grabbed some popcorn, and sat on the couch.

"Can't sleep either?" Tucker asked, looking down at me, standing next to the sofa.

Jumping, and almost spilling my snack everywhere, I cursed myself for not paying enough attention to my surroundings, and completely missing him walking into the room. Moving over, I gave him the seat I had just warmed up, and sat on a cushion that was now freezing me.

The house itself was pretty cold. Leaving the room for a moment, I grabbed down a blanket from the top shelf of the hall closet, then sat back down on the couch and covered myself up. I knew he was staring at me, I could feel his eyes burning holes into every part of my body, but I tried to ignore it. The blanket started to move, sliding up off the ground and onto his lap.

"I Thought vampires don't get cold."

I didn't mean to sound so bitter, I was just mad, and slightly still drunk.

"I'm not cold Aiden, I just want to be closer to you."

I could feel my eyes widen at his words, then get even bigger as he slid across the couch, pulling me closer to him. He had to be drunk. There was no other reason for the way he was acting. My body relaxed at his touch, despite my mind racing a million miles an hour. I could feel his hand sliding up and down my left arm, making me shake, but somehow relax even more. His muscles pushed against my back, while his slow, and labored breathing made my body rise and fall just like his chest. He whispered something I couldn't hear. I wanted to ask him what he had said, but I didn't have the strength to talk. My body was falling further and further into sleep.

That was the first time I could ever remember having slept without having my nightmare.

I awoke in my bed the next morning. Not sure how I got here, I looked around, scanning the room with my eyes, but nothing seemed out of place. After silencing the constant beeping of the alarm clock, I grabbed out some clothes and headed for the shower. My head was killing me, but the cold water helped. I told myself over and over I wasn't going to drink anymore, but quickly laughed at the notion when I remembered I work at a club with my aunt. Drinking was inevitable. I tried to fight off the images of the night before, but gave in as they over powered me.

"The only reason he tried to kiss you was because he was drunk. The only reason he held you last night was because he was drunk."

I let the words play over and over in my head, and it wasn't long before I believed them, and once again, hated him. My aunt had already left for the day by the time I got downstairs, and sitting on the table was a note apologizing for last night. I read it at least twenty times to make sure my eyes weren't messing with me.

At the bottom, she had said Tucker was coming over again today. Tearing up the paper, and looking all around the house, I couldn't find him anywhere. Figuring he left earlier to go home and get ready, I dismissed the thought, ate breakfast, then headed off to school.

The day went by at a pretty repetitive speed, but by the time lunch rolled around, I had already made some friends. Joining all of them at the table, they greeted me with smiles, and pulled up a chair for me to sit on.

"Hey guy, how was math?" Joey asked, taking a drink of his milk. His short blonde hair and extremely skinny frame contradicted the deepness of his voice. His dark brown eyes darted from me to the girl sitting across from me, and I wasn't sure if he was trying to hint at something or not.

I hadn't seen her before. Long brunette hair flowed from her head, while her small petite body bounce around in her chair. After introducing myself, I found out her name was Kara, and that she had just moved here from the middle east. A couple of other people joined us moments later, and before long, the conversation got to loud for me to understand any of it. After dumping my tray and telling everyone I was going outside for some air, they said their goodbye's and I headed out the doors.

Picking a spot where there was few people around, I took a seat underneath one of the trees in the courtyard, and began to start reading.

"Uh, Aiden. Right?"

Looking up from my page, I recognized the person standing over me as the same guy who had taken a seat next to where I was sitting.

"Yeah, I didn't get your name though."

He was cute. Well built and in shape, his body was a little smaller than Tucker's, but his hair was twice as long, reaching to the midway of his back, just like mine. Soft and light brown eyes watched me as I stood up, and he smiled offering his hand.

"So, I'm not sure why, but Tucker showed up at our table looking for you. Do you know him?"

I rolled my eyes at his question.

"I wish I didn't."

"Yeah, he's kind of creepy. Beautiful, but creepy. I'm Chris by the way."

I tried not to smile when he said Tucker looked good, but I could feel it over taking my face.

"I uh, better go see what he wants." I said, trying to hide my face.

"Looks like you don't have too, he's coming over here."

Following his eyes with mine, Tucker came into view, walking over to where we were standing at a rather accelerated pace.

"I need to talk to you." He said, looking me up and down. His face looked furious, but also concerned, like something was really bothering him. Turning to the person standing next to me, he quickly followed his sentence with "Alone."

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk about last night."

Chris's body shifted at Tucker's words. His entire demeanor had changed since he walked up, and he never once stopped glaring at him.

"What happened last night?" He asked, looking at both me and him.

"Keep your nose on your own face Chris, or it just might be removed permanently."

Not wanting them to start fighting, I agreed to talk with Tucker somewhere else, and said my goodbye's to Chris. We walked all the way to the other end of the school before he stopped, and started talking.

"You need to stay away from him."

"You don't need to tell me what to do."

I could feel the anger in me rising. I didn't know who the hell he thought he was, but I wasn't about let him tell me who I could and couldn't hang out with.

"Aiden, he's a bad person. I'm only saying this cause I want you to be saf-"

"What did you want to talk about?" I demanded, changing the subject.

I knew he was getting mad, but I didn't care. He had already pissed me off.

"About last night."

"Don't worry about it Tucker, you were drunk. I get it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to reading."

I left him there with my words still hanging in the air. I don't need him to justify anything to me, especially last night. Heading back for the tree, I stopped mid-step when the bell sounded over head for lunch to be over, and for the final class of the day to begin. Gathering my stuff, I entered the room and sat at the desk furthest from the teachers eyes, all while trying to collect my thoughts. I don't know why what I had just said to Tucker bothered me so much, but it really did. Pulling out a notebook from my backpack, I began to doodle in an effort to distract myself from everything that had happened.

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