Hetalia oneshots.

By fandomlover987

262K 5.5K 1.7K

A series of one-shots between you and you're favorite hetalia character. Y/n= your name h/c= Hair color e/c=... More

Japan x Reader: Gomenasai
Prussia x lonely reader
America x orphan child reader
Magic Trio x Fragmentation Reader
Germany x reader: Until The Day I Die
Dead Italy x Sister Reader x Germany
Russia x Lithuania's Sister Reader
Bully Prussia x Bullied suicidal reader.
Prussia x reader
Norway x soldier reader: Never
Iceland x Male Country Reader
Denmark x Shy Reader
Sweden x Male Reader
Finland x Reader : Union
Iceland x Reader : Hanging Tree
Japan x Sister reader: Nothing Left
Norway x Violinist Sad Reader: The Sea and the Rock.
Russia x Country Reader: Exhausted.
Denmark x reader: You're My Idiot
England x Reader
DenNor (Mah OTP)
German brothers X Sister reader.
Norway x Denmark's Sister Reader: Pain
Sealand x reader: Growing up
Sweden x Viking Reader
Finland x Denmark's Sister Reader : Death is an inevitable punishment.
Norway x Reader : Never Forget.
Nordics x Big sister reader: Once a family, always a family.
Cheater Germany x Reader x Prussia
Norway x Sweden's Sister Reader
Iceland x Dying Depressed Reader: Always here.
Sweden x Shy Male Reader
Denmark x Reader : Piling Stones
Norway x Depressed Bullied Reader
England x Human Flying Mint Bunny Reader!
Cheater America x Reader x France
Greece x Neko Reader
Denmark x Bullied Reader: Perfect
Norway x Reader: Labelled
Sweden x Kirkland Reader
Norway X Depressed Reader: I have an addiction
Norway x Mute Reader
Sweden x Reader: Bound by our Souls
Nordics x Reader: Introduction.
Nordics x Reader: Norway's Ending.
Nordics X Reader: Denmark's Ending
Nordics X Reader: Iceland's Ending
Nordic's X Reader: Sweden's Ending
Nordics x Reader: Finland's Ending
Prince Denmark x Poor Reader: I don't Care!
Prince Denmark X Poor Reader (Part 2): I don't Care!
Norway x Teen Reader: Not Illegal.
DenNor Angst
Depressed Finland x Sweden: Stop!
Sweden X Rival Reader: Not Hate.
Denmark X Reader: Safe and Sound~
SuFinX PTSD Child Reader: Love?
Norway x Reader: A Thousand Years.
District 7 Denmark x District 11 Reader: Just our Luck.
Norway x Rival Reader: Protect.
Sweden x Reader: For you, Anything.
Denmark X Viking Reader
Doctor Norway x Depressed! Anorexic! Patient! Reader: Self-fulfilling prophecy
Norway x OC: Over
Nordics x Abused Child Reader: Bruises and Scars
Denmark x Reader: Stranger
Norway x Reader: Fairytale
Norway x Reader: From Lovers to Enemies
Denmark X Bullied, depressed Reader: Make the pain stop.
Norway x Reader: I love you
DenSu/SuDen: The reason why...
Denmark x Anorexic Reader
A/N (Important, please read)
Denmark X Reader
Dying Sealand X Mother Reader: You are My Sunshine.
Norway x Abused Reader: Girl from the Sunrise Hill.
Nordics x Soldier Reader: The Last Letter.
Denmark x Pregnant Reader
Norway x Pregnant Reader.
Iceland x Bullied Depressed Suicidal Reader: I Care.
Denmark x Homeless Mute Reader: Soundless Voice.
Denmark x Reader: Farvel, Goodbye.
Iceland x Reader: Youth.
Hockey Player Norway x Figure Skater Reader.

Different Nordics X My Friends

1.8K 18 5
By fandomlover987

5 girls on horseback rode through the dark forest, each of them carrying a weapon. Meta, Gina, Caroline, Ansa,and Aina were their names. All of them with different appearances, Meta with short, light brown, curly hair and blue-grey-green eyes, Gina with shoulder length, straight, medium brown hair and warm brown eyes, Caroline with long light brown, straight hair, and light blue eyes, Ansa with shoulder length, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and Aina with long chestnut brown hair with brown and green eyes. All of them were unique in their personalities as well, Meta being loud, protective and stubborn, Gina being sweet, impulsive and dainty, Caroline being Motherly, sensible and warmhearted, Ansa being hot-headed, argumentative and confident and Aina being funny, lively and cute. All of them were different, but their personalities blended together to create some of the strongest female warriors of their time. "Come on guys. We have to get to the nearest village, else we'll freeze in such a blizzard." Meta told them, holding tightly onto her pale blue cloak. Her blue cloak matched her white tunic, brown leggings and knee length brown boots. Caroline nodded in agreement. "Meta is correct." Her royal blue cape flowed freely in the bitter wind, it matched her lavender tunic. Ansa rolled her eyes stubbornly. "I don't understand why we all have to listen to you two. It's not like your more important or anything." Her dark green cape and brown tunic worked with her dark hair beautifully. "Because they're the most mature. And if we didn't then Meta would yell at us, and she is kind of scary when she yells." Gina stated factually. She wore a creamy yellow cloak accompanied by a dark orange tunic. "I'm sleepy. Can we just hurry up please?" Aina asked, rubbing her eyes. Her cloak was a violet colour and her tunic was teal. Meta smiled and ruffled her hair, much like an older sister would. "Okay." They all sped up, making their horses race through the powdery snow, kicking it up in every direction. They jumped over thickets and tree stumps, immersing themselves in the snow covered forest. Wind rushed through their hair, pushing it backwards. Suddenly Gina stopped, hearing something. "Gina...?" She hushed Caroline turning her horse in the direction of the sound. "Male, Viking warriors. Looking for a fight." She told them, her voice deepening slightly. Meta lost her smile and her face turned into a stony cold expression. Caroline looked concerned. Ansa glaring at the direction that Gina was facing and Aina shook with fear. "Well, if it's a fight they want, a fight they shall get. How many are there Gina?" All of the girls looked towards Meta with an expression of shock. Meta didn't really like fighting, preferring to be rational. "5, but are you sure about this Meta?" Meta shook her head and smiled comfortingly. Caroline moved towards her and rested a hand on her shoulder. Meta shrugged it away. "I am never sure about anything." She rides in the direction, the others following behind her, holding their weapons tightly. "So, looks like we have a bunch of blondies. Huh, should be easy to take down." Meta smirked and leaped off of her horse, making no sound upon the snow covered ground. Everyone else gave nervous looks but followed. "So, I wonder whether a few puny little men can beat us?" Her mockery gained their attention. Meta twirled her dagger around in her hand. The others got out there weapons, Caroline a battle-axe, Gina a spear, Aina a sword and Ansa a bow and arrow. 

Suddenly the blonde men got out their weapons and stood in a defensive line. Caroline was the first to move though. She ran towards one of the taller men, wielding the battle axe in a ferocious way. The cerulean eyed man blocked her attack, throwing her off of him with ease. Gina ran towards the shortest, and youngest, looking male, with her long spear in her hand. After that a battle began, knives, blood and snow flying in all directions. A loud thump made Caroline distracted, as she looked towards her fallen friend. Meta had been defeated, her head having hit the floor hard enough to knock her out, and her dagger being in the blonde man's hand. During the time that Caroline was distracted, the man she was against managed to disarm her and swiftly knock her out. Gina's spear suddenly went flying through the air, landing itself in a tree. The man who she was against, tripped her over, grinning slightly as she fell and passed out. Aina grew frantic as she noticed most of her friends fallen, and so her movements became sloppy, enabling the tallest male to disarm her. Ansa shot arrows rapidly, most of them missing her targets, so when the fairly short man disappeared from her sight and stood behind her, he was able to easily knock her out. 

"What should we do with them Matthias?" One of the men asked the one with the Battle-axe. The wild haired man grinned and crouched down next to Caroline, stroking her cheek softly. "We take them with us of course! They are pretty cute~ What do you think Tino?" The conversation was directed towards one of the shorter men, who was looking guiltily at Ansa. "I suppose we should help them. Berwald, what do you think?" The tallest man nodded his head in reply to Tino. "I agree." He said in a deep voice. The youngest male nods, lifting Gina up onto his horse and climbing on behind her. "Then we should go, correct?" Matthias picked up Caroline, easily resting her on his horse, but not getting on himself. "Well duh Emil. What else would we do?" Before Emil could reply, Matthias began dragging his horse away to the cave where they all lived. The other 3 lifted the women onto their separate horses and rode off after Matthias. Emil rolled his eyes, holding the reins tightly before riding off after them all.


Caroline's blue eyes fluttered open as she heard a familiar voice yelling at someone. "I swear if you've touched any of us I will beat you so hard it will physically hurt to open your eyes again!" Meta quickly stood up, recognising the voice to be Meta's. Caroline wrapped her arms around Meta's waist, easily soothing the fuming woman. "Meta, it's okay." Meta relaxed significantly, before pulling herself out of Caroline's arms. "I'm sure you would, Meta was it?" Meta nodded, still glaring at the blonde male in front of her. "Where have you taken the others?" Meta demanded to know, a hint of concern passing through onto her pale face. "There just talking with the ones that both defeated them and helped them. Speaking of that, shouldn't you be thanking me for patching you up? You would have bled out had I not." Meta yelled out something that sounded like 'Why the hell would you allow them to talk to the others you idiot?!?', however she couldn't hear Lukas' reply. Caroline only now noticed the white cloth, wrapped around her stomach and chest. Meta grumbled out a thank you of some sort, before being pulled into Lukas. He rested a hand on her cheek, the other being on her waist. "I don't believe I quite heard you, Meta." He whispered into her ear. Caroline giggled as Meta struggled to get away from the male. "Caroline help me a little would you!" Caroline burst out laughing. "Sorry, you're on your own for this one Meta." Meta  groaned and struggled even more, managing to turn herself around in Lukas' strong grip, trying to run out of his arms. "Don't laugh!" She cried in annoyance. Caroline pressed a hand to her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter. "Matthias should be here soon enough. He said he wanted to talk to you when you awoke." Lukas said to Caroline. Caroline nodded and took in her surroundings.  Gina was chatting happily with a young and grumpy looking male in the corner of the cave, and Ansa and Aina were both sat close to each other, facing a short male and a really tall male. "Let go of me already!" Caroline heard Meta scream out in frustration. Ansa stood up and yelled from the other side of the cave. "Oh shut up already Meta, we all know your enjoying that!" 

As everyone began laughing, a tall man with gravity defying hair walked into the cave. He watched in confusion as Meta began yelling profanities to Ansa and Lukas, still struggling to get out of Lukas' hug/death-grip. Lukas was never usually so playful with people. His cerulean eyes landed on Caroline, who was giggling at the scene before her. Suddenly Caroline looked up and met his gaze. Matthias gave her a grin, whilst she gave a shy wave in return. "I brought food!" Matthias yelled above all the noise, causing everyone to become silent as they gazed upon the man. Caroline noticed the dead deer on his shoulders and smiled. "Great! Does this mean you can let go of me now?" Meta asked Lukas hopefully. He shook his head and picked her up bridal style, carrying her to the center of the room. Meta pouted, causing everyone to laugh again. Everyone moved towards the middle, where a fire was crackling, and sat down, Meta sat right between Caroline and Lukas.  "I'll skin it!" Gina said enthusiastically pulling out a knife. Caroline, Aina and Meta gagged and turned away from the meat in disgust. "What? You'll be eating it anyway!" Ansa smirked, grabbed a piece of the meat and began dangling it in front of the girls faces. They squealed and moved away, Ansa laughing as they did so. "Wait! Caroline, Meta! It's your turn to do the thing!"Gina cried out in glee, as they turned back around. Caroline shook her head, instantly dismissing the idea. Gina slid next to Caroline, dramatically leaning onto her. "Oh but why not Mother dearest?" Meta, understanding exactly what she was doing, copied Gina, sighing in fake disappointment. "Yes why not Mother, are you-" Gina and Meta finished it off together, perfectly in sync. "Embarrassed of such a trivial thing?" Caroline groaned as they used her infamous nickname. "Fine, I'll do it!" She finally cracked under pressure, standing up along side Meta. The men all looked at each other in confusion. "Just wait." Gina told them. 

  "Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower
and you, it's only seed"
Caroline began singing as Meta 'oohed' in the background. Her melodious voice resonating through the cave as she sang her lines. Matthias perked up at the sound of her beautiful and passionate singing voice, ignoring Tino's smirk.

"It's the heart, afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream, afraid of waking
that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
that never learns to live "
Meta took over the song, singing her part softly. Her oddly haunting voice was a huge change from Caroline's sweet one. Lukas rose an eyebrow at the sound of it, turning his full attention onto her, and missing the amused looks that Emil gave him.

"When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love,
In the spring becomes the rose."

They finish the song together, both of them smiling softly. Suddenly Tino's  crying broke the silence. He began choking out words about how beautiful it sounded. "Gees, they were just singing!" Ansa told him, rolling her deep brown eyes. "They do it all the time anyway." Meta and Caroline responded to that in complete sync, showing that they did this often. "In our defense this is just a thing we do to pass time, and besides, it's your turn next!" Matthias grabbed Caroline by the waist, pulling her down onto his lap. "Your my Queen now!" He said happily, causing Caroline to blush a deep red and try to get away from him. "Your on your own for this one Caroline!" Meta laughed, quoting her from earlier. Lukas smirked and pulled her into his side, his arm being wrapped around her waist. Meta growled and tried to pull away, much to the amusement of the other girls. Aina yawned and rested her head on Berwald's shoulder, causing the tall man to blush a deep red. Although that went unnoticed by the oblivious Aina, it didn't by Gina or Emil, who both erupted into laughter, holding onto each other so they wouldn't fall over. Tino had wrapped Ansa in a hug, still crying from earlier, the brunette stroking his hair in an attempt to calm him down. Caroline had stopped fighting against Matthias, sighing and leaning into his warm touch. "Okay then." Matthias grinned and pressed his lips to her cheek, causing her to blush again. "Let go of me dammit!" Meta yelled at Lukas, who effectively ignored her, nuzzling his face in her neck. Meta stopped pushing him away and just sat there, frozen and blushing. "I like you so much better when you're not fighting against me." Lukas whispered in her ear, leaning over and kissing dangerously close to her mouth. Caroline watched in amusement as her friend began fighting against him again, blushing even more than before. "Idiot don't do stuff like that!" Lukas began teasing her by kissing all over her face, moving so fast that Meta couldn't react. Emil had begun to play with Gina's hair, twirling it around his finger. The small smiles on both of there faces proved that they were both enjoying it. Aina had been pulled onto Berwald, as to make it more comfortable for her. Tino had stopped crying and was happily hugging Ansa, who was blushing but hugging him back. Caroline and Matthias looked over them with amused expressions. "They look so cute together!" Caroline muttered, Matthias agreeing with her, before clearing his throat. "So, food anyone?" 

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