Badass Cinderella

By RigelU

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Cindy. Not the abbreviation for "Cinderella", just Cindy Walker . She's not afraid to punch boys, stands up... More

Chapter 1 - "You punch like a wrestler."
Chapter 2 - "I'll punch your nose so hard that it'll go right up your big head"
Chapter 3 - Over dramatic, tantrum-throwing, BISHES!
Chapter 4 - I am going to get a job the very next day.
Chapter 5 - "If I fall for him, I will be like all the other desperate bimbos."
Chapter 6 - I hate snobby kids.
Chapter 7 - "Damn, Cindy, I didn't know you'd go this far to get me."
Chapter 8 - I have to leave.
Chapter 10 - "I know, I love my baby!"
Chapter 11 - "I'm getting married to Emma Watson tomorrow."
Chapter 12 - "You've got a stalker"
Chapter 13 - "Stop trying to be an angel!"
Chapter 14 - I was in jail.
Chapter 15 - "YOU?!"
Author's Note
Chapter 16 (LUCA'S P.O.V) - What the hell just happened?!
Chapter 17 - "I've been waiting for you for two years now."
Chapter 18 -"See you again soon, gorgeous."
Chapter 19 - "Finally, princess."
Chapter 20 - Gabriel Owen
Chapter 21 - "What do you know about love?"
Chapter 22 - "There wouldn't have been a dead body among us."
Chapter 23 - "You are one strong girl, Walker."
Chapter 24 - "I'm your father!"
Chapter 26 - "I'll be worried for your process of perception."
Chapter 27 - Nope. Not dramatic at all.
Chapter 28 - "This school never fails to surprise me."
Chapter 29 - I had it coming.
Chapter 30 - There's nothing wrong with missing a friend.
Chapter 31 - We're good, I'll handle him.
Chapter 32 - My Frikin Shoes!

Chapter 25 - "Missing your future wife?"

1.7K 96 23
By RigelU

Cindy's P.O.V:-

It had been a week since I had been kidnapped then released. My dad had been making more efforts to keep up with how I was doing. Not that he didn't talk to me before, but I didn't mind his efforts one bit.

Other than the police, my dad, Luca, and I, Sienna, Grace, and Luca's friend Chris were the only ones who knew about the incident. Sandra and her daughters were clueless, dad had taken care of that.

Sienna and Grace were too speechless to react when I had told them. Chris came to know because he had walked in on a shirtless Luca in his room, noticing his bandaged shoulder, and from what I've come to know, Chris doesn't rest until he gets answers. Proper answers. He had also spotted me in the house, and Luca told him that I was there to babysit his sister. It wasn't a complete lie. Chris was convinced, but he still kept smirking and wiggling his eyebrows, pointing at me and Luca.

A few questions had risen about Nicole's sudden absence from school. As much as I had gathered, nobody knew that Nicole was actually in juvenile, instead of being out of country, like I heard someone at school saying to their friend.

I had just reached The Andrews' mansion door when it opened suddenly, then closed with a slam. I jumped back a few steps and looked up at Luca's face, his jaw clenched.

He glanced at me then stormed past me, yanking his keys out of his pocket. Frowning, I followed him to the garage.

"Luca? You okay?" I asked as he unlocked his car. He ignored me.

"Luca!" I repeated.

"What do you want?!" He snapped, turning around sharply.

I stopped abruptly, taken aback. "Um, first of all, rude! Secondly, I was gonna ask if you're okay because you looked troubled. But if you wanna be a stuck up cheerleader, suit yourself!" With that said, I turned around and marched inside. Acting upon a strange thought, I locked the door, locking him out of his own house, knowing well that he had a key.

I wonder what bit him today. I thought as I entered the kitchen. Finding Krista in her usual place, I voiced my thoughts to her.

"Oh, he just had a row with his mother." She told me sheepishly.

"About what?"

"I dunno." She shrugged. "I don't understand Italian much."

"Italian?" I frowned.

"Yeah." This time it was her turn to frown. "He's Italian, didn't you know?"

"I guess not." I said, thinking if I had ever noticed anything Italian about Luca.

"Haven't you noticed Mr.Andrews's accent?!" She questioned with wide eyes. "Well its subtle, but its there."

Mr. Andrews... I snickered inwardly at the thought.

"No, I don't spend my time paying special attention to "Mr.Andrews", sorry." I told her with a chuckle which caused a slight blush to appear on her cheeks.


I was folding the laundry, standing by the washing machine when the door opened. Seeing Luca enter, I turned back to the clothes without a word.

"Hey Kane." He chose to speak first, leaning on the washing machine beside me.

"Hi." I replied without looking at him.

"How you doing?" He asked, picking up a shirt and folding it.

"Good." A minute passed in silence as we folded more clothes.

"So...." He began again.


"Maybe 'so' will be our 'always'." His words replayed in my mind and I held back a chuckle.

"Why are you not talking to me?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that he was looking at me questioningly, while he distractedly twisted Stacey's skirt in his hands instead of folding it. The chuckle I had managed to push down, rose again.

"What am I doing right now?" I retorted, taking the skirt from him and picking up the laundry basket, walking towards the door with Luca following.

"You know what I mean."

"I'm not sure."

"Cindy!" He huffed in irritation.

"Luca." I replied monotonously as I entered Stacey's room and opened her closet. I heard a deep sigh from my left followed by Luca's voice.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Er... I shouldn't have snapped at you earlier."

"That's right." I said, putting Stacey's clothes in place.



"Are you gonna talk to me now?"

"What am I doing right now?"

"Cindy!" He grabbed my arm gently yet firmly and turned me around. "Try to understand! I was angry and wasn't thinking straight so I snapped! I know I shouldn't have done that but I'm apologizing now!"

I looked at his face and spotted sincerity in his expression. Eh, whatever, it wasn't a big reason to be mad anyway. Sighing, I softened my voice a bit. "Its...fine. I understand."


"Yep." I nodded and gave him a small, reassuring smile. "But do you mind me asking what happened?"

He sighed again. "Yeah, about about we go out? Just for better space. Get some ice cream and I'll explain."

"Right now?" I raised both eyebrows. "But I have work to do."

"Pffft! I'm sure everyone else can handle the work for today."

"But what if your mom-"

"I'll tell her I needed your help. We go to the same school anyway, she'll believe it. And I'll get you back here before 9 pm. Come."

We had just walked past the kitchen when he stopped and went back into the kitchen. I followed.

"Hey, Krista?" He acknowledged her.

"Hello. Can I help you?" She asked with a polite smile, looking up from the pot she was stirring in.

"Actually, yeah, you can. I need to take Cindy out for some work. I'm sure you'll manage to cover up her absence, right?" He flashed her a charming smile.

She let out an audible squeal and put both her hands on her mouth. "Out?! Like a date?!" She asked in a squeaky voice.

"No!" "Yes." Luca and I answered at the same time, the latter being Luca's answer.

"Finally!" She gushed.

"Krista no...." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Krista yes. Now let's get going." Luca grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen to drag me out of the house.

"What have you been telling her, Kane? She seemed a big fan of you and I going out." Luca said, letting out a choked sort of chuckle as he sat behind the steering wheel, me having settled myself in the passenger seat.

Rolling my eyes, I looked out of the window. "She has these kinds of fits sometimes, don't worry about it."

He let out a small laugh at my answer. "Oh I'm not worried about that, I'm only worried about if you're ever gonna say yes to going out with me."

"Okay I'm out!" I said as I opened the door of the moving car.

"WHAT THE HELL, WALKER!" Luca almost yelled. The car swerved slightly as Luca took one of his hands away from the steering wheel to pull me away from the door. I quickly closed the door again as a car behind us honked loudly.

Luca pulled over at the side of the road and I fell against the backrest of my seat, laughing as Luca stared at me in horror.

"What the hell, Walker...." He repeated, though not as loudly this time.

"Your.....your reaction!" I said between fits of laughter.

"You could've hurt car. Yeah, my baby! I mean not that I don't care about you getting hurt but don't think that I care about you too much, like, you know, I just care about you getting hurt because you're a human too and-"

"Please spare yourself and continue driving." I interrupted his rambling, my laughter rising again.

"Right." He quickly sobered up and continued driving, looking embarrassed.


"So, what about that bug?" I asked Luca, putting a small amount of chocolate ice cream in my mouth. Luca had brought us to park quite far from his home, and we were currently sitting on top of a small hill after buying our ice creams , looking out into the horizon. Cliche, I know.

"What bug?" He frowned at me, his spoon of ice cream halfway to his mouth.

"The one that bit you today and made you act like a stuck up cheerleader, like I mentioned earlier." I replied casually.

"Oh Kane, you're so funny that I'm dying." He said sarcastically, though I could see him grinning a bit. "And about earlier, I frustrated."

"I gathered that much. Why?"

He ran a hand through his hair, I could see that he was visibly stressed. "I'm stuck..."

"Well, sorry if I sound sarcastic or anything, but I would really like you to elaborate."

He chuckled and relaxed slightly. "Thanks. The thing mother. OKAY, I'M DOOMED!" He suddenly burst out and I watched in surprise. "ITS MY FAULT! WHY ARE KIDS SO STUPID?! WHY?!"

"You're winding me up..." I said, patting his hand awkwardly. He relaxed once again and sat back slightly, intertwining the tips of our fingers in an absent minded manner, so that the action was barely noticeable.

"When I was a kid, a very stupid kid-"

"No doubt."

"Sssh! When I was 10, my family moved in here from Italy. My mom caught up with a friend she had here before she moved to Italy after getting married. They were best friends, mom and Joanna. She used to come over a lot with her daughter, and my mom took me and tiny Stacey along when she visited Joanna. The thing is, Joanna had a daughter the same age as me. Her name was Madison, we quickly became friends. We got really happy when our moms decided to visit each other, which was quite often. We played together, did our homework together, everything. When we used to play, I always...uh...." He looked away, scratching his neck. "Oh God, why! I always played her husband. Our moms used to find it really cute. So, when I was around 12, one day I, very maturely and wisely with my hands on my hips, told my mom," He put on a squeaky voice. "Mom, I'm gonna make Madison my prom date, and you know what you do to your prom date? You marry them." His voice turned back to normal. "And that was when I ruined my life! UGH! What was I even thinking?! My mom laughed and told Joanna about that, and they both started squealing and giggling like little girls! And there were Madison and I, grinning so proudly."

I watched as he rubbed his face and sighed, then I started laughing, and he looked at me with creased eyebrows.

"What happens to be so humorous?" He inquired.

" played pretend house?!" I said, laughing while trying to imagine a kid version of Luca declaring his wedding plans.

"Oh shut up." He grumbled, shoving my arm lightly. "That's not even the worst part."

"I can't imagine more."

"It isn't funny, Walker."

"Okay okay, sorry." I said, sobering up slightly. "Is that why you were mad today? Missing your future wife?"

He rolled his eyes. "Quite the opposite, actually. As Madison and I grew up, we took the whole thing as a joke, but our moms, it seems now, took the idea of "us" a bit more seriously than Madison and I did. You know, girl best friends, wanting their children to marry each other. An year later, Madison and her family moved to another town due to her father's job. We contacted each other once in a while, Skype and stuff, but we both knew we were talking to a good friend. At least that's what I thought. She got a boyfriend and I got with other girls but apparently both of us weren't serious. Anyways, I'll get straight to the problem. Madison and her family is back in town! I was happy to meet her until my mom dropped that bomb on me! So judging from what my mom has told me, Joanna thinks Madison and I still have something going on and apparently Madison hasn't told her otherwise! Now Joanna is trying to get us together and she actually hinted MARRIAGE when we visited her a few days ago! SERIOUSLY! I politely tried to tell her that nothing like that is gonna happen but she just wouldn't get the hint! So today, my mom discussed with me that she would like Madison and I getting together, and I kept trying to tell her that I don't even like her enough for her to be my serious girlfriend but she just doesn't "see the problem with us being together." To be honest, I really don't care if she's pretty and talented, I just don't like her like that, she's my friend. I may have a reputation for playing around with girls but if a girl is my friend, I treat her like my friend. And I have a very few female friends. Most of the girls I know don't even wanna be just friends with me. They either develop a crush on me, or throw themselves at me. That's why I like you, you know? As a friend, obviously! You do neither of those things. Anyway, that's why I was so pissed off today."

I stared at him as he huffed and closed his eyes, bowing his head after his long rant. I awkwardly patted his hand with my now free hand. I was just about to say something but before I could, he lifted his head and gave a small smile. "Thanks for listening though. I feel better."

I smiled back. "There's more to the popular jock plus player than what people think. It was cliche enough to be interesting." He let out a little chuckle as a response.

"So," I continued. "You're Italian. Can you make me pizza?"

Luca threw his head back and laughed heartily. "Oh Kane. Where have you been all my life!"

I chuckled. "Hiding from you."


A.N: Well there you have it, another chapter! I just recently got (almost) free from exams so I finally got some time to sit down and complete the chapter! Hope you all like it!

Also, this may seem like the usual author's note but I just gotta say thanks a LOT to those who read and specially those who stay with this book. It really is boosting to see/know that someone out there is reading my story and is waiting for me to update, like I wait for other authors to update! Seriously! A sincere, heartfelt thankyou to all! Keep up your support, that's like an energy bonus in a video game haha.

Dedicated to @ohsnapitshan .

Find me on Facebook: Rigel97 - Wattpad , Instagram: rigel97u , Twitter: Rigel97U


-Rigel97 <3

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