Alia's Lullaby (A Harry Potte...

By hogwarts-is-my-home8

159K 5.2K 831

Alia Black was a simple girl. Quite beautiful really, and definitely radiant for thirty four. But not many pe... More

Alia's Lullaby (A Harry Potter Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
The End

Chapter 12

4.2K 136 16
By hogwarts-is-my-home8

- Alia -

"My Darling wife Alia,

I'm sorry that I can't tell you my exact location, but if this was delivered into the wrong hands, I would be in serious trouble. All I can tell you is that it's cold here, I've had to stay mostly in Dog form to keep myself warm, even though it's August, I'm still freezing up here, I think it's because I'm so high up in the mountains.

I'm so glad that Elenie's ok, give her all my love won't you Ally? What her and Harry did for for me was amazing, and I can't wait to thank them in person. I was so happy to see you, Elenie, Harry and Remus that day, it was one of the best memories I've had in years. One day soon Alia, you, me, Elenie and Harry can be a family. I promise.

I heard about the tournament that will take place at Hogwarts this year, please keep Harry and Elenie safe. I know you already will, but just take extra caution.

I'll try to write to you soon. By the way, use a different owl, this ones getting a bit suspicious.

All of my love,

Alia sighed and placed the latest letter from her husband down on the bedside table. She had mostly received the same information from him since he left two months ago and she was missing him greatly. It was like having a Christmas present for a day and then having it taken away from you the day after; she couldn't describe the ache that she had in her heart at the moment.

The Weasley household was very quiet that day as Arthur had taken all of the children to the Quidditch World Cup early that morning so it just left Molly and Alia alone in the house. Without seven teenagers the Burrow was definitely a different place.

Sunset was Alia's favourite time of the day and she took liberty in watching it from the Burrow as they had amazing sunsets, unlike the ones near her own home. Sirius had been the one to introduce Alia to sunsets; whilst they were at Hogwarts they would regularly sit down near the Black Lake and watch the sun set over the hills. It was such as peaceful time of day and Alia loved it. She knew that somewhere in the country, Sirius would be watching too. 

"Alia! I made us some tea!" Molly called from the Kitchen downstairs. Alia smiled and walked slowly from her room and down to the bottom floor of the house. 

Since Lily died Molly Weasley had slowly become Alia's best friend. She had been a mess after Sirius was taken away and James and Lily had gone and Molly Weasley along with Remus had been the one to help pick up the pieces. When Alia needed Molly would always take care of Elenie as a toddler even though Fred, George, Ron and Ginny were also young. There was nothing that Molly wouldn't do for Alia and she loved her for it. 

"Thanks Molly this is great." Alia smiled as she took a seat across from her at the Kitchen table. 

"Oh I hope they're all ok at the world cup." Molly sighed worriedly, looking out of the window. 

"I'm sure they'll be fine Molly, Arthur's there with them, he'll keep them safe." Alia smiled, squeezing Molly's hand across the table.

"Alia, how do you cope?" Molly asked.

"What do you mean?" Alia replied, giving her a confused look. 

"How do you cope without Sirius? I mean, I know if it was me, I'd be distraught if Arthur left me. There's no way I'd be able to bring up all of my children by myself. You brought Elenie up all by yourself!" Molly sighed. 

"I don't know, I mean at first I was distraught. I cried everyday for about two months, but I realised that whilst I was doing this, Elenie wasn't getting a proper upbringing, and it was all because I was grieving. Remus and you and Arthur helped me get out of that grieving stage, and that's the way it's been ever since two months ago. You can't imagine my happiness when I saw him." Alia grinned like a school girl just at the thought of her husband. 

"I can see how happy you are, you look just like a lovesick teenager!" Molly laughed. 

Suddenly, a patronus flew through the kitchen window ceasing all laughter. They both stood as they watched it cautiously. Alia slowly drew her wand, watching to see what would happen. 

'Death Eater attack at the Quidditch World Cup. I'll send the children back as soon as possible.' The voice of Arthur Weasley echoed through the kitchen.

Alia and Molly looked at each other in alarm. Death Eaters?

"Oh no! Alia the children!" Molly gasped, quickly swishing her wand at the tea cups. The cups flew into the sink and immediately washed themselves.

"Molly, I'm sure they'll be fine. They're such clever kids, especially Harry, Ron, Hermione and Elenie, you know what they've dealt with in the past." Alia tried to comfort Molly, but she was just as worried as Molly. After all, her daughter was out there.

"Oh Alia! What if they get hurt though?!" Molly cried, resting her head in her hand's at the table.

"Molly, they'll be fine, don't you worry." Alia offered her a small smile. In all truth, Alia didn't know what was going to happen but she had faith that they could all protect themselves. After what they had already been through just as teenagers they knew what to do. 

An agonising hour passed by until the kitchen door burst open to reveal all seven children and a disheveled looking Arthur. 

"Oh thank goodness your ok!" Molly cried, grabbing Ginny first as she was the closest. 

"Thank god." Alia sighed as she hugged Harry and Elenie close to her. 

"We're okay Mum don't worry." Elenie reassured her. 

"They were amazing Molly, Alia, all of them." Arthur told them both. 

"I had no doubt Arthur, i'm just glad you're all back safe and sound." Alia replied. 

"Come on lets get you all by the fire to warm up." Molly ushered them all into the living room, passing out blankets as they all found places to sit. 

"What happened?" Alia asked after everyone had settled, she looked at Arthur worriedly. He met her gaze, the same frown on his face. Could it really be happening again?

"It was chaos Alia, there were just flames and screaming everywhere. They came after everything had settled down." Arthur explained. 

"There were so many people." Elenie muttered, her eye's fixated on the fire in front of her. 

"Anyway, how was the match?" Molly asked quickly changing the subject to try and lighten their spirits.

"It was amazing!" Fred grinned.

"And did you listen to your Father?" Molly looked between Fred and George with her eyebrow's raised. 

"Yes they did Molly, they followed orders when it mattered the most." Arthur told her.

"Fantastic, if only they could keep that up." Molly muttered rolling her eyes.

Alia smiled and sat back in the arm chair, lost in her own thoughts. If Death Eaters were on the rise again it meant that things were getting darker and more dangerous. She looked down at Harry and Elenie and sighed. She had not wanted this for them. At only fourteen they had already endured so much and Alia knew that there would be more. It was sure to follow Harry and she knew that whatever Harry did, Elenie would follow suit. She just had to hope and pray that luck was on their side.


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