Tomorrow Never Dies

By lauren_62

1.2K 155 113

One girl dancing her heart out. One boy without a clue where he's going. Hey, they're taking on the world. More

Tomorrow Never Dies
Chapter 1 - "Pretty name for a pretty face"
Chapter 2 - "How to offend Michael Clifford"
Chapter 3 - "I want my f.ucking blueberry muffin"
Chapter 4 - "I'll stay up with my boyfriend Netflix"
Chapter 5 - "I hate Wine Gums. They're devil's food"
Chapter 6 - "The first time we met he saw my boobs"
Chapter 7 - "We're not naked, just topless"
not an update
Chapter 8 - "Wifey for lifey"
Chapter 9 - "You get away with it this time"
Chapter 10 - "Were his pubes multicoloured?"
Chapter 11 - "Shut your whore mouth"
Chapter 12 - "They make your ass look phenomenal"
Chapter 13 - "I thought you needed to be talented"
100 questions tag
Chapter 14 - "You little blowjob genius, you"
Chapter 15 - "You were fan-bloody-tastic"
Chapter 16 - "Get a room, lovebirds!"
Chapter 17 - "You don't deserve to still be on this campus"
Chapter 18 - "Sad"
Chapter 19 - "I'm just Flora"
Chapter 20 - "That's her favourite threat"
Chapter 21 - "Love you babycakes"
Chapter 22 - "My guitar doesn't get turned on when I'm in a leotard"
Chapter 23 - "Just go write a sad song then serenade her"
Chapter 24 - "You've gone viral"
Chapter 25 - "Wake up for me, okay?"
Chapter 26 - "You can't marry him"
Chapter 27 - "But not my Louboutins. He doesn't deserve that s.hit"
Chapter 28 - "Say what you want, at least they're punctual"
Chapter 29 - "I love you."
Chapter 30 - "I can't leave her now"
Chapter 31 - "Why did he leave?"
Chapter 32 - "I'm unfixable"
Chapter 33 - "Help me find him"
Chapter 34 - "You up for a road trip?"
Chapter 35 - "#WeLoveYouMichael"
Chapter 36 - "You're my daughter?"
Chapter 37 - "Just a storm"
Chapter 38 - "What if he doesn't make it?"
Chapter 40 - "I might be going away"
Chapter 41 - "Get out"
Chapter 42 - "Hi, baby"
Chapter 43 - "You alright?"
Chapter 44 - "Lads on tour"
Chapter 45 - "I'll have a sex on the beach"
Chapter 46 - "I think she still likes you"
Chapter 47 - "too selfish to live"
Chapter 48: "I wish we didn't have to be apart"
Chapter 49 - "we're going out"
Chapter 50 - "I don't want to go"
Chapter 51 - "now you have us"
Chapter 52 - "Just like you"
Chapter 53 - "see you soon"
Chapter 54: "Surprise"
Chapter 55 - "it's still so hard"
Chapter 56 - "here's to the future"
Chapter 57 - "boys are gross"
Chapter 58 - "I've been doing so well"
Chapter 59 - "always here when you want to sing Les Mis"
Chapter 60 - "don't hold back"
Chapter 61 - "not in the mood"
Chapter 62 - "Flora's gone."
Chapter 63 - "Middle of the night"
Chapter 64 - "I can't stand it any more"
Chapter 65 - "I love you, my squish"
Chapter 66 - "Yes."
Chapter 67 - "My beautiful wife"
Chapter 68 - "You're too innocent."
Chapter 69 - "it's time."

Chapter 39 - "Will you talk to him?"

13 3 1
By lauren_62

Calum was awake. His stroke hadn't affected him too badly; he could still walk, talk, do everything he could before. He was still under observation with tests being run regularly to ensure no more clots formed. He was on blood thinning meds just in case, but he was recovering, enough to move him to a hospital closer to home.

Luke, Kiri and Phoebe were all doing well. Kiri and I had decided to spend more time in the studio to distract herself from the memory of seeing her boyfriend passed out next to her, and I'd advised them both that therapy could help them if they struggled.

I'd also been spending more and more time with Sampson. We were both performing in Giselle, and the opening night was fast approaching. We were spending hours upon hours perfecting our duets together, and I was working with other associates of the company.

One day, about a week after the crash, Martin came in to watch Sampson and I practising.

"You guys have come so far since your first lesson," he told us. "Flora, you were so competitive with Sampson."

"I'm still better than him," I retorted, sticking out my tongue.

"Oh yeah? Prove it," Sampson challenged, and I stepped into an arabesque en pointe, my leg by my ear. I was staring him down, tilting my head slightly. He instantly picked me up and lifted me above his head, then started lifting me as if I was a weight he used in the gym.

"Put her down, Sampson," Martin warned, and I was placed down gently. "You're both as good as each other."

"But me more so," I added quickly. Sampson glared at me and went to pick me up again. I ran just outside of his reach and soon we were playing a fast paced game of tag. As Sampson caught up with me, he grabbed me and lifted me up again, his fingers digging into my sides, and I screamed with laughter. "Stop!"

"You're so ticklish," he chuckled, putting me down.

"Alright, kids, we're done," Martin said, and I made my way over to my bag and pulled on my sneakers. I walked out with Sampson to see Michael waiting for me by his car, and I ran straight into his arms. I jumped and wrapped my legs around him, and he stumbled backwards into the car.

"What was that for?" he smiled, and I kissed him.

"I missed you." I waved at Sampson, catching sight of him walking across the parking lot. Michael sighed quietly and kissed my neck, before we slipped into the car and drove back to the dorm, his hand on my thigh the whole way.

The first performance of Giselle had arrived, and the auditorium had sold out. I had somehow secured the role of Giselle, and Sampson Albrecht. We were stood backstage, hyping ourselves up as Martin briefed us one last time on how to perform properly, using his "epic" acronym - expression, performance, interpretation, communication. We were ready to go on stage for the first time, and after sharing one final hug we made our grand entrance.

The stage lights shone bright in my eyes, so I couldn't see any faces in the audience, which for me was a good thing. I sometimes got distracted searching for friends and family, so that wasn't something I wanted in my first show with the NSWBC. I danced my heart out, the warmth of the lights making me sweat even more than I was anyway.

By the end of the show, I was almost breathless from a combination of exhaustion and the heat of the stage. I curtseyed, Sampson bowing next to me, and smiled as the audience stood up, cheering loudly. Somebody threw a rose onto the stage - how cliché - and I bent down graciously to pick it up. I curtseyed again, taking Sampson's hand, and we ran off stage, the applause ringing in my ears. He picked me up as soon as we were out of sight and spun us around as I laughed, the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I opened my eyes, the unfamiliar room making me confused. I looked at the bedside table opposite my face, seeing a cluster of empty bottles of cider. My eyes moved to the floor, and I noticed my sweat pants and top lying in a pile, my bra buried somewhere underneath with only a strap showing.

I took a deep breath before I rolled over, knowing full well the room I was in was not Michael's dorm, nor my own. I laid my eyes on the body next to me, and swore quietly as I recognised Sampson. He was - as far as I could tell - naked, and I was terrified. I was shaking, praying that we hadn't done anything, and I got out of bed, my feet barely making a sound as I stood up. I pulled on my clothes, still trembling, although I noticed that I still had my underwear on, and left the house as quickly as I could.

I stood on the pavement in only a tshirt and sweat pants, shivering from the cold and looking round desperately trying to work out where I was. I caught sight of a building I recognised and sprinted towards it, then ran home from there. I fell onto my bed in my dorm sobbing, barely breathing, and I felt the panic coming. Grace wasn't in the room - God knows where she was - so I was even more scared, not knowing if I was going to be able to stop myself once I was in the middle of an attack.

My breath got shorter every time I inhaled, and I was clinging on to my bed sheets, trying to keep myself grounded. There was a ringing in my ears, and it didn't stop until there was a sharp knock at my door. I tried to ignore it until a voice came through.

"Flora? I can hear you, let me in and we'll get you calm." It was Michael, and the panic got worse.

"No," I managed to say, the word getting caught in my throat, and then I couldn't breathe. The banging on the door faded as the voices in my head got louder, but before I knew it Michael was at my side. He took my hands, which were shaking uncontrollably, and looked me in the eye before he started working on calming me down, having me mimic his breathing.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked as soon as I could breathe, albeit shakily.

"You're going to hate me," I told him as he wiped tears from my cheeks.

"No, no, I could never hate you."

"I think I did something with Sampson last night."

"Like what?" I couldn't look him in the eye. "Flora."

"I woke up in bed with him."


"Except my underwear."

"Maybe you didn't do anything."

"Will you talk to him?" My eyes finally met his again, and he nodded slowly.

"Come here," he said softly, opening his arms for me to cuddle up to his chest.

Aaaaand she finally updates
I'm free i had my last exam yesterday praise jesus

Song of the chapter: good grief by bastille

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