Alia's Lullaby (A Harry Potte...

By hogwarts-is-my-home8

158K 5.2K 829

Alia Black was a simple girl. Quite beautiful really, and definitely radiant for thirty four. But not many pe... More

Alia's Lullaby (A Harry Potter Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
The End

Chapter 10

5.1K 167 16
By hogwarts-is-my-home8

- Elenie - 

Elenie, Harry and Hermione watched and screamed as Ron was pulled down the hole. But it was no use, he had disappeared. 

"Harry! Elenie! We have to do something!" Hermione cried, looking at the two of them.

"We need to get down that hole!" Harry cried. Elenie had now just realised how close they were stood to the Whomping Willow.

"Harry! Hermione-" Elenie was about to warn them before she was suddenly knocked backwards. She flew backwards into the air and landed with a thump. 

"Ouch!" Hermione sighed, slowly getting up.

"What do we do now?" Elenie asked, wincing in pain as she got to her feet.

"I have an idea! It's mad but it may work!" Hermione cried. She stepped forward and waited for a branch to come at her again. This time, instead of letting it knock her back, she grabbed on to the branch and let it swing her around. Harry and Elenie looked at each other in amazement, Hermione truly had amazing ideas when it came to thinking quickly. Elenie shrugged and copied Hermione.

Harry was the first one to be thrown down the hole, then Hermione, then Elenie. Elenie crashed into them both and they moaned in pain as they were forced forward a little.

"Sorry guys!" Elenie apologised. 

"Where do you think this leads to?" Harry asked as they walked through the tunnel. 

"I have no idea." Hermione replied. The tunnel slowly came to an end and Elenie finally realised where they were. 

"Guys, this is the shrieking shack." Elenie whispered, following Harry and Hermione as they walked forward. Ron could be heard whining in pain in a room somewhere, but it was so risky, who knew where that dog was. 

The three finally came across the room where Ron could be heard and they slowly creeped in, looking out for any sign of the dog.

"Ron!" Elenie gasped as she walked into the room first. She quickly rushed to him, taking in his wounds. He had definitely broken his leg.

"Harry! He's not a dog he's an animagus!" Ron cried. Pointing to behind the door where a rugged man with Azkaban Robes stood. It was Sirius Black. It was Elenie's father. Elenie gasped, a hand clapping across her mouth as she took him in. 

"Harry Potter." He smiled. His voice sounded like it had a bit of madness in, and his hand's were shaking. Elenie quickly had a grip on her wand, just in case he wasn't in his right mind. 

"It's you." Harry gasped.

"You can't kill Harry! We won't let you!" Ron cried, taking Elenie's wand and pointing it at him.

"Be quiet boy! Only one will die tonight." Sirius snapped. Suddenly the door burst open again, and there stood Remus Lupin and Alia.

"Sirius." Alia's voice shook as tears filled her eye's. 

"A-Alia." Sirius' eyes' watered at the sight of his wife.

"Oh merlin, it's really you." She gasped. Her eyes watering. "Look at the state of you!" She laughed. 

"Alia, please don't go soppy on me right now?" Remus gave her a worrying look. 

"I'm sorry Remus. Why are you here Sirius, why did you bring the kids here?" Alia asked him. 

"Because he's here Ally! He's with them!" Sirius seethed. 

"Who are you talking about?" Alia asked him, pointing her wand at him. He looked at her in shock then sighed. 

"Pettigrew." Sirius spat out his name. 

"Peter?" Remus asked. "I thought he was dead?" 

"Of course he's not! He's one of them Remus. He framed me." Sirius cried. 

"But Sirius, James and Lily, you were their secret keeper?" Alia wiped a tear away that dropped down her face.

"No I wasn't. Right at the last minute I convinced them to change, I felt like i'd be a danger because they were after us too Ally. They changed to Pettigrew at the last minute and he gave them away!" Sirius cried. 

"The Muggles?" Remus asked.

"It was him again! He cut off his own finger to make it look like i'd killed him! What sick person even does that?!" Sirius protested. 

"Well where is he?" Alia asked. 

"He's in his animagus form Ally, Remus, he's a rat." Sirius explained, looking at Ron's rat in rage. 

"What?" Remus gasped. 

"He's here." Sirius seethed. 

"Hold off a minute Sirius, I think you need to explain to Harry." Alia told him. 

"I can't believe it's them Ally, Harry and our little girl." Sirius gasped, looking at Harry and Elenie. 

"It's actually them." Alia smiled, looking at Harry and Elenie with a proud look. 

"Wait a minute! What's going on?!" Harry cried. His face showed a look of horror.

"Harry, Sirius has got some explaining to do." Alia sighed.

"You're on his side! You both are!" He cried, pointing at Alia and Remus. 

"HARRY POTTER! LISTEN TO ME!" Alia cried, shutting Harry up immediately. 

"You need to let Sirius and Alia explain Harry." Hermione told him. 

"Harry I need to tell you the truth, i'm not actually Alia Lupin, i'm not even Remus' sister. My actual name is Alia Black, i'm Sirius' wife." Alia sighed, not daring to look Harry in the eye's. 

"That means, your-your his....." He trailed off, quickly looking over at Elenie in horror. 

"Harry please! I wanted to tell you but-" Elenie cried, reaching out for him.

"I don't even know who you are anymore Elenor. You're my sister! My best friend! And you couldn't tell me!" Harry cried looking at Elenie in disgust. 

"I'm still me though Harry. I still am your sister and your best friend." Elenie cried, tears rolling down her face. 

"Harry! She couldn't tell you because Alia told her not to!" Hermione cried, backing Elenie up.

"You knew too?!" Harry cried, looking at Hermione in horror.

"Only because I was snooping around when she was reading Alia's diary." Hermione sighed.

"I can't believe it!" Harry yelled.

"Harry, let me explain." Sirius said quietly.

"Why should I?!" Harry yelled.

"Because you might change your mind when you hear the story honey." Alia sighed. Harry hesitantly nodded, still looking wary of everyone around him except from Ron. 

"On the night that your parent's died Harry, myself, Alia and Elenie were attacked by Death Eaters. Not many people know that we were attacked, many people believe that I killed my own wife and daughter. But anyway, I told Alia to apparate with Elenie to Dumbledore as he would keep them safe." Sirius started.

"As you already know Harry, your parent's had a secret keeper that kept you all safe. Now many people thought that Sirius was the secret keeper to your parent's house but actually your parent's change secret keeper at the last minute as Sirius persuaded them too." Alia explained.

"I as good as killed them Harry, I still blame myself. But I actually persuaded them to change their secret keeper to Peter Pettigrew. Now, I definitely know that people don't know that Pettigrew is a follower of Voldemort and he gave you and your parent's up to him. Many people thought it was me, because of my families past, but I would never follow him. So-" But Sirius was abruptly cut off by the slam of the door echoing through the room.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape's voice shouted. Ron's wand shot out of Sirius' hand and went flying across the room. "Ah Black, how I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Snape sneered.

"Now Severus, you need to hear him out-" Alia started but got cut off by Snape.

"Oh be quiet Alia! I knew you were helping your husband into the castle!" Snape sneered at her.

"Don't you dare talk to my wife like that!" Sirius cried. "Now why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set!"

"Hold your tongue Black, I could have your wife and daughter put in Azkaban!" Snape cried. Sirius' eyes' widened and he shut his gaping mouth.

All of a sudden, Snape flew backwards and fell out cold on the floor. Alia, Sirius and Remus all looked at the four teenagers sat by the wall in shock.

"We just attacked a teacher." Hermione muttered. Harry, Hermione and Ron with Elenie's wand had all shot a spell a Snape, which had caused him to fly backwards and hit his head.

"Carry on." Harry said.

"Ok, so when the Death Eaters came to attack us, I fought them off and went to find Pettigrew.  Peter was in a muggle street and when I apparated there, he killed the entire lot of twelve muggles, then faked his own death by chopping off his finger, and because his animagus is a rat, he ran into the sewer below, leaving the blame on me. I was immediately carted off to Azkaban and now here I am twelve years later." He said.

"So what your saying Sirius is that Peter is still alive?" Alia asked him. 

"Yes, and he's right there." Sirius said, pointing a knobbly finger at Ron.

"Honey, that's Ron?" Alia said a little unsure.

"No not him Ally, his rat!" Sirius sighed.

"Scabbers? Scabbers is just a rat! You're mental!" Ron cried.

"Yes, but how long has he been in your family?" Sirius asked.

"T-Twelve years." Ron stated.

"Long life for a common garden rat isn't it?" Sirius smirked.

"He does have a point Ron." Hermione muttered.

"Ok, show me, then I'll think about believing you." Harry said.

"Ok, could you pass me that rat Ron?" Sirius asked.

"No! What are you going to do to him?!" Ron asked, holding Scabbers close to his chest.

"Ron give him Scabbers." Harry sighed, rolling his eye's. 

"No Harry, he could hurt him!" Ron cried.

"Ron! For goodness sake! Give him the rat!" Hermione cried. Ron hesitantly passed Sirius the rat. Once it had landed in Sirius' hand, the rat jumped down and scurried across the room. Sirius picked up Ron's wand, and Remus and Alia kept shooting spells at it, until Sirius finally caught him. What was once a rat had now turned into a rat-like man.

"S-Sirius, R-Remus, A-Alia! My old friends!" He tried to run towards the door, but Remus and Sirius stopped him.

"Friends, were no friends of your's." Alia spat.

"Harry, you look so much like your Father, like James, he would show me mercy, he would-" but Sirius cut him off.

"How dare you speak to Harry?! How dare you speak of James in front of him?!" Sirius yelled. Pettigrew whimpered and moved along to Elenie.

"And Elenor, sweet Elenor, you look so much like Alia." He cooed trying to stroke her cheek.

"Get away from my daughter! Don't you even think about touching her!" Sirius yelled. Pettigrew jumped back and got to his feet.

"Are you, or are you not responsible for Lily and James' death?" Remus sighed, holding him by the collar.

"Of course not! It was Sirius-" Pettigrew started.

"You gave Lily and James to Lord Voldemort didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!" Sirius bellowed in Pettigrew's face.

"I-I didn't mean too, the Dark Lord, you have no idea what power he holds, I couldn't disagree he was going to kill me. You'd do the same Sirius, Remus, come on." Pettigrew whimpered.

"I'd rather die! I'd rather die than give my friends to Voldemort!" Sirius cried.

"I had no choice!" Pettigrew cried.

"You had every choice Peter, the Order would have kept you safe! You betrayed everyone! My daughter was nearly killed because of you! My best friend is dead because of you! My husband was in Azkaban because of you!" Alia cried, actual tears falling down her face. Sirius walked over to her and embraced her whilst Remus still kept a firm grip on Pettigrew.

"Alia, Alia, I had no idea, I-" Pettigrew began.

"Yes you did! You didn't care! We were your friends Peter!" Alia cried.

"Come on Remus, let's do it, together?" Sirius asked.

"Together!" Remus agreed.

"Wait!" Harry yelled.

"Harry, do you realise what this man has done?" Remus asked.

"Yes I do, I just don't think my Dad would have wanted his bestfriend's to become killers." Harry stated.

"He's right. Tie him up Remus, we'll take him to the Dementors." Alia sighed. Alia and Sirius helped Ron up, whilst Hermione and Harry levitated Snape. Remus pulled Pettigrew up and out of the entrance to the Shrieking Shack.

Alia and Sirius placed Ron down and smiled as Sirius made his way to stand with Elenie and Harry looking up at Hogwarts.

"Did you know that I'm your Godfather Harry, and Alia's your Godmother?" Sirius asked, looking at Harry.

"Yeah, well I've known since first year that Alia is my Godmother, but I only found out this year that you are my Godfather, and that you and Alia are married." Harry laughed.

"Yeah it comes as a shock to everyone. When we were younger everybody was like how the heck did Alia fall for Sirius. Your Mother used to hate me Elenie. Then when I realised I had strong feelings for her, I decided to calm down my flirty ways and focused on your Mother. She doesn't know this but I loved her since our first year at Hogwarts." Sirius laughed.

"Well I know now." Alia laughed, walking to stand in between them.

"Alia?" Sirius asked.

"Yes?" She smiled at her husband.

"Did you believe that I did it?" Sirius asked her. 

"I didn't, it just felt wrong. It wasn't the Sirius I know." She smiled at him.

"Alia, I love you." Sirius smiled at his wife. To him, she hadn't aged a day over twenty two. She was still the beautiful Alia McKinnon he had known at school, and the beautiful Alia Black that he had married.

"I love you too." Alia smiled at her husband. Sirius put his arm's around his wife and his daughter and smiled looking up at Hogwarts. As soon as Harry began to walk away, Alia pulled him back, and made him join in with the family hug.

"Alia!" Hermione shouted Alia from behind. Alia turned around just as Remus looked up at the full moon.

"Oh no." She muttered.

"Alia, run, take the kids with you." Sirius shouted.

"Where have I heard that one before! There's no way your leaving me this time!" Alia cried, holding Harry, Elenie, Hermione and Ron behind her.

"I promise I won't leave you this time Alia! Take the kids to the castle and I'll see you soon." Sirius shouted. He then ran over and kissed Alia full on the lips.

"I love you Ally, stay safe." With that he ran off and into his dog form to hold off Remus, who had now turned into a werewolf.

"Come on guys, up to the castle!" Alia cried. Harry quickly jumped from behind Alia and ran after Sirius who had started rolling down the hill.

"Harry!" Elenie yelled. She quickly ran after Harry and her Father.

"Elenor!" Alia yelled.

"Come on Alia, they'll be fine, we need to get Ron and Snape up to the castle." Hermione cried, grabbing Alia.

Alia obeyed and quickly levitated a stirring Snape up to the castle. Alia hesitantly let Snape down who sat up.

"You! You attacked me!" Snape cried at Ron and Hermione.

"Severus! This isn't the place or the time! Help me get Ron up to the Hospital Wing!" Alia hissed. Snape sneered but obeyed as they carted Ron up to Madam Pomfrey. They quickly put him on a bed, Hermione at the side.

"I'll fetch Professor Dumbledore." Alia said quickly.

With that she set off for Dumbledore's office.


Elenie followed Harry down the banking, running quickly with her wand in her hand.

"Harry!" Elenie cried. But he didn't seem to hear, he was to busy running after a rolling Sirius. Suddenly they came to a stop, next to a lake.

"Harry!" Elenie gasped.

"Elenie, what are you doing down here?!" Harry gasped, running to her and taking her hand.

"My Dad was rolling down a hill, and you were following, what could I do?" Elenie asked. Harry began to laugh, but suddenly stopped when the air turned cold.

"Oh no." Harry murmured.

"Harry, what is it?" Elenie asked.

"Dementors." Harry said. Elenie looked up, and sure enough Dementors were swirling around them.

"Dad!" Elenie cried, leaning next to her Father's body. She touched his face, but he was out cold. Harry dropped beside her and tried to cast the Patronus Charm.

"Harry! It's too weak!" Elenie cried.

"I know!" Harry sighed.

Suddenly Elenie's body went weak, and she collapsed next to her Father. She could hear the distant shouting of her name, and then everything turned black.


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